Version v1.9.0 - September 27, 2017
* don't shell out when it's avoidable.
* Don't allow user to override total or starting_at in Enumerator
* print_and_flush to be explicitly a private method
* Enumerator#to_progressbar as a refinement
* Explicit clear on start
* Components::Time to allow #estimated_seconds_remaining to be called
* Base#to_h to expose all of the data about the current bar state
* Outputs::Null for users who don't want the bar sent anywhere
* Ability to specify a completely custom output stream
* %u format flag to show ?? if total is unknown
Version v1.8.3 - September 13, 2017
* Update warning_filter to fix require_relative
Version v1.8.2 - December 10, 2016
* Predicates not available on 1.8.7
* progressbar as a gem build target
* reek
Version v1.8.1 - May 13, 2016
* no dynamic length when working with spring
Version v1.8.0 - April 24, 2016
* Gem signing via certificate
* ActiveSupport Time-Traveling Compatibility
* ProgressBar::Time to an instantiated class
* Progress#finish causing an exception when total was unknown
Version v1.7.5 - March 25, 2015
Prevent method redefined warnings being generated by replacing uses of attr_accessor with: attr_reader where a setter function is already defined, attr_writer where a getter function is already defined
Version v1.7.4 - March 23, 2015
Version v1.7.3 - March 23, 2015
Version v1.7.2 - March 23, 2015
rubygems config
Version v1.7.1 - December 21, 2014
ETA works again, when ProgressBar is initialized with a non zero starting_at.
Describe the wiki link
Inline the cage image in the README
Remove superfluous subtitle
Remove sections from the README that were moved to the Wiki
Add link to wiki
Update logo
Version v1.7.0 - November 4, 2014
Massive internal refactoring. Now 236% faster!
Add Timer#restart
Version v1.6.1 - October 30, 2014
Update readme about output option
Display warnings when testing
Remove warnings from uninitialized instance variable
Instance variable @started_at not initialized
Instance variable @out_of_bounds_time_format not initialized
Change private attributes to protected
`*' interpreted as argument prefix
Prefix assigned but unused variables with underscores
Ambiguous first argument
Version v1.6.0 - September 20, 2014
Add ability to disable auto-finish
Add SCSS lint configuration
Update JSHint config with our custom version
Add right-justified percentages - Closes#77
Don't allow title to change for non-TTY output
Percentage formatter failed when total was 0 or unknown
Version v1.5.1 - May 14, 2014
Make grammar and spelling corrections in the README
Add the ability to scale the rate component
Add notes to the README about the new format components
Add the %R flag to the formatting to show the rate with 2 decimal places of precision
Remove unused molecule cruft
Add specs to make sure that rate works even if the bar is started in the middle
Add base functionality for the rate component
Add Slack notification to Travis builds
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.6
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.5
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.4
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.3
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.2
Add badges to the README
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.21.1
Lower Timecop version for Ruby 1.8 compatibility
Lower rake version to 0.9.6 so that it will be compatible with Ruby 1.8
Update rspectacular to 0.21
Add CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN as a secure Travis ENV variable
Upgrade rspectacular to v0.20
Add the Code Climate test reporter gem
Add Ruby 2.1 to Travis
Convert to RSpec 3
The running average is always set back to 0 when the bar is reset
Version v1.4.2 - March 1, 2014
Improve estimated timer for short durations
Remove useless protection
Slight formatting changes on the PACMAN example to make it consistent with the others
Pacman-style progressbar
Version v1.4.1 - January 26, 2014
Change from 'STDOUT.puts' to the more appropriate 'Kernel.warn'
Add another spec which tests this in a different way
Add an acceptance spec to mimic running fuubar with no specs
Makes Timer#stop a no-op unless it has first been started.
Version v1.4.0 - December 28, 2013
Displaying the call stack was probably too much
Upgrade fuubar
Add an error specifically for invalid progress so that, in parent libraries, it can be caught properly
Use the splat operator just to be clear
Fix an issue with the estimated timers blowing up if the total was nil - Closes#62
Changed my mind. Rather than checking if the bar is stopped/started just blow up when the attempt is made to increment/decrement the bar to an invalid value
Remove the CannotUpdateStoppedBarError
Changes to the total should also be considered a change in progress and should therefore not be allowed for a stopped bar
Add a warning that any changes to progress while the bar is stopped, will eventually be an exception
Use the helper to divide the seconds. Don't know why I didn't do this before
When finishing the bar, we also should stop the timers
When checking 'finished?' make sure we check all progressables
Always thought it was weird that the 'finished?' check was in the update method
Move the 'finished' logic into the progressable
Rather than specifying @elapsed_time explicitly, use the with_timers helper
Add a method to check to see whether the bar has been started
Extract logic for updating progress into a 'update_progress' method
Add placeholder for an Error which will be used in v2.0.0
Update the copyright in the README to 2014 (we're almost there :)
Add 'Zero dependencies' to the README as a beneifit of using ruby-progressbar
Version v1.3.2 - December 15, 2013
Try to fix issues with testing on 1.8 and 1.9 when 'console/io' is not available
Remove rspectacular so we can get the specs to pass on 1.8 and 1.9.2
Version v1.3.1 - December 15, 2013
Even if the throttle rate is passed in as nil, use the default regardless
Version v1.3.0 - December 15, 2013
Remove the 'Road Map' section in the README
Add notes to the README about non-TTY output
Add notes to the CHANGELOG
Give the bar the option of whether or not to automatically start or if #start has to be explicitly called
Default to a non-TTY-safe format if there is no TTY support when outputting the bar
Do not output the bar multiple times if #resume is called when the bar is already started
Do not output the bar multiple times if #stop is called when the bar is already stopped
Do not output multiple bars if #finish is called multiple times
Change progressbar variables in specs to be let's instead
Change output variables in specs to be let's instead
Update Gemfile.lock to use HTTPS for Rubygems
Add Ruby 2.0.0 to the README as a supported Ruby version
Test with Ruby 2.0.0 on Travis CI
Use HTTPS RubyGems source
Added an option to set the :remainder_mark (along the lines of :progress_mark) that allows the user to set the character used to represent the remaining progress to be made along the bar.
Add specs for the ANSI color code length calculation
Name the regex for the ANSI SGR codes so that it's more clear what we're doing
Remove comment
allows to inclue ANSI SGR codes into molecules, preserving the printable length
Switch from using 'git ls-files' to Ruby Dir globbing - Closes#54
Version v1.2.0 - August 12, 2013
Add note to CHANGELOG about TTY updates
Update benchmark script
Update logic to describe the bar as being 'stopped' also when it is 'finished'
Only print the bar output if we're printing to a TTY device, or any device as long as the bar is finished
Switch to instead of STDOUT so that it can be properly reassigned for redirections
Move carriage return to the clear method
Add better inspection now that we can have a nil total
Add note about unknown progress to the changelog
Add notes to the README about displaying unknown progress
Fix missing throttle rate in README
Allow the progress bar to have an 'unknown' amount of progress
Add item to the changelog
Update the benchmark script
Add #log to progressbar for properly handling bar output when printing to the output IO
Rename all of the requires lines to be consistent with the new lib file
Remove depreciation code
Version v1.1.2 - August 11, 2013
Fix the 'negative argument' problem - Closes#47
Update a spec that was passing when it shouldn't have been and pend it until we can implement the fix
Upgrade rspec and fuubar
When dividing up the remainder of the length and determining how much space a completed bar should take up, round down so that the bar doesn't complete until 100%
Add tags file to gitignore
Version v1.1.1 - June 8, 2013
Fix file modes to be world readable
Filter out specs themselves from coverage report
Add tags file to gitignore
Simplify #with_progressables and #with_timers
Version v1.1.0 - May 29, 2013
Upgrade simplecov so it is resilient to mathn being loaded
fix progress format when core lib mathn is loaded
Rename throttle_period to throttle_rate
Set a default throttle_period of 100 times per second
Use the new precise #elapsed_seconds in the throttle component
Add #elapsed_seconds that gets a more precise value for the elapsed time
Rename #elapsed_seconds to #elapsed_whole_seconds
Add throttle_period documentation
Made throttle API resemble other components
Add throttle_period option to #create
Add throttle component
Use StringIO in the new spec so we don't get output to STDOUT
fix for the ruby_debug error, where debug defines a start method on kernel that is used erroneously by progressbar
spec that recreates the problem we're seeing with ruby-debug under jruby
fix terminal width crashing progressbar
Add failing test for terminal width crashing progress bar
Make sure we're using an up-to-date version of the JSON gem
Fix gemspec since is no longer supported
Update ruby-prof
Upgrade timecop
Upgrade simplecov
Upgrade rake
Make changes related to rspectacular
Install rspectacular
Remove guard
Rework gem manifest so that it only calls ls-files once
Replace .rvmrc with .ruby-version
Rework #length specs now that we have a more complex set of specifications
Fix overriding the progress bar length with an environment variable.
Fix the rdoc_options specification in the gemspec
Add Ruby Markdown code fencing to the README
Version v1.0.2 - October 7, 2012
Remove superfluous comment
The amount returned if the total is 0 should always be 100 (as in 100%) and not the DEFAULT_TOTAL. Even though they currently happen to be the same number.
return DEFAULT_TOTAL for percentage_completed of total is zero, fixing ZeroDivisionError
Use io/console where available.
Add tmux notifications to Guardfile
Bundler is not a development dependency
Hashes are not ordered and therefore when looking for the time mocking method, we weren't selecting the proper one. Switched to an Array instead.
Update development gems
Move ruby-prof into the Gemfile so it is only loaded when it's MRI Ruby
Add a script for benchmarking
Now that we're memoizing Format::Base#bar_molecules, just use it to calculate how many bar molecules are left
Limit the API of the Format.Base class by making #non_bar_molecules and #bar_molecules private
Move Formatter#process into Format::Base because it is much more concerned with the format
Remove the Kernel#tap in Formatter#process and just use an instance variable instead
Now that we're not reparsing the format string each time, we can save some cycles by memoizing the Format::Base#non_bar_molecules and #bar_molecules
When setting the format string, if it hasn't changed, we don't need to reparse it
Extract the logic of setting the format string out into its own private method ProgressBar::Formatter#format_string=
Add 'ruby-prof' to the project as a development gem
Version v1.0.1 - August 28, 2012
Add Ruby 1.8.7 back into Travis CI build
Fixing string slice bug
Add a Rakefile
Update .gitignore
Add Rake to the Gemfile
Version v1.0.0 - August 18, 2012
Remove 1.8 from the Ruby Travis builds
Add a spec for the %% molecule
Fix bug where a progress bar with an integrated percentage miscalculated the space it was taking up
fix @terminal_width and bar_width calculation
Fix more README typos
Set the default bar mark to '='
Make sure to blow up if a molecule is not value
It's not sufficient to say that a molecule is 'a percent sign followed by something that isn't a percent sign', we need to force it to be followed by a letter
Fix problems in the README
Update the formatting to make sure the %b and %i formatting molecules can coexist with each other
Now that we can use the %b and %i flags, we can create a mirrored bar simply by using a format string of '%i%b' and therefore this extra code is no longer necessary
Make sure that when the timer is started, then stopped, then started again, it should not register as stopped?
Allow %i to be used display the incomplete space of the bar
Update ProgressBar::Formatter#format to reset the bar style to default if it is called without passing in a format string
Allow the %b molecule to be used to display the bar only without incomplete space
Update the %B format test to be more reasonable
Make the %w molecule only return the bar with the percentage instead of including empty space
Remove the length argument when calling ProgressBar::Components::Bar#to_s and instead set the attribute
Rename ProgressBar::Formatter#bar to #complete_bar
Change the %b (bar with percentage) format molecule to %w
Swap the meaning of the %b and %B molecules
There was a typo in the example formats in the README. The literal percent sign needs to be included in the format string
Make sure the '%%' molecule is formatted properly
Little refactoring on the ProgressBar::Formatter#process method
README update
Remove all of the ProgressBar::Base#update calls and convert to method calls that take a block #with_update
Add an "In The Weeds" section to the README
Add 'It's better than some other library' section to the README
Add contributors to the README
Add supported Rubies to the README
Tons of README formatting updates
Add time-mocking information to the README
If Time is being mocked via Delorean, make sure that the progress bar always uses the unmocked time
If Time is being mocked via Timecop, make sure that the progress bar always uses the unmocked time
When testing, make sure that we're able to always get the proper version of now that we need for our particular spec
When calling allow a Time-like object to be passed in
Add a ruby-progressbar-specific implementation of Time to encapsulate the business logic
Extract the notion of now into a method on the Timer module
Remove extra private
Use inheritance to put title= in the Formatter module where it belongs
I didn't notice that #total and #progress were available in the Formatter module
Move logic specific to the modules into those modules and use the inheritance chain to get at them
Evidently Travis is having issues with Rubinius so we'll remove them from our .travis.yml file to get a passing build
Try and get better 1.8.7 compatibility when checking the end character in the progressbar string
Add the Travis-CI build status to the README
Add the Travis-CI configuration file
Update the other deprecation warnings outside of ProgressBar::Base
Add the remaining method deprecation/warning messages
Use a little metaprogramming to further dry up the deprecation messages
fixup! c3e6991988107ab45ac3dac380750b287db3bc2e
When displaying deprecation warnings for methods, only show them one time; not every time the method is invoked
Dry up the warning messages in ProgressBar::Depreciable
Move ProgressBar::Base#backwards_compatible_args_to_options_conversion to the ProgressBar::Depreciable module
Add a new ProgressBar::Depreciable module to encapsulate all of the deprecation logic
Forgot to return the options hash from ProgressBar::Base#backwards_compatible_args_to_options_conversion
Add the old bar_mark= method back so it's more backwards compatible
Update deprecation warnings to expire June 30th, 2013 instead of October 30th, 2013
Update the README to reflect the new syntax for creating a ProgressBar
Override and remain backward compatible with the pre-1.0 versions of the gem
Convert the ProgressBar module to a class so that we can...
Add ProgressBar::Base#progress and #total
Update the gemspec
Update the EstimatedTimer specs when smoothing is turned off such that the #decrement spec is sufficiently different from the smoothing on #decrement spec
Update EstimatedTimer specs when smoothing is turned off to be more consistent with the new smoothing specs
Add EstimatedTimer specs to test when smoothing is turned on
Update the spec text for the EstimatedTimer class so that it doesn't contain the actual expected value but rather the general expectation
Extract smoothing into its own let variable
Add notes to the README about smoothing
Invert the smoothing value such that 0.0 is no smoothing and 1.0 is maximum smoothing
Set the default smoothing value to 0.9
Convert the EstimatedTime#estimated_seconds_remaining over to using the running average
Tell the Progressable module to update the running average any time the progress is set
Add the notion of a smoothing variable to the Progressable module for use when calculating the running average
Introduce Progressable#running_average and reset it any time Progressable#start is called
Add a RunningAverageCalculator so we can offload the logic for calculating running averages in our Progressables
Always refer to total using the accessor rather than the instance variable
Fix place where we were using a literal string for our time format rather than the TIME_FORMAT constant
Make the Progressable initializer optional
Fix README mistake regarding out of bounds ETAs
In Progressable, rather than accessing the starting_position instance variable, use an accessor
Rather than having the logic in multiple places, use Progressable#start where possible
Update the Progressable module to always reference the progress accessor rather than the instance variable
Add the ability to customize the bar's title in real time
Add a note to the README about customizing the bar in real time
Add notes to the README about overriding the bar's length
Update the deprecation date of
Upgrade the README to describe the new 'integrated percentage' formatting option
Update Ruby version in .rvmrc
Replace @out.print with @out.write to work better in dumb terminal like Emacs' M-x shell.
Document the smoothing attribute a little better.
Rewrote smoothing stuff to something better.
Offload handling of weird time values to format_time (isn't that its job?) ;-)
Added "smoothing" attribute (default 0.9). It can be set to nil to use the old ETA code.
Make time estimate a smoothed moving average
Use the inherited #initialize
Add a format where the bar has an integrated percentage
Just always run all specs
Alias stopped? to paused?
If the bar is completed, show the elapsed time, otherwise show the estimated time
estimated_time to estimated_time_with_no_oob
Add a Guardfile
Add the ability to set the progress mark at any point
Upgrade RSpec in the Gemfile
Allow :focused w/o the '=> true'
More gem updates. Include guard
Unindent private methods
And again
Consistency is key
And again
Change to new date and repo
Upgraded RSpec uses RSpec not Rspec
Not sure why I did this here
Upgrade RSpec and SimpleCov
Bump Ruby version to 1.9.3
allow to customize the #title_width
Detect whether the output device is a terminal, and use a simplified output strategy when it is not.
Use 1.9 compatible require in test.
Add tests for Timecop and Delorean time mocking
Make Progressbar resistant to time mocking
Automatically tag gem builds as
Replace the Bar's instance variable references
Remove Options Parser
The starting value should be passed on #start
Remove Title class for now
Change 'reversed bar' to 'mirrored bar'
Rename out to output and access w/o variable
Change default output to STDOUT
Rename output_stream to output
Rename current to progress
Add #decrement to the progress bar
Backwards compatibility for instantiation
Create with_timers helper
Update spec_helper with new root gem file
Update gemspec with new license file
Update gemspec to auto-update Date
Add deprecation and backwards compatibility helprs
Add SimpleCov to the project
Rename 'beginning_position' option to 'started_at'
Fix require files
Remove Test::Unit test cases which are covered
Replace licenses with the MIT license
Begin updating README
Add .gitignore
Fix 'ArgumentError: negative argument' when using with Spork
Bar can be forcibly stopped
Autostart for now
Add ability to pause/resume progress bar
Bar resets the elapsed time when reset.
Bar resets the estimated time when reset.
Timers can now be reset
#start determines #reset position
On #reset, bar goes back to its starting position
Bar can be reset back to 0
Fix test typo
Fix tests
Reminder for autostart
Move #title
Delete unneeded code
Stop Elapsed Timer on finish
Progressable components finish properly
Refactor out common 'Progressable' functionality
Prepare for more 'finish' functionality
Refactor common Timer functionality into a module
Bar outputs a \n when it's finished
Bar can now be "finished"
Remove unnecessary (for now) code
Resizing algorithm is much smarter
Fix length_changed? check
Move formatting methods and make them private
Create #inspect method
Remove implemented methods
We have a LICENSE file. No need for this.
Fix output problem
Always show 2 decimal places with precise percentage
Elapsed Time works properly with progress bar
Estimated Timer works properly with progress bar
%r format string works properly
Estimated Timer can now be incremented
Bar graphic can now be reversed
Remove method arguments from molecule
%e, %E and %f format the estimated time correctly
Include Molecule specs
Estimated Timer works with out of bounds times
Estimated Timer displays estimated time correctly
Estimated Timer displays unknown time remaining
Estimated Time can now be displayed
Make Timer work properly
Move bar_spec to the proper locale
Elapsed Time can now be displayed
Percentage information can now be displayed
Capacity information can now be displayed
Move Bar and Title into Components submodule
Base refactoring work laid out
Add RSpec support files
Create a Gemfile and other infrastructure files
Update gemspec
Fix to failing test: Adjusting the path to progressbar.rb file
accessor for alternate bar mark
Updated gem name to match project (so it would build)
Add a gemspec.
Move progressbar.rb into lib/.
Add LICENSE files.
Get rid of the ChangeLog. That's what revision logs are for.
Make the readme use Markdown.
Initial commit (based on Ruby/ProgressBar 0.9).
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gz
Package molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gz
Package softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.