* Support RFC 5587: Extended GSS Mechanism Inquiry APIs
* Support RFC 5801: Using GSSAPI Mechanisms in SASL
* Fix potential infinite recursion in GSSError#display_status when there is an error displaying the error
* Read the linker path during setup to support properly building with Heimdal on Debian
* Fix OID inequality comparison
* k5test and gssapi-console now live in their own projects. They can be found at pythongssapi/k5test and pythongssapi/gssapi-console, respectively, and are available on PyPI as k5test and gssapi_console
Python-GSSAPI provides both low-level and high level wrappers around
the GSSAPI C libraries. While it focuses on the Kerberos mechanism,
it should also be useable with other GSSAPI mechanisms.
Python-GSSAPI is composed of two parts: a low-level C-style API which
thinly wraps the underlying RFC 2744 methods, and a high-level,
Pythonic API (which is itself a wrapper around the low-level API).
Examples may be found in the examples directory.
The low-level API lives in gssapi.raw. The methods contained therein
are designed to match closely with the original GSSAPI C methods. All
relevant methods and classes may be imported directly from gssapi.raw.
Extension methods will only be imported if they are present.
The high-level API lives directly under gssapi. The classes contained
in each file are designed to provide a more Pythonic, Object-Oriented
view of GSSAPI. The exceptions from the low-level API, plus several
additional exceptions, live in gssapi.exceptions. The rest of the
classes may be imported directly from gssapi. Only classes are
exported by gssapi - all functions are methods of classes in the
high-level API.