- Fixes for cursoring API endpoints
- Improve html_for_tweet() parsing
- Documentation cleanup
- Documentation for cursor's return_pages keyword argument
- Update links to Twitter API in documentation
- Added create_metadata endpoint
- Raise error for when cursor is not provided a callable
- Improve replacing of entities with links in html_for_tweet()
- Update classifiers for PyPI
- Added support for "symbols" in Twython.html_for_tweet()
- Added support for extended tweets in Twython.html_for_tweet()
- You can now check progress of video uploads to Twitter when using Twython.upload_video()
- Added `upload_video` endpoint
- Fix quoted status checks in `html_for_tweet`
- Fix `html_for_tweet` method response when hashtag/mention is a substring of another
Twython is the premier Python library providing an easy (and up-to-date) way to
access Twitter data. Actively maintained and featuring support for Python 2.6+
and Python 3. It's been battle tested by companies, educational institutions
and individuals alike.