0.04004 Tue Aug 12 20:40:45 2008
- Fixed typo about deprecation
and the corrected typo is "now" instead of "not" in the last item in:
0.04003 Thur Aug 07 19:27:33 2008
- Changed license to Perl now that Inheritable has also changed
- Class::Data::Accessor is now deprecated in favor of
Class::Accessor::Grouped or Moose
0.04003 Thur Aug 07 19:27:33 2008
- Changed license to Perl now that Inheritable has also changed
- Class::Data::Accessor is not deprecated in favor of
Class::Accessor::Grouped or Moose
Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and
Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating
accessors to class data that overridable in subclasses as well as in
class instances.
WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Class-Data-Accessor/