09/01/2006 *** v2.24 ***
- Added -d4 (even smaller supplements - for ROM archival only).
- Updated the usage information on the command line.
- Tidied up the code in generate.c (used by -d1, -d2, -d3, -d4).
06/12/2005 *** v2.23 ***
- Uses DatLib v2.13.
- DatLib v2.12 broke the RomCenter drivers (now fixed).
05/12/2005 *** v2.22 ***
- Uses DatLib v2.12.
- Fixed a rare crash (if the longest line in the dat was the last).
- Fixed a problem loading RomCenter data files containing [].
- From DatLib v2.11.
- M1 XML will not use hex for ROM sizes after all... changed back!
05/10/2005 *** v2.19 ***
- Uses DatLib v2.8.
- Improved the logerror() function (used for reporting ZIP errors).
- Added support for M1's XML format (when it becomes available).