Upstream changes:
0.26 Thu Mar 22 10:50:00 2012
- No code changes.
- Expand the sample code and comments under difference() to show more clearly what sets get
changed during operations, and to show another way of determining the difference between sets.
0.25 Fri Mar 9 16:58:00 2012
- Add Try::Tiny to pre-reqs. Add attributes, overload, strict, subs and warnings too.
Set::Array allows you to create arrays as objects and use OO-style methods on
them. Many convenient methods are provided here that appear in the FAQ's, the
Perl Cookbook or posts from comp.lang.perl.misc. In addition, there are Set
methods with corresponding (overloaded) operators for the purpose of Set
comparison, i.e. +, ==, etc.
The purpose is to provide built-in methods for operations that people are
always asking how to do, and which already exist in languages like Ruby. This
should (hopefully) improve code readability and/or maintainability. The other
advantage to this module is method-chaining by which any number of methods may
be called on a single object in a single statement.