- Following patch added to give sphinx-build name (with ${PYVERSSUFFIX) attached)
- Depending doxygen- now
- gnuradio-doxygen is updated to 3.7.6
- Update gnuradio-* from to 3.7.6
GNU Radio releases 3.7.6 and are available for download:
(several tens of lines omitted for URL and List of contributors)
Release is a bug-fix only maintenance patch following,
and will be the last one for the 3.7.5 release. Release 3.7.6
incorporates all these fixes and adds significant new features.
2.63 2015.03.06
- Move SVG results from POD to external files.
2.62 2015.03.06
- Remove more duplicate pod.
- Encoding of the pod RT #89414
2.61 2015.03.03
- Eliminate a bunch of duplicate documentation.
- Skip tidy testing if module is not available (RT #102484)
- POD formatting.
2.60 2015.03.03
- Convert source files to utf8
- Add more tests
- css styles are now sorted to make it easeier to test
- Run Perltidy on the code
2.59 2013.03.31
- Experiment to show images on MetaCPAN
2.56 2013.03.30
- Move all the content of SVG::Manual to SVG
2.55 2013.03.30
- Add an image to the pod generated by and example.
- Rename SVG::Manual from .pm to .pod.
- Stop violating the Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef policy,
eliminate 'return undef' and return wantarray?():undef; from the code.
2.54 2013.02.16
- Update the dates in the Changes file.
- Remove the function prototypes that don't work on methods anyway.
Stop violating the Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes policy.
2.53 2012.08.09
- missing test file removed from MANIFEST (RT #78856)
2.52 2012.05.29
- move POD testing to xt/
- Some example cleanup - Shlomi Fish
- removing prototype - Shlomi Fish
- POD fixes - David Paleino
2.51 2012.03.30
- Maintenance by Gabor Szabo
- Some documentation fixes.
- Modernizing test suite.
- Link to new public repository.
2013-01-01: gWaei 3.6.2
Bugfix release. Various windows compilation fixes.
Morphology was made less obtrusive because it is a bit greedy.
Fixes to a segfault in waei if no dictionaries are installed
and a search is carried out. Fixes to localization.
Older changelog is not available.
User-visible changes between 0.7.2 and 0.7.3:
Bug fixes
Backported protection against glibc math functions clobbering TOS
User-visible changes between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2:
Bug fixes
Makefile fixes for installing
User-visible changes between 0.7.0 and 0.7.1:
Bug fixes
amd64 gdb disassembler works with syntax change (autodetected) workaround for gcc 4.6 and 4.7 problems (newline and superinstructions)
changed repository from CVS to git
Fixed in Firefox/Thunderbird ESR 31.5
2015-24 Reading of local files through manipulation of form autocomplete
2015-19 Out-of-bounds read and write while rendering SVG content
2015-16 Use-after-free in IndexedDB
2015-12 Invoking Mozilla updater will load locally stored DLL files
2015-11 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:36.0 / rv:31.5)
* Written in C++ now.
* Fix security issues
CVE-2014-2906 and CVE-2014-3856
* Many bugfixes.
* Many new features.
See http://fishshell.com/release_notes.html .
1) Reduce preference of the primary master site:
It seems to have stopped mirroring distfiles back in 2012 and we have
been falling back to ftp.n.o anyway for years.
2) Remove the the FreeBSD backup master site as per instructions in
Unfortunately the new distcache service is not usable as it relies
heavily on subdirectories.
We need to either contact Funet and ask them to start mirroring again or
get a different fast backup site in Europe.
Even the section summary of the changes is to big to include here.
Refer to http://www.libreoffice.org/download/release-notes/ for the change
Tested on netbsd-6/amd64 with suse121 compat packages.
spadmin is gone and soffice-patch hasn't been needed in a while. No need to
keep the patches for them around.