pkgsrc change: add misc to CATEGORIES at first
4.1.0 (2022-06-24)
* Allow age to be altered in asset:clean rake task.
* Fix Sprockets::Server to return lower-cased response headers to comply
with Rack::Lint 3.0. #744
* Adding new directive depend_on_directory #668
* Fix application/js-sourcemap+json charset #669
* Fix CachedEnvironment caching nil values #723
* Process *.jst.ejs.erb files with ERBProcessor #674
* Fix cache key for coffee script processor to be dependent on the filename
4.1.1 (2022-06-27)
* Fix Sprockets::Server to return response headers to compatible with with
Rack::Lint 2.0.
4.0.3 (2022-03-02)
* Fix Manifest#find yielding from a Promise causing issue on Ruby
3.1.0-dev. #720
* Better detect the ERB version to avoid deprecation warnings. #719
* Allow assets already fingerprinted to be served through Sprockets::Server
* Do not fingerprint files that already contain a valid digest in their name
* Remove remaining support for Ruby < 2.4.#672
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
The following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetched
./misc/libreoffice/distinfo libreoffice/harfbuzz-2.6.4.tar.xz
Update ruby-sprockets to 4.0.2.
## 4.0.2
- Fix `etag` and digest path compilation that were generating string with invalid digest since 4.0.1.
## 4.0.1
- Fix for Ruby 2.7 keyword arguments warning in `base.rb`. [#660](
- Fix for when `x_sprockets_linecount` is missing from a source map.
- Fix subresource integrity to match the digest of the asset.
Update ruby-sprockets to 4.0.0.
* pkgsr change: Add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none".
## 4.0.0
- Fixes for Ruby 2.7 keyword arguments warnings [#625](
- Manifest files are sorted alphabetically [#626](
## 4.0.0.beta10
- Fix YACB (Yet Another Caching Bug) [Fix broken expansion of asset link paths](
## 4.0.0.beta9
- Minimum Ruby version for Sprockets 4 is now 2.5+ which matches minimum ruby verision of Rails [#604]
- Fix threading bug introduced in Sprockets 4 [#603]
- Warn when two potential manifest files exist. [#560]
## 4.0.0.beta8
- Security release for [CVE-2018-3760](
## 4.0.0.beta7
- Fix a year long bug that caused `Sprockets::FileNotFound` errors when the asset was present [#547]
- Raise an error when two assets such as foo.js and foo.js.erb would produce the same output artifact (foo.js) [#549#530]
- Process `*` files with ERBProcessor
## 4.0.0.beta6
- Fix source map line offsets [#515]
- Return a `400 Bad Request` when the path encoding is invalid. [#514]
## 4.0.0.beta5
- Reduce string allocations
- Source map metadata uses compressed form specified by the [source map v3 spec]( [#402] **[BREAKING]**
- Generate [index maps]( when decoding source maps isn't necessary. [#402]
- Remove fingerprints from source map files. [#402]
## 4.0.0.beta4
- Changing the version now busts the digest of all assets [#404]
- Exporter interface added [#386]
- Using ENV vars in templates will recompile templates when the env vars change. [#365]
- Source maps for imported sass files with sassc is now fixed [#391]
- Load paths now in error messages [#322]
- Cache key added to babel processor [#387]
- `Environment#find_asset!` can now be used to raise an exception when asset could not be found [#379]
## 4.0.0.beta3
- Source Map fixes [#255] [#367]
- Performance improvements
## 4.0.0.beta2
- Fix load_paths on Sass processors [#223]
## 4.0.0.beta1
- Initial release of Sprockets 4
Please upgrade to the latest Sprockets 3 version before upgrading to Sprockets 4. Check the 3.x branch for previous changes
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gz
Package molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gz
Package softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
3.2.0 (June 2, 2015)
* Updated SRI integrity to align with spec changes
* Deprecated Manifest integrity attribute
* Cleanup concatenating JS sources with newlines
3.1.0 (May 10, 2015)
* Removed "index" logical path normalization. Asset#logical_path is always
the full logical path to the index file.
* Fixed static asset mtimes
* Fix manifest cleanup by age
* Removed redundant minifier level cache
* Updated SRI format according to spec changes
3.0.3 (April 27, 2015)
* Fix static asset mtime fallback
* Only warn when specified asset version can not be loaded.
3.0.2 (April 22, 2015)
* Ensure legacy Tilt handlers return String class data. Fixes issues with
Haml Tilt handler.
* Type check and improve error messages raised on bad processor returned
* Improve error message for relative paths not under load path.
* Changed HTML encoding fallback from ISO-8859-1 to default external.
* Avoid falling back to 0 mtimes which may cause warnings with tar
3.0.1 (April 14, 2015)
* Fixed Context#depend_on with paths outside the load path
* 3.0.0 (April 12, 2015)
* New processor API. Tilt interface is deprecated.
* Improved file store caching backend.
* MIME Types now accept charset custom charset detecters. Improves support
for UTF-16/32 files.
* Environment#version no longer affects asset digests. Only used for busting
the asset cache.
* Removed builtin support for LESS.
* Removed //= include directive support.
* Deprecated BundledAsset#to_a. Use BundledAsset#included to access
debugging subcomponents.
* Support circular dependencies. For parity with ES6 modules.
* Manifest compilation will no longer generate .gz files by default. Mixing
Content-Encoding and ETags is just a bad idea
* Added linked or referenced assets. When an asset is compiled, any of its
links will be compiled as well.
* Introduce some limitations around enumerating all logical paths. 4.x will
deprecate it and favor linked manifests for compliation.
* Add Asset integrity attribute for Subresource Integrity
* Default digest changed to SHA256. Configuring digest_class is deprecated.
* Rename Asset#digest to Asset#hexdigest. Asset#digest is deprecated and
will return a raw byte String in 4.x.
* Added transitional compatibility flag to Environment#resolve(path, compat:
true). 2.x mode operates with compat: true and 4.x with compat: false
* manifest-abc123.json renamed to .sprockets-abc123.json
**2.3.1** (February 11, 2012)
* Added bytesize to manifest
* Added Asset#bytesize alias
* Security: Check path for forbidden access after unescaping
**2.3.0** (January 16, 2012)
* Added special Sass importer that automatically tracks any `@import`ed files.
**2.2.0** (January 10, 2012)
* Added `sprockets` command line utility.
* Added rake/sprocketstask.
* Added json manifest log of compiled assets.
* Added `stub` directive that allows you to exclude files from the bundle.
* Added per environment external encoding
(Environment#default_external_encoding). Defaults to UTF-8. Fixes issues
where LANG is not set correctly and Rubys default external is set to ASCII.
**2.1.2** (November 20, 2011)
* Disabled If-Modified-Since server checks. Fixes some browser caching issues
when serving the asset body only. If-None-Match caching is sufficent.
**2.1.1** (November 18, 2011)
* Fix windows absolute path check bug.
**2.1.0** (November 11, 2011)
* Directive comment lines are now turned into empty lines instead of
removed. This way line numbers in
CoffeeScript syntax errors are correct.
* Performance and caching bug fixes.
Sprockets: Rack-based asset packaging
Sprockets is a Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets.
It features declarative dependency management for JavaScript and CSS
assets, as well as a powerful preprocessor pipeline that allows you to
write assets in languages like CoffeeScript, Sass, SCSS and LESS.