2.14 2017.07.03
- DSA key bugfix: verify would fail if r had unnecessary leading zeros
2.13 2017.06.30
- Bug Fix: AES-CBC IV length needs to be blocksize, not keysize
- Bug Fix: DES3 init needs to pass key as variable to avoid scalar error
- Bug Fix: Packet padlen decode was using signed 8-bit unpack (should be unsigned)
- Fix CBC inefficiency
- Fix Key not being loaded prior to Agent use [ https://github.com/lkinley/Net-SSH-Perl/issues/10 ]
0.06 2016-09-11
Fix some failing tests.
0.05 2016-08-22
Fix strict mode. Thanks to whosgonna.
0.04 2013-09-09
Fix broken length handling. Thanks to Erik Østlyngen.
2.19 2017-05-11T13:02:47Z
commit aac1b06c1e3b0d73ca964794bab0c444d454ebcc
Author: Yasuhiro Matsumoto <mattn.jp@gmail.com>
Date: Thu May 11 18:40:13 2017 +0900
don't run command when the port is empty
Test::TCP do hack on Windows for checking port used.
But this way always return 0 with succeeded with empty port. This is not
expected behavior. So this change fix to call check_port if the port is
not defined.
2.18 2017-04-24T06:00:25Z
- let the kernel select an empty port #59https://github.com/tokuhirom/Test-TCP/pull/59
version 3.37 (2017-07-11)
* Layer3::Juniper fixed to return os_ver for JUNOS 14.x and higher
version 3.36 (2017-06-28)
* Migrate to Module::Build for distribution maintenance
version 3.35 (2017-06-28)
* Include loading of LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB in LLDP.pm
* #180 support CiscoConfig on Nexus (sf.net:scratchfury)
* #50 remove interface specific part from vrf interfaces on IOS (W. Vandersmissen)
* #211 f5 class should respect UseEnums when faking i_type
version 3.34 (2016-11-20)
* Support Cisco IPS Modules homed on the Cisco ASA (M. Kraus)
* Serial number on Nexus 9372 (genereic check for ID before using) (M. Caines)
1.11 Mon Sep 11 08:00:00 EDT 2017
- Updated to new module layout (lib/).
- Remove .cvsignore
- Added simple t\*.t tests.
- Makefile.PL: updated version dependencies
- Cisco.pm:
Added 'use warnings;'.
Added warnings() to fix RT 48904.
Added fhopen() to fix RT 19285.
Added POD for last_cmd.
Updated new() to fix RT 19260.
Updated _normalize() to fix RT 7796, 39882, 102753, 118170.
Changed check for '' instead of not defined for $en_level to catch
enable() success or failure.
Changed @out to $out[] in cmd() to fix RT 2592.
Changed prompt_append() to _prompt_append() [private].
Changed re_sans_delims() to _re_sans_delims() [private].
- test.pl: make Term::ReadKey conditional.
2.009 Aug 09 2017
- Several long awaited fixes
- Log when a child exits abnormally. RT #86815
- Added delete-child hook
- Add cleanup_dead_child_hook to PreFork server
- Removed stray warn
- Use File::Temp instead of POSIX::tmpnam
- UNIX read_until to allow for SSL under unix sockets
0.7 2017-08-26 Ben Bullock <bkb@cpan.org>
* Documentation rewrite
0.6 2017-08-25 Ben Bullock <bkb@cpan.org>
* Changed format of ChangeLog to follow CPAN::Changes::Spec,
which means it will be displayed nicely by MetaCPAN.
0.5 2017-08-24 Ben Bullock <bkb@cpan.org>
* Add licence information to POD documentation
0.4 2017-08-24 Ben Bullock <bkb@cpan.org>
* Add contributors and licence information
* Add documentation
* Remove RFCs from distro
0.3 2017-08-24 Ben Bullock <bkb@cpan.org>
* Add meta files to distribution
* in_network altered
* Documentation updates
Changes in 0.22
- RT 108273 remove PREREQ_FATAL
Changes in 0.21
- Fix bug relating to scopes and change required field. It's a temporary Fix
until something more permanent can be put into place; effectively, it just
forces the change-required field to match properly.
Changes in 0.20
- Add capability to get any number of fields starting with a specific string.
- Misc fixes and documentation amendments from Miniconf NYC.
Changes in 0.19
- Add 'scopes' capability to fields.
Changes in 0.18
- Bugfix Github issue #1 regarding expression concatenation.
- Bugfix Github issue #4 regarding perldoc parse problems in Net::Gnats.
- Fixed stubbed subroutines which caused test failures for Perl 5.10.1.
- Added additional tests and documentation for Net::Gnats::Command.
- Added additional tests and documentation for Net::Gnats::Command::ADMV.
- Removed dead code from Net::Gnats::Session.
- Bugfix Github issue #6 regarding wrong type returned for query() method.
- Added additional tests and documentation for Net::Gnats get_field_type.
Changes in 0.17
- Added ability to submit a PR from a PR object.
Changes in 0.16
- Set consistent versioning across all modules.
- Added 'strictures' to PREREQ_PM.
Changes in 0.15
- Completely reworked sessions and issuing commands.
- Comprehensive tests, removing all stubs.
- Known issue: attachments not managed
- Known issue: after submit of PR, new PR number not captured into the PR object.
0.90 2017-08-24
- Adding some Pagination helpers (warthog9)
0.89 2017-07-22
- rebuild
0.88 2017-07-22
- Add option to pass in OTP token (bentglasstube)
- Add support for review requests (waniji)
- Add two new methods for filter views of org members (grantm)
0.87 2017-05-23
- new GitHub GraphQL API
0.86 2016-12-03
- Add support for organization membership (alexm)
0.85 2016-09-01
- adding support for passing permission to add_team_repos #75 (allandrick, Leigh Hart)
0.84 2016-05-03
- fix json in upload_asset
- minor Doc fixes and CI (JJ)
0.38 2017/03/30 08:30:00
- Bug Id: 120802. PreserveTimestamp bugs with _mfmt() & _mdtm(). I pulled
the arguments off the stack in the wrong order. Corrected this.
- Added instructions on how to install this module in an alternate location
to the README file.
0.37 2017/03/27 08:30:00
- Found an issue with size() function when it gets the file size via "STAT".
Found a server where "STAT" returned the results in a different format.
- Removed duplicate setting of {help_cmds_no_syntax_available} key in _help().
- Bug Id: 120623. Missed the 2nd half of the ticket. When Croak=>1 is turned
on to not treat the failure of "SITE HELP" as a fatal error!
0.36 2017/03/20 08:30:00
- Updated the copyright & version number.
- Added additional module versions to the logs in BEGIN.
- Bug Id: 120341. Turns out the latest release of IO-Socket-SSL broke
this module. (v2.046 broken, v2.012 worked) Looks like the start_SSL()
call is removing my "_FTPSSL_arguments" hash entry.
- Bug Id: 120623. The OverrideHELP option had issues. Shouldn't have called
_feat() or _site_help() for =>1 or =>\@lst. So removed in _help()!
- Bug Id: 120621. Request for a new feature of allowing objects that inherit
from IO::Handle wherever it asks for a GLOB! put/get/DebugLogFile/etc ...
Implemented via new helper function _isa_glob(). Also updated POD.
- Updated README section on using client certificates.
- Updated t/20-certificate.t to use a callback & updated the %certificate
Revision history for Net-eBay
0.60 Added support for submitFindingRequest function to work with eBay finding API. In Progress
0.61 added submitPaginatedFindingRequest with obvious functionality (takes all work out of pagination).
--- 0.009 (2017-07-24)
+ Cleaner way to handle both arrays of strings and Net::DNS::Packet objects,
courtesy of NLNETLABS (Dick Franks) in RT 122542 - thanks!
+ Extend tests to cover non-mocked queries too
--- 0.008 (2017-07-21)
* Add Scalar::Util to deps
--- 0.007 (2017-07-19)
* Fix handling pre-prepared ::Packet objects passed to send()
+ Additional tests
--- 0.006 (2017-07-16)
* Don't demand 5.10, work on perl >= 5.6
* No taint mode flag in t/01-basic.t
* Avoid problems with our $VERSION = '...' on one line
All these courtesy of Dick Franks (rwfranks) - thanks!
--- 0.005 (2017-07-13)
* Remove debian/ subdir as per RT #108522
* Regenerate README via pod2readme
* Fix version number in changelog entry below - d'oh - and remove
use of deprecated qv()
* Import rcode list from Net::DNS - RT 96390
--- 0.004 (2017-07-13)
* BIGPRESH taking over maintainership of this seemingly orphaned but
very useful distribution. Plan to fix various RT tickets.
* Fix RT 109266 - avoid deprecated make_query_packet() call
Overview of changes in GStreamer 0.20
* GStreamer.pm: Announce/link to new GStreamer1 module
* README: Add note for and link to new GStreamer1 module
* copyright.pod: updated copyright year
* perl-GStreamer.doap: update project short description
Overview of changes in GStreamer 0.19
* Avoid misusing the macro PL_na, thus preventing potential issues when
GStreamer is used in conjunction with certain XS modules, among them
XML::Parser and String::Approx.
Overview of changes in GStreamer 0.18
* Add GStreamer::Buffer::data_ptr() to access the buffer's data without copying
it. (RT#82826)
∗ Make a few tests more robust
* Created %meta_merge which follows v2 of CPAN Meta Spec
- %meta_merge is used for generating metadata via
Add missing dependency.
1.412 2017-07-30T18:27:33Z
* Fix for plist files with comments (bram.stappers@tiobe.com) RT #122466
and GitHub #5 (as a pull request)
* Note that this module does not handle ASCII or JSON formats (but they
are in the wishlist now) (anonymous Yahoo! user)
1.411 2017-07-19T02:10:42Z
* Bram Stappers fixed a regression with XML comments
1.41_01 2015-01-29T04:41:09Z
- RT #101795: Mis-parse or hang while parsing non-pretty XML (Tom Wyant)
- RT #101796: Wide character in print warning in t/read_binary.t (Tom Wyant)