Looks like noone ever tried to used it, because it was badly broken and
wouldn't even be compiled in, due too a missing include of mk/bsd.prefs.mk.
So, no need to bump the pkgversion to nb1.
Patch sent in by Otto Hilska <mutru@cc.hut.fi> in private mail.
v0.8.4 2002-03-13 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* Continuing to fix my stupid mistakes...
- When a queried nick did a nick change, it might have crashed irssi
- read ChangeLog for some other minor changes
v0.8.3 2002-03-13 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
- Perl scripts handling channel parts/kicks/quits printed some
- Connecting to IPv6 servers without IPv4 record didn't work
- When queries were auto-created by you using /MSG and you had
/SET autoclose_query non-zero, the query was always destroyed
almost immediately.
- Fix to some stupid ircds not sending us 001 numeric, but
beginning from MOTD
v0.8.2 2002-03-11 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* Changed the list of scripts distributed with irssi. Separated
example scripts to scripts/examples/ directory.
* Hated infobar was removed, the same info is now in topicbar in
empty windows. I don't think it would disturb anyone in there.
If you still preferred always-empty topicbars, use
/SBAR topic REMOVE topic_empty
+ Added info_eol field to theme. If true, timestamp and server tag
are added to end of line, not at beginning.
+ If -4 or -6 option is used with /SERVER, irssi now forces the
connection using the given protocol or fails.
+ /SET max_wildcard_modes (default 6) - if a wildcard to /OP, /DEOP,
/VOICE or /DEVOICE matches more nicks than this, -yes option is
required. This is trying to prevent accidental massops. Setting
it to 0 disables this check.
+ Supports now correctly servers which use '.' char as channel owner
character in /NAMES list. Also supports multiple mode chars, eg.
@+nick (if some server actually used it).
+ Never ignore kick message if you get kicked from channel.
+ Sending irssi SIGHUP now does a /RELOAD - useful if you
accidentally messed up something which doesn't let you do the
/RELOAD inside irssi (eg. /SBAR prompt DISABLE).
+ irssi-proxy: PROXY CTCP ON|OFF - proxy clients can send this
command to specify that they want to handle the received CTCP
requests. Useful for specifying who gets to handle DCCs.
+ Added escape_char /BIND command. The next char after that would be
added as-is to input line.
- Writing lines longers than 1024 chars to input buffer crashed
irssi (stupid missing sizeof() bug :)
- Some UTF-8 fixes
- Better flood protection for lines with >100 chars
- Control characters aren't printed as-is in topicbar (or statusbars
in general) anymore
- /OPER can be now aborted by giving empty password
- Netjoin messages were buggy in +channels
- Part message parameter for /CYCLE was never used.
- Don't send -autosendcmd after /UPGRADE.
- /SET autoclose_query - now only last received private message
affects when the query is closed, ie. /WHOIS requests or nick
changes don't reset the counter.
- Foreground ANSI colors weren't working
- Deleting one character replaced cutbuffer with that character.
Also ^Y leaked memory.
- /SCRIPT LOAD looked scripts from prefix/lib dir, not prefix/share
where they were actually installed.
- Highascii chars in replaces block in theme files could have
crashed irssi.
Patch submitted by Otto Hilska <mutru@cc.hut.fi> in private mail.
v0.8.1 2002-02-17 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* Expected bugfix release :) Worst thing was that I forgot always to
debug why /cat /dev/urandom crashed irssi. Well, found two ways
that could make it happen.
- Irssi was linked with -lcurses AND -lncurses
- Logging could have produced GLib errors with certain conditions
- A few compiler warnings fixes
v0.8.0 2002-02-17 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* I really should make releases more often. Once in every two weeks
used to be nice. Maybe once in a month would be good now. There
was many reasons why this release took this long .. first being
addicted to books, then life stuff, then it took forever to figure
out that irssi was crashing under solaris (and not because of one
of the big changes I made while moving to IRC from solaris box).
And now.. well, after this release I'll start working more with
the yet another irssi rewrite :) The code is getting too ugly
again, and some things need rewriting to support some new features
more easily. It will take a while to get it all done, so I'll try
to keep updating this "stable" irssi as well.
There's too many changes since (and .4 which was just
minor bugfix), about 6600 lines in ChangeLog. I'm not going to
read all that, so I'll just list the biggest changes that I can
remember now.
This version was supposed to be called 0.7.99, but since there
were so many changes, and I originally though of putting 0.8.0
out long time ago, and 0.7.100 would look stupid, I guess it's
time for 0.8.0 :)
+ /UPGRADE - upgrade irssi to new version on-the-fly without
disconnecting from server, so other people won't even notice you
quit from IRC. This ONLY executes the new binary, it does NOT
download/compile/whatever irssi.
+ UTF-8 support with /SET term_type UTF-8, default is "8bit".
It's also automatically detected from system locale (if supported).
+ Fully configurable statusbar. Yes. FULLY. Don't bother asking if
something could be done with it, it can, just ask how. Well,
there's a few things I didn't have time/energy to finish:
window-specific statusbar groups and support for multiple input
lines in screen.
+ Rewritten keyboard handling. No more the CTRL-X and ALT-x handling,
now you can create whatever keyboard combinations your terminal
can send to irssi.
+ Rewritten text buffer (scrollback) handling.
+ Irssi doesn't depend on curses anymore, so it can be installed
anywhere a working terminfo/termcap exists. This also allows us to
use all the possible colors terminal has (curses limits to 64), so
eg. %0 is now always black background, not the default terminal
background (%n).
Several systems have also terminfo/termcap database that doesn't
support colors, so I've added /SET term_force_colors option to
force ANSI-style colors. Note that eg. BitchX does this by default.
Getting rid of curses allows also one great thing for you people
copy&pasting long urls :) If a long word gets split to two lines,
doubleclicking the word selects it from both lines.
+ Rewritten server event redirections. Before it was pretty easy to
mess up irssi's expectations of what server sends, and some things
might have stayd in the buffer forever. Especially notify lists
messed up /WHOIS requests for the notified people. Now all this
should be history and it's a lot easier for scripts to use the
redirections as well.
+ New ICB chat protocol plugin - very basic and doesn't support
nicklist, but works. :)
+ --home and --config parameters to specify alternate ~/.irssi
directory or config file.
+ Scripts can be unloaded separately with /SCRIPT UNLOAD. You can get
a list of runnning scripts with /SCRIPT.
+ /SERVER PURGE [<target>] - purge the output buffer (for given
target). Useful for example if you accidentally paste 100 lines :)
The buffer is automatically purged if you get kicked from channel,
or if you /PART the channel and there's more than 10 lines in
output buffer.
pkgsrc. Instead, a new variable PKGREVISION is invented that can get
bumped independent of DISTNAME and PKGNAME.
Example #1:
=> PKGNAME= foo-X.YnbZ
Example #2:
DISTNAME= barthing-X.Y
=> PKGNAME= bar=X.YnbZ (!)
On subsequent changes, only PKGREVISION needs to be bumped, no more risk
of getting DISTNAME changed accidentally.
differently than suggested.
Don't let package look in LOCALBASE for curses (especially if
USE_BUILDLINK_ONLY is set, and ncurses buildlink.mk is already included...).