Webby is a static website generator tool. Rake tasks are used to
convert erb, textile, markdown, etc. formatted files into HTML suitable
for publication to a web server.
Thoth is a blog engine written in Ruby and based on Ramaze and Sequel.
Its simple, elegant architecture, minimalist featureset, and extensible
codebase make it both fast and easy to customize.
Thin is a very simple web server written in Ruby. It's single-threaded,
which means it can only serve one request at a time. This simplicity
affords increased speed and decreased memory usage for singled-threaded
framework like Rails.
Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing
web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in
the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web
servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called
middleware) into a single method call.
+ Install as a Ruby gem.
* Fixed a bug when fetching files and not pages.
* WWW::Mechanize#get now takes hash arguments for uri parameters.
* Handling gzipped responses with no Content-Length header
* Fixed a bug with EOF errors in net/http. [#17570]
* Handling 0 length gzipped responses. [#17471]
* Changed parser to lazily parse links
* Lazily parsing document
* Updating UTF-8 support for urls
* Adding AREA tags to the links list.
* WWW::Mechanize#follow_meta_refresh will allow you to automatically follow
meta refresh tags. [#10032]
* Adding x-gzip to accepted content-encoding.
* Added Digest Authentication support.
* Many bug fixes.
Ramaze is a simple, light and modular open-source web-framework written
in Ruby. It provides several easy to understand and fully documented
abstractions useful for the daily work of a pragmatic webdeveloper.
This package is a Mongrel plugin to help start/stop/restart multiple
mongrel servers to use behind a load balancer like Apache 2.2
(mod_proxy_balancer), Lighttpd, Pound, Pen or Balance. This plugin
adds an option to specify a number of Mongrel servers to launch, a
range of ports, and a configuration file for the cluster.
+ Remove dependencies on cgi_multipart_eof_fix and fastthread because
newer versions of Ruby required by pkgsrc don't need it. Also remove
signatures from the gem as these have been modified by pkgsrc.
v1.0.2. Signed gem; many minor bugfixes and patches.
v1.0.3. Fix user-switching bug.
v1.0.4. Backport fixes for versioning inconsistency, mongrel_rails bug,
and DirHandler bug.
v1.1. Pure Ruby URIClassifier. More modular architecture.
JRuby support.
v1.1.1. Fix mongrel_rails restart bug; fix bug with Rack status codes.
v1.1.2. Fix worker termination bug; fix JRuby 1.0.3 load order issue;
fix require issue on systems without Rubygems.
v1.1.3. Fix security flaw of DirHandler
v1.1.4. Fix camping handler. Correct treatment of @throttle parameter.
This package contains a plugin for the Merb framework that provides
Merb::PartController, which is a lightweight way to share logic and
templates amongst controllers.
This package contains a plugin for the Merb framework that exposes two
new controller methods which allow one to simply and flexibly filter
the parameters available within the controller.
This package contains merb-more, which provides the the full set of
functionally for Merb outside of the merb-core classes. Adding merb-more
gives you the Full Stack -- take what you need; leave what you don't.
Merb_has_flash is a plugin for the Merb framework that provides Rails-style
The ``flash'' provides a way to pass temporary objects between actions.
Anything you place in the flash will be exposed to the very next action
and then cleared out. This is a great way of doing notices and alerts,
such as a create action that sets
flash[:notice] = "Successfully created"
before redirecting to a display action that can then expose the flash
to its template.
merb-core is the heart of the merb MVC framwork. It has the rack
abstraction along with the dispatcher, router, controller and view
layers. You can make very fast, small footprint services and apps with
just merb-core.
This package contains a plugin for the Merb framework that provides
support for handling assets and asset bundling.
The key to making a fast web application is to reduce both the amount
of data transfered and the number of client-server interactions. While
having many small, module Javascript or stylesheet files aids in the
development process, your web application will benefit from bundling
those assets in the production environment.
An asset bundle is a set of asset files which are combined into a single
file. This reduces the number of requests required to render a page,
and can reduce the amount of data transfer required if you're using gzip
Like Ruby on Rails, Merb is an MVC framework. Unlike Rails, Merb is
ORM-agnostic, JavaScript library agnostic, and template language
agnostic, preferring plugins that add in support for a particular
feature rather than trying to produce a monolithic library with
everything in the core. In fact, this is a guiding principle of the
project, which has led to third-party support for the ActiveRecord,
DataMapper, and Sequel ORMs.
In addition, it means that the core code in Merb is kept simple and
well organised. This has multiple benefits. It means it's faster
for one thing. It's also easier to understand, maintain and extend.
Heel is a mongrel based web server to quickly and easily serve up the
contents of a directory as webpages. Beyond just serving up webpages
heel uses an ERB template and famfamfam icons to create useful index
pages. And to make things even easier it launches your browser for
you so no cut and paste necessary.