Commit graph

42 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
82765e7738 Update amanda to 3.3.1
Changes in release 3.3.1

   * amrecover
       o New 'settransalte' command.
   * amanda.conf
       o new '$s' substitution in autolabel.
       o new 'max-dle-by-volume' global option.
       o new 'eject-volume' global option.
   * diskfile
       o new 'includefile' option.
   * amcheck
       o new '--client-verbose' argument.
   * All programs have a new '--version' argument.
   * ampgsql can take property from server configuration.
   * amgetconf can print one property of a section.
   * s3 device
       o new S3_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION property.
       o use multiple thread to speedup deleting a volume.
   * Many bug fix.

Changes in release 3.3.0

   * The default auth is changed to "bsdtcp", if you are using the default bsd
     then you must add it to your configuration.
       o in amanda.conf
       o in amanda-client.conf
       o in dumptype/disklist
       o in xinetd (if no '-auth' argument to amandad)
   * amdump trap crtl-c, it still send the report and do cleanup if you do
     one crtl-c, do it more than once to abort the run.
   * s3 device
       o use multiple threads to speedup the transfer
       o can connect to eucalytus.
       o new NB_THREADS_BACKUP property
       o new NB_THREADS_RECOVERY property
       o new S3_HOST property
       o new S3_SERVICE_PATH property
       o new S3_SUBDOMAIN property
   * chg-aggregate: new changer that use other changer sequentially.
   * meta-volume
   * Add meta label in tapelist file
   * chg-disk:
       o support for removable disk
       o new NUM-SLOT property
       o new AUTO-CREATE-SLOT property
       o new REMOVABLE property
       o new MOUNT property
       o new UMOUNT property
       o new UMOUNT-LOCKFILE property
       o new UMOUNT-IDLE property
   * new taperscan algorithm:
       o oldest: this algorithm try to run through the volumes in the oldest
       o lexical: this algorithm try to run through the volumes in the natural
   * Change in amanda.conf
       o new meta-autolabel option
       o autolabel can include org, config, barcode, meta in the label
       o new client-name option in appication and script.
   * application and script in amanda-client.conf can be used to set default
     properties for application or script.
   * amlabel
       o The label argument is no longer required, an autolabel can be
       o new --meta option
       o new --barcode option
       o new --assign option
   * amgtar, amstar: The path must be specified, it will not works with a
   * amrecover: decompression and decryption are now done on the client if
		compression/encryption was done on the client.
   * amtape: inventory print the current slot
   * amanda.conf:
       o autoflush have value "no|yes|all"
       o script have single-execution setting.
       o Add pre-amcheck, post-amcheck, pre-estimate, post-estimate, pre-backup
         and post-backup to execute-on of script.
       o Add taperscan and interactivity section.
       o add 'server' value in recovery-limit.
       o add dump-limit in a dumptype.
   * amanda-client.conf
       o add amdump-server setting.
   * script are searched in $APPLICATION_DIR, $CONFIG_DIR/<conf>/application
     and $CONFIG_DIR/application
   * amservice
       o add -s argument
       o is also installed on client
   * new amdumpd server service, if enable, it allow client to start a backup
     of itself.
   * new amdump_client program, it is use on client to start a backup of itself
   * implement restore command amzfs-sendrecv, it can be use with amrecover.

Changes in release 3.2.2

   * Do not restore the NUL padding bytes, some program fail with them.
   * Fix driver doing nothing if taper crash early.
   * Fix taperalog *FIT no going to second volume.
   * Fix amrestore '-p' not going to next file.
   * flush even if flush threshold are not met if it save tape space.
   * fix crash in amtrmidx due to memory leak.
   * amsamba use 'Use smbclient -TF' for restore.

Changes in release 3.2.1

   * barcode are added to the tapelist file.
   * Faster 'amadmin find', improve speed on many programs.
   * device-output-buffer-size default to a minimum of 4*block_size.
   * ssh auth use the client-port
   * Bug fixed:
      o "Can't opendata output stream: Connection refused".
      o Better handling of dump to tape.
      o Corrupted 'amdump' log file, amstatus not showing correct state.
      o Execute subprocess with the config overwrite.
      o tape-device allow to set LEOM.
      o Crash in robot changer.
      o Script output property are not sent to application.

Changes in release 3.2.0

   * Support for multiple simultaneous writes to storage devices
      o Can write to all available drives in parallel.
      o Works only with the new changer API.
      o Useful if two or more volumes are used in a single run.
      o dump direct to tape can be scheduled any time during the run,
        previously they were done sequencially after all dump to holding disk.
      o enabled with the new 'taper-parallel-write' configuration option.
   * Support for LEOM in storage devices
      o allows splitting without partial parts, saving space
      o much more efficient, since parts need not be cached on disk in most
   * new, simpler splitting commands in the tapetype section:
     part-size, part-cache-type, part-cache-dir, part-cache-max-size; see
     amanda.conf(5) for details
   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o new configuration keyword:
         + taper-parallel-write -- How many drive amanda can write to
                                   in parallel.
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
         + amrecover_do_fsf
         + amrecover_check_label
   * the CONFIG parameter to amidxtaped is now required; this means that
     versions of amrecover older than 2.4.3 will be unable to recover from
     servers running Amanda-3.2 and later.
   * The new dumptype and global parameters 'recovery-limit' can be used to
     limit which hosts may recover from a particular DLE.  See amanda.conf(5)
     and amanda-auth(7) for more information.
   * Several old changers have been removed - these changers will work with
     Amanda for the forseeable future, but are no longer included in the
      o chg-chio
      o chg-chs
      o chg-iomega
      o chg-juke
      o chg-mcutil
      o chg-mtx
      o chg-null (use the new "chg-null:")
      o chg-rait (use the new "chg-rait:{dev1,dev2}")
      o chg-rth
      o chg-scsi-chio
      o chg-scsi
   * Amdump change:
      o new '--no-taper' option to start the run in degraded mode
   * Amvault is much improved, but still experimental:
      o supports assembling split parts on the source volume and re-splitting
        them on the destination
      o supports filtering dumps with the same syntax as amfetchdump
      o a --fulls-only option skips all incremental dumps on the source
      o an --export option tries to move tertiary volumes to import/export
        slots when completed
      o command-line syntax has changed incompatibly; see manpage or
        'amvault --help'
   * Rewritten and improved:
      o amoverview
      o amcheckdump

Changes in release 3.1.0

   * Deprecated old changers; see amanda-changers(7) for replacements.  These
     changers are still available in the distribution, but will be removed in a
     future release.
      o chg-null
      o chg-zd-mtx
      o chg-rait
      o chg-disk
      o chg-multi
   * Although chg-zd-mtx is still supported, we recommend that all users upgrade
     to the more efficient chg-robot.  See contrib/
     for a useful conversion script.
   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
	 + label_new_tapes
      o keywords deprecated in 2.6.1:
         + rawtapedev
	 + tapebufs
	 + file-pad
      o new configuration keyword
         + autolabel   -- replace label_new_tapes
         + columnspec  -- can specify a precision.
         + order       -- in script, to specify script order execution.
         + client_port -- in dumptype, to specify which port to connect on
                          the client.
         + estimate    -- in dumptype, can specify multiple estimate method.
      o accept 'define' keyword for defining an holdingdisk
   * Amanda client configuration file changes (amanda-client.conf)
      o new configuration keyword
         + debug_days  -- how many days to keep debug files.
         + client_port -- use by amrecover, specify which port to connect on
                          the server.
   * Removed compile-time default --with-changer-device: specify a device
     explicitly in amanda.conf instead
   * amtape behavior has changed:
      o 'device' subcommand removed
      o 'slot advance' subcommand removed
      o 'update' subcommand no longer displays each slot as it is updated, and
        is not supported by all changers
      o taperscan output has changed
      o new 'inventory' subcommand
   * amrmtape rewrite
      o use long option
         + --changer    -- Specify which changer to use
         + --cleanup    -- Remove logs and indexes associated with label
         + --dryrun     -- do not update the original copies.
         + --erase      -- Attempt to erase the data contained on the volume
         + --keep-label -- Do not remove label from the tapelist
         + --quiet      -- Opposite of --verbose
         + --verbose    -- List backups of hosts and disks that are being
   * amdevcheck
      o new --label option.
      o new --properties option.
   * Device API
      o changed wildcard setting for S3_BUCKET_LOCATION from "" to "*"
      o new 'ndmp:' device to write to a tape on an ndmp server.
      o new 'dvdrw:' device to write to a dvd drive.
   * Application API
      o new properties to many applications
      o amgtar
         + new ACLS, SELINUX and XATTRS properties
      o amsamba
         + Allow '\' in diskname and amandapass.
         + new ALLOW-ANONYMOUS property.
      o new applications:
         + ampgsql  -- Backup PostgreSQL using continuous WAL archiving
         + amsuntar -- Backup filesytem with the SUN tar
         + amraw    -- Backup only one directory entry
   * New taper, with DirectTCP support, changed tape and catalog format:
      o all dumpfiles are now F_SPLIT_DUMPFILE
      o all on-tape dumpfiles have numparts=-1, since it's no longer possible
        to calculate this value in advance
      o there is no logging or reporting of zero-byte, successful parts (this
        may cause gaps in filenums in the catalog)
   * Redesigned amreport
      o much more natural command-line interface (just run 'amreport $config')
      o experimental XML output
   * configuration override for dumptype works with inheritance.

Changes in release 2.6.1p2
   * amtapetype: new -p option
   * Bugs fixed
      o S3 device driver
      o amcheckdump
      o file not removed from holding disk
      o sendbackup compatibility with a 2.4.2 server
      o handle EROFS error from tape device.
      o zfs snapshot name us the diskname.
      o fix fd allocation in amandad
      o crash in amflush

Changes in release 2.6.1p1

   * amplot: better output
   * Don't include genversion.h in distribution tarballs.
   * Bugs fixed
      o S3 device driver
      o rait device driver
      o amstatus
      o configure
      o application-api
      o compilation on some platform
      o others small bug

Changes in release 2.6.1

   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
         + rawtapedev
	 + tapebufs
	 + file-pad
   * Application API: Allow to easily write wrappers around any backup program,
     See the 'amanda-applications' man page.
      o amgtar: Use GNU tar, it is a lot more configurable than the GNUTAR
        program. See 'amgtar' man page.
      o amstar: Use star to do a backup, it work only on a partition. See
        'amstar' man page.
      o amsamba: Use smbclient to backup a cifs share, see amsamba man page.
      o amzfs-sendrecv: Do a backup of a ZFS filesystem with 'zfs send'.
   * Script API: Allow to run script before and after amanda process, see the
     'amanda-scripts' man page.
      o amzfs-snapshot: Do a snapshot of a ZFS filesystem, then 'amgtar'
        application will backup the snapshot. See 'amzfs-snapshot' man page.
      o script-email: Simple script to send email. see 'script-email' man page.
   * Changer API v2.0: perl-based changer interface supporting concurrent
     use of multiple devices and changers.
      o currently operating in "compatibility mode," calling old changer
        shell scripts.
      o under active development.
   * Xfer API: generic library to move and filter data with maximal efficiency
      o can read from and write to arbitrary devices, files, etc.
      o only used in some applications.
   * Amanda archive format: A simple archive format that an application can
     use to create backup image.
   * 'amarchiver' program to manipulate file in amanda archive format.
   * Many improvements to report better error message to user.
   * amtape subcommands 'slot prev' and 'slot last' are removed.
   * Dozens more perl libraries, with more stable interfaces.
   * Many bugs fixed and improvement.
   * amgetconf '--client' option to retrieve config from
     amanda-client.conf on a client.
   * Amanda configuration file changes
       o new application-tool section
       o new script-tool section
       o new device section
       o new changer section

Changes in release 2.6.0

   * configure --disable-shared doesn't work because perl modules require
     shared libraries.  Use configure --with-static-binaries to build
     statically linked binaries.
   * 'amverify' and 'amverifyrun' are deprecated and replaced with the
     new, more flexible 'amcheckdump'
   * 'amdd' and 'ammt' are deprecated.
   * Some Amanda files are now installed in new "amanda/" subdirectories:
     libraries are now installed in $libdir/amanda and internal programs
     are now installed in $libexecdir/amanda.
   * The amandates file, previously at /etc/amandates, is now at
     $localstatedir/amanda/amandates.  You may want to move your existing
     /etc/amandates when you upgrade Amanda.
   * New 'amcryptsimple', 'amgpgcrypt' - encryption plugins based on gpg.
   * New 'amserverconfig', 'amaddclient' - Initial Amanda configuration tools
     these tools make assumptions, please see man page.
   * Many bugs fixed and code rewrite/cleanup
   * glib is required to compile and run amanda.
   * Device API: pluggable interface to storage devices, supporting tapes,
     vtapes, RAIT, and Amazon S3
   * New perl modules link directly to Amanda, to support writing Amanda
     applications in Perl. Perl module are installed by default in the perl
     installsitelib directory. It can be changed with
     'configure --with-amperldir'.
   * New 'local' security driver supports backups of the amanda server
     without any network connection or other configuration.
   * Almost 200 unit tests are available via 'make installcheck'.
   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + flush-threshold-dumped
               + flush-threshold-scheduled
               + taperflush
               + device_property
               + usetimestamps default to yes
2012-07-30 07:21:10 +00:00
5ca98d505f Use for the gnuplot prefix. 2012-07-30 07:05:54 +00:00
e7241efdbf Add SPECIAL_PERMS entries for binaries the need special perms.
Because of the above change switch all amanda packages to user-destdir
2012-07-30 07:04:29 +00:00
55c482c1c1 Miscellaneous makefile clean up. 2012-07-30 07:00:12 +00:00
7ad69bb265 Add a file with AMANDA_VERSION in it and use that in all amanda
packages (including the meta-package) and in the buildlink.
2012-07-30 06:57:21 +00:00
6b3f979ba2 Update sysutils/amanda* descriptions. 2012-07-14 07:43:04 +00:00
783b8b45a4 Basic DESTDIR support 2010-06-28 10:09:26 +00:00
7d2d66b7e6 Disable IPv6 by default, since this doesn't work on systems which are
configured for IPv4 only.  IPv6 can still be enabled via PKG_OPTIONS.

Fixes my PR pkg/38957

ok gdt@
2008-07-29 17:21:39 +00:00
b4036ff68a Update to 2.5.2p1, provided by Nick Goffee of BBN.
[bugfixes and minor improvements omitted; see NEWS]

Changes in release 2.5.2

   * krb5 auth is working
   * Works with IPv6 address
   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + debugging is enabled in the config file
                 see all debug_* config option
               + tapetype 'readblocksize', if maxtapeblocksize is set too
                 larger for your hardware
   * Amanda command changes
         o amadmin: new 'holding list' and 'holding delete' subcommand.

Changes in release 2.5.1p3

   * Works with tar-1.16 and exit status of 1.

Changes in release 2.5.1p2

   * amoverview is working
   * dumptype starttime is working

   * Amanda command changes
         o amtape accept the -o arguments
         o amgetconf --list to list all tapetype, dumptype, holdingdisk
           or interface
         o amgetconf can return a value of a specific tapetype, dumptype,
           holdingdisk or interface

Changes in release 2.5.1p1

   * Remove contrib/sst.

Changes in release 2.5.1

   * Defects found by Coverity scan and Klocwork K7 analysis tools fixed.
   * Works with GNU tar 1.15.91 - work with new gtar state file format.
   * Open SSL encryption support
   * Two new authentication methods: bsdtcp, bsdudp.
   * Unlimited number of DLEs on a client with bsdtcp, rsh and ssh
     authentication methods.
   * Recovery process amrecover uses Secure API. amoldrecover command
     (same syntax and functionality as amrecover command) is provided for
     compatibility with old Amanda releases. amoldrecover command uses old
     amidxtaped/amindexd protocol.
   * Amanda debug files are separated into client/server/amandad and
     are also classified based on Amanda configuration name.

   * Amanda command changes
         o amfetchdump -o is replaced by -O.
         o amcheck -w option does all tests including the tape writable test.
           Use amcheck -t -w to do only the tape writable test.
         o -o command option to override Amanda configuration. See amanda man
           page for details.
         o amgetconf command doesn't write the BUGGY message when a entry
           is not found in the configuration file.

   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + amrecover_do_fsf in amanda.conf defaults to yes
               + amrecover_check_label in amanda.conf defaults to yes
               + usetimestamps in amanda.conf to support multiple
                 backup runs in a calendar day.
               + holdingdisk in amanda.conf supports new values:
                 NEVER, AUTO, REQUIRED.
               + amandad_path, client_username and ssh_keys in
                 amanda.conf for ssh/rsh authentication.
         o New amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf.
           Different client configuration file can be used for each Amanda
               + gnutar_list-dir and amandates can be specified in
                 Amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf
         o .amandahosts format changes to allow use of secure API for recovery.
         o Amanda service entries in xinetd configuration has changed.

Changes in release 2.5.0p1

* Add the 'amtape update' command.

Changes in release 2.5.0

* Communication security/authentication: Kerberos 4/5, OpenSSH
* Data security: Symmetric/Assymetric encrytion algorithms (aesutil
  and gpg encryption),  Encryption can be done on server or client,
  Custom encryption utilities can be used.
* Compression: Ability to add custom compression tools. This is a
  really useful feature especially since it can specified for a DLE.  You
  can use different compression algorithm for images, binaries, ascii files
  and so on.
* Dump images spanning multiple media volumes - Dump images are no
  longer restricted to a single media volume (tape or vtape).  Data restoration
  can be done using amrecover and amfetchdump commands.
* Auto tape labelling - This optional feature is good for disk backups.

Change in release 2.4.5

* new displayunit global option to select the unit use to display number
  k=kilo, m=mega, g=giga, t=tera.
* new amoverview -skipmissed option.

Change in release 2.4.5b1

* holding disk disk use timestamped directory.
* autoflush flush today's dump.
* new bumppercent global option, this should improve bumping criteria,
  the bumpsize is set to a fixed value which can be adequate for small
  and large disk.
* bumpsize, bumppercent, bumpdays and bumpmult can be in a dumptype.
* calcsize support include and exclude like gnutar.
* new 'estimate' dumptype option to select estimate type:
    CLIENT: estimate by the dumping program.
    CALCSIZE: estimate by the calcsize program, a lot faster but less acurate.
    SERVER: estimate based on statistic from previous run, take second but
            can be wrong on the estimate size.
2008-02-15 16:23:09 +00:00
e725e20c42 Bump version or revision of all packages that have a runtime dependency
on gzip.
2007-11-08 19:39:42 +00:00
c9ce5af20f Remove explicit GNU tar dependency. It is an unnecessary alternative
and the tools framework already does the right thing. Bump revisions.
2006-05-26 13:19:38 +00:00
5911def816 Recursive revision bump / recommended bump for gettext ABI change. 2006-02-05 23:08:03 +00:00
0b8638b672 Prevent paths of the build directories from being included in all amanda
packages. Set runtime dependencies on GNU tar and gzip for all amanda

Bump PKGREVISIONs to 1 for amanda-client and amanda-plot, to 2 for
amanda-common and amanda-server.
2005-08-02 09:26:06 +00:00
f795c2e475 Removed trailing white-space. 2005-05-23 08:26:03 +00:00
f816d81489 Remove USE_BUILDLINK3 and NO_BUILDLINK; these are no longer used. 2005-04-11 21:44:48 +00:00
d81d19f8e0 Add RMD160 digests. 2005-02-24 12:51:41 +00:00
834bb01177 Update amanda to 2.4.4p4
Bug fix release and minor improvements:

new chg-iomega changer script.
amanda will not use a tape if it's label is not in the tapelist file.
amflush.c: Don't start a driver if nothing to flush.
amadmin.c: Call check_dumpuser() as soon as posible.
amadmin.c: Don't core dump if DUMPCYLE is too  big.
dumper.c: Parse warning message.
2004-11-12 12:13:44 +00:00
aecc9b267e Fix build after amanda-common had its PKGREVISION bumped: be a bit
more liberal about the versions of the various amanda packages listed
as dependencies.
2004-10-05 17:51:05 +00:00
3c86b3a92e Fixe patches to apply cleanly on 2.4.4p2 2004-05-15 12:15:22 +00:00
81aeb11914 Don't create an (empty) directory in $prefix/share
Remove Makefile variables which are also defined in Makefile.common
2004-05-12 20:53:51 +00:00
4606f924bd Update the amanda packages to 2.4.4p2. From Paul Shupak in pkg/24550,
with some additionnal fixes by me.
2004-05-12 18:45:25 +00:00
560beadce5 Convert to buildlink3. 2004-05-04 03:40:50 +00:00
ca3be631f2 s/ 2003-07-17 22:50:55 +00:00
e366d0c694 Use tech-pkg@ in favor of packages@ as MAINTAINER for orphaned packages.
Should anybody feel like they could be the maintainer for any of thewe packages,
please adjust.
2003-06-02 01:15:31 +00:00
f1446ddf2b Drop trailing whitespace. Ok'ed by wiz. 2003-05-06 17:40:18 +00:00
46a8f26980 Clean up a bit. Only installs shell scripts, so USE_X11 and amanda-common's are not needed.
2002-10-25 19:37:06 +00:00
39a3c63de7 Convert to buildlink2. 2002-10-25 19:05:04 +00:00
9cf6a6eeaa remove a duplicated argument of configure script. 2002-08-19 02:35:56 +00:00
1cf29af8b5 Move pkg/ files into package's toplevel directory 2001-10-31 22:48:50 +00:00
63ad910dee SVR4 packages have a limit of 9 chars for a package name.
The automatic truncation in gensolpkg doesn't work for packages which
have the same package name for the first 5-6 chars.
e.g. amanda-server and amanda-client would be named amanda and amanda.
Now, we add a SVR4_PKGNAME and use amacl for amanda-client and amase for
All svr4 packages also have a vendor tag, so we have to reserve some chars
for this tag, which is normaly 3 or 4 chars. Thats why we can only use 6
or 5 chars for SVR4_PKGNAME. I used 5 for all the packages, to give the
vendor tag enough room.
All p5-* packages and a few other packages have now a SVR4_PKGNAME.
2001-10-18 15:20:01 +00:00
ea01ce89a0 Upgrade to 2.4.2p2 2001-06-26 03:15:16 +00:00
95062a354a Prepare for 2.4.2p2
This is a bug fix release.
Improve debugging support, fix some fd leaks and add barcode reader support.
For more details, refer to the Changelog.
2001-06-26 03:14:11 +00:00
027c166bf7 Move to sha1 digests, and add distfile sizes. 2001-04-19 11:28:57 +00:00
2d6b6a009c + move the distfile digest/checksum value from files/md5 to distinfo
+ move the patch digest/checksum values from files/patch-sum to distinfo
2001-04-17 11:43:32 +00:00
2cea0f1427 Use wildcard dependences for "gnuplot" package. 2001-03-21 15:41:23 +00:00
8846568b73 Fix path for gnuplot. Report and fix in pkg/12238 by Eric Schnoebelen. 2001-02-19 10:18:47 +00:00
a87738b456 Update to new COMMENT style: COMMENT var in Makefile instead of pkg/COMMENT. 2001-02-17 17:42:09 +00:00
20c34e6524 Upgrade of the amanda packages from 2.4.1p1 to 2.4.2. 2001-01-16 21:59:29 +00:00
df05aef71f Strip trailing '.', and/or leading '(a|an) ' 2000-01-05 15:37:50 +00:00
3f20add20c Split out the common code in the amanda make files into
1999-09-06 19:30:19 +00:00
10e16e392b regen. 1999-09-06 18:13:46 +00:00
fc50a01d05 Split out amanda-plot from amanda-server so that one doesn't need X11
just to write backups to tape.
1999-09-06 18:11:22 +00:00