Revision 0.18 2005/05/23 15:34:31 ray
moved declaration to top of function, M$ (and other) C compilers choke.
Revision 0.17 2005/05/05 22:26:01 ray
Changed PERL_MAGIC_backref to '<' for compatability with 5.6
Revision 0.16 2005/04/20 15:49:35 ray
Bug fix for id 11997, "Clone dies horribly when Scalar::Util::weaken is around"
see for details.
Revision 2005/05/05 21:55:30 ray
changed PERL_MAGIC_backref to '<' for backward compatibility with 5.6
This module provides a clone() method which makes recursive copies
of nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied
variables and objects.