Pass 4405 tests.
Round resolution numbers that do not fit in 64-bit rationals.
Add support for JPEG XL compression.
Add numcodecs compatible TIFF codec.
Rename ZarrFileStore to ZarrFileSequenceStore (breaking).
Add method to export fsspec ReferenceFileSystem from ZarrFileStore.
Fix fsspec ReferenceFileSystem v1 for multifile series.
Fix creating OME-TIFF with micron character in OME-XML.
Pass 4393 tests.
Fix reading OJPEG with wrong photometric or samplesperpixel tags.
Fix fsspec ReferenceFileSystem v1 and JPEG compression.
Use TiffTagRegistry for NDPI_TAGS, EXIF_TAGS, GPS_TAGS, IOP_TAGS constants.
Make TIFF.GEO_KEYS an Enum (breaking).
Pass 4391 tests.
Use JPEG restart markers as tile offsets in NDPI.
Support version 1 and more codecs in fsspec ReferenceFileSystem (untested).
Fix regression reading multi-file OME-TIFF with missing files.
Fix fsspec ReferenceFileSystem with non-native byte order.
TIFF is no longer a defended trademark.
Add method to export fsspec ReferenceFileSystem from ZarrTiffStore
Pass 4389 tests.
Fix reading multi-file, multi-series OME-TIFF (#67).
Detect ScanImage 2021 files (#46).
Shape new version ScanImage series according to metadata (breaking).
Remove Description key from TiffFile.scanimage_metadata dict (breaking).
Return ScanImage version from read_scanimage_metadata (breaking).
Fix docstrings.
Pass 4388 tests.
Squeeze axes of LSM series by default (breaking).
Add option to preserve single dimensions when reading from series (WIP).
Do not allow appending to OME-TIFF files.
Fix reading STK files without name attribute in metadata.
Make TIFF constants multi-thread safe and pickleable.
Add detection of NDTiffStorage MajorVersion to read_micromanager_metadata.
Support ScanImage v4 files in read_scanimage_metadata (not tested).
Tifffile is a Python library to
* store numpy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and
* read image and metadata from TIFF-like files used in bioimaging.
Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK,
LSM, SGI, NIHImage, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ,
GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS, ZIF (Zoomable Image File Format), QPTIFF (QPI),
NDPI, and GeoTIFF files.