Version 0.8.4
Support an escaped pipe char in a table cell.
Fix ordered and unordered list.
Fix spaces between = in HTML tags
Add max_recursive_depth for list and blockquote.
Fix fences code block.
Version 0.8
* Remove non breaking spaces preprocessing
* Remove rev and rel attribute for footnotes
* Fix bypassing XSS vulnerability by junorouse
This version is strongly recommended, since it fixed
a security issue.
Add test dependency.
Version 0.7.4
Released on Mar. 14, 2017
* Fix escape_link method by Marcos Ojeda
* Handle block HTML with no content by David Baumgold
* Use expandtabs for tab
* Fix escape option for text renderer
* Fix HTML attribute regex pattern
The fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer features, inspired by
* Pure Python. Tested in Python 2.6+, Python 3.3+ and PyPy.
* Very Fast. It is the fastest in all pure Python markdown parsers.
* More Features. Table, footnotes, autolink, fenced code etc.