Commit graph

4187 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
64ed0d7b4d gnumeric112: update to 1.12.36
Noteworthy news in this release:
* ODF/XLSX import/export improvements with contour graphs.
* Fix some GUI issues caused by Gtk+ "updates".
2017-12-19 09:56:51 +00:00
5abaf9b121 py-pandas: updated to 0.21.1
Restore Matplotlib datetime Converter Registration
New features
- Improvements to the Parquet IO functionality
- Other Enhancements
Performance Improvements
Bug Fixes
- Conversion
- Indexing
- I/O
- Plotting
- Groupby/Resample/Rolling
- Reshaping
- Numeric
- Categorical
- String
2017-12-14 13:37:59 +00:00
ab91400f81 R: Fix PLIST.Darwin after update. 2017-12-11 12:28:09 +00:00
90c70742cd py-intervals: updated to 0.8.1
- Fixed interval coercion
2017-12-10 17:01:48 +00:00
8659f5eeee p5-Math-Prime-Util: update to 0.70.
0.70 2017-12-02


    - prime_count(a,b) incorrect for a={3..7} and b < 66000000.
      First appeared in v0.65 (May 2017).
      Reported by Trizen.  Fixed.

    - Also impacted were nth_ramanujan_prime and _lower/_upper for
      small input values.


    - Some utility functions used prime counts.  Unlink for more isolation.

    - prime_count_approx uses full precision for bigint or string input.

    - LogarithmicIntegral and ExponentialIntegral will try to use
      our GMP backend if possible.

    - Work around old Math::BigInt::FastCalc (as_int() doesn't work right).

    - prime_memfree also calls GMP's memfree function.  This will clear the
      cached constants (e.g. Pi, Euler).

    - Calling srand or csrand will also result in the GMP backend CSPRNG
      functions being called.  This gives more consistent behavior.


    - Turned off threads testing unless release or extended testing is used.
      A few smokers seem to have threads lib that die before we event start.

    - Removed all Math::MPFR code and references.  The latest GMP backend
      has everything we need.

    - The MPU_NO_XS and MPU_NO_GMP environment variables are documented.
2017-12-03 08:41:29 +00:00
49ebca0555 Update to 1.2.5
Upstream changes:
Changes in version 1.2-5 (2017-06-16)

    address error in spplot, leading to display of "Error using packet 1: mixture of missing and non missing values for cex"

    address warning from Tomas Kalibera's static code checking

Changes in version 1.2-4 (2016-12-21)

    fix bug in duplicating objects in C; see 8f8a66090e

    fix all long/lat-based great circle distance functions; see d8374ff7ef and

    clarified cellcentre.offset documentation, see

Changes in version 1.2-3 (2016-04-06)

    update sp gallery, see

    move methods from Imports: to Depends:

    improve base plot methods for SpatialGridDataFrame and SpatialPixelsDataFrame objects, see for examples

    improve the graticule labels methods, see ?gridlines

    fix hole assignment for triangles, reported in

    as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology drops rownames of coordinates generated, but keeps coordinate (column) names from the cellcentre.offset slot of the grid

    improve examples in over vignette.

Changes in version 1.2-2 (2016-02-05)

    method 'row.names' for 'SpatialPoints' makes unique row names, or drops them.

    add a labels method for gridlines, drawing labels under varying angle (see gridlines example)

    add coercion (“as” methods) from deldir to SpatialLines and SpatialPolygons

    migrate sp code base to github

    correct [ subsetting when i is all FALSE; report by Francois Rousseau.

    add geometry<- method for Spatial, wrapping addAttrToGeom

    addressing rbind and docs issues raised by Kent Johnson on r-sig-geo, 5 Dec 2015

    get 'row.names' of coords correctly if object is a SpatialPoints

    add non-default coercion SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to SpatialPolygons

    add comment to SpatialPolygons coerced from SpatialGrid or SpatialPixels

    coordinates method for SpatiaLines now retains rownames

Changes in version 1.2-1 (2015-10-17)

    spsample.Spatial does no longer generate objects with rownames.

    CRS gains argument doCheckCRSArgs, to allow suppression of the default checking

    coercion from Lines to SpatialPoints now drops (duplicate) rownames

    add coercion from SpatialLines* to SpatialMultiPoints*

    improve printing of SpatialMultiPoint* objects

    aggregate now passes minDimension to rgeos; explanation of aggregate extended in its vignette

    depend on rgeos version 0.3-13

    merge now accepts "row.names" or 0 for arguments by.x or by.y, for compatibility with base::merge.

    aggregate now accepts parameter minDimension, introduced for over in 1.2-0, and passes it on to over to control when features intersect; see the documentation of over and its vignette for details.

    SpatialMultiPoints objects with zero features can now exist.

Changes in version 1.2-0 (2015-09-01)

    Support for SpatialMultiPoints and SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame objects. Where SpatialPoints are set of points, SpatialMultiPoints are sets of point sets. SpatialPointsDataFrame objects bind points to attribute values, SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame bind point sets to attribute values. Methods supported are subsetting ([), plot, spplot, over, and coercion to SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame. Functions in rgeos support this feature class. See also demo(mp).

    creating SpatialPoints objects with duplicated coordinate rownames now gives a warning, which will become an error in the future.

    Support for Google Earth or OpenStreetMap background maps in sp::plot and spplot. Maps returned by

        function GetMap in package RgoogleMaps

        function get_map in package ggmap

    are now understood by plotting functions in sp. In particular, sp::plot now has an argument bgMap, spplot now has panel functions panel.RgoogleMaps and panel.ggmap; See demo(webmap) for examples.

    As these maps assume a web mercator projection, sp::plot issues a warning if the object to be plotted have a CRS that does not contain "+init=epsg:3857"

    over methods that are taken care of by rgeos (anything involving SpatialLines, or SpatialPolygons-SpatialPolygons) gained an argument minDimension, which causes an ordering of returned features by dimension of intersection, and the ability to select a minimun dimension (e.g. only area-overlap); this uses gRelate, and has a computational cost. Documentation found in vignette("over").
2017-12-02 12:09:54 +00:00
ad69b628dd Update to 1.4.30
Upstream changes:
16 June 2017: statmod 1.4.30

- Bug fix to qinvgauss(). In some case the gamma approximation used
  for small right tail probabilities was taking the initial value
  outside the domain of convergence.

27 February 2017: statmod 1.4.29

- rinvgauss() now accurately handles large or infinite values for the
  mean or dispersion.

26 February 2017: statmod 1.4.28

- R_registerRoutines is now used to register the Fortran subroutine

- pinvgauss() and qinvgauss() now use a gamma approximation when the
  coefficient of variation is very small.

17 December 2016: statmod 1.4.27

- qinvgauss() now supports mean=Inf.
2017-12-02 12:00:34 +00:00
6126868797 Update to 0.10-0
Upstream changes:
Changed in xts 0.10-0:

Major changes include:
o  A new plot.xts() that is incompatible with earlier versions of plot.xts().
o  Moved development from R-Forge to GitHub.
o  New xts FAQ.

Other, less disruptive changes include:

o  merge.xts() now throws an error if the index contains non-finite values

o  Constructors xts() and .xts() now ensure and index arguments do not
   contain non-finite values. Many xts functions, most notably merge.xts(),
   expect all index values to be finite. Missing index values usually indicate
   an error, and always occurred at the end of the index (#173, #194, #199).

o  Fixed bug in endpoints() when called on sparse data that have the same month
   and day, but different years (#169).

o  Fixed bug in [.xts did not do the same checks on logical xts objects as it
   does for all other data types (#163).

o  Fixed bug that caused split.xts() to error if 'f' is a character vector with
   more than 1 element (#134).

o  Fixed bug that crashed R if 'k' argument to lag.xts() was not an integer and
   would be NA when coerced to integer (#152).

o  period.apply() now checks to ensure the object's index is unique and sorted,
   and sets INDEX <- sort(unique(INDEX)) if it is not. It also ensures INDEX
   starts with 0 and ends with NROW(x) (#171).

o  All references to the 'its' package have been removed, since it is now
   archived on CRAN at the request of its maintainer.

o  Fixed bug that crashed R when merge.xts() was called on an empty xts object
   and more than one non-xts object (#157).

o  Fixed bug that did not set the index's tzone attribute to UTC when
   index<-.xts or indexClass<- were called and 'value' did not have a tzone
   attribute (#148).

o  Fixed a bug in endpoints() that caused incorrect results if the index was
   less than the epoch (#144).

o  Fixed a bug that caused diff.xts() on a logical xts object to return an
   object with a POSIXct index.

o  index.xts() works even if the package containing the class for the index
   is not attached (it needs to be loaded, however).

o  [.xts now returns NA if a one-column xts object is subsect by NA, instead
   of throwing an uninformative error (#97).

o  Fixed bugs that would crash R when [.xts was called a certain way and 'j'
   contained NA values (#97, #181).

o  Fixed a bug in endpoints() where 1 second would be subtracted for any date
   in the year 1969. The subtraction is only supposed to occur on
   1969-12-31 23:59:59.9... to work around behavior in strptime().

o  timeBasedSeq() now honors hour/min/sec 'BY' values (#91).

o  [.xts now throws an error if 'j' is character and not one of the column
   names. This is consistent with [.zoo and [.matrix (#48).

o  timeBasedSeq() now works correctly when resolution is "days" the sequence
   includes a daylight saving time change (#67).

o  Explicitly set indexTZ="UTC" for all index classes that do not have a TZ
   (#66).  indexTZ="GMT" is also allowed.

o  Fixed as.xts() when called on an 'mts' object (#64).

o  Moved development from R-Forge to GitHub.

o  Fixed bug in to.period() that errored when name=NULL (#5937).

o  Fixed bug in .index* functions that did not account for timezones (#5891).

o  Fixed bug that allowed index<-.xts to produce an unsorted index (#5893).

o  Fixed bug so subsetting a zero-width xts object with a zero-length 'i'
   vector no longer returns an object with column names (#5885).

o  Updated [.xts to handle 'i' containing multiple zeros (e.g. subsetting by a
   "logical" column of an integer xts object).

o endpoints() now errors if k < 0.
2017-12-02 11:53:30 +00:00
493212dc4f Update to 1.8.0
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.8-0

  o zoo() and zooreg() gained a calendar = getOption("zoo.calendar", TRUE)
    argument so that, by default, yearqtr and yearmon are used as the time
    index for regular zoo series with frequency 4 and 12, respectively. With
    calendar = FALSE the behavior from previous versions with plain
    unclassed time indexes can be obtained. Set options(zoo.calendar = FALSE)
    to always retain the old behavior.

  o na.locf() is made faster by using a diff()-based solution rather than
    cumsum() (suggested by Ruben Arslan). Also, the workhorse function
    na.locf0() underlying the default na.locf() method is now exported
    in the user interface as it is faster (but also supports less options).

  o Better support of vector-valued 'split' arguments in read.zoo().

  o Special-cased rollmax(..., k = 1) to return the input coredata().

  o as.character() for "yearqtr" objects did not process NA elements correctly.
2017-12-02 10:58:52 +00:00
2708af42c7 - Update to 3.4.3
Upstream changes:


    * A workaround has been added for the changes in location of
      time-zone files in macOS 10.13 'High Sierra' and again in
      10.13.1, so the default time zone is deduced correctly from the
      system setting when R is configured with --with-internal-tzcode
      (the default on macOS).

    * R CMD javareconf has been updated to recognize the use of a Java
      9 SDK on macOS.


    * raw(0) & raw(0) and raw(0) | raw(0) again return raw(0) (rather
      than logical(0)).

    * intToUtf8() converts integers corresponding to surrogate code
      points to NA rather than invalid UTF-8, as well as values larger
      than the current Unicode maximum of 0x10FFFF.  (This aligns with
      the current RFC3629.)

    * Fix calling of methods on S4 generics that dispatch on ... when
      the call contains ....

    * Following Unicode 'Corrigendum 9', the UTF-8 representations of
      U+FFFE and U+FFFF are now regarded as valid by utf8ToInt().

    * range(c(TRUE, NA), finite = TRUE) and similar no longer return
      NA. (Reported by Lukas Stadler.)

    * The self starting function attr(SSlogis, "initial") now also
      works when the y values have exact minimum zero and is slightly
      changed in general, behaving symmetrically in the y range.

    * The printing of named raw vectors is now formatted nicely as for
      other such atomic vectors, thanks to Lukas Stadler.
2017-12-01 03:19:30 +00:00
8977d31a36 Revbump after textproc/icu update 2017-11-30 16:45:00 +00:00
d067aca661 maxima: update to 5.41.0.
Cross-compiling changes and improvements.
Documentation changes and improvements.
Build/installation improvements.
Updates to examples.
Changes and improvements to test system.
Changes and updates to nightly builds and tests.
Added the rules to build a snappy package.
Windows installer improvements and fixes.
Improvements to Windows maxima.bat.
Debian build improvements.
Compatibility improvements with diverse LISP compilers.
Plotting improvements; improved GNUPLOT error handling.
Code optimizations.
Removed some old/unused code; cosmetic changes.
New test cases.
2017-11-28 15:18:21 +00:00
39369b2c77 wxmaxima: paxctl not needed any longer 2017-11-28 13:13:54 +00:00
bc0a56fcc4 wxmaxima: update to 17.10.1.
* Jump to the char containing the error on encountering unmatched parenthesis.
  * Try to place the cursor near the error in all other cases.
  * Attempt to mark the whole error message in red. This is bound to fail in
    some cases as maxima sometimes only sends part of an error message through
    the error() command. But it is better than nothing.
  * Detect and mark most warnings.
  * A "evaluate cells below" right-click-menu item.
  * Autosave now even works for unsaved documents adding them to the
    "recent documents" list if needed.
  * Big parenthesis are now drawn using unicode characters, if available.
  * Nicer integral, Product and Sum signs, optionally including antialiassing
    even if no font provides them.
  * MouseOver tooltips for some of the more exotic worksheet items.
  * A "Copy as svg" function that is as good as wxSVGFileDc allows us to be.
  * Worksheet objects now can provide their own ToolTips.
  * Config Dialogue: An editor for the startup file.
  * It is now possible to select which formats "Ctrl+C" should place data on
    the clipboard in.
  * Now multiple animations can run concurrently and can be told to autostart.
  * A menu entry that allows to select 1D and ASCII Art Maths
  * Recent files that currently don't exist are grayed out now.
  * A command-line switch that triggers evaluation on startup of wxMaxima
  * Many Bug Fixes and Performance improvements.
2017-11-28 13:08:09 +00:00
c1bb152a3b py-rpy: updated to 2.9.1
Release 2.9.1

- Fixing issue 432 (see Section Bugs fixed below) involved removed the method
  `__reduce__` previously provided for all rpy2 objects representing R objects.

Bugs fixed
- An error when installing with an unsupported R version was fixed.
- The docstring for `rinterface.endr()` was improperly stating that the function was not taking
  any argument.
- Target version of dplyr and tidyr are now 0.7.4 and 0.7.2 respectively.
- Fixed memory leak when pickling objects. Fixing the leak caused a
  slight change in the API (see Section Changes above).
- Conversion to :mod:`pandas` now handling R ordered factor.
- :mod:`jinja2` was not listed as a dependency
2017-11-28 09:07:23 +00:00
248d9cc60d udunits: follow redirects 2017-11-26 10:53:58 +00:00
f456a415f7 fftw: update to 3.3.7.
FFTW 3.3.7:

* Experimental support for CMake.

  The primary build mechanism for FFTW remains GNU autoconf/automake.
  CMake support is meant to offer an easy way to compile FFTW on
  Windows, and as such it does not cover all the features of the
  automake build system, such as exotic cycle counters,
  cross-compiling, or build of binaries for a mixture of ISA's
  (e.g., amd64 vs amd64+avx vs amd64+avx2).  Patches are welcome.

* Fixes for armv7a cycle counter.
* Official support for aarch64, now that we have hardware to test it.
* Tweak usage of FMA instructions in a way that favors newer processors
  (Skylake and Ryzen) over older processors (Haswell).
* tests/bench: use 64-bit precision to compute mflops.

FFTW 3.3.6-pl2:

* Bugfix: MPI Fortran-03 headers were missing in FFTW 3.3.6-pl1.
2017-11-23 20:24:13 +00:00
20f7c989fe recursive bump for libxkbcommon removal from at-spi2-core 2017-11-23 17:19:40 +00:00
25fd1a4921 nickle: update to 2.81.
Update to version 2.81

    test: Can't test for Y2038 fix because 32 bit machines

    glibc on all 32-bit machines fails the Y2038 test. Change that to use
    the maximum possible 32-bit value instead (sigh)

    Remove unused variable in builtin-date.c

    Add date conversion functions localtime, gmtime, timelocal, timegm

    These just wrap the C versions, except they report actual years,
    rather than years since 1900 and January is month 1, not 0.

    Add JSON tests

    Add floats to JSON module.

    Support floating point values in JSON input and output.

    Make nickle-tutorial.pdf build reproducibly

    Set TeX dates to RELEASE_DATE.
    Remove PDF /ID entry.
2017-11-23 16:15:23 +00:00
ff35015f0a math: add py-scikit-image 2017-11-22 11:15:50 +00:00
e8f47df6f5 py-scikit-image: Add version 0.13.1
scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing.
2017-11-22 11:14:52 +00:00
e7ed956b06 math: add py-pywavelets 2017-11-22 11:07:52 +00:00
156f18c705 py-pywavelets: Add version 0.5.2
PyWavelets is a Python wavelet transforms module that includes:

* nD Forward and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT and IDWT)
* 1D and 2D Forward and Inverse Stationary Wavelet Transform
  (Undecimated Wavelet Transform)
* 1D and 2D Wavelet Packet decomposition and reconstruction
* 1D Continuous Wavelet Tranfsorm
* Computing Approximations of wavelet and scaling functions
* Over 100 built-in wavelet filters and support for custom wavelets
* Single and double precision calculations
* Results compatibility with Matlab Wavelet Toolbox (tm)
2017-11-22 11:06:23 +00:00
60dea9f922 math/py-scikit-learn: Update to 0.19.1
Notable new features since 0.18.2:
- `neighbors.LocalOutlierFactor` for anomaly detection
- `preprocessing.QuantileTransformer` for robust feature transformation
- `multioutput.ClassifierChain` meta-estimator to simply account
  for dependencies between classes in multilabel problem
- multiplicative update in `decomposition.NMF`
- multinomial `linear_model.LogisticRegression` with L1 loss
2017-11-21 18:45:28 +00:00
78a698ddee math/py-networkx: prefix doc directory with python version
so package doesn't conflict with other versions of itself.
2017-11-15 23:22:28 +00:00
86edd74700 libsvm: follow redirects 2017-11-15 22:13:38 +00:00
8409e46c44 libshorttext: follow redirects 2017-11-15 22:13:24 +00:00
0148e8856f liblinear: follow redirects 2017-11-15 22:12:56 +00:00
3034dfa51f Accept also PHP 7.2 for this module package 2017-11-15 09:15:50 +00:00
84fa21e580 math/py-scikit-learn: Update to 0.18.2
- Fixes for compatibility with NumPy 1.13.0
- Minor compatibility changes in the examples
2017-11-14 22:56:37 +00:00
84401093f6 p5-Spreadsheet-Read: update to 0.75.
0.75	- 09 Nov 2017, H.Merijn Brand
    * Windows does not like an exec with arguments that have spaces (PR#15)
      Three fixes by Andrew Gregory <>). Thanks!
    * Fix column clipping
    * Manually generate cells to delete when clipping
    * Skip cell deletion if they were never generated
    * File names cannot have \0 in newer perls
2017-11-13 15:35:00 +00:00
ac9a1adee6 p5-Math-Prime-Util: update to 0.69.
0.69 2017-11-08


    - is_totient(n)                   true if euler_phi(x) == n for some x


    - is_square_free uses abs(n), like Pari and moebius.

    - is_primitive_root could be wrong with even n on some platforms.

    - euler_phi and moebius with negative range inputs weren't consistent.

    - factorialmod given a large n and m where m was a composite with
      large square factors was incorrect.  Fixed.

    - numtoperm will accept negative k values (k is always mod n!)

    - Split XS mapping of many primality tests.  Makes more sense and
      improves performance for some calls.

    - Split final test in PP cluster sieve.

    - Support some new Math::Prime::Util::GMP functions from 0.47.

    - C spigot Pi is 30-60% faster on x86_64 by using 32-bit types.

    - Reworked some factoring code.

    - Remove ISAAC (Perl and C) since we use ChaCha.

    - Each thread allocs a new const array again instead of sharing.
2017-11-13 15:22:31 +00:00
acf6703de4 Add support for CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
This notably fixes building with RELRO enabled.

Bump PKGREVISION, since this generates a different binary now that SSP and
FORTIFY are enabled.
2017-11-10 16:18:47 +00:00
5938db387d xfractint: update HOMEPAGE and MASTER_SITES 2017-11-06 13:40:29 +00:00
37ae1ba00e py-pandas: updated to 0.21.0
v0.21.0 Final:

This is a major release from 0.20.3 and includes a number of API changes, deprecations, new features, enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug fixes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.

Highlights include:
* Integration with Apache Parquet, including a new top-level read_parquet function and DataFrame.to_parquet method, see here.
* New user-facing dtype pandas.api.types.CategoricalDtype for specifying categoricals independent of the data, see here.
* The behavior of sum and prod on all-NaN Series/DataFrames is now consistent and no longer depends on whether bottleneck is installed, see here.
* Compatibility fixes for pypy, see here.
* Additions to the drop, reindex and rename API to make them more consistent, see here.
* Addition of the new methods DataFrame.infer_objects (see here) and GroupBy.pipe (see here).
* Indexing with a list of labels, where one or more of the labels is missing, is deprecated and will raise a KeyError in a future version
2017-11-02 09:41:38 +00:00
b936f657a3 py-scipy: updated to 1.0.0
Some of the highlights of this release are:
* Major build improvements. Windows wheels are available on PyPI for the
  first time, and continuous integration has been set up on Windows and OS X
  in addition to Linux.
* A set of new ODE solvers and a unified interface to them
* Two new trust region optimizers and a new linear programming method, with
  improved performance compared to what scipy.optimize offered previously.
  Many new BLAS and LAPACK functions were wrapped. The BLAS wrappers are now
2017-11-02 09:40:29 +00:00
f0bdd36d70 R: Add missing zoneinfo file from previous update. 2017-10-30 11:49:38 +00:00
2ac3c55290 Use ${WRKDIR}/tmp for temporary files instead of $(mktemp -d)
This is more portable.

As suggested by joerg@.
2017-10-29 22:16:03 +00:00
71f7b8f5fc Fix local privilege escalation when building math/lp_solve
This still requires $TMPDIR (or /tmp) to be mounted with "exec", but now
respects $TMPDIR.
2017-10-28 11:23:50 +00:00
30f7fde68d p5-Math-Prime-Util: update to 0.68.
0.68 2017-10-19

    [API Changes]

    - forcomb with one argument iterates over the power set, so k=0..n
      instead of k=n.  The previous behavior was undocumented.  The new
      behavior matches Pari/GP (forsubset) and Perl6 (combinations).


    - factorialmod(n,m)               n! mod m calculated efficiently
    - is_fundamental(d)               true if d a fundamental discriminant


    - Unknown bigint classes no longer return two values after objectify.
      Thanks to Daniel Șuteu for finding this.

    - Using lastfor inside a formultiperm works correctly now.

    - randperm a little faster for k < n cases, and can handle big n
      values without running out of memory as long as k << n.
      E.g. 5000 random native ints without dups:  @r = randperm(~0,5000);

    - forpart with primes pulls min/max values in for a small speedup.

    - forderange 10-20% faster.

    - hammingweight for bigints 3-8x faster.

    - Add Math::GMPq and Math::AnyNum as possible bigint classes.  Inputs
      of these types will be relied on to stringify correctly, and if this
      results in an integer string, to intify correctly.  This should give
      a large speedup for these types.

    - Factoring native integers is 1.2x - 2x faster.  This is due to a
      number of changes.

    - Add Lehman factoring core.  Since this is not exported or used by
      default, the API for factor_lehman may change.

    - All new Montgomery math.  Uses mulredc asm from Ben Buhrow.
      Faster and smaller.  Most primality and factoring code 10% faster.

    - Speedup for factoring by running more Pollard-Rho-Brent, revising
      SQUFOF, updating HOLF, updating recipe.
2017-10-23 13:01:48 +00:00
34eadf720d tex-unicode-math{,-doc}: update to 0.8h
- v0.8g (2017/10/02)
  * Better use of scriptstyle sizes in LuaTeX (I think a regression).
  * Fix regression (`\mathbf` etc. not being set automatically) caused by
the renaming of a `fontspec` internal command.
  * Minor documentation improvements.

- v0.8h (2017/10/09)

  * Some bugs crept in in the last update due to some code rearrangement:
      * package version wasn't set;
      * some code was being executed at the wrong time;
      * `\sqrt[]{}` in LuaLaTeX gave incorrect output.
  * The layout of the code is now structured far more sensibly.
  * Remove (long deprecated) `\resetmathfont`; for years it has been a
synonym for `\setmathfont`.
2017-10-23 09:23:44 +00:00
4cdbd89a63 R: update to 3.4.2


    * Setting the LC_ALL category in Sys.setlocale() invalidates any
      cached locale-specific day/month names and the AM/PM indicator
      for strptime() (as setting LC_TIME has since R 3.1.0).

    * The version of LAPACK included in the sources has been updated to
      3.7.1, a bug-fix release.

    * The default for tools::write_PACKAGES(rds_compress=) has been
      changed to "xz" to match the compression used by CRAN.

    * c() and unlist() are now more efficient in constructing the
      names(.) of their return value, thanks to a proposal by Suharto
      Anggono.  (PR#17284)



    * (Unix-alike) The default methods for download.file() and url()
      now choose "libcurl" except for file:// URLs.  There will be
      small changes in the format and wording of messages, including in
      rare cases if an issue is a warning or an error.  For example,
      when HTTP re-direction occurs, some messages refer to the final
      URL rather than the specified one.

      Those who use proxies should check that their settings are
      compatible (see ?download.file: the most commonly used forms work
      for both "internal" and "libcurl").

    * table() has been amended to be more internally consistent and
      become back compatible to R <= 2.7.2 again.  Consequently,
      table(1:2, exclude = NULL) no longer contains a zero count for
      <NA>, but useNA = "always" continues to do so.

    * summary.default() no longer rounds, but its print method does
      resulting in less extraneous rounding, notably of numbers in the
      ten thousands.

    * factor(x, exclude = L) behaves more rationally when x or L are
      character vectors.  Further, exclude = <factor> now behaves as
      documented for long.

    * Arithmetic, logic (&, |) and comparison (aka 'relational', e.g.,
      <, ==) operations with arrays now behave consistently, notably
      for arrays of length zero.

      Arithmetic between length-1 arrays and longer non-arrays had
      silently dropped the array attributes and recycled.  This now
      gives a warning and will signal an error in the future, as it has
      always for logic and comparison operations in these cases (e.g.,
      compare matrix(1,1) + 2:3 and matrix(1,1) < 2:3).

    * The JIT ('Just In Time') byte-code compiler is now enabled by
      default at its level 3. This means functions will be compiled on
      first or second use and top-level loops will be compiled and then
      run.  (Thanks to Tomas Kalibera for extensive work to make this
     For now, the compiler will not compile code containing explicit
      calls to browser(): this is to support single stepping from the
      browser() call.

      JIT compilation can be disabled for the rest of the session using
      compiler::enableJIT(0) or by setting environment variable
      R_ENABLE_JIT to 0.

    * xtabs() works more consistently with NAs, also in its result no
      longer setting them to 0.  Further, a new logical option addNA
      allows to count NAs where appropriate.  Additionally, for the
      case sparse = TRUE, the result's dimnames are identical to the
      default case's.

    * Matrix products now consistently bypass BLAS when the inputs have
      NaN/Inf values. Performance of the check of inputs has been
      improved. Performance when BLAS is used is improved for
      matrix/vector and vector/matrix multiplication (DGEMV is now used
      instead of DGEMM).

      One can now choose from alternative matrix product
      implementations _via_ options(matprod = ).  The "internal"
      implementation is not optimized for speed but consistent in
      precision with other summations in R (using long double
      accumulators where available).  "blas" calls BLAS directly for
      best speed, but usually with undefined behavior for inputs with


    * User errors such as integrate(f, 0:1, 2) are now caught.

    * Add signature argument to debug(), debugonce(), undebug() and
      isdebugged() for more conveniently debugging S3 and S4 methods.
      (Based on a patch by Gabe Becker.)

    * Add utils::debugcall() and utils::undebugcall() for debugging the
      function that would be called by evaluating the given expression.
      When the call is to an S4 generic or standard S3 generic,
      debugcall() debugs the method that would be dispatched. A number
      of internal utilities were added to support this, most notably
      utils::isS3stdGeneric().  (Based on a patch by Gabe Becker.)

And many more - see the NEWS file for details.
2017-10-21 02:40:56 +00:00
529d399d09 p5-Math-Base85: update to 0.4.
Revision history for Perl module Math::Base85.

0.4 2017-10-16T17:36:18Z
	Fix version numbering

v0.3.1 2017-10-16T17:27:24Z
	- Move deps from build to runtime; fix courtesy of Dan Book <>

0.3 2017-10-16T16:39:34Z
	- Add metadata to distribution
	- Update directory structure to more standard Perl module structure
	- Extend metadata to include prereqs, repo information, author info etc.
	- Improve kwalitee
	- Update author and repo information to point to new locations
	- Add more explicit license information
2017-10-18 18:34:01 +00:00
51d22134aa py-rpy: update to 2.9.0
Release 2.9.0:

New features

- New module :mod:`rpy2.situation` to extract and report informations
  about the environment, such as where is the R HOME, what is the
  version of R, what is the version of R rpy2 was built with, etc...
  The module is also designed to be run directly and provide diagnostics:
  `python -m rpy2.situation`.

- :meth:`Environment.values`, :meth:`Environment.pop`,
  :meth:`Environment.popitems`, :meth:`Environment.clear`
  to match :meth:`dict.values`,
  :meth:`dict.pop`, :meth:`dict.popitems`, :meth:`dict.clear`.

- :class:`VectorOperationsDelegator` now has a method `__matmul__` to implement
  Python's matrix multiplication operator (PEP-0645).

- A rule to convert R POSIXct vectors to pandas Timestamp vectors was added.

- method :meth:`_repr_html_` for R vectors to display HTML in jupyter.


- Starting several times the singleton :class:`EventProcessor` longer results
  in a :class:`RuntimeError`.

- The target version for the R package `dplyr` mapped is now 0.7.1, and
  :func:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr.src_dt` and
  :func:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr.src_desc` are no longer present.

- :meth:`Environment.keys` is now a iterator to match :meth:`dict.keys`,
  also an interator in Python 3.

- Target version of `ggplot2` library is 2.2.1.

- Option `stringsasfactors` in the constructor for the class `DataFrame`. If `False`, the
  strings are no longer converted to factors. When converting from pandas data frames
  the default is to no longer convert columns of strings to factors.

- The R "magic" for jupyter is now more consistently using the conversion system, and the
  use of custom converters through the magic argument `-c` will work as expected.

- Docker-related files moved to directory docker/ (where variants image for rpy2 are available)

Bugs fixed

- :func:`numpy.float128` is not available on all platforms. The unit test
  for it is now skipped on systems where it is not present

- R pairlist objects can now be sliced.

- Passing parameters names that are empty string to R function was
  causing a segfault.

- Trying to build an atomic R vector from a Python object that has a length,
  but it not a sequence nor an iterator was causing a segfault
2017-10-18 16:17:12 +00:00
87deec87c5 R: pkgsrc changes
PkgSrc changes:
* On Darwin, use Aqua interface instead of X11
* Cairo support also requires Pango
* Allow Cairo with other backends, not only X11 (e.g. to make it work on Darwin)
2017-10-18 16:14:30 +00:00
eb7272447f math/Makefile: Add py-quadprog 2017-10-12 16:37:37 +00:00
99dc16b9d5 matg/py-quadprog: Import version 0.1.6
quadprog solves a strictly convex quadratic program using the
Goldfarb/Idnani dual algorithm.
2017-10-12 16:37:00 +00:00
2fd505e180 py-simpleeval: update to 0.9.5
Python 3 compatibility.
Bug fixes.
2017-10-11 07:10:47 +00:00
f20d318458 py-autograd: update to 1.1.13
Unknown changes.
2017-10-08 20:22:46 +00:00
e994f1ccba py-intervals: update to 0.8.0
- Added is_connected utility method
- Made interval constructor throw IllegalArgument exception for intervals such as (a..a)
- Fixed some edge cases with interval intersections
- Fixed interval union
2017-10-08 10:12:40 +00:00