Removed the KEEPDBOPEN option as it could lead to multiple instance of gld
running when mail traffic is low and thus father process MYSQL connection
timeout. Furthermore, after tests, efficency is the same.
KEEPDBOPEN option is now silently ignored to forced to NO.
16/09/2005 : V 1.6
- Removed the algorithm lightgreydomain as the new mxgrey
does better and simpler
- Removed the UPDATE option, now gld always update triplets.
- Fixed a minor flaw in the MXGREY algorithm.
- Now you can configure MXGREY to consider an ip as a safe
MX after X succesful greylists instead of only 1 . (read
gld.conf for details)
- Now gld updates the counters only when mail is not
- Added Training mode, read gld.conf for details
- Now gld verify that if you supply a custom smtp code,
it's a 4XX code otherwise gld discard it and use 450 .
- If gld cannot connect to MySQL server on startup
it will not refuse to run anymore, but will set keepdbopen
to 0 and accept to run .
- The sample config file provided now only listen to loopback
only accept connection from localhost and runs as nobody/
WARNING: if you were using lightgreydomain algorithm, it
has been discontinued use MXGREY in place, please read
gld.conf for details.
Gld is a standalone greylisting server for Postfix SMTP, it
listens on a TCP port and use MySQL for storing data.
The server supports whitelists based on sender,sender_domain
and client_ip, it supports also light greylisting and DNS white