2014-10-26 meld 3.12.1
* Work around change colours not displaying on GTK+ 3.14 (Kai Willadsen)
* Fix missing cache opcodes in some circumstances (Kai Willadsen)
* Fix text view expansion when resizing patch dialog (Kai Willadsen)
* Build fix to always include C locale when LINGUAS is set (Kai Willadsen)
* Rafael Ferreira (pt_BR)
* Мирослав Николић (sr, sr@latin)
* Fix name for vcsh_clean. Closes: #766655
* Add darcs grep command using ack-grep. Thanks, Paul Wise.
* Add a clean command. Thanks, Paul Wise. Closes: #702685
* Fix breakage introduced by --minimal patch.
* Deal with abs_path change in new version of perl, now it returns undefined
when the directory does not exist.
* Added --minimal mode. Closes: #694031 Thanks, Paul Wise.
* Use libio-pty-easy-perl when available when captuting command output
(for --minimal or -jN), so that programs that output color to terminals
will be colorized. This is only a recommends as it will fall back to
the old method. Thanks, Paul Wise.
What's new in 1.565.3 (2014/10/01)
Plugin code can be downloaded by anyone with Overall/Read (SECURITY-155)
Stored passwords can be read out from build with parameters page (SECURITY-138)
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in ZeroClipboard.swf in ZeroClipboard before 1.3.2 as included with Jenkins (SECURITY-149)
Unauthenticated users can make Jenkins behind Apache unresponsive (SECURITY-87)
Users with limited Job/Configure can replace other jobs they have no access to (if they know the name) (SECURITY-128)
CLI calls are causing file descriptor leaks. (issue 23248)
Users with limited Job/Configure can change the kind of job via CLI, getting access to denied job types (SECURITY-127)
Test result trend breaks lazy-loading (issue 23945)
Unable to kill a job which is running (issue 17667)
XSS weakness in load-statistics (SECURITY-143)
Job is removed from ListView after rename (issue 23893)
set-build-result and set-build-parameter do insufficient checks (issue 24080)
Missing no-sniff header (SECURITY-122)
Directory traversal (SECURITY-131)
"incompatible InnerClasses attribute" error in IBM J9 VM (issue 22525)
Arbitrary file system write via DiskFileItem deserialization (SECURITY-159)
Missing SecureFlag cookie (SECURITY-120)
Prevent (private security realm) usernames from being guessed (SECURITY-79 redux!) (SECURITY-110)
Deadlock in OldDataMonitor (issue 24358)
RemoteInvocationHandler.RPCRequest allows invoking any method on an exported object event those not exposed by the exported interface (SECURITY-150)
What's new in 1.565.2 (2014/09/03)
Jenkins needs to check whether the war's directory is writeable before offering to upgrade (issue 23683)
AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.iterator() calls .all() (issue 18065)
Jenkins no longer kills running processes after job fails (issue 22641)
HTTP error 405 when trying to restart ssh host (issue 23094)
Run.delete (from LogRotator) failing with "...looks to have already been deleted" (issue 22395)
file name encoding broken in zip archives (issue 20663)
Kill win32 processes from win64 JVMs (issue 23410)
What's new in 1.565.1 (2014/07/30)
Queue.maintain does disk I/O via PeepholePermalink.resolve (issue 22822)
“Form too large” errors submitting view configurations with many jobs (issue 20327)
NPE on plugin install (issue 20031)
Link to the console output missing in popup when log >200Kb (issue 14264)
Parameters: NPE in canTake() procedures may kill all executors (issue 15094)
NPE from AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run (issue 23277)
broken ProjectNamingStrategy Extension (issue 23127)
Move DecoratedLauncher from the custom-tools plugin to the Jenkins Core (issue 19454)
hudson.Launcher:ProcStarter::envs() may throw NPE (issue 20559)
Resource leak in hudson.model.FileParameterValue (issue 22693)
ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved (issue 23191)
AccessRestriction on SecurityListener methods (issue 23417)
After deleting folder, get 404 (issue 23375)
email-ext plugin doesn't handle tokens when slave has gone offline: IAE from AbstractProject.getEnvironment (issue 23517)
Jenkins cannot restart Windows service (issue 22685)
Rules for showing/hiding SCMTrigger.pollingThreadCount option are broken (issue 22934)
What's new in 1.554.3 (2014/06/30)
Queue.maintain does disk I/O via PeepholePermalink.resolve (issue 22822)
Non-recursive ListViews unnecessarily call owner.getAllItems in getItems (issue 22720)
SSH slave connections die after the slave outputs 4MB of stderr, usually during findbugs analysis (issue 22938)
Jenkins cannot restart Windows service (issue 22685)
What's new in 1.554.2 (2014/05/30)
Don't ask for confirmation when it doesn't make any sense (issue 21720)
On a configure screen that has multiple groups of radio buttons, clicking the apply button clears all but the last radio group selection (issue 22570)
Optimize creation of relative links to jobs (issue 18364)
Jenkins asks for confirmation before leaving edited 'View Configuration' page (issue 20597)
OutOfOrderBuildMonitor fails to correct builds with duplicate number (issue 22631)
Computer does not exist returns NPE (issue 21999)
Last build of project reloaded when project asked for later build (issue 22681)
After clicking 'Apply' at least once, 'Save' opens a new window (issue 20245)
hetero-radio should work with multiple instances of the same ui (issue 22583)
Cannot submit configuration after removing groovy step (issue 22582)
No autocompletion and NullPointerException when using 'Copy Existing Job' (issue 22142)
What's new in 1.554.1 (2014/04/30)
NPE if trying to install a plugin from the update center and either the update source or the plugin contains a '.' in its name (issue 22080)
Download update center from master by default (issue 19081)
OutOfMemory due to unbounded storage in OldDataMonitor (issue 19544)
Very slow resource loading from UberClassLoader (issue 21579)
Jetty exploding war to /tmp is a bad idea (issue 22442)
Performance issue with search box (issue 21969)
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during Jenkins.doConfigSubmit; need XStream 1.4.6 (issue 18537)
NullPointerException when trying to mark slave temporarily offline (issue 21875)
Build queue is not filtered after progress updated (issue 20500)
copy-job permission checks wrong (issue 22262)
What's new in 1.532.3 (2014/04/11)
Replace description in error dialog instead of appending (issue 21457)
NPE from xstream.core.JVM.isOpenJDK (issue 21183)
WorkspaceCleanupThread does not handle folders (issue 21023)
Copy Artifact's fingerprinting creates second hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter_-FingerprintAction section with just the artifacts copied (issue 17606)
/login offers link to /opensearch.xml which anonymous users cannot retrieve (issue 21254)
Miscellaneous exceptions in config.xml can prevent entire job from loading (issue 21024)
Jobs named "." can be created, but not built, configured, accessed, ... (issue 21639)
DirectoryBrowserSupport.buildChildPaths does quadratic number of calls to check whether entries are directories (issue 21780)
ZIP file download generates corrupt zip file (issue 20345)
Update credentials plugin to 1.9.4 (issue 21820)
Apply button does not work in IE Compat View (issue 19826)
Deadlock while parallel deletion/rename of jobs (issue 19446)
What's new in 1.532.2 (2014/02/14)
CannotResolveClassException breaks loading of entire containing folder, not just one job (issue 20951)
Default markup formatter permits offsite-bound forms (SECURITY-88)
Using jenkins-cli connecting to HTTPS port fails due to hostname mismatch in certificate (issue 12629)
ApiTokenFilter does not check that the user actually exists (SECURITY-89)
HTTP two-way remoting does not work (jenkins-cli.jar without JNLP) (issue 20128)
Slave launcher fails after NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jenkins.model.Jenkins$MasterComputer (issue 19453)
StreamCorruptedException (issue 8856)
UI Redressing/ClickJacking (SECURITY-80)
Fail to run 'groovysh' in CLI due to insufficient permission (issue 17929)
Loading projects too slow because of File.isDirectory calls (issue 21078)
HTML metacharacters not escaped in log messages (issue 20800)
Channel's executorService's pool should have a name (issue 19004)
ListView.expand throws ClassCastException: … cannot be cast to hudson.model.TopLevelItem (issue 20415)
Stored XSS (SECURITY-74)
Session Fixation (SECURITY-75)
/heapDump offered to anyone with ADMINISTER (SECURITY-73)
Username Guessing/Enumeration (SECURITY-79)
RingBufferLogHandler throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after int-overflow (issue 9120)
Iframe Injection (SECURITY-76)
Reflected XSS in Cookie (SECURITY-77)
l:breakable mishandles HTML metacharacters (issue 20928)
Start JNLP slave ignores jar-cache flag (issue 20093)
Stored passwords can be read out from UIs with password fields (SECURITY-93)
Too many open files upon HTTP listener init or shutdown (issue 14336)
Extension point for secure users of Api (issue 16936)
'Apply' error screens don't work (issue 20772)
Workspaces seem to be removed prematurely on concurrent jobs (issue 10615)
Job creators are able to edit or destroy the system configuration via the CLI (SECURITY-108)
Disable\Delete "Remember me on this computer" check box in login screen (issue 15757)
SECURITY-55 fails if downstream project not visible (SECURITY-109)
Builds disappear some time after renaming job (issue 18678)
Use RunAction2 from TestResultAction (issue 18410)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/JarURLConnection (issue 20163)
Remote code execution via xstream deserialization in XML API (SECURITY-105)
Jenkins on winstone vulnerable to session hijacking (SECURITY-106)
Jenkins allows anonymous access if the Authorization Strategy can't be loaded (SECURITY-107)
you cannot use the cli without giving Overall read to Anonymous (issue 8815)
What's new in at-spi2-atk 2.14.1:
* Aggressively filter out children-changed signals for objects with
What's new in at-spi2-atk 2.13.4:
* Fix typo in .pc file (bgo#721719).
* Fix retrieving text attributes (bgo#731980).
* Correctly remove the socket on exit (bgo#684076).
What's new in at-spi2-atk 2.13.1:
* Add an atexit handler to remove the D-Bus socket (bgo#684076).
* Only send cache-related events for transients when explicitly requested.
Hopefully this will improve performance when we are flooded with them.
makefile cleanups
Avoid OOM errors when locked items stuck in tail
If clients occasionally fetch many items, more than can fit the
TCP buffers, then hang for a very long period of time, that slab
class could OOM. In older versions this could cause a crash. Since
1.4.20 this will cause OOM errors.
Now, if a locked item lands in the LRU tail, it will be bumped back
to the head and an lrutail_reflocked counter incremented. If you're
concerned about having stuck clients, watch that counter.
Big thanks to Jay Grizzard et all at Box for helping track this
0.21.1 (2014-10-18)
Features added
* New ``cythonize`` option ``-a`` to generate the annotated HTML source view.
* Missing C-API declarations in ``cpython.unicode`` were added.
* Passing ``language='c++'`` into cythonize() globally enables C++ mode for
all modules that were not passed as Extension objects (i.e. only source
files and file patterns).
* ``Py_hash_t`` is a known type (used in CPython for hash values).
* ``PySlice_*()`` C-API functions are available from the ``cpython.slice``
* Allow arrays of C++ classes.
Bugs fixed
* Reference leak for non-simple Python expressions in boolean and/or expressions.
* To fix a name collision and to reflect availability on host platforms,
standard C declarations [ clock(), time(), struct tm and tm* functions ]
were moved from posix/time.pxd to a new libc/time.pxd. Patch by Charles
* Rerunning unmodified modules in IPython's cython support failed.
Patch by Matthias Bussonier.
* Casting C++ ``std::string`` to Python byte strings failed when
auto-decoding was enabled.
* Fatal exceptions in global module init code could lead to crashes
if the already created module was used later on (e.g. through a
stale reference in sys.modules or elsewhere).
* ``cythonize.py`` script was not installed on MS-Windows.
Other changes
* Compilation no longer fails hard when unknown compilation options are
passed. Instead, it raises a warning and ignores them (as it did silently
before 0.21). This will be changed back to an error in a future release.
0.55 2014-10-20 23:45 UTC
+ Fix : [RT #99319] : t/18-opinfo.t: test failure due to change in
perl 5 blead
The new METHOP op class added in perl 5.21.5 is now supported.
Thanks James E Keenan for reporting.
New AsyncioEventLoop for Python 3.4, Python 3.x with asyncio
package or Python 2 with trollius package (by Alex Munroe,
Jonas Wielicki, with earlier work by Kelketek Rritaa)
Screen classes now call back to MainLoop using event loop
alarms instead of passing timeout values to MainLoop (by
Alex Munroe)
Add support for bright backgrounds on linux console (by
Russell Warren)
Allow custom sorting of MonitoredList (by Tony Cebzanov)
Fix support for negative indexes with MonitoredFocusList
(by Heiko Noordhof)
Documentation fixes (by Ismail, Matthew Mosesohn)
TortoiseHg 3.1.2 is a regularly scheduled bug-fix release.
Since 3.1, Mercurial commands are run in separate command server
process. It generally contributes to reliability, but if you have
a faulty extension or an in-process Python hook, it can corrupt
the communication channel between TortoiseHg and the command server.
If you see an error message like "cmdserver: timeout while reading...",
please report it with the list of enabled third-party extensions
and their versions. Currently, reviewboard (#3841) and onsub (#3924)
extensions are known to have this issue.
Bug Fixes
commit: correct boundary value to disable pygments parsing
(refs #3910)
commit: do not show username prompt if ui.user is set (fixes
obsolete: look for markers even if intermediate revisions are
repomodel, sync: fix performance regression on repo having many
named branches (fixes#3912)
tag: propagate --force option properly on remove
Version 0.19.3 - October 2014
* Bug fixes:
- Fix xgettext mishandling of octal character escapes in C.
- Fix autopoint infinite recursion with certain configure.ac.
* The po/Makevars file has a new field MSGINIT_OPTIONS, that can be
used to adjust msginit's operation. This is particularly useful for
controlling line wrapping behavior together with MSGMERGE_OPTIONS
* Portability:
- Building on Solaris 10 and 11 with Solaris Studio compiler is now
New features and improvements:
* Added support for the -Xclang compiler option.
* Improved handling of exit code of internally executed processes.
* Zero length object files in the cache are now rejected as invalid.
* Bail out on option -gsplit-dwarf (since it produces multiple output files).
* Compiler option -fdebug-prefix-map is now ignored (not part of the hash). (The -fdebug-prefix-map option may be used in combination with CCACHE_BASEDIR to reuse results across different directories.)
* Added note in documentation that --ccache-skip currently does not mean “don’t hash the following option”.
* To enable support for precompiled headers (PCH), CCACHE_SLOPPINESS now also needs to include the new pch_defines sloppiness. This is because ccache can’t detect changes in the source code when only defined macros have been changed.
* Stale files in the internal temporary directory (<ccache_dir>/tmp) are now cleaned up if they are older than one hour.
Bug fixes:
* Fixed path canonicalization in make_relative_path() when path doesn’t exist.
* Fixed bug in common_dir_prefix_length(). This corrects the CCACHE_BASEDIR behavior.
* ccache no longer tries to create the cache directory when CCACHE_DISABLE is set.
* Fixed bug when reading manifests with a very large number of file info entries.
* Fixed problem with logging of current working directory.
Changes in version
* Fixed compilation on non-head GHCs
Changes in version
* Export MVector constructor from Data.Vector.Primitive to match Vector's
(which was already exported).
* Fix building on GHC 7.9 by adding Applicative instances for Id and Box
Upstream changes:
0.09 Jul 7 2014
- Get rid of DB::single
Thank you djerius@cpan.org
- Don't do POD tests
0.08 Jan 29 2014
- Tests may now be run in parallel
Thank you KENTNL@cpan.org
0.07 Jan 17 2014
- Added delete_share
Thank you dmuey@cpan.org
0.06 Jan 16 2014
Thank you sharyanto@cpan.org
New in NSS 3.17.2
New Functionality
No new functionality is introduced in this release. This is a patch release to fix a regression and other bugs.
Notable Changes in NSS 3.17.2
Bug 1049435: Change RSA_PrivateKeyCheck to not require p > q. This fixes a regression introduced in NSS 3.16.2 that prevented NSS from importing some RSA private keys (such as in PKCS #12 files) generated by other crypto libraries.
Bug 1057161: Check that an imported elliptic curve public key is valid. Previously NSS would only validate the peer's public key before performing ECDH key agreement. Now EC public keys are validated at import time.
Bug 1078669: certutil crashes when an argument is passed to the --certVersion option.
Bugs fixed in NSS 3.17.2
This Bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in NSS 3.17.2:
NSS 3.17.2 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older NSS 3.x shared libraries. A program linked with older NSS 3.x shared libraries will work with NSS 3.17.2 shared libraries without recompiling or relinking. Furthermore, applications that restrict their use of NSS APIs to the functions listed in NSS Public Functions will remain compatible with future versions of the NSS shared libraries.
What's new in at-spi2-core 2.13.92:
* Fix alignment checks when cross-compiling (bgo#736653).
What's new in at-spi2-core 2.13.90:
* Fix crash when testing interfaces with collections (bgo#734805).
What's new in at-spi2-core 2.13.4:
* Ensure that we register with the session manager only once (bgo#728934).
* Fix ucs2keysym prototype (bgo#730897).
* introspection: add some missing Returns: (nullable) annotations
* Fix various memory leaks.
What's new in at-spi2-core 2.13.1:
* Add GError setter in atspi_accessible_get_process_id function
* registryd: Wait for gnome-session before registering if it is not
running yet (bgo#728934).
The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing
a lot of valuable debug information.
The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following:
* stack traces and function traces in error messages with:
o full parameter display for user defined functions
o function name, file name and line indications
o support for member functions
* memory allocation
* protection for infinite recursions
Xdebug also provides:
* profiling information for PHP scripts
* code coverage analysis
* capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client
NSPR 4.10.7 has the following bug fixes:
- Bug 836658: VC11+ defaults to SSE2 builds by default. Contributed by
David Major.
- Bug 979278: TSan: data race nsprpub/pr/src/threads/prtpd.c:103
- Bug 1026129: Replace some manual declarations of MSVC intrinsics with
#include <intrin.h>. Contributed by Ehsan Akhgari.
- Bug 1026469: Use AC_CHECK_LIB instead of MOZ_CHECK_PTHREADS. Skip
compiler checks when using MSVC, even when $CC is not literally "cl".
Contributed by Mike Hommey.
- Bug 1034415: NSPR hardcodes the C compiler to cl on Windows.
Contributed by Ehsan Akhgari.
- Bug 1042408: Compilation fix for Android > API level 19. Contributed
by Zach Anderson.
- Bug 1043082: NSPR's build system hardcodes -MD.
Upstream changes:
0.003 2014-08-02
- fix links in documentation to fix RT#97429 (thanks abraxxa for
- switch to ExtUtils::MakeMaker - it better maintained these days
Upstream changes:
0.003 2014-09-22 19:14:22-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
- Fixed bug where logger(category) would return default category not specified one
- Fixed version info
- Fixed distribution issues
Upstream changes:
4.012 2014-10-07 09:42:27 GMT
* Bug #455 : Option of options should not be change for trait (Celogeek San)
handle shorter name
4.011 2014-10-07 08:51:50 GMT
* Bug #455 : Option of options should not be change for trait (Celogeek San)
4.010 2014-09-05 16:49:56 GMT
* Feature #453 : Use Text::LineFold instead of Text::WrapI18N (Celogeek San)
* Feature #452 : Support UTF8 source for pod and man (Celogeek San)
4.009 2014-07-08 10:15:09 GMT
* Bug #450 : options with format "s" do not accept "0" as value (Celogeek San)
NEW IN WAF 1.8.2
* Removed the modules c_* that were accidentally shipped and break pkg-config tests
NEW IN WAF 1.8.1
* Re-added compatible option group names from waf 1.7 #1495
* Fixed bld(define='') splitting which was disabled by mistake
NEW IN WAF 1.8.0
* Python 2.5 is now required
* Removed the Waf cache from the task level, use the netcache system
* Console handling improvements
* Properly-sized progress bar on windows
* Generic configuration tests
* Better unicode handling in scripts and in file names
* Shorter build outputs
* Prevent external static libraries propagation through uselib vars #1320
* LaTeX glossaries #1342 and multibib #1345
* Rst document processing
* Various improvements in the Python detection and processing
* Tons of bugfixes
Version 4.1 (05 Oct 2014)
A complete list of bugs fixed in this version is available here:
* New variables: $(MAKE_TERMOUT) and $(MAKE_TERMERR) are set to non-empty
values if stdout or stderr, respectively, are believed to be writing to a
terminal. These variables are exported by default.
* Allow a no-text-argument form of the $(file ...) function. Without a text
argument nothing is written to the file: it is simply opened in the
requested mode, then closed again.
* Change the fatal error for mixed explicit and implicit rules, that was
introduced in GNU make 3.82, to a non-fatal error. However, this syntax is
still deprecated and may return to being illegal in a future version of GNU
make. Makefiles that rely on this syntax should be fixed.
See https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?33034
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.12.1
* Dist the GResources XML of the Python plugin loaders
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.12.0
* Add easy python profiling support
* Disable GLib diagnostics in tests
* Fix various deprecation warning from GTK+
* Check return values from Python API
* [osx] Check for bundle before resource path
* Improved dependency-less support for OS X
* Misc bugfixes
* Translation updates:
- Assamese
- Bengali (India)
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Catalan
- Catalan (Valencian)
- Czech
- Danish
- French
- Galicians
- German
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Kannada
- Korean
- Lithuanian
- Marathis
- Norwegian bokmål
- Oriya
- Polish
- Punjabi
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Tamil
- Telugus
- Traditional Chinese
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.10.1
* Fix initializing Python loader from Python application
* Prevent and warn when trying to enable multiple loaders
* W32: Allow shared libs to be built
* Misc bugfixes
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.10.0
* Remove support for gjs-based Javascript plugins
* Misc bugfixes
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.9.0
* Misc bugfixes
* Translation updates:
- Tajik
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.8.0
* Misc bugfixes
* Translation updates:
- Aragonese
- Portuguese
- Tadjik
- Uyghur
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.7.0
* Add python3 loader
* Translation updates:
- Friulan
- Kannada
- Odia
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.6.2
* Fix gjs single-include issues
* Translation updates:
- Slovak
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.6.1
* Better SIGINT handling for python signals module
* Translation updates:
- Kannada
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.6.0
* Remove the vala demo plugin
* Add min required and max allowed version for glib and Gdk
* Translation updates:
- Assamese
- Bengali (India)
- Galician
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Latvian
- Marathi
- Polish
- Thai
- Türkçe
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.5.0
* Warn if activate or deactivate are not implemented
* Find extension construct properties also in interface prerequisites
* Fix interface sorting in GJS and Seed
* Added peas_engine_prepend_search_path
* Added peas_plugin_info_get_external_data
* Misc bugfixes
* Translation updates:
- Greek
- Indonesian
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.3.0
* Extensions can now implement multiple interfaces.
* Added GSettings API to PeasPluginInfo.
* Misc improvement and fixes.
* Translation updates:
- Russian
- Bulgarian
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Galicians
- Danish
- Serbian
- German
- Norwegian bokmål
- Polish
- Swedish
- Belarusian
- Telugu
- Catalan (Valencian)
- Catalan
- Hebrew
- Japanese
- Slovenian
- Czech
- Spanish
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.2
* Fix using Python plugins.
* Misc improvement and fixes.
* Translation updates:
- Assamese
- Esperanto
- Telugu
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.1.4
* Fix to work with PyGObject 3.
* Do not expose the peas_extension_set_call* API to GObject-Introspection.
* Disable log hooks used by PyGObject and Seed.
* Doc updates.
* Misc improvement and fixes.
* Translation updates:
- Asturian
- Thai
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.1.3
* Do not expose the PeasExtension API using GObject-Introspection
* Misc improvement and fixes.
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.1.2
* Doc updates.
* Link against pygobject 3.
* Do not cast pointers to unsigned integers.
* Translation updates:
- Indonesian
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.1.1
* PeasExtension has been deprecated
* You should be able to use C plugins without GObject-Introspection.
* The plugin manager's disable plugins dialog will no longer show
hidden plugins.
Overview of Changes in libpeas 1.1.0
* Add support gjs-based Javascript extensions
* Seed Javascript extension support improvements
- Use the new() keyword to instantiate new Javascript extensions.
- Previously used "copied arrays" have been deprecated.
- Allow using prototypes when defining new extensions.
* Add peas_extension_set_foreach()
- Also deprecate the old peas_extension_set_call() method as a result.
* Drop support for Gtk+ 2
* Translation updates:
- Lithuanian
- Japanese
- Turkish
- Esperanto
- Persian
- Catalan (Valencian)
- Finnish
Upstream changes:
0.77 Fri Sep 19 23:13:20 UTC 2014
- Allow new USING usages.
- Updated the docs.
0.76 Tue Aug 19 16:43:41 PDT 2014
- Missed a TAB in previous release :\
0.75 Tue Aug 19 16:18:15 PDT 2014
- Replace tabs with spaces.
- Fix bug in dynamic creation of S.{diff,changes} (#8).
- Fix bug in dynamic creation of S.switch (#7).
- Add support for toplevel: automatically `open React` on `#require "react"`.
- Add `S.Bool.{flip,edge,fall,rise}`.
- Fix `S.switch` rank's initialisation.
- Add `E.l{1,2,3,4,5,6}`, lifting combinators on events.
- Add `E.Option.{some,value}`.
- Add `S.{Float,Int}.{zero,one,minus_one}`.
- Add `S.Bool.{zero,one}`.
- Add `S.Option.{none,some,value}`.
- Add `{S,E}.on` equivalent to `{S,E}.when_`.
- Deprecate `{S,E}.when_` (syntax error prone).
- Fix `S.bind`.
- Use package builder topkg for distribution.
- Add support for update steps, see the `React.Step` module. Allows to
specify simultaneous primitive signal updates and event occurences.
The functions returned by `{S,E}.create` now have an optional
`?step` argument; if unused the previous semantics is preserved.
- Add support for strong stops, can be used on platforms where weak
arrays are not to prevent leaks. The function `{E,S}.stop` now have
an optional `?strong` argument; if unused the previous semantics is
- Change signature of `S.switch`. Any existing call `S.switch ~eq s es` can
be replaced by `S.(switch ~eq (hold ~eq:( == ) s es))`.
- Enum: bugfix in clamp
- Stream: add concat_map
- List: fix a stack-overflow bug in transpose
- List: add unfold_exc : (unit -> a) -> 'a list * exn
- List: add fold_righti and fold_lefti
- Substring : fix fold_left, add fold_lefti, fold_righti
- String : add fold_lefti and fold_righti
- Set.Make: add of_list
- AvlTree: add (check : 'a tree -> bool) to check well-formedness
- Hashtbl: make modify_opt/def resize the table to preserve amortized costs
- Enum: fix combine's count in presence of infinite enums
- Makefile: add a qtest-byte target
- List: add modify_opt_at: int -> ('a -> 'a option) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add modify_at: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add remove_at: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
- Int: add copysign
- Deque: add rotate_forward, rotate_backward : 'a dq -> 'a dq
- Int: fix overflow checking in Safe_int.mul
- add a local OPAM description, allows to use
opam pin add batteries git@github.com:ocaml-batteries-team/batteries-included.git
- Queue: add map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
- compatibility with 4.02:
+ Printf: remove CamlinternalPr for OCaml versions >= 4.02
+ Printf: legacy code assumed (string = fmt)
+ new 4.02 functions:
String.mapi (String.init was already in Batteries)
List.sort_uniq (List.sort_unique existed before)
Array.make_float (less efficient implementation provided for <4.02 versions)
a BatBytes module relying on ocamlfind's compatibility module
bytes-related functions in Buffer,Digest,Marshal,Printexc,Stream,Unix
new Printexc callstack interface (not available for <4.02 versions)
- cartesian product in batSet
- Enum.concat_map alias
- UChar.is_ascii
- equality and enumeration (from, to UChar enum) in batText
- String.find_all function
- Seq.iteri, mapi, iter2, map2 (see issue #417)
- cartesian product of enums (issue #442)
- List.subset
- Array.bsearch dichotomic search (issue #433)
- Enum.print_at_most (issue #425)
- BatOption.ord instance, (issue #393)
- Fix infinite loop in BitSet
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Add Set.split_lt and split_le
- Add split_opt wherever there is split
- Add List.range
- Add the new O_CLOEXEC flag to Unix.open_flag in version 4.01
- Fix BatMutex.DebugMutex.id is always 0.
- Simplify List.partition code
- Add List.ntake and List.takedrop
- Added List.Acc.create and use it
- Add a LazyList.eager_fold_right alias to LazyList.fold_right, with sane argument order
- and many tests and documentation
- cleanup of whitespace
There are many changes since the latest version, most important are:
** Compiler: SourceMap improvement
** Compiler: remove registration of unused named value (wrt runtime)
** Compiler: Smarter inlining, Constant sharing, Switch generation
** Lib: Dom binding: *AttributeNS, *AttributeNode*, borderRadius
** Runtime: improve performence of string, array allocation
* Misc: enable safestring for OCaml 4.02
* Commandline: switch to Cmdliner. Better -help + manpage
** Runtime: support for num (Ryan Goulden)
** Lib: initial support for Dom_svg
** Lib: introduce Jsonp module
** Lib: introduce JSON object binding
** Lib: introduce DomContentLoaded
** lib: introduce eventSource
** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.toplevel package
** Lib: various improvement: textContent,outerHTML,unload event,css properties
** Lib: complete binding of Js.array
** Lib: change signature of Sys_js.register_autoload
** Lib: sync js_of_ocaml.tyxml with latest tyxml
** Tools: helpers to build toplevel: jsoo_mktop, jsoo_mkcmis
** Lib: remove deprecated Event_arrow
** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.tyxml
** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.weak (that loads weak.js)
and remove predicate joo_weak
** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.log (Lwt logger)
** Lib: Dom_html.{range,selection} (Enguerrand Decorne)
** Runtime: improve blit_string perf
** Compiler: option to warn about unused js variable
** Lib: audio/videoElement
** Runtime: bigarray comparison
** Compiler: allow to embed directory with -file dir_name=ext1,ext2:dest_path
** Compiler: can now output embeded files in a differant js file
** Lib: js_of_ocaml.graphics
** Lib: Js.Unsafe.expr to embed JavasScript expression
to be used instead of Js.Unsafe.variable (or eval_string)
** Lib: Sys_js.js_of_ocaml_version && Sys_js.file_content
** OCamlbuild plugin: Add the OASIS support, document the API and add the tags
sourcemap (included in the meta-tag debug) and tailcall (#148)
(by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix)
** Compiler: generate shorter variable names
** Parsing and minifying of external javascript file (ie: runtime)
(by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: JavaScript strict mode enabled
** Runtime: add support for recursive module (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: use trampoline to implement tailcall optim (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Improved OCaml toplevel UI (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Toplevel: support dynamic loading of cmo and cma files
** Runtime: add Bigarray support (contributed by Andrew Ray)
** Library: switch from "float Js.t" to just "float" for typing
JavaScript numbers
** Compiler: Add javascript file lookup using findlib
(+mypkg/myfile.js will read myfile.js from mypkg findlib directory)
(by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: improve missing primitives & reserved name detection
(by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: static evaluation of constant ("staticeval" optimisation)
(by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: share constants (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: alias primitives (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: complete javacript ast (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: 'caml_format_int %d x' compiles to ""+x (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Add JavaScript file in META (to be used with ocamlfind)
(by Hugo Heuzard)
** Add Ocamlbuild plugin js_of_ocaml.ocamlbuild
(by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix)
** Add/Install classlist.js, weak.js
** Add Url.Current.protocol (by Vicent Balat)
** Dependency: deriving instead of deriving-ocsigen
** Runtime: log wrong string encoding issues to the console (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Add compiler_libs (by Pierre Chambart)
** Compile syntax extension to native code as well (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Add a JavaScript parser (extracted from facebook/pfff)
** Compiler: remove redundant 'var' (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: improve compact mode, remove unnecessary space, semicolon
** Runtime: Support in_channel and out_channel (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: option to embed files into the generated js
such files can be read using open_in (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Runtime: add cache for method lookup (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Compiler: experimental sourcemap support (by Hugo Heuzard)
** JavaScript Errors are now wrapped inside OCaml exceptions (by Hugo Heuzard)
** Add missing primitives for OCaml 4.01
** Improved Dom bindings (Hugo Heuzard and many other contributors)
** Add -linkall option to keep all provided primitives (Pierre Chambard)
** Improved tail-call optimization (Hugo Heuzard)
** Added optimization levels: -o {1,2,3} (Hugo Heuzard)
* Lwt_ssl: expand API to allow setting socket options with Ssl
* fix for camlp4 trunk
* support for React 1.0.0
* add Lwt_sequence.find_node_* functions
* Lwt_log: get backtrace early to overcome exns in
* fix potential deadlock in lwt_unix_recv_notifications
* lwt.glib fixes:
- handle HUP
- fix for BSD/OSX
* do not raise an exception in Lwt_log if argv[0] is blank
* add Android support
* fix issues in stubs for Lwt_unix jobs
* fix compatibility issue with OCaml 4.01
* fix the stub for ev_timer_init
* add Lwt.log containing Lwt_log_core, the Unix-free part of Lwt_log
* add Lwt_ssl.get_fd
* fix stdout/stderr redirections in Lwt_daemon.daemonize
* add Lwt_list.{map,iter}i{_s,_p}
framework, and the buildlink wrapper has been modified to deal with
quoted arguments properly.
- 1.5.3: The installation of "bytes" respects now $prefix and the configured
New option -pp for "ocamlfind query", to get preprocessor packages.
Updated the compatibility Bytes module to support extend, init, mapi,
blit_string (Gabriel Scherer).
- 1.5.2: support for the query formats "%+a" and "%+A".
Fix: the "ppx" property is now also path-expanded when interpreted in a
Fix: implicit "ppx" is not path-expanded anymore.
Fix: Build bytes.cmxs only if natdynlink is enabled (Andy Ray).
- 1.5.1: includes a file that was missing in 1.5
- 1.5: Including the "bytes" package that is either a compat package for ocaml
< 4.02 or a fake package for ocaml >= 4.02. The package aims at helping to
support the transition to the new "bytes" type for mutable strings.
Also installing findlib.cmxs if OCaml supports it.
Allowing to disable camlp4 (in prep for OCaml-4.02).
The "ppx" package property can be specified for constructing ppx-type
preprocessors (patches from Peter Zotov).
Changes are mostly bugfixes, and major changes:
* Switched to Oasis for packaging
* Switched to OCamlBuild for the build process
* Added stricter compilation flags
0.09 2014-10-05
- Clarify which of List::Util and List::MoreUtils wins when they both provide
the same function. Requested by Karen Etheridge. RT #98560.
- 2.38 | 2014-10-08
- bug-report address changed
Please send bug reports to the address shown by running command:
./configure --help
Mail sent to the previous address is likely to be misplaced.
- bugfixes
- ‘parse-form’ uses ‘list’ instead of ‘values’
NB: Backward-incompatible change.
Previously, this ‘(www server-utils form-2-form)’ proc would use
‘values’ for form elements that have type info, consing the
result into the returned alist. Unfortunately, use of ‘values’
outside a ‘call-with-values’ context (e.g., as a container, as
in this case) is not supported by Guile 2.x.
Now, the four pieces of type info are packaged w/ ‘list’.
- support for VPATH "make check"
Previously VPATH "make check" failed to initialize each test's
infrastructure (i.e., v/common). Now it takes into account the
configure-substituted and Makefile var ‘srcdir’ as well.
- new optional arg ‘u8’
- ‘(www url-coding) url-coding:decode’
This proc now takes an optional arg U8, which if non-‘#f’, means
to return a u8vector instead of a string.
- ‘(www server-utils parse-request) alist<-query’
This proc now takes an optionl arg U8, which if non-‘#f’, means
to return u8vectors instead of strings for names and values.
- changes to ‘(www server-utils form-2-form) parse-form’
- non-string args ok
The first arg can now be a form:
((multipart . MINOR) PARAMETER...)
i.e., the parsed form of the Content-Type header's value.
Relatedly, the arg's documented name is now simply TYPE.
The second arg can now be an integer specifying the number of
bytes to read from the current input port.
For backward compatibility, TYPE and RAW-DATA can also be
- sub ‘multipart/mixed’ better recognized
Previously, a (sub) part w/ "Content-Type: multiPART / miXed"
(for instance) would be handled opaquely. Now, such a header is
properly recognized and recursed into. Sigh, one has to wonder:
Will there ever be a more tightly specified MIME 2.0?
- CGI file-uploads can now be done in "move u8" style
Proc ‘(www cgi) cgi:init’ now accepts options ‘move’, which
controls how file-uploads are handled. When specified, the
uploaded files are returned as procedures that can be called to
write the actual contents of the file (a u8vector) to a port or
to return those contents directly. This option takes precedence
over ‘uploads-lazy’.
Another new option is ‘move-simple-text/plain’, which only is
meaningful if ‘move’ is also specified. This simplifies the
value of form parameters with MIME type ‘text/plain’ to a
string, discarding other MIME information.
See examples/id.cgi.in for how to use these options.
- "make check" locale support
You can customize (somewhat) the locale that tests use by
manipulating file v/testing-locale. See README.
- bootstrap tools upgraded
- GNU Automake 1.14.1
- Guile-BAUX 20140110.0849.39e9660
version 3.14.0
version 3.13.92
What's New
- doap: update URLs
- doap: category apps
- doap: add <programming-language>
- Mark images as not translatable to keep them off translators radar
- Addressing some PyGObject initializer deprecations
- Adding transient windows for bookmarks dialogs
Contributors: Piotr Drag, Gabor Kelemen, Olav Vitters, Javier Hernandez
New And Updated Translations
- Tom Tryfonidis (el)
- Daniel Mustieles (es)
- Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio (eu)
- Anders Jonsson (sv)
- Alexandre Franke (fr)
Version 3.4.9
* TaskList: remove new Startup Notification API
Version 3.4.8
* Add support for _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS (Rico Tzschichholz)
* WindowActionMenu: unset window and stop async events on dispose
(Marco Trevisan)
* TaskList: use new Startup Notification API (Stefan Sperling)
* Fran Dieguez (gl)
* GunChleoc (gd)
* Milo Casagrande (it)
* Noriko Mizumoto (ja)
* Rudolfs Mazurs (lv)
* Wylmer Wang (zh_CN)
Mainly update glib annotations. Some Python 3 compatibility fixes.
Replace the 'allow_none' field on parameters with two separate fields:
'nullable' and 'optional'.
Many bug fixes.
Patches removed:
- patch-ba
Fixed in 4f775b7b and 369c8bd5 (Bug 583330)
- patch-gio_gcredentials.c
Fixed in 3428bba1 and e763d934 (Bugs 728256 735819)
- patch-glib_gmessages.c
Fixed in ab9f63fa (Bug 720708)
Patches changed:
- patch-gio_gioenums.h
Still need 45344f36 (Bug 728256)
- patch-ak (=> patch-aa)
Hunk 9 fixed in 74ec9470
Highlights from the release notes:
* GApplication now has binding-friendly API to handle
commandline options: g_application_add_main_option
* g_clear_pointer and g_clear_object no longer use atomics
* The Unicode support has been updated to version 7.0
of the Unicode standard
* GNotification now supports priorities for notifications
* GCredentials has gained NetBSD support
* GMutex now uses a faster, native implementation on Linux
* Many bugfixes found by static analysis, including potential fd leaks
and NULL pointer dereferences.
* Increased use of (nullable) attribute on out values and return types
now that it is supported (mostly from porting Vala metadata).
* use XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn handling of desktop
files, deprecating g_desktop_app_info_set_desktop_env()
* add support for g_desktop_app_info_get_implementations() to find
desktop files that have an Implements= line for a given interface
* GHmac has gained SHA-512 support
* support the new mimeapps specification (most notably, moving the
assoications/defaults configuration to ~/.config/mimeapps.list).
* libgobject is now linked -Wl,-z,nodelete when possible to avoid errors
when gobject is used from a module for a program that does not itself
use gobject and that module is unloaded/reloaded
* ... and many other bug fixes.
* Many translations updated.
For full details see:
Apparently the ellipsis attributes are enough for gtk3 to need this
Overview of changes between 1.36.7 and 1.36.8
- Make tests not fail on build.gnome.org
Overview of changes between 1.36.6 and 1.36.7
- Add tests for pango markup
- Add tests for PangoLayout
- Add an analysis flag for ellipsis (#735719)
- Treat attributes in ellipsis better (#735732)
- Fixed the interactive mode, in connection with Configure contexts
- Fix EnsureSConsVersion warning when running packaged version
- Fix D tools for building shared libraries
May 2014 update 0.12.1
This is a stability improvement release and we suggest to use it instead of 0.12
Bug fixes:
reassign tags to changesets when performing merging of old and new history during incremental reindex fixes#819
create file which stores the latest cached revision also when renamed file handling is disabled fixes#818
Made the limitations on JavaDB versions explicit
## JFlex 1.6.0
- Unicode 7.0 is supported.
- In %unicode mode, supplementary code points are now handled properly.
. Regular expressions are now code-point based, rather than code-unit/
char based.
. Input streams are read as code point sequences - properly paired
surrogate code units are read as a single character.
. All supported Unicode properties now match supplementary characters
when Unicode 3.0 or above is specified, or when no version is
specified, causing the default Unicode version, Unicode 7.0 in this
release, to be used.
- New \u{...} escape sequence allows code points (and whitespace-separated
sequences of code points) to be specified as 1-6 hexadecimal digit values.
- Characters in matches printed in %debug mode are now Unicode escaped
(\uXXXX) when they are outside the range 32..127.
- fixed bug #127, detect javadoc class comment when followed by annotation(s)
- removed the "switch" and "table" code generation options
- By default no InputStream constructor is included in the generated
scanner. The capability to include one is deprecated and will be
removed in JFlex 1.7.
## JFlex 1.5.1 (Mar 21, 2014)
- fixed bug #126, problem calling ./jflex start scripts
- fixed bug #125, minor documentation flaws
- further documentation and website updates
- JFlex now reports the correct version string
- added support for CUP2 with %cup2 switch, based on patch by Andreas Wenger
## JFlex 1.5.0 (Jan 21, 2014)
- the "switch" and "table" code generation options are deprecated
and will be removed in JFlex 1.6
- the JFlex license has been changed from GPL to BSD.
- updated JFlex to CUP version 0.11a.
- changed the build from Ant to Maven.
- JFlex now mostly conforms with Unicode Regular Expressions UTS#18
Basic Unicode Support - Level 1. Supplementary code points (above
the Basic Multilingual Plane) are not yet supported.
- new meta characters supported: `\s, \S, \d, \D, \w, \W`.
- nested character sets now supported, e.g. [[[ABC]D]E[FG]]
- new character set operations supported: union (e.g. [A||B]), intersection (e.g.
[A&&B]), set-difference (e.g. [A--B]), and symmetric difference (e.g. [A~~B]).
- the meaning of the dot (".") meta character has been changed from `[^\n]` to
`[^\n\r\u000B\u000C\u0085\u2028\u2029]`. Use the new `--legacydot` option to
cause "." to be interpreted as `[^\n]`.
- new `\R` meta character matches any newline:
`"\r\n" | [\n\r\u000B\u000C\u0085\u2028\u2029]`.
- new option --noinputstreamctor to not include an InputStream
constructor in the generated scanner.
- %include <file> can now be used in the rules section (bug #116)
- fixed bug #105 & #106 (yychar and zzAtBOL should be reset for nested input streams)
- fixed bug #107 (could not match input for empty string matches.)
- fixed bug #110 & #118 (properly update zzFin when reallocating zzBuffer)
- fixed bug #114 (noncompileable scanner generation when default locale is Turkish)
- fixed bug #113 (zzEOFDone not included with pushed nested stream state)
- fixed bug #103 (can't build examples/java/)
- fixed bug #104 (impossible char class range should trigger syntax error)
version 3.14.0
macros2: Update links to macros in the autoconf-archive
Now that the macros have been committed upstream, we can link to their
manual pages rather than the bug reports.
macros2: Add support for APPSTREAM_XML macro
And request that appstream-xml.m4 get installed if missing.
macros2: Deprecate GNOME_CODE_COVERAGE
The autoconf-archive AX_CODE_COVERAGE macro should be used instead.
The modules which it deprecates are all ancient and unused. Many of the
modules which use GNOME_MAINTAINER_MODE_DEFINES don’t make use of the
DISABLE_DEPRECATED variable it generates anyway.
If a module really wants maintainer mode, they should use
AM_MAINTAINER_MODE. Otherwise, they should just eliminate this call
macros2: Deprecate GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK
The autoconf-archive AX_DEBUG_CHECK macro should be used instead, or the
macro contents should just be substituted into configure.ac directly,
since it’s so simple.
build: Remove a non-existent file from EXTRA_DIST
compiler-flags: allow suppressing warnings
Some projects want to see no warnings at all, for example, projects that
are written in Vala. But GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS([no]) is a no-op that
does nothing to turn off the default compiler warnings. Presumably if
you ask for no compiler warnings, you want no compiler warnings, so
suppress them in this case instead.
code-coverage: Support lcov 1.11
macros2: Remove FORBIDDEN_M4MACROS infrastructure
It was completely outdated and unused. The REQUIRED_M4MACROS
infrastructure is, however, still in use.
macros2: Remove outdated README file
doc: Move doc/usage.txt to README and update
We don’t like references to CVS any more. Update the guidelines to no
longer reference GNOME_COMMON_INIT.
make program_VERSION a local variable
Otherwise we may end up overriding what was manually set in the
2.4.0 (stable):
Note: API/ABI is the same as in release 2.3.2. Compared to stable
releases 2.2.x, the API has been broken regarding visit_each() functions.
See the NEWS entry for libsigc++ 2.3.2.
* Fix the test_lambda test case for MS Visual C++ 2013 and other
C++11-compliant compilers.
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #734368 (Ryan Beasley)
* Add a missing #include in limit_reference.h.
(Kjell Ahlstedt)
* Documentation:
- Use doxygen-extra.css from the mm-common package.
Requires mm-common 0.9.7 when configured to use maintainer-mode.
(Kjell Ahlstedt)
2.3.2 (unstable):
Note: The implementation of bug #724496 breaks API for some users,
but it does not break ABI.
Only users who have added their own visit_each() overloads are affected by
the API break. Their programs will still compile, but there will be run-time
errors, if they rely on auto-disconnection of slots.
Updated instructions for users who implement their own adaptors are found
in the description of sigc::adapts<>.
* Replace visit_each() overloads by struct visitor<>.
Add the test_visit_each test case.
(Ryan Beasley, Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #724496
* signal_impl::notify(): Don't delete signal_impl during erase().
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #564005 (Alexander Shaduri)
* Fix 'make check' with clang++ 3.4 and --enable-warnings=fatal
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #724496 (Ryan Beasley)
* Fix test_cpp11_lambda for gcc 4.8
(Kjell Ahlstedt)
* Speed up disconnection of slots.
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #167714 (Neal E. Coombes)
* Auto-generate the ChangeLog from the git log for 'make dist'.
(José Alburquerque)
* Don't use __file__ in the FIREWALL m4 macro.
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #699168 (John Ralls)
* Add the track_obj() adaptor and test_track_obj test case.
Deprecate libsigc++ lambdas, sigc::group() and sigc::var().
Use C++11 lambda expressions instead.
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #672555
* Documentation:
- Emphasize that signals are reference counted.
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #611941 (Jonathon Jongsma)
- Mention std::function<> and std::bind() where appropriate.
(Kjell Ahlstedt, Chris Vine)
- Use DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS consistently to exclude internal
functions from the reference documentation.
(Kjell Ahlstedt)
* Windows:
- Enable C++11 lambda expressions with MS Visual Studio 2012 and later
(Ryan Beasley) Bug #733752
- Update MSVC_Net2010
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #724496 (Ryan Beasley)
2.3.1 (unstable):
* signal_base: Add blocked(), block(), unblock().
(Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #153780
Changes in version 2.14.0:
Dušan Kazik (sk), Maria Mavridou (el), Yuri Myasoedov (ru)
Changes in version 2.13.90:
* GObject-introspection: some small changes needed by the MINGW project.
* Doap file updated See [1]
Alexpux, Piotr Drąg, Olav Vitters
Christian Kirbach (de), Lasse Liehu (fi), ngoswami (as)
[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/release-team/2014-July/msg00045.html
Changes in version 2.13.3:
* Bug 729752: introspection: add many missing Returns: (nullable) annotations
* Bug 730859: atk/Makefile.am: Stop reading atk.def
* Fix GIR scanning for srcdir != buildir
* Visual Studio support
* MSVC 2010+ Projects: Update "Installation" Process
* Build: Add Build Support for Visual Studio 2013
* MSVC 2012/2013 Support: Update Property Sheet Creation
* Documentation:
* Bug 729922: adding further explanation on atk_add_global_event_listener
Benjamin Gilbert, Chun-wei Fan, Evan Nemerson, Alejandro Piñeiro
Iglesias, Owen W. Taylor
genodeftest (de), Pau Iranzo (ca), Carles Ferrando (ca@valencia), Yosef Or Boczko (he)
Changes in version 2.13.2:
During GNOME 3.13.2 cycle an ATK 2.13.2 release was rolled out. But
unfourtunately, it was not pushed on master, so got lost. All their
changes are included on 2.13.3.
Changes in version 2.13.1:
* Bug 728031: Use visibility attributes/__declspec (dllexport) to
export public symbols
* Bug 691991: Add Simple Support for Visual Studio 2012
Chun-wei Fan
Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio (eu), Matej Urbančič (sl), marablack3 (el)
NEW IN WAF 1.8.0
* Python 2.5 is now required
* Removed the Waf cache from the task level, use the netcache system
* Console handling improvements
* Properly-sized progress bar on windows
* Generic configuration tests
* Better unicode handling in scripts and in file names
* Shorter build outputs
* Prevent external static libraries propagation through uselib vars #1320
* LaTeX glossaries #1342 and multibib #1345
* Rst document processing
* Various improvements in the Python detection and processing
* Tons of bugfixes
- fix issue52: vaguely fix py25 compat of py.path.local (it's not
officially supported), also fix docs
- fix pytest issue 589: when checking if we have a recursion error
check for the specific "maximum recursion depth" text of the exception.
0.042 2014-10-04
[ Documentation ]
- Document the warning emitted when you provide options to a function you
are unimporting.
[ Other ]
- Housekeeping on %TRACKED.
0.041_02 2014-09-19
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Option validation needs to happen after expanding tags.
0.041_01 2014-09-18
- Add an `unimport` feature.
Upstream changes:
1.2011 2014-03-16 22:27:56+01:00 Europe/Paris
- Added support for future optional prerequisite reporting
when CPAN.pm supports it
- Moved test distributions into corpus/ to avoid repetitive
tarball unpacking
- Modernized distribution meta and support files
1.2010 2013-04-12 15:35:38 Europe/London
- new option 'retry_submission' tries to send the report one
extra time in case it fails. Defaults to undef (don't retry)
(Patch by Alexandr "chorny" Ciornii)
Upstream changes:
1.111016 2014-08-08 18:52:05-04:00 America/New_York
- cope with a difference in the 02packages headers made by Pinto
(thanks, Fabrice Gabolde)
Upstream changes:
2.142690 2014-09-26 11:06:34-04:00 America/New_York
- Clarified that no_index is a list of exclusions, and that indexers
should generally exclude 'inc', 'xt' and 't' as well.
Upstream changes:
2.128 2014-09-06 00:04:22-04:00 America/New_York
- Throws an error at compile time if neither version nor
the ExtUtils::MakeMaker bootstrap are available
2.127 2014-09-04 22:17:44-04:00 America/New_York
- Works around limitations in version::vpp detecting v-string magic
- Requires version.pm 0.88 in metadata, but code should work with any
version of version.pm
- Adds support for forthcoming ExtUtils::MakeMaker bootstrap version.pm
for Perls older than 5.10.0
2.126 2014-07-30 16:26:29-04:00 America/New_York
- Fixed compatibility with version.pm 0.77
- Minor documentation fixes
- Modernized distribution meta files
Upstream changes:
0.009 2014-06-20 19:37:43+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Various POD fixes
0.008 2013-10-17 16:44:57 Europe/Amsterdam
Switch to using merged_requirements
Test Env instead of Carp for version overshoot [#89591]
Document $incdirs in the right function
* Fix FT232H eeprom suspend pulldown setting (Davide Michelizza)
* Fix FT232H eeprom user area size (Davide Michelizza)
* Improved mingw build (Paul Fertser and Michel Zou)
* C++ wrapper: Get/set functions for USB timeouts (Jochen Sprickerhof)
* Partial support for FT230X (Nathael Pajani)
* New API function: ftdi_eeprom_set_strings() (Nathael Pajani)
* Prevent possible segfault in ftdi_eeprom_decode() (Nathael Pajani)
* Save device release number in eeprom (Jarkko Sonninen)
* Fix "self powered" eeprom flag (Jarkko Sonninen)
* Improved python wrapper (Michel Zou)
* Many buildsystem improvements (Michel Zou and Mike Frysinger)
* See the git history for more changes and fixes
This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release.
commit: catch changed exec bit on files from p1 (issue4382)
diff: document the nobinary option
dispatch: check shell alias again after loading extensions (issue4355)
dispatch: make "_checkshellalias" reusable regardless of adding aliases
help: fix typo in log examples
help: mention mode in hg log --removed help (issue4381)
hgweb: fail if an invalid command was supplied in url path (issue4071)
hgweb: refresh hgweb.repo on phase change (issue4061)
histedit: abort gracefully on --continue/--abort with no state
keepalive: fix how md5 is used
mq: examine "pushable" of already applied patch correctly
mq: pop correct patches when changing pushable-ness of already applied ones
mq: report correct numbers for changing "number of guarded, applied patches"
mq: use "mq.applied[i].name" instead of "mq.appliedname(i)" for safety
revset: add an optimised baseset.contains (issue4371)
templater: fix precedence of --style and --template options
Upstream changes:
1.000024 2014-06-03 01:52:46Z
- fix inaccurate prerequisite declaration on Test::More (in 1.000023)
1.000023 2014-06-02 02:37:17Z
- support installations on older perls with an ExtUtils::MakeMaker earlier
than 6.63_03
1.000022 - 2014-04-29
- work around change in comparison behaviour in Test::More 0.95_01 by being
more explicit with our tests - now explicitly checking the string form of
the extracted version, rather than the entire version object
- ensure the extracted version is returned as a version object in all cases
(RT#87782, Randy Stauner)
1.000021 - 2014-04-29
- fix use of newer interface from File::Path, to avoid another prereq on
older perls (Graham Knop)
- fixed all out of date prereq declarations
1.000020 - 2014-04-27
- new is_indexable() object method (ether, RT#84357)
- eliminated dependency on IO::File (and by virtue, XS) - thanks, leont!
- removed cruft in test infrastructure left behind from separation from
Module::Build (ether)
- repository moved to https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Module-Metadata
- .pm file is now wholly ascii, for nicer fatpacking (RT#95086)
- some code micro-optimizations (Olivier Mengu)
Upstream changes:
version 1.05: Tue Jun 24 09:38:15 CEST 2014
- test in t/10interp.t failed for Perl 5.20, caused by a
bugfix or change in overload::Overloaded [cpantesters]
version 1.04: Tue Jun 3 10:42:11 CEST 2014
- float serialization under locale in test [cpantesters]
version 1.03: Thu May 22 11:54:24 CEST 2014
- float serialization under locale in test [cpantesters]
- non-errors and ::Dispatcher::Perl
- shorted display of string parameters in stack-trace to max 80 chars
- Log4perl log-lines sometimes show dispatcher as source, skip them.
- disable 'mode switch' trace for try()
version 1.02: Mon Mar 10 16:03:13 CET 2014
- add overload fallback to ::Exception and ::Dispatcher
rt.cpan.org#92970 [Lukas Mai]
- ::Domain::new(translator) with HASH did not initialize
- warn better with ::Optional modules are used before Log::Report
is used.
- changed documentation style
- ::Lexicon::Index dir-scan immediately, hopefully before fork()
Add missing DEPENDS
Upstream changes:
0.04 2014-09-07
- switch to Data::Munge::eval_string
- make with_return a named sub to improve stack traces
- cache runtime generated trampolines; should cut down on the need to
eval strings at runtime
- add RETURN_MULTI_LEVEL_DEBUG for capturing with_return stacks
Upstream changes:
0.12 2013-11-13 07:21:32Z
- removed use of deprecated Class::MOP::load_class
- repository migrated from shadowcat to the github moose organization
- uses of Test::Exception converted to Test::Fatal
Upstream changes:
1.34 2014-06-26
- Fixed use of // operator (my use, not Graham's) in previous release.
1.33 2014-06-26
- Added a skip_frames option. This causes the stack trace to skip an arbitrary
number of frames. Patch by Graham Knopp.
1.32 2014-05-05
- Added a filter_frames_early option to filter frames before arguments are
stringified. Added by Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsker.
1.31 2014-01-16
- No code changes, just doc updates, including documenting the as_string()
method in Devel::StackTrace::Frame. Requested by Skef. RT #91575.
libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as
a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native
speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings.
- fix issue575: xunit-xml was reporting collection errors as failures
instead of errors, thanks Oleg Sinyavskiy.
- fix issue582: fix setuptools example, thanks Laszlo Papp and Ronny
- Fix infinite recursion bug when pickling capture.EncodedFile, thanks
Uwe Schmitt.
- fix issue589: fix bad interaction with numpy and others when showing
exceptions. Check for precise "maximum recursion depth exceed" exception
instead of presuming any RuntimeError is that one (implemented in py
dep). Thanks Charles Cloud for analysing the issue.
- fix conftest related fixture visibility issue: when running with a
CWD outside a test package pytest would get fixture discovery wrong.
Thanks to Wolfgang Schnerring for figuring out a reproducable example.
- Introduce pytest_enter_pdb hook (needed e.g. by pytest_timeout to cancel the
timeout when interactively entering pdb). Thanks Wolfgang Schnerring.
- check xfail/skip also with non-python function test items. Thanks
Floris Bruynooghe.
* Issue #262: Fixed regression in pip install due to egg-info directories
being omitted. Re-opens Issue #118.
* Issue #259: Fixed regression with namespace package handling on ``single
version, externally managed`` installs.
* Issue #100: When building a distribution, Setuptools will no longer match
default files using platform-dependent case sensitivity, but rather will
only match the files if their case matches exactly. As a result, on Windows
and other case-insensitive file systems, files with names such as
'readme.txt' or 'README.TXT' will be omitted from the distribution and a
warning will be issued indicating that 'README.txt' was not found. Other
filenames affected are:
- README.rst
- setup.cfg
- setup.py (or the script name)
- test/test*.py
Any users producing distributions with filenames that match those above
case-insensitively, but not case-sensitively, should rename those files in
their repository for better portability.
* Pull Request #72: When using ``single_version_externally_managed``, the
exclusion list now includes Python 3.2 ``__pycache__`` entries.
* Pull Request #76 and Pull Request #78: lines in top_level.txt are now
ordered deterministically.
* Issue #118: The egg-info directory is now no longer included in the list
of outputs.
* Issue #258: Setuptools now patches distutils msvc9compiler to
recognize the specially-packaged compiler package for easy extension module
support on Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2.
* Issue #237: ``pkg_resources`` now uses explicit detection of Python 2 vs.
Python 3, supporting environments where builtins have been patched to make
Python 3 look more like Python 2.
* "git push" over HTTP transport had an artificial limit on number of
refs that can be pushed imposed by the command line length.
* When receiving an invalid pack stream that records the same object
twice, multiple threads got confused due to a race.
* An attempt to remove the entire tree in the "git fast-import" input
stream caused it to misbehave.
* Reachability check (used in "git prune" and friends) did not add a
detached HEAD as a starting point to traverse objects still in use.
* "git config --add section.var val" used to lose existing
section.var whose value was an empty string.
* "git fsck" failed to report that it found corrupt objects via its
exit status in some cases.
Version 8.36 26-September-2014
1. Got rid of some compiler warnings in the C++ modules that were shown up by
-Wmissing-field-initializers and -Wunused-parameter.
2. The tests for quantifiers being too big (greater than 65535) were being
applied after reading the number, and stupidly assuming that integer
overflow would give a negative number. The tests are now applied as the
numbers are read.
3. Tidy code in pcre_exec.c where two branches that used to be different are
now the same.
4. The JIT compiler did not generate match limit checks for certain
bracketed expressions with quantifiers. This may lead to exponential
backtracking, instead of returning with PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT. This
issue should be resolved now.
5. Fixed an issue, which occures when nested alternatives are optimized
with table jumps.
6. Inserted two casts and changed some ints to size_t in the light of some
reported 64-bit compiler warnings (Bugzilla 1477).
7. Fixed a bug concerned with zero-minimum possessive groups that could match
an empty string, which sometimes were behaving incorrectly in the
interpreter (though correctly in the JIT matcher). This pcretest input is
an example:
the interpreter was reporting a match of 'NON QUOTED ' only, whereas the
JIT matcher and Perl both matched 'NON QUOTED "QUOT""ED" AFTER '. The test
for an empty string was breaking the inner loop and carrying on at a lower
level, when possessive repeated groups should always return to a higher
level as they have no backtrack points in them. The empty string test now
occurs at the outer level.
8. Fixed a bug that was incorrectly auto-possessifying \w+ in the pattern
^\w+(?>\s*)(?<=\w) which caused it not to match "test test".
9. Give a compile-time error for \o{} (as Perl does) and for \x{} (which Perl
10. Change 8.34/15 introduced a bug that caused the amount of memory needed
to hold a pattern to be incorrectly computed (too small) when there were
named back references to duplicated names. This could cause "internal
error: code overflow" or "double free or corruption" or other memory
handling errors.
11. When named subpatterns had the same prefixes, back references could be
confused. For example, in this pattern:
the reference to 'Name' was incorrectly treated as a reference to a
duplicate name.
12. A pattern such as /^s?c/mi8 where the optional character has more than
one "other case" was incorrectly compiled such that it would only try to
match starting at "c".
13. When a pattern starting with \s was studied, VT was not included in the
list of possible starting characters; this should have been part of the
8.34/18 patch.
14. If a character class started [\Qx]... where x is any character, the class
was incorrectly terminated at the ].
15. If a pattern that started with a caseless match for a character with more
than one "other case" was studied, PCRE did not set up the starting code
unit bit map for the list of possible characters. Now it does. This is an
optimization improvement, not a bug fix.
16. The Unicode data tables have been updated to Unicode 7.0.0.
17. Fixed a number of memory leaks in pcregrep.
18. Avoid a compiler warning (from some compilers) for a function call with
a cast that removes "const" from an lvalue by using an intermediate
variable (to which the compiler does not object).
19. Incorrect code was compiled if a group that contained an internal recursive
back reference was optional (had quantifier with a minimum of zero). This
example compiled incorrect code: /(((a\2)|(a*)\g<-1>))*/ and other examples
caused segmentation faults because of stack overflows at compile time.
20. A pattern such as /((?(R)a|(?1)))+/, which contains a recursion within a
group that is quantified with an indefinite repeat, caused a compile-time
loop which used up all the system stack and provoked a segmentation fault.
This was not the same bug as 19 above.
21. Add PCRECPP_EXP_DECL declaration to operator<< in pcre_stringpiece.h.
Patch by Mike Frysinger.
0.040 2014-09-17
[ Packaging ]
- Repackage as a stable release.
0.039_01 2014-07-20
[ Documentation ]
- Document warning and error messages produced by Exporter::Tiny.
[ Other ]
- Exporter::Tiny would previously cause B.pm to be loaded into memory any
time it exported anything. It no longer does.
- No longer die when redefining locally defined subs.
- Warn when redefining any subs.
0.54 2014-09-22 17:30 UTC
+ Add : The new constant VMG_COMPAT_CODE_COPY_CLONE evaluates to true
if your perl calls 'copy' magic when a magical code prototype
is cloned, which is currently the case for perl 5.17.0 and
+ Fix : [RT #90205] : copy magic on subs puts raw CV in $_[3]
$_[3] will now contain a reference to the cloned code when
'copy' magic is called for a coderef.
Thanks Lukas Mai for reporting.
+ Fix : t/35-stash.t has been taught about perl 5.21.4.
+ Fix : Tests using run_perl() in t/17-ctl.t will no longer fail on
2.066 21 Sept 2014
* IO::Uncompress::Gzip
Documentation of ExtraFlags stated the XFL values for BEST_COMPRESSION
and BEST_SPEED use the values 2 & 4 respectively. They should
be 4 & 2. Code for setting XFL was correct.
* RT #95494: IO::Uncompress::Gunzip: Can no longer gunzip to in-memory
file handle
2014-09-27 meld 3.12.0
* Ignore missing files when cleaning up our recently-used folder (Kai
* Guard against dialogs missing properties they should definitely have (Kai
* Remove old property from patch dialog (Kai Willadsen)
* Andika Triwidada (id)
* Marek Černocký (cs)
* Piotr Drąg (pl)
2014-09-19 meld 3.11.4
* Only apply the auto merge flag to the last comparison started (Kai
* Fix install layout issues on Debian-based systems (Kai Willadsen)
* Fix "Open External" for files on Windows (Kai Willadsen)
* Record installation directory and executable location on Windows (Kai
* Revert to using latin1 as a fallback encoding; this will be reverted in
the next unstable series (Kai Willadsen)
* Andika Triwidada (id)
* Daniel Mustieles (es)
* fr33domlover (he)
* Jiri Grönroos (fi)
* Josef Andersson (sv)
* Marek Černocký (cs)
* Piotr Drąg (pl)
*) MySQL driver: Fix incorrect handling of bad parameter in the
driver support for apr_dbd_transaction_end().
*) apr_crypto_get_driver(): Fix invalid storage reference on error path.
*) Fix compile failure for Android.
*) Fix to let ODBC driver build with MSVC6, which does not have intptr_t
*) Windows cmake build: Fix incompatiblities with Visual Studio
generators with all cmake versions, and the NMake Makefile generator
with cmake 2.8.12 and later.
*) Fix detection of Berkeley DB 6.0.
*) Improve platform detection for bundled expat by updating
config.guess and config.sub.
REPLACE_BASH in installed file. Replace PHP interpreter in installed *.php
files. Move options framework into options.mk. Use INSTALLATION_DIRS
instead of INSTALL_DATA_DIR. From doc/RELEASE:
1.2.17 Security Release (2014-03-04)
MantisBT 1.2.17 is a security update for the stable 1.2.x branch. All
installations that are currently running any 1.2.x version are strongly advised
to upgrade to this release. Download it from [3].
An SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2014-2238) in adm_config_report.php was
patched. Refer to issue #17055 for detailed information.
This release also includes a few bug fixes for the tracker, including News API
correction for the regression issue #16940 introduced in 1.2.16, as well as
updated translations in many languages.
A full changelog for the 1.2.x series can be found on the official site. [1]
1.2.16 Security Release (2014-02-07)
MantisBT 1.2.16 is a security update for the stable 1.2.x branch. All
installations that are currently running any 1.2.x version are strongly advised
to upgrade to this release. Download it from [3].
The following security issues were resolved:
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) issue in account_sponsor_page.php, allowing a
malicious user with project manager access to execute arbitrary JavaScript
code (CVE-2013-4460). Affects MantisBT 1.1.0 and later.
Refer to issue #16513 for detailed information.
- SQL injection attacks through the SOAP API's mc_attachment_get() function
(CVE-2014-1608). Affects MantisBT 1.1.0a4 and later.
Refer to issue #16879 for detailed information.
- Additional cases of unsanitized SQL query parameters usage were identified,
potentially allowing SQL injection attacks (CVE-2014-1609).
Refer to issue #16880 for detailed information.
This release also includes many bug fixes and enhancements to the tracker
and the SOAP api, as well as updated translations in many languages.
A full changelog for the 1.2.x series can be found on the official site. [1]
[1] The changelog is split between multiple releases:
1.2.17 http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/changelog_page.php?version_id=189
1.2.16 http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/changelog_page.php?version_id=183
Note: this commit is part of reorganizing some of the recently
imported R packages, which are being reimported into more appropriate
categories (and removed from math) as a result of a recent discussion
on tech-pkg and privately with wiz@. See the thread starting with:
Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command
line behaviour of R.
Note: this commit is part of reorganizing some of the recently
imported R packages, which are being reimported into more appropriate
categories (and removed from math) as a result of a recent discussion
on tech-pkg and privately with wiz@. See the thread starting with:
The Rcpp package provides R functions as well as a C++ library which
facilitate the integration of R and C++.
R data types (SEXP) are matched to C++ objects in a class hierarchy.
All R types are supported (vectors, functions, environment, etc ...)
and each type is mapped to a dedicated class. For example, numeric
vectors are represented as instances of the Rcpp::NumericVector class,
environments are represented as instances of Rcpp::Environment,
functions are represented as Rcpp::Function, etc ... The
"Rcpp-introduction" vignette provides a good entry point to Rcpp.
Rcpp also provides Rcpp modules, a framework that allows exposing C++
functions and classes to the R level. The "Rcpp-modules" vignette
details the current set of features of Rcpp-modules.
Rcpp includes a concept called Rcpp sugar that brings many R functions
into C++. Sugar takes advantage of lazy evaluation and expression
templates to achieve great performance while exposing a syntax that is
much nicer to use than the equivalent low-level loop code. The
"Rcpp-sugar" vignette gives an overview of the feature.
Note: this commit is part of reorganizing some of the recently
imported R packages, which are being reimported into more appropriate
categories (and removed from math) as a result of a recent discussion
on tech-pkg and privately with wiz@. See the thread starting with:
This release includes:
- a command-line tool, configctl(1), to interact with configuration files
- a new generic Mutator class
- further improvements to the String and Variable classes
* "append" causes appends array exports from multiple searches using
the same variable to append (vs. overwrite) their values. default
is old behavior (i.e., "noappend" which overwrites).
* "scalar" seems to work; update POD so that people know to use it.
Updating during the freeze because it's nearly a leaf, and the only
depending package (p5-Test-BDD-Cucumber) still passes its self-tests.
* Merge pull request from Chris Williams (bingos) to fix "redefinition
of typedef" errors with v5.19.4 and above
Updating during the freeze, even though this isn't a leaf, because
the only change is our local patch having been merged upstream (and
the freeze only just started). FWIW, mosh still works.
* Patched missing validity check for non-ReadKey input under -menu
(thanks Kalyan Raj!)
* Disabled interactive testing on Windows platforms
(thanks Brian and Lady Aleena)
* Better handling of input EOL under Windows (thanks Bas)
* Workaround for Term::ReadKey bug under Windows (thanks Bas)
* Reworked workaround for Term::ReadKey timeout bug under Windows
(thanks again, Bas)
* Further improvements under 5.18, especially for Windows
(thanks, Bas)
* Attempted to mollify cpanm by moving $VERSION declaration
* Further improvements under 5.18
(thanks, Gareth)
* Still further improvements under Windows
(thanks, Gareth)
* Fixed spurious ERASEs when deleting "past" start of input
(thanks, Gareth)
* Added 'normal', 'default', 'standard', etc. to colour translation
* Added <CTRL-F> at start of faked input to defer next fake and
insert real input (i.e. like <ESC> but doesn't throw away the
line that was scheduled next)
Updating during the freeze for the following reasons:
* improves compatibility with our lang/perl5
* is a leaf package
* addresses pkg/49204 by Edgar Fuß
0.21 (2014-09-10)
Features added
* C (cdef) functions allow inner Python functions.
* Enums can now be declared as cpdef to export their values to
the module's Python namespace. Cpdef enums in pxd files export
their values to their own module, iff it exists.
* Allow @staticmethod decorator to declare static cdef methods.
This is especially useful for declaring "constructors" for
cdef classes that can take non-Python arguments.
* Taking a ``char*`` from a temporary Python string object is safer
in more cases and can be done inside of non-trivial expressions,
including arguments of a function call. A compile time error
is raised only when such a pointer is assigned to a variable and
would thus exceed the lifetime of the string itself.
* Generators have new properties ``__name__`` and ``__qualname__``
that provide the plain/qualified name of the generator function
(following CPython 3.5). See http://bugs.python.org/issue21205
* The ``inline`` function modifier is available as a decorator
``@cython.inline`` in pure mode.
* When cygdb is run in a virtualenv, it enables the same virtualenv
inside of the debugger. Patch by Marc Abramowitz.
* PEP 465: dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication (A @ B).
* HTML output of annotated code uses Pygments for code highlighting
and generally received a major overhaul by Matthias Bussonier.
* IPython magic support is now available directly from Cython with
the command "%load_ext cython". Cython code can directly be
executed in a cell when marked with "%%cython". Code analysis
is available with "%%cython -a". Patch by Martín Gaitán.
* Simple support for declaring Python object types in Python signature
annotations. Currently requires setting the compiler directive
* New directive ``use_switch`` (defaults to True) to optionally disable
the optimization of chained if statement to C switch statements.
* Defines dynamic_cast et al. in ``libcpp.cast`` and C++ heap data
structure operations in ``libcpp.algorithm``.
* Shipped header declarations in ``posix.*`` were extended to cover
more of the POSIX API. Patches by Lars Buitinck and Mark Peek.
* Simple calls to C implemented Python functions/methods are faster.
This also speeds up many operations on builtins that Cython cannot
otherwise optimise.
* The "and"/"or" operators try to avoid unnecessary coercions of their
arguments. They now evaluate the truth value of each argument
independently and only coerce the final result of the whole expression
to the target type (e.g. the type on the left side of an assignment).
This also avoids reference counting overhead for Python values during
evaluation and generally improves the code flow in the generated C code.
* The Python expression "2 ** N" is optimised into bit shifting.
See http://bugs.python.org/issue21420
* Cascaded assignments (a = b = ...) try to minimise the number of
type coercions.
* Calls to ``slice()`` are translated to a straight C-API call.
Bugs fixed
* Crash when assigning memory views from ternary conditional expressions.
* Nested C++ templates could lead to unseparated ">>" characters being
generated into the C++ declarations, which older C++ compilers could
not parse.
* Sending SIGINT (Ctrl-C) during parallel cythonize() builds could
hang the child processes.
* No longer ignore local setup.cfg files for distutils in pyximport.
Patch by Martin Teichmann.
* Taking a ``char*`` from an indexed Python string generated unsafe
reference counting code.
* Set literals now create all of their items before trying to add them
to the set, following the behaviour in CPython. This makes a
difference in the rare case that the item creation has side effects
and some items are not hashable (or if hashing them has side effects,
* Cython no longer generates the cross product of C functions for code
that uses memory views of fused types in function signatures (e.g.
``cdef func(floating[:] a, floating[:] b)``). This is considered the
expected behaviour by most users and was previously inconsistent with
other structured types like C arrays. Code that really wants all type
combinations can create the same fused memoryview type under different
names and use those in the signature to make it clear which types are
* Names that were unknown at compile time were looked up as builtins at
runtime but not as global module names. Trying both lookups helps with
globals() manipulation.
* Fixed stl container conversion for typedef element types.
* ``obj.pop(x)`` truncated large C integer values of x to ``Py_ssize_t``.
* ``__init__.pyc`` is recognised as marking a package directory
(in addition to .py, .pyx and .pxd).
* Syntax highlighting in ``cython-mode.el`` for Emacs no longer
incorrectly highlights keywords found as part of longer names.
* Correctly handle ``from cython.submodule cimport name``.
* Fix infinite recursion when using super with cpdef methods.
* No-args ``dir()`` was not guaranteed to return a sorted list.
Other changes
* The header line in the generated C files no longer contains the
timestamp but only the Cython version that wrote it. This was
changed to make builds more reproducible.
* Removed support for CPython 2.4, 2.5 and 3.1.
* The licensing implications on the generated code were clarified
to avoid legal constraints for users.
Version 3.3
(bugfix release, released on September 8th 2014)
- Fixed an issue with error reporting on Python 3 for invalid forwarding
of commands.
0.4210 - Mon Sep 1 13:30:29 CEST 2014
- Fixup CPAN::Meta dependency
- Handle old releases of CPAN::Meta more gracefully.
0.4209 - Mon Sep 1 12:24:40 CEST 2014
- Stop calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
- Use CPAN::Meta::Merge for meta_merge
- Convert with CPAN::Meta::Convert in meta_add
- Add configure requirements
0.4208 - Mon Aug 18 21:44:38 CEST 2014
- Removed missed references to Module::Build::Version
0.4207 - Sat Aug 16 12:56:59 CEST 2014
- Fix type installdir -> installdirs [Leon Timmermans, Vitaliy Tokarev]
- Module::Build::YAML has been removed
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo has been removed
- Module::Build::Version has been removed
- Get rid of "use vars"
- Added use warnings to all modules
0.4206 - Sat Jul 12 14:03:01 CEST 2014
- Formally declare 5.8 dependency [Karen Etheridge]
- Fix MBTest to work with new and old versions of Test::Builder [Chad Granum]
- Enable release and author tests during disttest [Leon Timmermans, Alberto Simões]
2.142060 2014-07-25 13:30:06-04:00 America/New_York
- CPAN::Meta::Merge is a new class for merging two possibly overlapping
instances of metadata. It will accept both CPAN::Meta objects and
(possibly incomplete) hashrefs of metadata.
introduced. With their help one can specify library dependencies in
the top-level Makefile. Users are also able to build some libraries
statically even if they were designed to be a dynamic libraries.
New variable FOREIGN was introduced. With its help one can embed
autotools-based projects (as a subproject) to mk-configure-based once.
See mkc_imp.foreign_autotools.mk section in man page for details.
Support for Darwin was fixed. Nowadays it uses clang.
New features were introduced:
- "progname" for setprogname(3) and getprogname(3) BSDisms;
- "err" for err(3), errx(3), verr(3) and verrx(3) BSDisms;
- "warn" for warn(3), warnx(3), vwarn(3) and vwarnx(3) BSD-isms;
- "fgetln" for fgetln(3) BSD-ism;
Support for Haiku was fixed. It does not support hard links
and uses LIBRARY_PATH.
LDCOMPILER variable was removed.
Compiler is always used for linking.
New builtin "prog_gmake" was introduced which search GNU make.
INTERNALLIBS variable was introduced. With its help one can
implement libraries common for several subprojects.
COMPATLIB variable was introduced. It is ideal solution for
portability code.
MKC_FEATURES: all objects are removed by target "clean"
Target "errorcheck" was added to ALLTARGETS. Therefore it also have
pre_, do_, post_ counterparts.
MKC_SOURCE_FUNCSLIBS: .o{s,p} objects are also removed by target "clean"
Hardcoded /etc/mk.conf is not included anymore. New mk-configure
specific configuration file @sysconfdir@/mk-c.conf was introduced.
Additions to doc/NOTES
.depends is added to DISTCLEANDIRS only for non-empty SRCS
mkc_imp.intexts.mk: new error type for odd tokens in INTEXTS_REPLS
MKDEP_CC is shquoted when passed to mkdep(1) as CC.
Code clean-ups, more regression tests.
This release was sucessfully tested on the following platforms.
NetBSD-6.1/x86_64/gcc-4.5, FreeBSD-9.0/i386/gcc-4.2,
OpenBSD-4.9/i386/gcc-4.2, DragonFlyBSD-3.4/x86_64/gcc-4.7,
Darwin-14.0/x86_64/clang-600.0.53, SunOS-5.11/i86pc/gcc-4.7,
SunOS-5.10/sparc/{gcc-4.8,SunStudio-12.3}, diverse
Linux-es/{gcc,icc-12.1,SunStudio-12.3}, Haiku/gcc-4.8.
* Fixed an integer overflow in the replace function
* Fixed a hang in lazy decodeUtf8With
* Reduced codegen bloat caused by use of empty and single-character
* Added an instance of IsList for GHC 7.8 and above
Upstream changes:
1.000005 - 2014-08-16
- comment blessed use so people who don't know perl stop trying to break it
- add link to lightning talk given at YAPC::NA 2013
1.000004 - 2013-09-18
- fixed slightly mangled metadata from last release
1.000003 - 2013-03-25
- fix NAME in Makefile.PL (RT#84212)
Don't force a minimum size on the tracker
Only do the media player allocation event if no video is present
Fix parameter warning to gtk_widget_get_visible
Add backend variable to gmtk.pc
Run autoreconf
Updated Hungarian translation
Updated Polish translation
Updated Portuguese translation
Add key bindings for h tv_step_channel down and k tv_step_channel up
Only emit size_allocation when the widget is visible
Fix bug where title was getting reset when genre was found
Fix gnome-mplayer Issue 683 more granular
gmtk_media_player - fix OSD messages so they only displayed for level 1 and higher
gmtk_media_player - exclude input.conf from file not found message
Use case inspecific parsing of metadata attributes fixes issue #13
This module is more or less a bunch of heuristics for determining if a
given path is a development tree root of some kind.
This has many useful applications, notably ones that require
behaviours for "installed" modules to be different to those that are
still "in development".
packaged for wip by pho.
This library defines an Interpreter monad. It allows to load Haskell
modules, browse them, type-check and evaluate strings with Haskell
expressions and even coerce them into values. The library is thread-safe
and type-safe (even the coercion of expressions to values). It is,
esentially, a huge subset of the GHC API wrapped in a simpler API.
rather than trying to consolidate into a single fnmatch. There aren't that
many of them, and it will aid the integration of cwrappers which doesn't
support globs.
Changelog from mercurial:
2014-05-07 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
Prepare release 3.2.1
[41c2b1119e77] [3.2.1] <3.2>
* .hgtags:
Added tag 3.2.1 for changeset 41c2b1119e77
[e023e0931a72] <3.2>
* tryton/version.py:
Increase version number
[ea8cda98fb8e] <3.2>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/many2one.py:
Fix update completion for empty reference
issue3890 review12271002 (grafted from
[8684e4c9a9c8] <3.2>
2014-05-09 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/char.py:
Use the right widget to get text in Char widget
issue3898 review9301002 (grafted from
[a60ba42dae30] <3.2>
2014-05-17 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/common/domain_inversion.py:
Fix eval_leaf when field equals 0
Only None must be considered as a value not set which will be forced
by the domain inversion.
issue3896 review14271002 (grafted from
[d43242fb4b4f] <3.2>
* tryton/common/button.py,
Set button readonly when record or group is readonly
issue3904 review13301002 (grafted from
[fc85cf557c9e] <3.2>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/model/field.py:
O2M.set_client should compare with active records
issue3914 review14281004 (grafted from
[8a0bb5899ee4] <3.2>
2014-05-22 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/list.py:
Set None instead of False when moving record on top
issue3912 review14291002 (grafted from
[a9c30f198396] <3.2>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/parser.py:
Some widgets are registered many times
This could lead to have buttons clicked many times because the
clicked event will be registered many time.
issue3924 review8371002 (grafted from
[2cd728dd8c6e] <3.2>
2014-06-02 Guillem Barba <guillem@nan-tic.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/model/field.py:
Detect correctly when to parse value from DateTime, Date or Time
issue3957 review12341002 (grafted from
[ed8ba769c241] <3.2>
2014-07-02 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
Prepare release 3.2.2
[b6ebffbfa9ab] [3.2.2] <3.2>
* .hgtags:
Added tag 3.2.2 for changeset b6ebffbfa9ab
[ac542cde2365] <3.2>
* tryton/version.py:
Increase version number
[44e9c4d05dfc] <3.2>
2014-06-08 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/reference.py:
Don't guess the values for no reference
No reference could use '' or None as selection value for the model.
So to prevent to detect false-positive modification and to set
invalid value, the widget must find which one is used as empty
issue3933 review11291002 (grafted from
[f77767bfa651] <3.2>
* tryton/common/domain_inversion.py:
Fix simplify for simple domains ['AND'], ['OR']
issue3955 review9411002 (grafted from
[28c0a8b104c6] <3.2>
2014-06-11 Nicolas Évrard <nicoe@b2ck.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/list.py:
Quote doublequote characters when copying records to clipboard
issue3972 review6341002 (grafted from
[94499cc28049] <3.2>
2014-06-16 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/common/popup_menu.py:
Fix mix up of record and id in popup_menu
issue3990 review10371002 (grafted from
[7147cdbb594c] <3.2>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/many2one.py:
Clean many2one only if text was modified
As update_completion emit the signal changed to force the display of
the popup when the completion model is changed. In this case the
many2one should not be cleaned.
issue3881 review7371002 (grafted from
[b14c2573b71f] <3.2>
2014-07-09 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
* tryton/gui/window/view_form/model/field.py:
Fix when number's factor is negative
It must use the absolute value of factor to compute the digit shift
using the logarithm.
issue4031 review11361002 (grafted from
[f50ec0364a34] <3.2>
2014-08-03 Cédric Krier <ced@b2ck.com>
Prepare release 3.2.3
[8581032eff00] [3.2.3] <3.2>
* Fix a traceback when removing a text selection.
* Add AtspiTableCell, tracking the new atk interface.
* document: add support to current page and page count (BGO#719508).
* Add new roles and states to track atk (BGO#710464, BGO#712608, BGO#712609).
Changes in dconf 0.20.0
Czech translation updated.
Changes in dconf 0.19.92
- depend on automake 1.11.2
- stop using ACLOCAL_FLAGS
- depend on released version of Vala (0.18.0)
Changes in dconf 0.19.91
- fix an unlikely failure in the fuzz testing of gvdb
- fix a thread safety issue with file-db
Changes in dconf 0.19.90
- dconf compile: always write little endian
- file-db: don't install match rules on no bus (fixes gdbus assertion)
- update dconf(1) manpage for 'dconf compile'
- fix 'make clean' on FreeBSD
- editor: provide appdata
Translations updates:
Ukrainian translation
Aragonese translation
Changes in dconf 0.19.3
- quite a lot of test coverage improvements
- Add a proper DCONF_ERROR error domain
- suppress GLib deprecation warnings during build
- engine: issue warnings about missing files only once per source
- engine: grok the WritabilityNotify signal from D-Bus
- gsettings: handle writability changes correctly
- engine: assorted fixes for issues found during testing
- portability: only link to -ldl if it is required
- add support for 'file-db' to profiles: this is an absolute path to a
immutable dconf database file
- add support for finding profiles in XDG_DATA_DIRS if they are not in
- add 'dconf compile' command for building dconf databases from
keyfiles in arbitrary locations (like from the build system of a
project that may want to install a file-db)
- editor: add a section separator to the app menu for consistency
Changes in dconf 0.19.2
- Add support for the new GSettingsBackend.read_user_value() API
- bump GLib version depend accordingly (2.39.1)
Translations updates:
Catalan (Valencian)
Simplified Chinese
hgnested is a Mercurial extension to work with nested repositories.
It was inspired by the forest extension.
The extension allows to apply common Mercurial commands to all the nested
repositories at once like pull, push etc. It also allows to fetch a complete
tree of repositories through ssh or http.
To enable the "hgnested" extension, create an entry for it in your hgrc, like
hgnested =
See `hg help hgnested` for the complete list of commands.
For more information please visit the following website:
testtools NEWS
Changes and improvements to testtools_, grouped by release.
Long overdue, we've adopted a backwards compatibility statement and recognized
that we have plenty of users depending on our behaviour - calling our version
1.0.0 is a recognition of that.
* Fix a long-standing bug where tearDown and cleanUps would not be called if the
test run was interrupted. This should fix leaking external resources from
interrupted tests.
(Robert Collins, #1364188)
* Fix a long-standing bug where calling sys.exit(0) from within a test would
cause the test suite to exit with 0, without reporting a failure of that
test. We still allow the test suite to be exited (since catching higher order
exceptions requires exceptional circumstances) but we now call a last-resort
handler on the TestCase, resulting in an error being reported for the test.
(Robert Collins, #1364188)
* Fix an issue where tests skipped with the ``skip``* family of decorators would
still have their ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` functions called.
(Thomi Richards, #https://github.com/testing-cabal/testtools/issues/86)
* We have adopted a formal backwards compatibility statement (see hacking.rst)
(Robert Collins)
Brown paper bag release - 0.9.38 was broken for some users,
_jython_aware_splitext was not defined entirely compatibly.
(Robert Collins, #https://github.com/testing-cabal/testtools/issues/100)
Bug fixes for test importing.
* Discovery import error detection wasn't implemented for python 2.6 (the
'discover' module). (Robert Collins)
* Discovery now executes load_tests (if present) in __init__ in all packages.
(Robert Collins, http://bugs.python.org/issue16662)
Minor improvements to correctness.
* ``stdout`` is now correctly honoured on ``run.TestProgram`` - before the
runner objects would be created with no stdout parameter. If construction
fails, the previous parameter list is attempted, permitting compatibility
with Runner classes that don't accept stdout as a parameter.
(Robert Collins)
* The ``ExtendedToStreamDecorator`` now handles content objects with one less
packet - the last packet of the source content is sent with EOF set rather
than an empty packet with EOF set being sent after the last packet of the
source content. (Robert Collins)
Welcome to our long overdue 0.9.36 release, which improves compatibility with
Python3.4, adds assert_that, a function for using matchers without TestCase
objects, and finally will error if you try to use setUp or tearDown twice -
since that invariably leads to bad things of one sort or another happening.
* Error if ``setUp`` or ``tearDown`` are called twice.
(Robert Collins, #882884)
* Make testtools compatible with the ``unittest.expectedFailure`` decorator in
Python 3.4. (Thomi Richards)
* Introduce the assert_that function, which allows matchers to be used
independent of testtools.TestCase. (Daniel Watkins, #1243834)
Release 1.8.8 (release date 21-08-2014)
New features
Bug 731947 - Support for PlantUML [view]
Bug fixes
Bug 172072 $title doesn't work in LateX header [view]
Bug 583958 Class diagrams and class hierarchy don't work for java generic classes [view]
Bug 589707 Flex .rule file for Visual Studio build can't cope with spaces in filenames [view]
Bug 623299 Fortran: quotation after define causes error [view]
Bug 625601 FORTRAN: recognition free versus fixed formatted code [view]
Bug 700510 Bibliography duplicate filenames fails [view] and [view]
Bug 702584 \cite rejects valid BibTeX keys [view] and [view]
Bug 705503 TCL: Documentation of oo::define is not working [view]
Bug 727732 Nested C structures/unions does not work with groups [view]
Bug 728654 configuration stops with settings.h missing [view]
Bug 728740 XML Output: Doxygen doesn't escape & characters (included in a hyperlink) in <detaileddescription> [view]
Bug 729017 function object in member initializer causes documentation loss [view]
Bug 729427 [PATCH] Propagate configure's perl to makefiles [view]
Bug 730418 man page extension is incorrect [view]
Bug 730520 No documentation generated for method-less C++ struct [view]
Bug 730887 [PATCH] Fix potential copy and paste error in inputstring.cpp [view]
Bug 730888 [PATCH] Fix missing '&' in Boolean operation in qstring.cpp [view]
Bug 731238 Dead links in html documentation when using tabs for indentation in c++ [view]
Bug 731363 Callgraphs for C# only generated for methods inside the same class [view]
Bug 731985 Variadic macros failing to expand if trailing ... is empty [view]
Bug 732594 Two entries for a single member in Doxygen XML [view]
Bug 732768 nested html tables cause pdflatex to hang (1.8.4 and 1.8.6) [view]
Bug 733451 volatile declaration on member functions is not handled as xml attribute [view]
Bug 733605 Incorrect LaTeX generation for private union member in C++ [view]
Bug 733722 XML Output invalid: XML_PROGRAMLISTING=YES copies Unicode form feed character (U+000C) to XML files [view]
Bug 733856 segfault in QGListIterator while parsing fortran code [view]
Bug 733938 Explicit links using operator()() not generated. [view]
Bug 734077 no uniquely matching class member found for inline function definition where parameter argument names don't match [view]
Bug 734099 Add support for non-parsed language [view]
Bug 734245 Q_PROPERTY switches the member access from private to public [view]
Bug 734331 Strong enum members listed in containing namespace [view]
Bug 734704 Sigsegv while generating XML output [view]
Bug 734727 GENERATE_TAGFILE no longer includes any @*section links [view] and [view]
Bug 734828 Request: disable building documentation if Python 2.6 or newer not available [view]
Bug 735001 No output for markdown pages with duplicate label title (different anchor) [view]
Bug 735037 QGDict::hashAsciiKey: Invalid null key [view]
Add FORTRAN 2003 keywords and commands [view]
Add type option to FORTRAN select statements [view]
Added build support for Python3+ and Python2.6+ [view]
Added class/procedure vardefs to FORTRAN code highlighting [view]
Added documentation for some missing HTML commands [view]
Added flatten, listsort and paginate filters [view]
Added get filter, unified index properties [view]
Added groupby filter and some more context info [view]
Added import keyword to FORTRAN code highlighting [view]
Added lists for indices to template context [view]
Added mainpage to context and improved page tree [view]
Added member indexes to template context [view]
Added missing links in changelog when multiple bug ids were on one line [view]
Added more missing links to the changelog [view]
Added namespace info to the context [view]
Addition of module data to context and alphaIndex filter [view]
Coded coloring of flow statements corrected (regression) [view]
Corrected copyright year [view]
Correction of typing error [view]
Disabled/fixed segments that produced doxygen warnings while running the test [view]
Docbook output improvements [view]
Documentation generator: added support for C# property accessors visibility modifiers. [view]
Doxywizard: make the Next button on the last page of the expert tab switch to the run tab [view]
Doxywizard: make the Next button on the last page of the wizard switch to the run tab [view]
Error linking 32-bit windows [view]
Fix FORTRAN code function scope test [view]
Fix after rebase from master [view]
Fix description of USE_PDFLATEX [view]
Fix highlighting issues [view]
Fix typo [view]
Fix unnecessary rules for FORTRAN types [view]
Fix warning about unused functions in qstring.cpp [view]
Fixed keyword type [view]
Fixed missing include for Linux [view]
Fixed test 021 [view]
Fixed typo [view]
Fixed typo and used QString for directory [view]
Fixed windows compile issue for is_neutral [view]
Fixes for ./configure script on Solaris [view]
Fixes regression due to PR 169 [view]
Language parser: added support for C# property accessors visibility modifiers. [view]
Made INSTALL file version and date independent [view]
Made bread crumb trails enabled unconditionally [view]
Made setName() virtual so overloading works [view]
Make index for faq [view]
Messages truncated in warnings file [view]
Minor fixes [view]
Minor fixes to the template context [view]
Missing word after \n command in Doxygen rtf output, version 1.8.5 & up [view]
More robust extraction of scope information from tag files [view]
No warning in case cite definition is missing [view]
Preparations for release 1.8.8 [view]
Removed not implemented HTML commands from documentation [view]
Removed unsupported HTML commands from the docs [view]
Set deployment targets for MacOSX 10.5+ versions [view]
Support multiple extra HTML stylesheets. [view]
Tcl: add missing file that breaks test 057 [view]
Tcl: add test code for Bug 729092 [view]
Tcl: collect XRefs also if INLINE_SOURCES = no [view]
Tcl: correct namespace resolution in case of INLINE_SOURCES = YES [view]
Tcl: recurse for [] [view]
Tcl: refactor similar code into tcl_codify_token function [view]
Tcl: support eval/catch commands [view]
Tcl: support switch command [view]
Tcl: test 057 additionally tests mutual Xrefs for two files [view]
Template context support for CREATE_SUBDIRS [view]
Update dot.cpp [view]
Update latexgen.cpp [view]
Update test 058 because commit 9d315a9 fixes also Bug 729135 [view]
Replaced the VHDL parser with the VHDL scanner from 1.7.5 to avoid potential licensing issues [view]
New VHDL parser implementation [view]
Vhdl fixes [view]
\usepackage{fixltx2e} must come before use \usepackage{float} [view]
cache anonymous into ClassDefImpl::isAnonymous [view]
changed append filter and added index and path attributes to node [view]
doc/translator.py -- unification for Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ (not finished) [view]
doc/translator.py unified for Python 2.6+ and Python 3.0+ [view]
make.bat: change current directory [view] and [view]
removeRedundantWhiteSpace micro-optimization [view]
resolves the error of unbalanced tags opened/closed in docbook output: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: para line 358 and tbody [view]
winbuild/pack_the_distribution_for_windows.py minor updates [view]
Waf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and
installing applications. Here are perhaps the most important features
of Waf:
* Automatic build order: the build order is computed from input
and output files, among others
* Automatic dependencies: tasks to execute are detected by hashing
files and commands
* Performance: tasks are executed in parallel automatically, the
startup time is meant to be fast (separation between configuration
and build)
* Flexibility: new commands and tasks can be added very easily
through subclassing, bottlenecks for specific builds can be
eliminated through dynamic method replacement
* Extensibility: though many programming languages and compilers
are already supported by default, many others are available as
* IDE support: Eclipse, Visual Studio and Xcode project generators
* Documentation: the application is based on a robust model
documented in The Waf book and in the API docs
* Python compatibility: cPython 2.4 to 3.4, Jython 2.5, IronPython,
and Pypy
Bug Fixes
annotate: ignore double-click of margin next to the last line
cmdcore: allow to change output device of null command session
(fixes#3864 - RuntimeError on detect outgoing changes to empty
filectxactions: do not try 3-way diff if p2 is explicitly
(fixes#3854 - "Diff to parent" options only diff to the left
graph: fix AssertionError when generating family lined graph
hgignore: disable auto-default of all buttons (fixes#3889)
repomodel: make sure to render labels by using the same font
as view
status: do not set "remove filter" button as auto-default (fixes
sync: outgoing {node} might be prefixed with white space
(fixes#3872 - missing first outgoing node if authentication
wctxcleaner: do not report branch change as dirty working
(refs #3822 - allow backout, graft, merge and rebase onto new
win32ill: suppress KeyboardInterrupt while shutting down
message-loop thread
merge: add link to review a merge
wctxactions: add "Edit Rejects" action that opens RejectsDialog
update hg-git to current tip (c68edf83bfbc), fixes SSH issue
pyre2 is now bundled, for must improved regexp performance
- Added function pytest.freeze_includes(), which makes it easy to embed
pytest into executables using tools like cx_freeze.
See docs for examples and rationale. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
- Improve assertion rewriting cache invalidation precision.
- fixed issue561: adapt autouse fixture example for python3.
- fixed issue453: assertion rewriting issue with __repr__ containing
"\n{", "\n}" and "\n~".
- fix issue560: correctly display code if an "else:" or "finally:" is
followed by statements on the same line.
- Fix example in monkeypatch documentation, thanks t-8ch.
- fix issue572: correct tmpdir doc example for python3.
- Do not mark as universal wheel because Python 2.6 is different from
other builds due to the extra argparse dependency. Fixes issue566.
Thanks sontek.
- Fix retrieving source when an else: line has an other statement on
the same line.
- add localpath read_text/write_text/read_bytes/write_bytes methods
as shortcuts and clearer bytes/text interfaces for read/write.
Adapted from a PR from Paul Moore.
Version 6.3.2 - September 4 2014
New facilities:
o Pygments plug-in parser by Yoshitaro MAKISE.
By this parser, you can apply gtags(1) to wide variety of programming
languages supported by Pygments. The method of plug-in is very simple.
See 'plugin-factory/PLUGIN_HOWTO.pygments' for details.
It should mention especially that Pygments plug-in parser can treat both
definitions and references using Exuberant Ctags together.
0.12 2014-09-04 07:28:59Z
- fix licence in LICENSE and pod
0.11 2014-08-20 04:44:25Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
- move variable declaration to fix warning under
-Werror=declaration-after-statement, to allow compilation under MSVC
(J.R.Mash, github #3)
0.10 2014-08-16 00:46:35Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
- converted distribution packaging to Dist::Zilla
2.11 2014-08-16 05:21:30Z
- add documentation for modifying multiple methods at once (mannih,
github #2)
2.10 2014-03-04 19:04:00Z
- installation switched to using only ExtUtils::MakeMaker, to allow
for use on perl 5.6
2.09 2013-12-14 18:08:35Z
- refresh configure_requires checking in generated Makefile.PL; new
CONTRIBUTING file; updated tests (compile test now only runs for
authors; check-deps test replaced by information-only report-prereqs
2.08 2013-10-11 00:30:32Z
- remove requirement on perl 5.8 in metadata
- repository migrated to the github moose organization
- remove t/00-check-deps.t, which fails on old toolchains that do not
understand configure_requires
2.07 2013-09-22 22:09:32Z
- removed dependency on Test::Warnings in tests (now reserved for
author testing)
- now packaged with a Build.PL (for Module::Build::Tiny), and a
Makefile.PL (for legacy 5.6 and 5.8 users; prints a warning on
2.06 2013-09-17 19:43:09Z
- packaging the dist again with EUMM rather than MBT
2.05 2013-09-11 03:50:28Z
- Support for handling lvalue methods (Graham Knop)
- convert to building with Dist::Zilla
2.04 2013-03-30
- Remove erroneous perl 5.8 requirement
2.03 2013-02-02
- New build to fix missing files in inc/
2.02 2013-02-01
- Dist improvements (Karen Etheridge)
2.01 2013-01-27
- Test for and fix $_ corruption (Vladimir Timofeev)