Include py.typed marker to enable type checking of the installed package.
use 3rd party typing_extensions module for better version compatibility
Three minor versions were briefly released to resolve packaging/README issues with 0.3.1.
Deprecate Python 2 and versions earlier than 3.7 by adding type information. rgb() function no longer accepts strings of integers, only integers.
Add support for 8 and 24-bit True Color.
Broken, due to a configuration error this package is not installable
v0.11.4 (2021 Oct 3)
Maintenance and fixes
* Fix standard deviation code in density utils by replacing it with `np.std`.
v0.11.3 (2021 Oct 1)
New features
* Added `labeller` argument to enable label customization in plots and summary
* Added `arviz.labels` module with classes and utilities
* Added probability estimate within ROPE in `plot_posterior`
* Added `rope_color` and `ref_val_color` arguments to `plot_posterior`
* Improved retrieving or pointwise log likelihood in `from_cmdstanpy`, `from_cmdstan` and `from_pystan`
* Added interactive legend to bokeh `forestplot`
* Added interactive legend to bokeh `ppcplot`
* Add more helpful error message for HDF5 problems reading `InferenceData` from NetCDF
* Added `data.log_likelihood`, `stats.ic_compare_method` and `plot.density_kind` to `rcParams`
* Improve error messages in `stats.compare()`, and `var_name` parameter.
* Added ability to plot HDI contours to `plot_kde` with the new `hdi_probs` parameter.
* Add dtype parsing and setting in all Stan converters
* Add option to specify colors for each element in ppc_plot
Maintenance and fixes
* Fix conversion for numpyro models with ImproperUniform latent sites
* Fixed conversion of Pyro output fit using GPUs
* Enforced using coordinate values as default labels
* Integrate `index_origin` with all the library
* Fix pareto k threshold typo in reloo function
* Preserve shape from Stan code in `from_cmdstanpy`
* Updated `from_pystan` converters to follow schema convention
* Used generator instead of list wherever possible
* Correctly use chain index when constructing PyMC3 `DefaultTrace` in `from_pymc3`
* Fix bugs in CmdStanPyConverter
* Fix `c` argument in `plot_khat`
* Fix `ax` argument in `plot_elpd`
* Remove warning in `stats.py` compare function
* Fix `ess/rhat` plots in `plot_forest`
* Fix `from_numpyro` crash when importing model with `thinning=x` for `x > 1`
* Upload updated mypy.ini in ci if mypy copilot fails
* Added type checking to raise an error whenever `InferenceData` object is passed using `io_pymc3`'s `trace` argument
* Fix `xlabels` in `plot_elpd`
* Renamed `sample` dim to `__sample__` when stacking `chain` and `draw` to avoid dimension collision
* Removed the `circular` argument in `plot_dist` in favor of `is_circular`
* Fix `legend` argument in `plot_separation`
* Removed testing dependency on http download for radon dataset
* Fixed plot_kde to take labels with kwargs.
* Fixed xarray related tests.
* Fix Bokeh deprecation warnings
* Fix credible inteval percentage in legend in `plot_loo_pit`
* Arguments `filter_vars` and `filter_groups` now raise `ValueError` if illegal arguments are passed
* Remove constrained_layout from arviz rcparams
* Fix plot_elpd for a single outlier
* Deprecated `index_origin` and `order` arguments in `az.summary`
* Language improvements of the first third of the "Label guide"
* Added "Label guide" page and API section for `arviz.labels` module
* Add "Installation guide" page to the documentation
* Improve documentation on experimental `SamplingWrapper` classes
* Added example to `plot_hdi` using Inference Data
* Removed `geweke` diagnostic from `numba` user guide
* Restructured the documentation sections to improve community and about us information
v0.11.2 (2021 Feb 21)
New features
* Added `to_zarr` and `from_zarr` methods to InferenceData
* Added confidence interval band to auto-correlation plot
Maintenance and fixes
* Updated CmdStanPy converter form compatibility with versions >=0.9.68
* Updated `from_cmdstanpy`, `from_cmdstan`, `from_numpyro` and `from_pymc3` converters to follow schema convention
* Fix calculation of mode as point estimate
* Remove variable name from legend in posterior predictive plot
* Added significant digits formatter to round rope values
* Updated `from_cmdstan`. csv reader, dtype problem fixed and dtype kwarg added for manual dtype casting
* Removed Geweke diagnostic
* Removed credible_interval and include_circ arguments
* Added an example for converting dataframe to InferenceData
* Added example for `coords` argument in `plot_posterior` docstring
v0.11.1 (2021 Feb 2)
Maintenance and fixes
* Fixed ovelapping titles and repeating warnings on circular traceplot
* Removed repetitive variable names from forest plots of multivariate variables
* Fixed regression in `plot_pair` labels that prevented coord names to be shown when necessary
* Use tabs in ArviZ example gallery
v0.11.0 (2021 Dec 17)
New features
* Added `to_dataframe` method to InferenceData
* Added `__getitem__` magic to InferenceData
* Added group argument to summary
* Add `ref_line`, `bar`, `vlines` and `marker_vlines` kwargs to `plot_rank`
* Add observed argument to (un)plot observed data in `plot_ppc`
* Add support for named dims and coordinates with multivariate observations
* Add support for discrete variables in rank plots
* Add `skipna` argument to `plot_posterior`
* Make stacking the default method to compute weights in `compare`
* Add `copy()` method to `InferenceData` class.
Maintenance and fixes
* prevent wrapping group names in InferenceData repr_html
* Updated CmdStanPy interface
* Remove left out warning about default IC scale in `compare`
* Fixed a typo found in an error message raised in `distplot.py`
* Fix typo in `loo_pit` extraction of log likelihood
* Have `from_pystan` store attrs as strings to allow netCDF storage
* Remove ticks and spines in `plot_violin`
* Use circular KDE function and fix tick labels in circular `plot_trace`
* Fix `pair_plot` for mixed discrete and continuous variables
* Fix in-sample deviance in `plot_compare`
* Fix computation of weights in compare
* Avoid repeated warning in summary
* Fix hdi failure with boolean array
* Automatically get the current axes instance for `plt_kde`, `plot_dist` and `plot_hdi`
* Add grid argument to manually specify the number of rows and columns
* Switch to `compact=True` by default in our plots
* `plot_elpd`, avoid modifying the input dict
* Do not plot divergences in `plot_trace` when `kind=rank_vlines` or `kind=rank_bars`
* Allow ignoring `observed` argument of `pymc3.DensityDist` in `from_pymc3`
* Make `from_pymc3` compatible with theano-pymc 1.1.0
* Improve typing hints
* `plot_khat` deprecate `annotate` argument in favor of `threshold`. The new argument accepts floats
* Reorganize documentation and change sphinx theme
* Switch to [MyST](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and [MyST-NB](https://myst-nb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
for markdown/notebook parsing in docs
* Incorporated `input_core_dims` in `hdi` and `plot_hdi` docstrings
* Add documentation pages about experimental `SamplingWrapper`s usage
* Show example titles in gallery page
* Add `sample_stats` naming convention to the InferenceData schema
* Extend api documentation about `InferenceData` methods
* Modified `SamplingWrapper` base API
v0.10.0 (2020 Sep 24)
New features
* Added InferenceData dataset containing circular variables
* Added `is_circular` argument to `plot_dist` and `plot_kde` allowing for a circular histogram (Matplotlib, Bokeh) or 1D KDE plot (Matplotlib).
* Added `to_dict` method for InferenceData object
* Added `circ_var_names` argument to `plot_trace` allowing for circular traceplot (Matplotlib)
* Ridgeplot is hdi aware. By default displays truncated densities at the specified `hdi_prop` level
* Added `plot_separation`
* Extended methods from `xr.Dataset` to `InferenceData`
* Add `extend` and `add_groups` to `InferenceData`
* Added `__iter__` method (`.items`) for InferenceData
* Add support for discrete variables in `plot_bpv`
Maintenance and fixes
* Automatic conversion of list/tuple to numpy array in distplot
* `plot_posterior` fix overlap of hdi and rope
* `plot_dist` bins argument error fixed
* Improve handling of circular variables in `az.summary`
* Removed change of default warning in `ELPDData` string representation
* Update `radon` example dataset to current InferenceData schema specification
* Update `from_cmdstan` functionality and add warmup groups
* Restructure plotting code to be compatible with mpl>=3.3
* Replaced `_fast_kde()` with `kde()` which now also supports circular variables via the argument `circular`
* Increased `from_pystan` attrs information content
* Allow `plot_trace` to return and accept axes
* Update diagnostics to be on par with posterior package
* Use method="average" in `scipy.stats.rankdata`
* Add more `plot_parallel` examples
* Bump minimum xarray version to 0.16.1
* Fix multi rope for `plot_forest`
* Bump minimum xarray version to 0.16.1
* `from_dict` will now store warmup groups even with the main group missing
* increase robustness for repr_html handling
v0.21.1 (31 January 2022)
This is a bugfix release to resolve
Bug fixes
- Add `packaging` as a dependency to Xarray
v0.21.0 (27 January 2022)
New Features
- New top-level function :py:func:`cross`.
- ``keep_attrs`` support for :py:func:`where`
- Enable the limit option for dask array in the following methods :py:meth:`DataArray.ffill`, :py:meth:`DataArray.bfill`, :py:meth:`Dataset.ffill` and :py:meth:`Dataset.bfill`
Breaking changes
- Rely on matplotlib's default datetime converters instead of pandas'
- Improve repr readability when there are a large number of dimensions in datasets or dataarrays by
wrapping the text once the maximum display width has been exceeded.
- Removed the lock kwarg from the zarr and pydap backends, completing the deprecation cycle started in :issue:`5256`.
- Support for ``python 3.7`` has been dropped.
Bug fixes
- Preserve chunks when creating a :py:class:`DataArray` from another :py:class:`DataArray`
- Properly support :py:meth:`DataArray.ffill`, :py:meth:`DataArray.bfill`, :py:meth:`Dataset.ffill` and :py:meth:`Dataset.bfill` along chunked dimensions
- Subclasses of ``byte`` and ``str`` (e.g. ``np.str_`` and ``np.bytes_``) will now serialise to disk rather than raising a ``ValueError: unsupported dtype for netCDF4 variable: object`` as they did previously
- Fix applying function with non-xarray arguments using :py:func:`xr.map_blocks`.
- No longer raise an error for an all-nan-but-one argument to
:py:meth:`DataArray.interpolate_na` when using `method='nearest'`
- `dt.season <https://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/generated/xarray.DataArray.dt.season.html>`_ can now handle NaN and NaT.
- Determination of zarr chunks handles empty lists for encoding chunks or variable chunks that occurs in certain cirumstances
Internal Changes
- Replace ``distutils.version`` with ``packaging.version``
- Removed internal checks for ``pd.Panel``
- Add ``pyupgrade`` pre-commit hook
This release contains numerous bug fixes and improvements, along with
the following new features:
* Add support for the LoongArch architecture.
* Add an option to control how multibyte characters are handled in
the assembler. Using the option warnings can be generated when
such characters are encountered in symbol names, or anywhere in
the input source file(s).
AArch64 and ARM:
* Add support for more system registers.
* Add support for Scalable Matrix Extension.
* Add support for Cortex-R52+, Cortex-A510, Cortex-A710,
Cortex-X2, Cortex-A710 cores.
* Add support for 'v8.7-a', 'v8.8-a', 'v9-a', 'v9.1-a',
'armv9.2-a' and 'armv9.3-a' architecture extensions.
* Add a command-line option to encode aligned vector move as
unaligned vector move.
* Add support for Intel AVX512_FP16 instructions.
* The outputs of .ds.x directive and .tfloat directive with hex
input have been reduced from 12 bytes to 10 bytes to match the
output of .tfloat directive.
* Add support for the LoongArch architecture.
* Add -z pack-relative-relocs/-z no pack-relative-relocs to x86 ELF
linker to pack relative relocations in the DT_RELR section.
* Add -z indirect-extern-access/-z noindirect-extern-access to x86
ELF linker to control canonical function pointers and copy
Other Binary Tools:
* elfedit: Add --output-abiversion option to update ABIVERSION.
* Tools which display symbols or strings (readelf, strings, nm,
objdump) have a new command line option which controls how unicode
characters are handled. By default they are treated as normal for
the tool. Using --unicode=locale will display them according to
the current locale. Using --unicode=hex will display them as hex
byte values, whilst --unicode=escape will display them as escape
sequences. In addition using --unicode=highlight will display
them as unicode escape sequences highlighted in red (if supported
by the output device).
* readelf -r dumps RELR relative relocations now.
* Support for efi-app-aarch64, efi-rtdrv-aarch64 and
efi-bsdrv-aarch64 has been added to objcopy in order to enable
UEFI development using binutils.
* ar: Add --thin for creating thin archives. -T is a deprecated
alias without diagnostics. In many ar implementations -T has a
different meaning, as specified by X/Open System Interface.
* Properly close result repository during test.
* Add GitClient.clone().
* Support staging submodules.
* Drop deprecated Index.iterblobs and iter_fresh_blobs.
* Unify clone behaviour of ``Repo.clone`` and
``porcelain.clone``, and add branch parameter for
* Fix hook test on Mac OSX / Linux when dulwich is
not installed system-wide.
* Cope with gecos being unset.
* Allow adding files to repository in pre-commit hook.
* Raise SubmoduleEncountered in ``tree_lookup_path``.
Pkgsrc changes:
* none, other than checksums.
Upstream changes:
This release has bug fixes for crashes that happened on heavy network
usage. The default for the aggressive-nsec option has changed, it is now
The ratelimit logic had to be reworked for the crash fixes. As a result,
there are new options to control the behaviour of ratelimiting.
The ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff options can be used to
control how severe the backoff is when the ratelimit is exceeded.
The rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra option can be used to unset the RA flag, for
NXDOMAIN answers from RPZ. That is used by some clients to detect that
the domain is externally blocked. The RPZ option for-downstream can be
used like for auth zones, this allows the RPZ zone information to be
queried. That can be useful for monitoring scripts.
- Fix#596: unset the RA bit when a query is blocked by an unbound
RPZ nxdomain reply. The option rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra allows to
signal that a domain is externally blocked to clients when it
is blocked with NXDOMAIN by unsetting RA.
- Add rpz: for-downstream: yesno option, where the RPZ zone is
authoritatively answered for, so the RPZ zone contents can be
checked with DNS queries directed at the RPZ zone.
- Merge PR #616: Update ratelimit logic. It also introduces
ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff configuration options.
- Change aggressive-nsec default to yes.
Bug Fixes
- Fix compile warning for if_nametoindex on windows 64bit.
- Merge PR #581 from fobser: Fix -Wmissing-prototypes and -Wshadow
warnings in rpz.
- Fix validator debug output about DS support, print correct algorithm.
- Add code similar to fix for ldns for tab between strings, for
consistency, the test case was not broken.
- Allow local-data for classes other than IN to inherit a configured
local-zone's type if possible, instead of defaulting to type
transparent as per the implicit rule.
- Fix to pick up other class local zone information before unlock.
- Add missing configure flags for optional features in the
- Fix Unbound capitalization in the documentation.
- Fix#591: Unbound-anchor manpage links to non-existent license file.
- contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
- Fix to add test for rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra.
- Fix#596: only unset RA when NXDOMAIN is signalled.
- Fix that RPZ does not set RD flag on replies, it should be copied
from the query.
- Fix for #596: fix that rpz return message is returned and not just
the rcode from the iterator return path. This fixes signal unset RA
after a CNAME.
- Fix unit tests for rpz now that the AA flag returns successfully from
the iterator loop.
- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsdname trigger and signal unset RA.
- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsip trigger and signal unset RA.
- Fix#598: Fix unbound-checkconf fatal error: module conf
'respip dns64 validator iterator' is not known to work.
- Fix for #596: Fix rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra to work for clientip
triggered operation.
- Merge #600 from pemensik: Change file mode before changing file
- Fix prematurely terminated TCP queries when a reply has the same ID.
- For #602: Allow the module-config "subnetcache validator cachedb
- Fix EDNS to upstream where the same option could be attached
more than once.
- Add a region to serviced_query for allocations.
- For dnstap, do not wakeupnow right there. Instead zero the timer to
force the wakeup callback asap.
- Fix#610: Undefine-shift in sldns_str2wire_hip_buf.
- Fix#588: Unbound 1.13.2 crashes due to p->pc is NULL in
- Merge PR #612: TCP race condition.
- Test for NSID in SERVFAIL response due to DNSSEC bogus.
- Fix#599: [FR] RFC 9156 (obsoletes RFC 7816), by noting the new RFC
- Fix tls-* and ssl-* documented alternate syntax to also be available
through remote-control and unbound-checkconf.
- Better cleanup on failed DoT/DoH listening socket creation.
- iana portlist update.
- Fix review comment for use-after-free when failing to send UDP out.
- Merge PR #603 from fobser: Use OpenSSL 1.1 API to access DSA and RSA
- Merge PR #532 from Shchelk: Fix: buffer overflow bug.
- Merge PR #617: Update stub/forward-host notation to accept port and
- Update stream_ssl.tdir test to also use the new forward-host
- Fix header comment for doxygen for authextstrtoaddr.
- please clang analyzer for loop in test code.
- Fix docker splint test to use more portable uname.
- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch with diff for current
software version.
- Fix for #611: Integer overflow in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan.
* sfeed parser: extend the time range to atleast 64-bit (long long).
* sfeed parser: allow leap second like 23:59:60 (RFC2822 Section 3.3).
* sfeed_curses: pedantic fix for UB with an empty URL file (qsort and bsearch).
* sfeed_curses: fix a compile warning with tparm() on some systems.
* sfeed_atom: add category field(s).
* sfeed_curses: add feature to go to the next bold row and previous bold row
with J and K. This is useful to quickly jump to the next new item or new feed.
Thanks to IanJ for the suggestion and feedback!
* sfeed_content: allow to set HTML converter with env variable $SFEED_HTMLCONV.
For example: SFEED_HTMLCONV="w3m -I UTF-8 -O UTF-8 -T text/html -dump"
* Add compile-time option to improve output on dumb non-UTF8 terminals
* Documentation improvements to the man page and a sfeed_download example in
the README: this is a parallel downloader/extractor example script.
* Code-style improvements.
Drop Python 3.7 support
Add Python 3.10 support
Add osage and patchwork to progs list
Add IPython rich display hook to AGraph class
Add contributor guide
Fixed directed nature of AGraph.copy()
Minor documentation and code fixes
## ReText 7.2.3 (2022-02-03)
* Issues #573, #574 Fixed TypeError crash with Python 3.10 and Qt WebKit.
* Translations updated:
- Chinese (China) (contributed by liulitchi).
- Portuguese (Brazil) (contributed by Igor Garcia and Christiano Morais).
- Slovak (contributed by Jose Riha).
release 4.82
fixed @expose issue on static method/classmethod due to API change in Python 3.10
switched from travis to using github actions for CI builds and tests
Python 3.10 is now included in the unit test runs
release 4.81
fix some typo's in docs
corrected some minor other things in docs
Python 3.9 is now included in the unit test runs
No actual code changes.
Added "bytes_repr" option to serializer to serialize byte arrays into their Python bytes repr escaped form.
(also added BytesNode to the parser where it directly deserializes into a byte array)
This can be more convenient than having to deal with base-64 encoded bytes, but the serialized data is usually about twice as large and it is slower to process.
A cat(1) equivalent for viewing sqlite database.
-Read the database simply by running dbcat
-Change the format of the output by choice or automatically if the output
is a tty or not.
-Access individual tables
-Pass a filter query to filter the tables
-Use dbcat --help to see the help.
jless is a command-line JSON viewer.
Use it as a replacement for whatever combination of less, jq, cat and your
editor you currently use for viewing JSON files.
It is written in Rust and can be installed as a single standalone binary.
-Clean syntax highlighted display of JSON data, omitting quotes around
object keys, closing object and array delimiters, and trailing commas.
-Expand and collapse objects and arrays so you can see both the high- and
low-level structure of the data.
-A wealth of vim-inspired movement commands for efficiently moving around
and viewing data.
-Full regex-based search for finding exactly the data you're looking for.
2022-01-24 Antonio Diaz Diaz <antonio@gnu.org>
* Version 1.23 released.
* Decompression time has been reduced by 5-12% depending on the file.
* main.cc (getnum): Show option name and valid range if error.
* Improve several descriptions in manual, '--help', and man page.
* lzip.texi: Change GNU Texinfo category to 'Compression'.
(Reported by Alfred M. Szmidt).
- Improve VP8 codec selection when using GStreamer 1.20.
- Fix connecting to the accessiblity bus when using the Bubblewrap sandbox.
- Fix links being incorrectly activated when starting a pinch zoom gesture.
- Fix touch-based scrolling.
- Fix the build with recent toolchains based on GCC 12 and on older ones as
included e.g. in Ubuntu 18.04.
- Fix the build with ICU 60, version 61 is no longer required.
- Fix several crashes and rendering issues.