"native" it's "builtin".
So if Linux emulation is wanted on a Linux system set EMUL_TYPE.linux to
"native" if the EMUL_ARCH and MACHINE_ARCH are the same, otherwise set it
to "none".
If the EMUL_TYPE is 'none' disable the package by setting NOT_FOR_PLATFORM
to this platform.
If someone wants to use Linux 32bit "builtin" emulation they should ensure
that the native 32bit library packages that are needed are installed
(e.g. libc6-i386 ... ) and put "EMUL_TYPE.linux=builtin" in mk.conf.
and netbsd32_compat40 packages. The compat40 packages are currently
built by comparing the 4.0 release against the 20071230 version of
Commit approved by <agc>.
Remember .include "foo.mk" is looked for (first) in the directory that
contains the makefile being processed (like in C), so remove all the
${.PARSEDIR} and ../ sequences that just cause grief.
of an emulated operating system. Instead of proliferating things like
package can say:
EMUL_REQD= suse>=9.1 netbsd>=2.0 solaris>=10
all in one, succinct line.
a separate emulator-opsys.mk file.
The emulator-opsys.mk file defines EMUL_DISTRO and the various *EMUL*DIR*
variables, as well as any opsys-specific variables.
Include this file within compat_netbsd/Makefile.common so that the
*EXEC_FMT variables (defined by the compat*/emulator.mk files) are
defined. This fixes the build of compat* packages.
XXX emulator-opsys.mk will go away in the near future as we do more
XXX appropriate information hiding.
matches the native operating system. Use it in place of checking
whether EMUL_DISTRO matches "native-*" as EMUL_DISTRO is no longer
defined after bsd.prefs.mk is included.
This should fix PR pkg/36823 by Robert Elz.
pkgsrc/emulator/compat* and pkgsrc/emulator/netbsd32_compat* packages
to provide the necessary shared libraries to run dynamically linked
NetBSD binaries from the days of yore.
* Add some additional compat* packages for completeness:
compat15, compat20, compat30
* Modify the compat* packages so that "compatNM" only provides files
that aren't in "NetBSD-N.(M+1)". For example, compat12 only provides
files that don't exist in NetBSD-1.3.x, compat13 only provides files
that don't exist in NetBSD-1.4.x, etc.
As a result, if you are running NetBSD-3.0/alpha and want to run a
1.3 dynamically linked binary, there is an automatic dependency
chain that causes the following packages to be installed:
compat13, compat14, compat15, compat16, compat20
There are some deviations from this dependency chain on platforms
that have changed executable formats, e.g. i386, m68, sparc, etc.
However, in general pkgsrc will require that you have the necessary
COMPAT_* options in your kernel to match the installed compat*
packages. This restriction is an artificial one imposed by pkgsrc,
but allows for a single set of distfiles to be used on all versions
of NetBSD.
* Provide compat* package support for every supported architecture
of NetBSD. Verily, it is now possible to run 1.2 binaries on
NetBSD-1.5.3/pc532 by installing the compat12 package from pkgsrc.
Rejoice, one and all!
* The netbsd32_compat* packages mirror the corresponding compat*
packages for use by sparc64 and x86_64 to allow running 32-bit
binaries with COMPAT_NETBSD32 kernel support. The "extras" packages
supply the additional shared libraries from the corresponding release
of NetBSD so that the set of files in /emul/netbsd32 will be complete.
* pkgsrc/emulators/compat_netbsd contains infrastructure files shared
by all of the compat* packages.
binary-only packages that require binary "emulation" on the native
operating system. Please see pkgsrc/mk/emulator/README for more
* Teach the plist framework to automatically use any existing
PLIST.${EMUL_PLATFORM} as part of the default PLIST_SRC definition.
* Convert all of the binary-only packages in pkgsrc to use the
emulator framework. Most of them have been tested to install and
deinstall correctly. This involves the following cleanup actions:
* Remove use of custom PLIST code and use PLIST.${EMUL_PLATFORM}
more consistently.
* Simplify packages by using default INSTALL and DEINSTALL scripts
instead of custom INSTALL/DEINSTALL code.
* Remove "SUSE_COMPAT32" and "PKG_OPTIONS.suse" from pkgsrc.
Packages only need to state exactly which emulations they support,
and the framework handles any i386-on-x86_64 or sparc-on-sparc64
* Remove "USE_NATIVE_LINUX" from pkgsrc. The framework will
automatically detect when the package is installing on Linux.
Specific changes to packages include:
* Bump the PKGREVISIONs for all of the suse100* and suse91* packages
due to changes in the +INSTALL/+DEINSTALL scripts used in all
of the packages.
* Remove pkgsrc/emulators/suse_linux, which is unused by any
* cad/lc -- remove custom code to create the distinfo file for
all supported platforms; just use "emul-fetch" and "emul-distinfo"
* lang/Cg-compiler -- install the shared libraries under ${EMULDIR}
instead of ${PREFIX}/lib so that compiled programs will find
the shared libraries.
* mail/thunderbird-bin-nightly -- update to latest binary
distributions for supported platforms.
* multimedia/ns-flash -- update Linux version to 9.0.48 as the
older version is no longer available for interactive fetch.
* security/uvscan -- set LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitly so that
it's not necessary to install library symlinks into
* www/firefox-bin-flash -- update Linux version to 9.0.48 as the
older version is no longer available for interactive fetch.