- added lineno, column parameters to OnStateChange hook
- added support for Crystal (thanks to C R Jaensch)
- added support for Slim (https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/merge_requests/85)
- fixed several typos in documentaion and manpages
- CLI: added `--syntax-by-name` option (suggested by Chris Mayo)
- CLI: removed deprecated `--list-langs` and`--list-themes` options
- GUI: added terminal sequence output options (https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/issues/110)
- fixed more problems with syntax test indicators reporting wrong states
- added support for Meson, Solidity, TOML and Terraform
- improved Perl and Yaml highlighting
- added Categories field to all config files
- CLI: added category info in --list-scripts output
- CLI: added --list-cat option (https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/issues/99)
- CLI: added optional topic parameter to --help
- GUI: added theme category selection
- GUI: display categories of selected syntax or theme
- fixed xterm256 and truecolor whitespace output #2
- fixed LaTeX, TeX, SVG and ODT whitespace output (regression of 3.45)
- added darkplus theme (https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/merge_requests/84)
- converted ChangeLog to AsciiDoc
- allowed state test indicators to match both whitespace (ws) and the
enclosing state (others)
- CLI: default output changed to xterm256 or truecolor if run in a
terminal with color support and only a single file is outputted
- GUI: added checkbox in the clipboard tab to output selected lines only
- fixed gcc 8 compilation warnings
- fixed Ruby string interpolation
- added support for ALAN IF (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
- added 107 Base16 themes [https://github.com/chriskempson/base16]
(thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
- updated Rust and Java reserved words lists
- revised documentation
- moved extras/css-themes into extras/themes-resources
- added extras/themes-resources/base16 (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
- GUI: added Base16 theme selection checkbox
- CLI: added --base16 option to enable the new themes
- CLI: accept - as argument to read from stdin
-updated astyle code to release 3.1 (Rev. 655)
-added webkit reformatting style
-improved several language definitions
-fixed Matlab string recognition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/61)
-fixed Autohotkey escape sequence recognition (thanks to Klaus Daube)
-added excel.lang (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/pull/60)
-improved Qt pro file (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/pull/59)
-CLI: added --reformat-option (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/62)
-CLI: added --line-range (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/64)
-GUI: added Bulgarian translation (thanks to Georgi Sotirov)
-fixed HL_OUTPUT in Lua state for HL_FORMAT_XHTML and HL_FORMAT_TRUECOLOR values
-fixed lib-shared make target
-updated astyle code to release 3.1.0 beta
-added Polygen and EBNF2 syntax definitions (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-added pywal terminal colouring template in extras/pywal
-added reformatting style ratliff (replaces banner)
-added extras/langDefs-resources/cleanslate.lang (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-improved Perl6 compatibility
-improved PHP string interpolation
-improved Haskell definition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/pull/52)
-CLI: added --canvas option to define background color padding in ANSI output
-GUI: added French translation (thanks to Antoine Belvire)
-GUI: added Scripts tab (suggested by Tristano Ajmone)
-GUI: minor bugfixes
-renamed examples directory to extras
-line anchors (-a) are attached as id attribute to the first span or li tag in
HTML output (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/36)
-renamed ID prefix in outhtml_codefold plug-in to be compatible with -a IDs
-added fstab.lang and added anacrontab in filetypes.conf
-removed references to OutputType::HTML32
-added extras/css-themes and extras/langDefs-resources
(thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-CLI: removed deprecated indicator of --data-dir option
-CLI: added --no-version-info option
-GUI: fixed initial theme selection
-GUI: added "Omit version info comment" option
-GUI: added "Copy with MIME type" option for HTML output
-fixed Ruby string parsing (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-fixed segfault on sparc64 (patch by James Clarke)
-fixed PureBasic definition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/25)
-added CMake definition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/20)
-added email definition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/21)
-linked scm suffix to lisp definition
-W32 CLI: support HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR and --data-dir options
-revised documentation
-added syntax for Docker and Elixir
-improved HTML, Julia, Kotlin and Smalltalk syntax definitions
-GUI: added "Paste, Convert and Copy" button
-fixed Bash variable highlighting issue
-updated astyle code to release 3.0.1 (https://sourceforge.net/p/astyle/bugs/438)
-added bash_ref_man7_org.lua plugin
-fixed Perl string highlighting issue
-fixed highlighting if a line continues after the nested code delimiter
-updated astyle code to release 3.0
-added examples/pandoc (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-added syntax mapping for markdown
-added syntax mapping for clj
-improved Java definition (https://github.com/andre-simon/highlight/issues/13)
-added theme to JSON converter in examples/json
-CLI: added support for environment variable HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS
-fixed code folding plugin to support more Ruby conditional modifiers
(thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-fixed Perl quoted string highlighting (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-added new GeneratorOverride syntax definition parameter
-added Filenames parameter in filetypes.conf to assign input filenames
to syntax types (suggested by Andy)
-added FASM definition and edit-fasm theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-added outhtml_ie7_webctrl plug-in (suggested by Tristano Ajmone)
-GUI: file extensions can be configured for multiple languages,
triggers syntax selection prompt
-GUI: added Italian translation (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-fixed code folding plugin to support Ruby conditional modifiers
-fixed JSON definition (thanks to Timothee Cour)
-fixed output of unknown syntax warning with applied force switch
(thanks to Andy)
-added state trace parameter to Decorate plug-in function
-added GDScript definition and edit-godot theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-updated SWIG code samples
-updated Artistic Style lib (SVN Rev. 553)
-revised docs
-CLI: fixed creation of hidden files if output filename is prepended by its
input path
-CLI: added switch --stdout (https://sourceforge.net/p/syntaxhighlight/bugs/14)
-fixed segfault with --skip applied on a single file input list
(thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-added support for Python 3.6 syntax
-added Github and Sourceforge themes
-fixed highlighting of nested section delimiters
-fixed PHP definition (thanks to Christoph Burschka)
-fixed font family declaration in SVG
-fixed user defined encoding in ODT
-fixed unnecessary output of style file with --inline-css
(thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-added vimscript language definition (thanks to Max Christian Pohle)
-added Coffeescript language definition (thanks to Jess Austin)
-added PureBasic definition and theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
-added JSX language definition (suggested by Max Stoiber)
-added PO translation definition
-added plug-in outhtml_add_figure.lua
-updated js definition
-updated Artistic Style lib (SVN Rev. 521)
-improved various color themes and syntax definitions
-added support for true color escape codes (--out-format truecolor)
-fixed xterm256 output for paging with less (thanks to Fylwind)
-fixed operator regex in rnc.lang, crk.lang and yaml.lang (thanks to Joe Klauza)
-added Pony and Whiley definitions
-updated Ceylon, Julia and TypeScript definitions
-added Go, AutoHotKey, TypeScript and R to the foldable list in the
outhtml_codefold.lua plug-in
-removed plugins/bash_ref_linuxmanpages_com.lua
-GUI: fixed README, ChangeLog and License file paths on Linux
-revised documentation
-GUI: fixed minor layout issues
-the data directory can be defined with the HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR environment variable
-fixed RTF output of UTF-8 input; needs input encoding set to utf-8
(thanks to Kamigishi Rei)
-fixed XML comment recognition (thanks to Mani)
-data search directories were appended to the result of --list-scripts
-revised older syntax definitions
-updated base URLs of bash_ref_linuxmanpages and cpp_ref_qtproject plug-ins
-GUI: added system copy and paste shortcuts for clipboard functions
(suggested by Kamigishi Rei)
-added Ansible Yaml definition (thanks to Raphael Droz)
-added Chapel definition (thanks to Lydia Duncan)
-fixed gcc 6 warnings about deprecated auto_ptr usage
-src/makefile: added -std=c++11 because of auto_ptr to unique_ptr transition
(thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-GUI: fixed style file output if "write to source directory" option is
checked (thanks to Jim Pattee)
-added support of Pascal, Lua, Ruby and C# regions in outhtml_codefold.lua
-improved outhtml_codefold.lua to handle embedded languages
-added string delimiters in the Ruby definition
-added new AssertEqualLength flag in string section of language definitions
-improved heredoc parsing
-fixed Lua multiline string recognition
-improved SVG whitespace output (patch by Paul de Vrieze)
-added Nim and mIRC Scripting definitions
-improved outhtml_codefold.lua to ignore brackets on the same line
-added RTF output to mark_lines.lua
-fixed Powershell and NSIS definitions
-added JSON and Github Markdown definitions
-CLI: added --keep-injections option to force plugin injection output with -f
-GUI: added keep injections checkbox
-GUI: fixed crash after removing selected plugins
-added HL_REJECT state to be used in a OnStateChange function
-added DecorateLineBegin and DecorateLineEnd hooks
-added mark_lines.lua, outhtml_codefold.lua, comment_links.lua plug-ins
-fixed font face in ODT output
-fixed Operators parameter in frink.lang and oorexx.lang
-fixed regular expression parsing within strings for JS, Perl and Ruby
-CLI: added --page-color option to include a page color in RTF output
-GUI: added RTF page color checkbox
-added new SVG definition to support embedded scripting
-improved js.lang, css.lang, scss.lang, less.lang, tsql.lang
-modified HTML ordered list output to work better with new plug-ins
-renamed plug-in variable HL_INPUT_FILE to HL_PLUGIN_PARAM
-CLI: renamed --plug-in-read option to --plug-in-param
-GUI: updated plug-in parameter label and tool-tips
-GUI: fixed minor issues
-fixed TeX output for cweb documents (patch by Ingo Krabbe)
-fixed string interpolation in bat.lang
-added reduce_filesize.lua, outhtml_add_shadow.lua,
outhtml_add_background_svg.lua, outhtml_add_background_stripes.lua,
outhtml_add_line.lua plug-ins
-added TCL extension in examples/tcl
-added kotlin.lang, nginx.lang and julia.lang
-updated php.lang to include version 7 keywords
-updated ceylon.lang to include version 1.2 keywords
-updated scripts in examples directory
-CLI: style-infile option marked as deprecated
-GUI: shortened paths in file input lists
-added rs.lang
-added conf.lang (thanks to Victor Ananjevsky)
-added some extensions in filetypes.conf (patch by Victor Ananjevsky)
-fixed Matlab definition and style (thanks to Justin Pearson)
-CLI: fixed --list-scripts with unknown argument (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-updated astyle code to release 2.05.1
-fixed shebang recognition (thanks to Victor Ananjevsky)
-GUI: added option to define line numbering start
-added support for LESS, SASS and Stylus CSS processors (suggested by Marcel Bischoff)
-added support for Lua 5.3, removed LUA52 makefile option
-fixed heredoc matching in perl.lang (thanks to cornucopia)
-fixed Haskell lang (thanks to Daan Michiels)
-fixed RNC lang (thanks to Daan Michiels)
-fixed regex pattern in js.lang
-updated astyle code to release 2.05
-added astyle reformatting style vtk
-added bold, italic and underline attributes to xterm256 ANSI output
(patch by Andrew Fuller)
-fixed assembler mapping in filetypes.conf (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
-added Swift definition
-improved ASP, F#, OCaml and Lisp syntax definitions
-added interpolation patterns to several definitions
-updated base URLs in cpp_ref_gtk_gnome and cpp_ref_qtproject plug-ins
-CLI: added Pango markup output option (patch by Dominik Schmidt)