## 1.1.0 / 2016-06-28
### Minor Enhancements
* Support jruby (#8)
## 1.0.0 / 2016-04-28
### Major enhancements
- Merge Simple::ANSI and Colorator. (#7)
### Minor Enhancements
- Delete unnecessary `Symbol#to_sym` (#2)
- Change argument name of `Enumerator#each` for better code legibility (#3)
### Development Fixes
- Convert to new RSpec expectation syntax (#1)
- Fix `String#blue` result in README (#4)
# colorator
Colorize your text for the terminal
## Supported Colors
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
- bold
## Why
There are a bunch of gems that provide functionality like this, but none have
as simple an API as this. Just call `"string".color` and your text will be