update to 2.7.0. Excerpt from the release notes:
- significant improvements affecting a pre-queue content filtering setup
(time limiting, warm/flying restart, ...) - requires Postfix 2.7.0 and
SpamAssassin 3.3.0, or later;
- new daemon amavisd-signer makes it possible to sign mail with DKIM
signatures without requiring amavisd process to have access to private
signing keys;
- added support for the Sophos-SSSP, Avira SAVAPI and ClamAV clamd streaming
protocols allows amavisd to communicate with these antivirus solutions;
- allow specifying multiple (fail-over) back-end mailers for resubmission
of messages from amavisd back to MTA;
- support for Postfix 2.8.0 XFORWARD IDENT, passes a local message identifier
(queue id) downstream to a post-queue content filter and back to Postfix;
- speedup in data transfer rate on receiving large mail via SMTP/LMTP
sessions by a factor of 3.9 for plain text sessions, and by a factor
of 11 for encrypted (TLS) sessions;
- recognize and insert header fields as prepared by SpamAssassin 3.3.0
or later through its 'add_header' configuration option;
- a new setting allows a forward_method to be chosen based on a message
content type and/or recipient address; this may be useful for outgoing
mail routing purposes or to implement sender reputation schemes;
- per-recipient (or per- policy bank) SpamAssassin configuration files or
SQL configuration sets are supported (@sa_userconf_maps), and per-recipient
SQL Bayes database usernames (@sa_username_maps);
- new macros: client_helo, client_addr, client_port, client_addr_port,
mime2utf8, rusage, ADDEDHEADERHAM, ADDEDHEADERSPAM, banned_parts_as_attr,
actions_performed, new arguments to macros dkim, header_field, HEADER,
- @listen_sockets setting offers a unified configuration of listening
sockets; it may be configured directly, or the traditional way: the
$inet_socket_port, $unix_socketname and $inet_socket_bind just add their
entries to the @listen_sockets list;
- lists of lookup tables (the @*_maps variables) can now contain
explicit SQL and LDAP lookup objects as their elements, instead of
(or in addition to) the implied SQL and LDAP lookups;
- a new configuration variable @virus_name_to_policy_bank_maps allows
loading of policy banks based on a virus name;
- a new configuration variable $mail_id_size_bits allows setting the size
of randomly generated mail_id and secret_id codes;
- a new configuration variable $sql_store_info_for_all_msgs allows storing
information on mail messages selectively just for quarantined messages;
- added SNMP counters InMsgsStatus* which combine the final mail checking
status with a direction of a mail flow;
- optional transparent archival quarantine, retaining envelope recipient
addresses on delivery to a dedicated SMTP server;
amavisd-new is an interface between message transfer agent (MTA) and
one or more content checkers, e.g. virus scanners, SpamAssassin, etc.
It is a performance-enhanced and feature-enriched version of amavisd
(which in turn is a daemonized version of AMaViS or amavis-perl).
amavisd-new is normally positioned at or near a central mailer, not
necessarily where user's mailboxes and final delivery takes place. If
you are looking for fully per-user configurable and/or low-message-rate
solution to be placed at the final stage of mail delivery (e.g. called
from procmail), there may be other solutions more appropriate for your
Package created and maintained by Julian Dunn in pkgsrc-wip.