Patch kindly provided by J. Lewis Muir
Changes include:
- a huge pile of bugfixes
- support for more latex packages (cleverref, comment,...)
- html 5.0 output
version 1.10
- corrected hacha that generated non-compliant HTML lists !
version 1.09+12
- added cutflow* environment.
- correct packages.hva
Now package state is pushed/restored by RequirePackage
[needed for proper saving of package options]
version 1.09+11
- natbib being added nightmare. Should release soon.
version 1.09+10
- restored extra argument to \text@accent, silly ?
- added a bit of documentation on math accents
version 1.09+8
- labels for indexes restricted to sectionning labels.
(credit to Yevgeniy Makarov)
version 1.09+7
- Some changes for active characters -, ', and `
* -- not merged in entity if TT is on.
* ' -> simple right quote, ` simple left quote
version 1.09+6
- skip_blanks in save.mll -> also eat spaces after
\n (-> \urldef more compatible ??)
- \usepackage{hevea} -> execute \usepackage{comment} for LaTeX
- Change \warning into \hva@warning
- New \AtEndOfFile command, rediscovered Latexmacros.replace at
the occasion!
version 1.09+5
- Include documentation for Thai.
- A few typos in doc.
- A few correction in french.hva -> \@print@u + \og\fg.
- '\r' '\n' is scanned while looking for \par
- Add empty group after title in section (for \xspace ! -> no space)
- Introduced \RequirePackage
version 1.09+4
- thai support
- add vertical magins to styles .part and .title
- listings, added inputencoding key.
- Corrected footnotes flushing (to follow documentation)
and made documentation more precise.
- listings, *keywords* keys with correct interface
(already here for *emph*).
version 1.09+3
- UTF-8 support, hard to test.
- abstract type for unicode + many less files for input encodings
- Added input encodings koi8-r et cp1251 (Russian)
version 1.09+2
- Correct some bugs for output to dir (imagen on absolute path).
- And above all document that.
- Produce doc in subdirectory doc/doc.
- Document -toc{is,ter} options for hacha.
version 1.09+1
- Simplified error messages for accents, too many
problems in displaying argument.
- hevea/hacha/imagen accept dir/file as input or output
with sensible (?) behavior
version 1.09
- primitives \push@styles,\pop@styles to save,restore styles
accross blocks (mathpartir)
- Esponja removes unreferenced style classes.
- Notice : horiz bars in table -> <TD CLASS="hbar" STYLE="height=..">
is the most simple and works for both moz and IE.
- added winfonts.hva, to replace a few entities by ascii art
- initial value of 'true' for extendedchars (listings)
- adopt most recent mac encoding 0xDB -> euro sign
- added three window codepages and applemac in inputenc, useful ?
- suppress -symbols option !
- include imagen options as comment in image file -> force
production of images when options change. Then, Misc also
has a checkpointed state, so as to avoid double inclusion
of options with -fix.
- added xspace.hva
- added bibhva executable, so as to call bibtex on .haux files
yielding .hbbl files
- styled theorem-like envs
- added ifpdf package
- option -dv
- chngcntr package.
- latin encoding support, through the inputenc package and
checked numerical entities (\@print@u)
Defaut charset is now US-ASCII.
- Added eurosym package
- Added textcomp package
- supertable completed.
- longtable package, a nightmare
- a few changes in graphics/graphicx to allow loading both
(and \@imagecommand in html/hevea.hva uses \def)
- show/noshow option for package figcut.
- figcut and deepcut packages.
- Basic chapterbib (works for included files only, no top level
- new option -pdf for imagen.
- new -t option for imagen (doc pending) -> dvips
- added delim, moredelim, deletedelim, should now implement
new interface for comments and strinsg, and normalize style
command names... Semantics of 'delete' key is somehow radical...
- -w Z warning -> quite a lot of corrections.
- Huge bug (all ' -> - in text mode).
- <<-o - >> redirects html output to stdout.
- \title, \author and \date now work after \begin{document}
This change fixes a bug with entities for -,\ and /
Bump PKGREVISION, and take maintainership
(issues of changing distfiles have been advertised upstream)
> version 1.07
> - Release, to follow ocaml evolution.
> version 1.06+1
> - Added \lstnewenvironment in package listings
> - Pb pour les delims de hauteur 1 : -> rescanner le delimiteur ! Pas le tps.
> - Bug in text manager : incorrect behavior \centering-like declarations.
> Solution make the align flags systematically stacked
> - Add a command-line flag to hacha
> -nolinks -> suppress Previous/Up/Next links
> - Small hacha bug : replicate \htmlfoot argument in index.html file
> even when hevea generated footer is absent.
> - New \@charset command and xxcharset.exe script, to control
> output document character set.
> - firstnumber=auto|last|nnn in listings.hva
> - started adding an example for listings (exlst.tex)
> - proper (?) implementation of emph classes in listings
> (some debug print left)
> - key label in listings + ignore empty fst argument of env
> listing + patch on initial line numbers
> - An attempt to follow << listings >> pace of developement
> all '*label*' keys are now '*numbers*' keys, snif.
> - Added bgcolor definition in hevea.sty, not very good
> (some debug print left)
> - key label in listings + ignore empty fst argument of env
> listing + patch on initial line numbers
> - An attempt to follow << listings >> pace of developement
> all '*label*' keys are now '*numbers*' keys, snif.
> - Added bgcolor definition in hevea.sty, not very good
> - Spaces are irrelevant everywhere in array/tabular format
> - A new warning for \right and \left in non-display mode.
> - Special parsing (\@verbimagearg) for ``\DeclareGraphicsRule'' last
> argument.
> - Allow multiples > and < in package array.
> - Better error message for undefined defaults in keyval.
> - Do not check comments before Save.arg_verbatim.
> - Added a new primitive \@styleattr
> - Almost complete multibib package.
> - Small bit of xypic (-> all \xymatrix are images).
> version 1.06
> version 1.06-7
> - \ifmagen indroduced, \imagentrue at beginning of .image.tex,
> \imagenfalse in hevea.sty, if \ifimagen undefined.
> - Bug -> stopimage in lstinline.
> - Throw away index when some key field is empty (i.e. mimic makeindex)
> - Introduced \htmprefix
> - Bug in ``\@displayint'' (introduced by the new ``\@getprint'')
> - compatibility with ocaml 3.03 (do not close a file twice)
> - Table of contents a` la LaTeX.
> - new ``-hrf'' option for hacha
> - PNG managment in hevea/imagen
> - Added a ``-quant'' option to imagen
> - Changed ``\@getprint'' to interpret characters Cleaned a few bad usages of `
> `\@getprint''
> - Added ``\hyperref'' with optional argument.
> - Added underscore package
> - Bug htmlfoot, <!--FOOTER--> MUST appear last in hevea output
> - small stuff in listings (showlines and continued line numbering)
> version 1.06-6
> - Added esponja
> - Better error diagnostic for bad usage of \begin{document}... \end{document}
> - Added a \tocnomber command to include section numbers in table of
> contents
> - Better amstmath package
> version 1.06-5
> - \index allowed in section titles (@norefs extension)
> - Big dynamic scoping bug in packages.hva
> - Two easy misfeature disappear
> . trailing -exec prog brougth back one step
> . blanks allowed in array formats
> - Option -version
> - Bug in, finalize -> active := false, to make module restartable
> - Bug moreverb, protect get_line by save_lexstate/restore_lexstate.
> - Bug paragraphe (remettre Save.seen_par a` false dans make_stack).
> - Bug \iftest -> modifs locales (par fun_register)
> - Bug argument csname de \newcommand dans toimage -> save_arg
> - Licence du manuel.
> - Bug par, Dest.par None doit e^tre un nop (cf. appel dans expand_command,
> avec name = \par).
> - insertion d'un @verbarg pour les clefs de labels et de citations
> - Hot oubliait les notes de bas de page.
> - Simplification Misc.copy_hashtbl,
> ne marche plus pour les liaisans multiples.
> - small simplification fancyvrb
> - \sbox lrbox finally ok ?
> - New \@getprintnostyle primitive
> - Leading spaces in \usepackage{pkg1, pgk2}
> - New optimized mode for styles.
> - Plein de bugs corrige's (arguments a` , notamment), listings et fancyverb
> version 1.06-4
> version 1.06-3
> - Bug hacha, all output now goes into current directory
> - Paragraphs not ok, quick fix (in \\begin and \\end)
> - All document was typeset inside a Latexmacros group !
> -> change \document \enddocument commands
> - Corrected a bugs in argument parsing/scanning (save_sup/sub and
> arg scanning with ``may_cont''
> - alltt flags ignored when the alltt package is not loaded
> - A little more for fancyvrb
> version 1.06-2
> - Started implementing the fancyvrb package
> version 1.06-1
> - A la TeX \mathop
> - patched bugs in info genearation
> - alltt implementation revised. Efficency concern
> - listings package implementation
> - \def and \let now have TeX semantics *IMPORTANT*
> - \toplinks, for prev,up, next links on the root file.
> - Bug for paragraphs inside \@stopoutput.. \@restoreoutput.
> - Bug CamlCode in get.mll lexer. Correction is patchy.
> version 1.05
> - Paragraphs not ok, quick fix (in \\begin and \\end)
> - All document was typeset inside a Latexmacros group !
> -> change \document \enddocument commands
> - Corrected a bugs in argument parsing/scanning (save_sup/sub and
> arg scanning with ``may_cont''
> - alltt flags ignored when the alltt package is not loaded
> - A little more for fancyvrb
> version 1.06-2
> - Started implementing the fancyvrb package
> version 1.06-1
> - A la TeX \mathop
> - patched bugs in info genearation
> - alltt implementation revised. Efficency concern
> - listings package implementation
> - \def and \let now have TeX semantics *IMPORTANT*
> - \toplinks, for prev,up, next links on the root file.
> - Bug for paragraphs inside \@stopoutput.. \@restoreoutput.
> - Bug CamlCode in get.mll lexer. Correction is patchy.
HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly
complete subset of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and the
output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to
version 4.0 (transitional)
Exotic symbols are translated into symbols pertaining to the
symbol font of the HTML browser, using the FACE attribute of the FONT
tag. This allows the translation to HTML of quite a lot of the symbols
used in LaTeX.
HEVEA understands LaTeX macro definitions. Simple user style
files are understood with little or no modifications.
Furthermore, HEVEA customization is done by writing LaTeX code.
HEVEA is written in Objective Caml, as many lexers. It is quite fast
and flexible. Using HEVEA it is possible to translate large documents
such as manuals, books, etc. very quickly. All documents are
translated as one single HTML file. Then, the output file can be cut
into smaller files, using the companion program HACHA.