Updated security/p5-Crypt-Rijndael to 1.07
Added devel/p5-IO version 1.2301
Added devel/p5-POE-Test-Loops version 1.002
Updated devel/p5-POE to 1.003nb1
Updated devel/p5-Curses to 1.24
Updated databases/p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault to 0.03
Updated databases/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema to 0.21
Updated www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication to 0.10007
Updated www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles to 0.07
Updated www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace to 0.09
Updated www/p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-RHTMLO to 0.16
Added databases/p5-Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers version 0.02
Updated databases/p5-CatalystX-CRUD to 0.29
Updated databases/p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Model-RDBO to 0.13
Updated archivers/p5-Archive-Zip to 1.24
Updated devel/p5-B-Utils to 0.06
Updated devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib to 2.015
devel/p5-Class-Accessor-Named into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Class::Accessor::Named is a development aid to
talk your Class::Accessor generated accessors into identifying
themselves (eg for profiling).
www/p5-Test-WWW-Declare into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
Often in web apps, tests are very dependent on the state set up by
previous tests. If one test fails (e.g. "follow the link to the
admin page") then it's likely there will be many more failures.
The Perl 5 module Test::WWW::Declare module aims to alleviate this
problem, as well as provide a nicer interface to Test::WWW::Mechanize.
databases/p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module DBIx::Class::TimeStamp is a DBIx::Class component
providing automatic setting and updating of date and time based
Added devel/p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP version 0.12
Updated net/p5-POE-Component-Client-Ident to 1.14
Updated chat/p5-POE-Filter-IRCD to 2.38
Added devel/p5-POE-Component-Pluggable version 1.10
Updated chat/p5-POE-Component-IRC to 5.88
Updated time/p5-Time-Format to 1.09
Updated mail/p5-User-Identity to 0.92
Updated devel/p5-Parse-RecDescent to 1.95.1nb1
Updated net/p5-X500-DN to 0.29
Updated devel/p5-Object-Realize-Later to 0.18
as databases/p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault is a DBIx::Class
component for automatically setting and updating fields with values
calculated at runtime.
devel/p5-Test-MockModule into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::MockModule lets you temporarily redefine
subroutines in other packages for the purposes of unit testing.
A Test::MockModule object is set up to mock subroutines for a given
module. The object remembers the original subroutine so it can be
easily restored. This happens automatically when all MockModule
objects for the given module go out of scope, or when you unmock()
the subroutine.