...despite some self-tests still not succeeding.
Upstream changes:
0.015 27 Jan 2009
* fix IE-related bugs in JS (extra commas, IE idiosyncrasies)
0.014 26 Jan 2009
* tweek text for Add button in rel mgr to say 'Reassign' if a o2m
* add Config::General to reqs
* LiveGrid title comes from object_class (or object_class->moniker if
defined) rather than controller class name.
0.013 14 Jan 2009
* fix undef warnings in html escape.
* remove old crud/yui_related_datatable_js.tt
* fix console js bug evidenced with new Firebug release
This despite some of the tests fail...
CatalystX::CRUD::YUI is a crud application using the Yahoo User
Interface toolkit and CatalystX::CRUD components. It is derived
largely from the Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst project but now with
support for DBIx::Class via the CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter::DBIC