Update ruby-activeldap pacakge to 1.2.1.
== 1.2.1: 2009-12-15
* Supported ActiveRecord 2.3.5 and Rails 2.3.5.
* Supported GetText 2.1.0 and Locale 2.0.5.
* belongs_to(:many) support DN attribute.
* [#31 ] ActiveLdap::Base#attributes returns data that reflects
schema definition. [Alexey.Chebotar]
* blocks DN attribute change by mass assignment with :id => ....
* [#35 ] fix has_many association is broken. [culturespy]
* Supported nested attribute options. [Hideyuki Yasuda]
== 1.2.0: 2009-09-22
* Supported ActiveRecord 2.3.4 and Rails 2.3.4.
[#23932 ] Inconsistant DN handling in object attributes [Marc Dequenes]
(ActiveLdap::Base#dn and ActiveLdap::Base#base return
ActiveLdap::DN not String)
* [#26824 ] support operational attributes detection [Marc Dequenes]
(added ActiveLdap::Schema::Attribute#directory_operation?)
* [#27 ] Error saving an ActiveLDAP user [brad@lucky-dip.net ]
* [#29 ] Raised on modify_rdn_entry when rdn already exists [Alexey.Chebotar]
* Added ActiveLdap::DN.parent.
* Supported renaming an entry. Renaming other DTI is only supported by
JNDI backend.
== 1.1.0: 2009-07-18
* Improved tutorial. [Kazuaki Takase]
* Improvements:
* API:
* [#26 ] Supported to_xml for associations. [achemze]
* ActiveLdap::Base.delete_all(filter=nil, options={}) ->
Sure, old method signature is also still supported.
* belongs_to(:many) with :foreign_key is deprecated.
Use :primary_key instead of :foreign_key. [Kazuaki Takase]
* Means of has_many's :primary_key and :foreign_key are inverted.
[Kazuaki Takase]
* [experimental] Added ldap_field ActionView helper to
generate form fileds for a LDAP entry.
* Suppressed needless attributes updating.
* Dependencies:
* Re-supported GetText.
* ActiveRecord 2.3.2 is only supported.
== 1.0.9
* Added documents in Japanese. [Kazuaki Takase]
* Supported Ruby 1.9.1.
* [#20 ] [Ruby 1.9 Support] :: Running Tests [Alexey.Chebotar]
* Supported Rails 2.3.2.
* [#18 ] [Rails 2.3 Support] :: Running WEBrick Hangs [Alexey.Chebotar]
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed blank values detection. [David Morton]
* [#22 ] Ruby 1.8.6 p287 :: Undefined methods [Alexey.Chebotar]
* Fixed gem loading. [Tiago Fernandes]
* Fixed DN change via #base=. [David Morton]
* Fixed infinite retry on timeout.
* Fixed needless reconnection.
* API improvements:
* Removed needless instance methods: #prefix=,
#dn_attribute=, #sort_by=, #order=, #required_classes=,
#recommended_classes= and #excluded_classes. [David Morton]
* Removed obsolete scafoold_al generator.
* Reduced default :retry_limit.
* Supported association as parameter. [Joe Francis]
* Normalized schema attribute name. [Tim Hermans]
* Suppressed AuthenticationError -> ConnectionError
conversion on reconnection. [Kazuaki Takase]
* Added ActiveLdap::Schema#dump.
* ActiveLdap::Base.establish_connection ->
* Supported ActiveLdap::Base.find(:last).
* Added convenient methods:
* ActiveLdap::Base.first
* ActiveLdap::Base.last
* ActiveLdap::Base.all
== 1.0.2
* Removed Base64 module use.
* Improved LDIF parser.
* Improved scheme parser.
* Supported Base64 in XML serialization.
* Supported TLS options.
* Supported ActiveRecord 2.2.2.
* Supported Ruby on Rails 2.2.2.
* Used rails/init.rb and rails_generators/ directory structure convention
for Rails and gem. rails/ directory will be removed after 1.0.2 is released.
* AL-Admin migrated to Ruby on Rails 2.2.2 form 2.0.2.
* Improved ActiveDirectory integration.
* Accepted :class_name for belong_to and has_many option.
* Improved default port guess.
* Bug fixes:
* [#4 ] ModifyRecord#load doesn't operate atomic. [gwarf12]
* [#5 ] to_xml supports :except option. [baptiste.grenier]
* [#6 ] to_xml uses ActiveResource format. [baptiste.grenier]
* Out of ranged GeneralizedTime uses Time.at(0) as fallback value.
[Richard Nicholas]
* ActiveLdap::Base#to_s uses #to_ldif. [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA]
* Fixed excess prefix extraction. [Grzegorz Marszaek]
* Skiped read only attribute validation. [Shimasawara-san]
* Treated "" as empty value. [Ted Lepich]
* [#9 ][#16 ] Reduced raising when DN value is invalid.
* [#10 ][#12 ] Fixed needless ',' is appeared. [michael.j.konopka]
* [#11 ] Required missing 'active_ldap/user_password'. [michael.j.konopka]
* [#13 ] Returned entries if has_many :wrap has nonexistent entry.
* [#15 ] Fixed type error on computing DN. [ery.lee]
* ">=" filter operator doesn't work. [id:dicdak]
* [#17 ] ActiveLdap::Base.create doesn't raise exception. [Alexey.Chebotar]
2010-02-14 12:45:27 +00:00