Commit graph

4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
52bcbac8d9 Update ruby-padrino and related packages to 0.12.0.
0.12.0 (February 9th 2014)

 FIX #1578 Fix latvian translations (@graudeejs)
 FIX #1576 incorrect nl.yml translations (@fevers)
 FIX #1564 do not reload apps with disabled or absent :reload flag (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1571 Allow for url generation to accept stringified keys (@jsmpereira)
 NEW #1570 add custom index option for form_for abstract form helper (@graudeejs)
 FIX #1567 Add :app option to the component generator (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1563 Fix behavior of content_tag when use with content that is not a string (@tyabe)
 NEW #1422 allow options Hash in protect_from_csrf (@ujifgc)

0.12.0.rc3 (January 20th 2014)

 FIX resolve_template should respect :views option (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1547 Rename `showexceptions.rb` to `show_exceptions.rb` (@namusyaka)
 NEW #1551 Introduce #default method to set application options (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1553 Chinese time translations (@gokure)
 FIX #1556 German translations (@Signum)
 FIX #1555 Fix a problem the before/after filters (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1550 Shove LOADING/RELOADING to devel log level
 FIX #1445 Drop `PADRINO_ENV` in favour of `RACK_ENV` for further compatibility (@dariocravero)

0.12.0.rc2 (January 5th 2014)

 FIX development dependency for padrino-gen (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1520 Skip loading models for sequel migration tasks (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1493 make admin aware of uri_root (@ujifgc)
 NEW #854 allow -a master to rename admin path (@ujifgc)
 FIX Get tests passing again on rubinius (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1545 Don't raise on protect_from_csrf without sessions (@skade)
 FIX #1546 Silence deprecation warnings for File.exists? (@fj)
 REMOVE #1516 support for TestSpec component from generator (@ujifgc)

0.12.0.rc1 (December 31st 2013)

 FIX #1421 Prevent double-escaped HTML in simple_format (@inkstak)
 NEW #1424 Adds task generator for creating new task files (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1423 Adds MIT license to gemspec (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1121 Modify the encoding of crypted_password (@namusyaka)
 NEW #1432 Rewritten Code Reloading (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1428 logger constants to match stdlib (@spariev)
 FIX #775 track I18n locale files properly (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1434 additional fixes for slim templates (@minad)
 FIX #1431 incorrect behavior when using content_tag with block (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1435 broken slim templates (@namusyaka)
 FIX AS4.1 constantize behavior compatibility (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1436 support rails-style attribute hash of select options (@ujifgc)
 NEW support disabled_options key for select_tag (@ujifgc)
 FIX no longer monkeypatch colors onto string (@ujifgc, @nesquena)
 FIX #1442 use `=` instead of `-` in slim and haml templating
 NEW #1441 cleanup template handling logic (@ujifgc, @namusyaka)
 FIX Cleanup file loading logic (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1443 Don't step over :session_id setting on admin apps (@dariocravero)
 NEW Modified `padrino start` to take an extra `–options` (`-O`) parameter (@dariocravero)
 NEW #1018 Replaces Padrino::Cache::Store with Moneta (@minad)
 NEW #1455 Steak generator written for acceptance tests (@eturk, @namusyaka)
 FIX Better error generation for forms (@ujifgc)
 FIX html_safe in labeled group (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1452 Allow padrino start to take handler specific options
 FIX #1462 cache content_type (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1466 Change accepts to empty array to fix latest sinatra
 FIX #1457 Major helpers cleanup (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1405 Params is now converted to `HashWithIndifferentAccess` (@Ortuna)
 FIX #1391 Skip path_traversal protection (@namusyaka)
 NEW #1471 allow configuring codes of cascade apps (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1477 Add :as option to form_for helper (@graudeejs)
 FIX #1481 incorrect namespace of #named_routes (@namusyaka)
 FIX Disambiguate the behavior of `url` (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1461 Allow to render template with layout that using other template engine (@namusyaka)
 NEW #767 introduces App.view_path and App.layout_path (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1488 plugin generator url path to github (@bolshakov)
 FIX #915 use app.root when mounting if available (@ujifgc)
 FIX Allow to use extension with layout method. (@namusyaka)
 NEW #1414 drop ruby 18mode, liberate ActiveSupport
 NEW #711 Verify render with block now works as expected (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1504 allow partial with block (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1507 patch jruby utf-8 method naming (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1505 Remove charset from json mimetype, fix sinatra edge (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1513 Extracting logic to methods to improve readability (@scudelletti)
 FIX #1517 correctly set a name of mounted application (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1518 Add :flush option to content_for (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1523 Add Rakefile tasks to the component generator (@tyabe)
 FIX #1526 options on ActiveRecord version 3 (@tyabe)
 NEW #1528 Allow asset_folders to be configured in settings
 FIX #1529 double escaping of link urls (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1532 allow asset_path with no kind (@ujifgc)
 FIX #1535 rebase string urls to uri_root (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1539 Enable :except option to :protect_from_csrf (@namusyaka)
 FIX #1540 generator should abort if constant name already exists (@namusyaka)
 NEW #922 resolve templates relative to controller name (@ujifgc)
 NEW #1541 Reimplement authenticity token logic (@namusyaka)
2014-03-14 19:18:31 +00:00
844917dba0 Update ruby-padrino related packages to 0.11.3.
0.11.3 (July 29th 2013)

* FIX #1297 Added missing comma to spec_helper.rb generation (@lmorduch)
* FIX #1298 DataMapper auto_migrate/auto_upgrade the default repository
* FIX #1276 Merged range_field_tag.* templates into form_tag.* (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1247 Ensure requiring active_record (@udzura)
* FIX #1307 Lock nokogiri to 1.5.10 (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1307 fixed haml_tag so it doesn¡Çt explode with undefined method
* FIX #1314 Do not add authenticity token to GET form (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1320 Some auto-detection for authenticity_token & form_tag (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1319 ¡È&¡É should be escaped to ¡È&¡É (@tmtm)
* NEW #1321 Added some additional HTML boolean attributes. (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1325 Locking down active support to less than 4.0 (@Ortuna)
* NEW #1326 Add ability for cache_key to be a block (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1318 Make caption arg in submit-tag helper optional even when options
  args are supplied (@dayflower)
* FIX #1313 Implemented create and drop tasks for Sequel (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1250 Prevent logging of health-check requests at log level over :debug
* FIX #1244 mat method do not working in admin views (@silentvick)
* FIX #1226 Allow users to override admin templates on a file by file basis
* FIX #1054 Implemented disabled attribute for select_tag form helper
* FIX #1328 Added test cases for #1188 (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1186 Reverted DataMapper¡Çs explicit String to Integer
  castings. (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1330 Update Twitter Bootstrap and Font-Awesome (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1335 Make instances of he | himself | his | him all be gender
  neutral. (@didlix)
* FIX #1334 Error into admin section (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1336 is better than ¡Èopen¡É (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1294 Use :grouped_options of select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1337 don¡Çt use block for content_tag in #select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #751 introduce #absolute_url for generating absolute urls (@ujifgc)
* FIX #827 refactor padrino-cache expiration (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1327 introduce :namespace option to abstract form builder (@sshaw)
* FIX #1341 Fix module name including dashes in project generator (@tyabe)
* FIX #1261 introduce case insensitive authentication by email (@ujifgc)
* FIX skip padrino-cache with mongo on rbx engine (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1195 Generator errors without git already set-up (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1349 Redo tests for cache (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1353 Add test cases for select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1354 compatibility with 1.8.7 (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1355 Automatically add multipart option to form_for if include
  file_field (@tyabe)
* FIX #1356 Breadcrumb#del does not work when name type is Str (@namusyaka)
* FIX Receive multipart option (@tyabe)
* NEW #1358 Add test file for breadcrumbs. (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1361 prioritized routes are working again (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1257 Add a test to show use case for routing priority (@jeffutter)
* FIX #1365 padrino rake mi:create_indexes task looks at subdirs (@natsumesou)
* FIX #1367 bad placement output of button_to (@namusyaka)
2013-09-15 18:25:49 +00:00
be5e291f2f Update ruby-padrino framework to 0.11.2.

== 0.11.2 (May 20th 2013)

* FIX #1232 Padrino::Server - call expand_path on PID file option (@sshaw)
* FIX #1234 Create table migration should be also timestamped if configured (@udzura)
* FIX #1228 Allow for block arg to StandardFormBuilder.label (@sshaw)
* FIX #1235 error of routing when using provides :any and Accept contains */* (@tyabe)
* FIX #1196 Remove Ohm monkey patch and include Padrino::Ohm::Validator (@lastcanal)
* FIX #1236 Pass our logger to rack-protection for csrf (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1246 missing translation for Russian (@silentvick)
* NEW #1062 add configurable #app method for rack-test closes (@achiu)
* FIX #1252 translations for japanese (@tyabe, @namusyaka)
* FIX Specify full class name for migrations to fix failing migrations (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1279 Datamapper rake task to pass arguments (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1281 Documentation fixes to various areas (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1269 issue with tilt version (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1283 issue with html_safe and form builder (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1285 Add :file option for delivering mail docs (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1287 Lock minitest version from going to 5 (@QOrtuna)
* FIX #1288 Http router fix unicode (@Ortuna)
* FIX #698 Sqlite adding an extra "/" to the connection string for windows (@dariocravero)

== 0.11.1 (April 7th 2013)

* NEW Ability to set migration file format to use incrementing numbers or timestamps (@jacob-s-son, @hooopo)
* FIX #1174 slim 2.0 Backward incompatible syntax change (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1086 Refactor reloader for cleaner structure (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1178 Indent controller actions properly (@skade)
* FIX #1180 Fix valid http verbs in http_router (@kenkeiter, @dariocravero)
* FIX #1182 Format ar migrate better (@chiastolite)
* FIX #1179 Accidental appended extensions for js urls (@nesquena)
* FIX #1183 Mark escaped text as html_safe (@nesquena)
* FIX #1184 Use count instead of size for errors (@nesquena)
* FIX #1185 Adds lib as a load_path for rake tasks (@nesquena)
* FIX #1177 Fix very strange bug with form_for and capture_html (@ujifgc, @nesquena)
* FIX have plugin generator respect root option (@achiu)
* FIX #1194 simple_format should be marked as html_safe (@nesquena)
* FIX Escape text before simple_format (@nesquena)
* FIX #1197 "bootstrap.min" path of production environment (@tyabe)
* FIX #1201 Only add database tasks to Rakefile if ORM is anything other than :none (@dariocravero)
* NEW #1209 Added layout option for controllers (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1212 fix generators for projects using shoulda and rr with Test::Unit (@sshaw)
* FIX #1213 fix flash_tag() with multiple attributes (@tmtm)
* FIX #1215 Update zh_cn.yml (@wayshall, hfl)
* FIX #1216 Improved german translations (@skade)
* FIX #1221 fixes an issue with a gemified apps name being capitalized (@21purple)
* FIX #1205 Allow Regexp routes to use :provides option (@shipstar)
* FIX #1224 mark html_safe content safe after being escaped (@nesquena)
* FIX #1211 load I18n tasks all the time (@nesquena)

== 0.11.0 (March 21st 2013)

* NEW #923 Total redesign of admin panel with bootstrap and jquery, custom error pages
  Big thanks to the huge effort from (@WaYdotNET, @DAddYE, @dariocravero, @ujifgc, @tyabe)!
* FIX #1135 Fix namespaced generators for app (@tyabe)
* FIX #1139 Escape ampersands in mail_to helpers (@nybblr)
* FIX #821 Added a cache parser with a default now to Plain. (@daddye)
* FIX #1129 use Padrino.root for apps.rb
* FIX #1125 Eagerly load libs if needed for tasks
* FIX #1111 route arity (@daddye)
* FIX #1090 Don't calculate asset timestamp using uri_root_path (@nesquena)
* NEW Upgrades Sinatra support to 1.4.1 (@nesquena, @daddye)
* NEW Upgrade to latest http_router 0.11 (@daddye)
* NEW Load rake tasks manually but fallback to automatic for now (@skade)
* FIX cleanup and refactoring of documentation (@matthias-guenther, @fnordfish)
* FIX Run 'bundle' rather than 'bundle install' on generate (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX Cleanup admin documentation (@danieltahara)
* FIX padrino cache tests to not execute when cache server is not available (@bash0C7)
* SEC #1083 Bump mail version dependency to CVE-2012-2139 and CVE-2012-2140. (@nesquena)
* NEW Alias orm tasks to db namespace (@postmodern)
* FIX #1090 Patch asset_timestamp to respect public_folder setting (@AtoxIO)
* FIX #1045 Load the environment only when needed in rake-Tasks (@skade)
* NEW #1031 Render using SafeBuffer for XSS protection (@skade)
* NEW #1007 Apps can now be shipped as gems (@skade)
* FIX #966  Padrino:Reload.lock! tries to split java packages (@daddye)
* REM #1063 Remove core JSON rendering in favor of sinatra-contrib (@Ortuna)
* NEW #1027 Padrino Performance for memory profiling and benchmarking (@skade, @dariocravero)
* NEW #1011 Nest apps within the project module (@achiu, @tyabe)
* NEW #904 Adds padrino-flash as core library (@lenzcom)
* FIX #912 Use default layout when layout is set to true (@dcu)
* NEW #927 Add CLI runner for executing code (@tyabe)
* FIX #934 Rake routes when routes have regexes (@tyabe)
* FIX #949 404 handling in later sinatra versions (@dayflower)
* FIX #818 Filter and exceptions was running twice on error (@ujifgc)
* FIX #812 Patch exception handling within filters (@ujifgc)
* FIX #771 Padrino.configure_apps now supports multiple blocks (@ujifgc)
* NEW #843 Request route now has access to the associated action (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1097 Request route now has access to the parent (@dariocravero)
* FIX French translation typos (@Fiaxhs)
* FIX Optimize the reloader and objectspace traversal (@dcu)
* FIX Failing jruby compatibility issue with reloading (@udzura)
* NEW #881 Component support for Mongoid 3 (@WaYdotNET)
* NEW #967 Mongoid 3 compatible rake tasks (@dayflower)
* NEW #907 Puma server support (@dariocravero)
* FIX Loads dm-types when enabling datamapper component (@postmodern)
* FIX #911 Enable haml ugly syntax by default in production (@dcu)
* FIX Adds support for later versions of ActiveRecord (@DAddYE)
* FIX Less requires therubyracer gem (@dariocravero)
* FIX Lock mysql gem to 2.8.1 since 2.9 fails (@udzura, @dariocravero)
* FIX Lazy load mailer for 20% padrino bootup performance increase (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1071 Refactor mailer codebase to DRY up (@Ortuna)
* FIX Padrino.logger thread-safety issues (@sgonyea)
* NEW Add colorize_logging option for logger (@tyabe)
* FIX #918 Display seconds instead of ms in logger (@muxcmux)
* FIX #910 Write file data as binary in cache (@ejholmes)
* NEW #947 Support symbols as keys when expiring cache (@dariocravero)
* FIX #973 Refuse to cache integers, convert to a string (@ujifgc)
* NEW Adds breadcrumb view helpers (@WaYdotNET)
* NEW support for ohm persistence in admin (@ujifgc)
* FIX #873 Get the first key passed for expire for admin (@gugat)
* FIX #876 Model output in erb templates for admin (@sleepingstu)
* FIX #871 Halt on 404 when no record found for admin (kot-begemot)
* FIX #1013 Admin generator can now be destroyed with flag
* NEW #988 Support for HTML5 multiple file uploads (@hooktstudios)
* NEW #27 Adds check_box_group and radio_button_group (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1046 Broken js_escape_html helper to properly escape (@hooopo)
* FIX #1077 Refactor nested form code in helpers (@Ortuna)
* FIX #924 Generate project name to handle underscores (@achiu)
* FIX #1067 Execute the mysql command with separate args (@postmodern)
* SEC #1058 Switch to https for rubygems source in Gemfile (@tyabe)
* FIX #772 Controller path when maps is in controller options (@ujifgc)
* NEW #925 Add explicit Rakefile on project generation by default (@achiu)
* FIX #892 Show plugin list if no arguments passed to generator (@achiu)
* FIX #1107 Defaulted all ORMs that used the mysql gem (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1109 Move rake initialization into CLI to avoid double loading (@skade)
* NEW #1100 Add csrf token handling with csrf_token_field helpers (@skade, @dariocravero)
2013-06-16 10:04:08 +00:00
6ef774d449 Add ruby-padrino-helpers package version 0.10.7.
= Application Extensions and Helpers (padrino-helpers)

=== Overview

This component provides a great deal of view helpers related to html markup

There are helpers for generating tags, forms, links, images, and more. Most of
the basic methods should be very familiar to anyone who has used rails view
2013-02-11 14:39:08 +00:00