Proper exit after error reading files on the command line.
Added code to preserve roots of integers, if the result is irrational.
Fixed "calculate >filename".
Made "+/-2^.5" work as expected.
Code cleanup.
Full simplify added for every loop of taylor command.
Removed "replace temp" option, so that the "temp" variable can be renamed.
Renamed the Mathomatic executable to "mathomatic".
Add inverse Laplace transform. Usage: laplace inverse x
Fixed bug in solving for zero, which occurred when there were no
variables in the divisor.
Some improvement in solve routine.
Slight improvement to integrate and laplace commands.
Integrate/laplace x on (a+x)/(b+c) works now.
Added more examples to the documentation (am.htm).
2 to 10 times speedup for simplify command by fixing polynomial factoring.
Packaged by Bruce J.A. Nourish, and slightly modified by me.
Mathomatic is an automatic algebraic manipulator that is self-testing
and strictly follows the rules of algebra.
Mathomatic is an interpreter that can:
- Solve, simplify, and compare algebraic equations.
- Combine simultaneous equations.
- Perform basic calculus operations.
- Generate the sensitivity formula for one or more variables in an
- Act like a double precision floating point programmable calculator.
- Perform complex number and polynomial arithmetic.
- Compute the Greatest Common Divisor of numbers or polynomials.
- Generate "C" code from equations.