Commit graph

6814 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
cfc040d419 Slightly simplify build process. 2012-08-01 12:28:18 +00:00
5e2b87bbdf Use default WRKSRC. 2012-08-01 12:22:28 +00:00
82765e7738 Update amanda to 3.3.1
Changes in release 3.3.1

   * amrecover
       o New 'settransalte' command.
   * amanda.conf
       o new '$s' substitution in autolabel.
       o new 'max-dle-by-volume' global option.
       o new 'eject-volume' global option.
   * diskfile
       o new 'includefile' option.
   * amcheck
       o new '--client-verbose' argument.
   * All programs have a new '--version' argument.
   * ampgsql can take property from server configuration.
   * amgetconf can print one property of a section.
   * s3 device
       o new S3_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION property.
       o use multiple thread to speedup deleting a volume.
   * Many bug fix.

Changes in release 3.3.0

   * The default auth is changed to "bsdtcp", if you are using the default bsd
     then you must add it to your configuration.
       o in amanda.conf
       o in amanda-client.conf
       o in dumptype/disklist
       o in xinetd (if no '-auth' argument to amandad)
   * amdump trap crtl-c, it still send the report and do cleanup if you do
     one crtl-c, do it more than once to abort the run.
   * s3 device
       o use multiple threads to speedup the transfer
       o can connect to eucalytus.
       o new NB_THREADS_BACKUP property
       o new NB_THREADS_RECOVERY property
       o new S3_HOST property
       o new S3_SERVICE_PATH property
       o new S3_SUBDOMAIN property
   * chg-aggregate: new changer that use other changer sequentially.
   * meta-volume
   * Add meta label in tapelist file
   * chg-disk:
       o support for removable disk
       o new NUM-SLOT property
       o new AUTO-CREATE-SLOT property
       o new REMOVABLE property
       o new MOUNT property
       o new UMOUNT property
       o new UMOUNT-LOCKFILE property
       o new UMOUNT-IDLE property
   * new taperscan algorithm:
       o oldest: this algorithm try to run through the volumes in the oldest
       o lexical: this algorithm try to run through the volumes in the natural
   * Change in amanda.conf
       o new meta-autolabel option
       o autolabel can include org, config, barcode, meta in the label
       o new client-name option in appication and script.
   * application and script in amanda-client.conf can be used to set default
     properties for application or script.
   * amlabel
       o The label argument is no longer required, an autolabel can be
       o new --meta option
       o new --barcode option
       o new --assign option
   * amgtar, amstar: The path must be specified, it will not works with a
   * amrecover: decompression and decryption are now done on the client if
		compression/encryption was done on the client.
   * amtape: inventory print the current slot
   * amanda.conf:
       o autoflush have value "no|yes|all"
       o script have single-execution setting.
       o Add pre-amcheck, post-amcheck, pre-estimate, post-estimate, pre-backup
         and post-backup to execute-on of script.
       o Add taperscan and interactivity section.
       o add 'server' value in recovery-limit.
       o add dump-limit in a dumptype.
   * amanda-client.conf
       o add amdump-server setting.
   * script are searched in $APPLICATION_DIR, $CONFIG_DIR/<conf>/application
     and $CONFIG_DIR/application
   * amservice
       o add -s argument
       o is also installed on client
   * new amdumpd server service, if enable, it allow client to start a backup
     of itself.
   * new amdump_client program, it is use on client to start a backup of itself
   * implement restore command amzfs-sendrecv, it can be use with amrecover.

Changes in release 3.2.2

   * Do not restore the NUL padding bytes, some program fail with them.
   * Fix driver doing nothing if taper crash early.
   * Fix taperalog *FIT no going to second volume.
   * Fix amrestore '-p' not going to next file.
   * flush even if flush threshold are not met if it save tape space.
   * fix crash in amtrmidx due to memory leak.
   * amsamba use 'Use smbclient -TF' for restore.

Changes in release 3.2.1

   * barcode are added to the tapelist file.
   * Faster 'amadmin find', improve speed on many programs.
   * device-output-buffer-size default to a minimum of 4*block_size.
   * ssh auth use the client-port
   * Bug fixed:
      o "Can't opendata output stream: Connection refused".
      o Better handling of dump to tape.
      o Corrupted 'amdump' log file, amstatus not showing correct state.
      o Execute subprocess with the config overwrite.
      o tape-device allow to set LEOM.
      o Crash in robot changer.
      o Script output property are not sent to application.

Changes in release 3.2.0

   * Support for multiple simultaneous writes to storage devices
      o Can write to all available drives in parallel.
      o Works only with the new changer API.
      o Useful if two or more volumes are used in a single run.
      o dump direct to tape can be scheduled any time during the run,
        previously they were done sequencially after all dump to holding disk.
      o enabled with the new 'taper-parallel-write' configuration option.
   * Support for LEOM in storage devices
      o allows splitting without partial parts, saving space
      o much more efficient, since parts need not be cached on disk in most
   * new, simpler splitting commands in the tapetype section:
     part-size, part-cache-type, part-cache-dir, part-cache-max-size; see
     amanda.conf(5) for details
   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o new configuration keyword:
         + taper-parallel-write -- How many drive amanda can write to
                                   in parallel.
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
         + amrecover_do_fsf
         + amrecover_check_label
   * the CONFIG parameter to amidxtaped is now required; this means that
     versions of amrecover older than 2.4.3 will be unable to recover from
     servers running Amanda-3.2 and later.
   * The new dumptype and global parameters 'recovery-limit' can be used to
     limit which hosts may recover from a particular DLE.  See amanda.conf(5)
     and amanda-auth(7) for more information.
   * Several old changers have been removed - these changers will work with
     Amanda for the forseeable future, but are no longer included in the
      o chg-chio
      o chg-chs
      o chg-iomega
      o chg-juke
      o chg-mcutil
      o chg-mtx
      o chg-null (use the new "chg-null:")
      o chg-rait (use the new "chg-rait:{dev1,dev2}")
      o chg-rth
      o chg-scsi-chio
      o chg-scsi
   * Amdump change:
      o new '--no-taper' option to start the run in degraded mode
   * Amvault is much improved, but still experimental:
      o supports assembling split parts on the source volume and re-splitting
        them on the destination
      o supports filtering dumps with the same syntax as amfetchdump
      o a --fulls-only option skips all incremental dumps on the source
      o an --export option tries to move tertiary volumes to import/export
        slots when completed
      o command-line syntax has changed incompatibly; see manpage or
        'amvault --help'
   * Rewritten and improved:
      o amoverview
      o amcheckdump

Changes in release 3.1.0

   * Deprecated old changers; see amanda-changers(7) for replacements.  These
     changers are still available in the distribution, but will be removed in a
     future release.
      o chg-null
      o chg-zd-mtx
      o chg-rait
      o chg-disk
      o chg-multi
   * Although chg-zd-mtx is still supported, we recommend that all users upgrade
     to the more efficient chg-robot.  See contrib/
     for a useful conversion script.
   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
	 + label_new_tapes
      o keywords deprecated in 2.6.1:
         + rawtapedev
	 + tapebufs
	 + file-pad
      o new configuration keyword
         + autolabel   -- replace label_new_tapes
         + columnspec  -- can specify a precision.
         + order       -- in script, to specify script order execution.
         + client_port -- in dumptype, to specify which port to connect on
                          the client.
         + estimate    -- in dumptype, can specify multiple estimate method.
      o accept 'define' keyword for defining an holdingdisk
   * Amanda client configuration file changes (amanda-client.conf)
      o new configuration keyword
         + debug_days  -- how many days to keep debug files.
         + client_port -- use by amrecover, specify which port to connect on
                          the server.
   * Removed compile-time default --with-changer-device: specify a device
     explicitly in amanda.conf instead
   * amtape behavior has changed:
      o 'device' subcommand removed
      o 'slot advance' subcommand removed
      o 'update' subcommand no longer displays each slot as it is updated, and
        is not supported by all changers
      o taperscan output has changed
      o new 'inventory' subcommand
   * amrmtape rewrite
      o use long option
         + --changer    -- Specify which changer to use
         + --cleanup    -- Remove logs and indexes associated with label
         + --dryrun     -- do not update the original copies.
         + --erase      -- Attempt to erase the data contained on the volume
         + --keep-label -- Do not remove label from the tapelist
         + --quiet      -- Opposite of --verbose
         + --verbose    -- List backups of hosts and disks that are being
   * amdevcheck
      o new --label option.
      o new --properties option.
   * Device API
      o changed wildcard setting for S3_BUCKET_LOCATION from "" to "*"
      o new 'ndmp:' device to write to a tape on an ndmp server.
      o new 'dvdrw:' device to write to a dvd drive.
   * Application API
      o new properties to many applications
      o amgtar
         + new ACLS, SELINUX and XATTRS properties
      o amsamba
         + Allow '\' in diskname and amandapass.
         + new ALLOW-ANONYMOUS property.
      o new applications:
         + ampgsql  -- Backup PostgreSQL using continuous WAL archiving
         + amsuntar -- Backup filesytem with the SUN tar
         + amraw    -- Backup only one directory entry
   * New taper, with DirectTCP support, changed tape and catalog format:
      o all dumpfiles are now F_SPLIT_DUMPFILE
      o all on-tape dumpfiles have numparts=-1, since it's no longer possible
        to calculate this value in advance
      o there is no logging or reporting of zero-byte, successful parts (this
        may cause gaps in filenums in the catalog)
   * Redesigned amreport
      o much more natural command-line interface (just run 'amreport $config')
      o experimental XML output
   * configuration override for dumptype works with inheritance.

Changes in release 2.6.1p2
   * amtapetype: new -p option
   * Bugs fixed
      o S3 device driver
      o amcheckdump
      o file not removed from holding disk
      o sendbackup compatibility with a 2.4.2 server
      o handle EROFS error from tape device.
      o zfs snapshot name us the diskname.
      o fix fd allocation in amandad
      o crash in amflush

Changes in release 2.6.1p1

   * amplot: better output
   * Don't include genversion.h in distribution tarballs.
   * Bugs fixed
      o S3 device driver
      o rait device driver
      o amstatus
      o configure
      o application-api
      o compilation on some platform
      o others small bug

Changes in release 2.6.1

   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
      o deprecated configuration keywords:
         + rawtapedev
	 + tapebufs
	 + file-pad
   * Application API: Allow to easily write wrappers around any backup program,
     See the 'amanda-applications' man page.
      o amgtar: Use GNU tar, it is a lot more configurable than the GNUTAR
        program. See 'amgtar' man page.
      o amstar: Use star to do a backup, it work only on a partition. See
        'amstar' man page.
      o amsamba: Use smbclient to backup a cifs share, see amsamba man page.
      o amzfs-sendrecv: Do a backup of a ZFS filesystem with 'zfs send'.
   * Script API: Allow to run script before and after amanda process, see the
     'amanda-scripts' man page.
      o amzfs-snapshot: Do a snapshot of a ZFS filesystem, then 'amgtar'
        application will backup the snapshot. See 'amzfs-snapshot' man page.
      o script-email: Simple script to send email. see 'script-email' man page.
   * Changer API v2.0: perl-based changer interface supporting concurrent
     use of multiple devices and changers.
      o currently operating in "compatibility mode," calling old changer
        shell scripts.
      o under active development.
   * Xfer API: generic library to move and filter data with maximal efficiency
      o can read from and write to arbitrary devices, files, etc.
      o only used in some applications.
   * Amanda archive format: A simple archive format that an application can
     use to create backup image.
   * 'amarchiver' program to manipulate file in amanda archive format.
   * Many improvements to report better error message to user.
   * amtape subcommands 'slot prev' and 'slot last' are removed.
   * Dozens more perl libraries, with more stable interfaces.
   * Many bugs fixed and improvement.
   * amgetconf '--client' option to retrieve config from
     amanda-client.conf on a client.
   * Amanda configuration file changes
       o new application-tool section
       o new script-tool section
       o new device section
       o new changer section

Changes in release 2.6.0

   * configure --disable-shared doesn't work because perl modules require
     shared libraries.  Use configure --with-static-binaries to build
     statically linked binaries.
   * 'amverify' and 'amverifyrun' are deprecated and replaced with the
     new, more flexible 'amcheckdump'
   * 'amdd' and 'ammt' are deprecated.
   * Some Amanda files are now installed in new "amanda/" subdirectories:
     libraries are now installed in $libdir/amanda and internal programs
     are now installed in $libexecdir/amanda.
   * The amandates file, previously at /etc/amandates, is now at
     $localstatedir/amanda/amandates.  You may want to move your existing
     /etc/amandates when you upgrade Amanda.
   * New 'amcryptsimple', 'amgpgcrypt' - encryption plugins based on gpg.
   * New 'amserverconfig', 'amaddclient' - Initial Amanda configuration tools
     these tools make assumptions, please see man page.
   * Many bugs fixed and code rewrite/cleanup
   * glib is required to compile and run amanda.
   * Device API: pluggable interface to storage devices, supporting tapes,
     vtapes, RAIT, and Amazon S3
   * New perl modules link directly to Amanda, to support writing Amanda
     applications in Perl. Perl module are installed by default in the perl
     installsitelib directory. It can be changed with
     'configure --with-amperldir'.
   * New 'local' security driver supports backups of the amanda server
     without any network connection or other configuration.
   * Almost 200 unit tests are available via 'make installcheck'.
   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o amanda.conf changes
               + flush-threshold-dumped
               + flush-threshold-scheduled
               + taperflush
               + device_property
               + usetimestamps default to yes
2012-07-30 07:21:10 +00:00
5ca98d505f Use for the gnuplot prefix. 2012-07-30 07:05:54 +00:00
e7241efdbf Add SPECIAL_PERMS entries for binaries the need special perms.
Because of the above change switch all amanda packages to user-destdir
2012-07-30 07:04:29 +00:00
5f973a9740 + Change the AMANADA_USER to 'amandabackup' to be consistent with other
packages (and because I think its a good idea).
+ Set the AMANDA_USER's home directory to AMANDA_VAR.
+ Update the AMANDA_USER's gecos comment.
2012-07-30 07:03:04 +00:00
5438715c8c Add some new configure args to bring the config in-line with other binary

	+ Add bsd-security, bsdtcp-security, bsdudp-security.
	+ Set default index and tape server to localhost
	+ Build with assertions.
	+ Use a debugging log directory (and add it to OWN_DIRS_PERMS
          in amanda-common)
2012-07-30 07:02:17 +00:00
8484bc5f43 The correct mode for amanda's directories is 0750. 2012-07-30 07:01:32 +00:00
16bbd1c549 Add --without-gnuplot to CONFIGURE_ARGS for amanda-{common,client,server}. 2012-07-30 07:00:50 +00:00
55c482c1c1 Miscellaneous makefile clean up. 2012-07-30 07:00:12 +00:00
7ad69bb265 Add a file with AMANDA_VERSION in it and use that in all amanda
packages (including the meta-package) and in the buildlink.
2012-07-30 06:57:21 +00:00
9ba4b5ed20 Make amanda-fqdn a suggested options.
Also remove a old comment.
2012-07-30 06:54:45 +00:00
0019e6203d Make sysutils/grub conflict with sysutils/grub2. 2012-07-29 21:51:42 +00:00
f3075efc4d Add grub2. 2012-07-29 21:47:08 +00:00
24adfb4ed0 Actually... update to 1.4 2012-07-29 21:46:45 +00:00
0a6c22884a Updated sysutils/dc-tools to 1.3
changes to dc-burn-netbsd
- rename 'extract sets' from -r to -s
- Split out the code to adjust the extracted data for live CD usage and enable
  via '-l'. Make -l imply '-s base -k GENERIC' unless overridden
- Tweak live setup further to speed up slightly and avoid rebuilding the
  X11 fontcache, sort rc.conf, set dhcpcd=YES & tweak root entry in fstab
- Disable burning to CD by default and add -b to enable
- Add support for listing and downloading/burning the daily NetBSD
  branch builds from

pkgsrc changes:
Set RESTRICTED and NO_{BIN,SRC}_ON_{CDROM,FTP} due to contents of makeip
2012-07-29 21:45:39 +00:00
d4ff70ea49 Import grub2-2.00 as sysutils/grub2.
This is GRUB 2, the second version of the GRand Unified Bootloader.
GRUB 2 is rewritten from scratch to make GNU GRUB cleaner, safer, more
robust, more powerful, and more portable.
2012-07-29 21:44:13 +00:00
ebc5630634 remove repeated setting 2012-07-28 21:50:31 +00:00
31b64cec7c copy security patch from xenkernel41 - it also applies to 3.3
(noticed by Daniel Horecki)
2012-07-28 12:02:16 +00:00
0f96d180e7 add patch from upstream to fix bug in MMIO emulation which can cause
guest crashes by unprivileged users, only for HVM guests, and if
MMIO is granted to the user process (CVE-2012-3432)
2012-07-27 18:50:34 +00:00
0408f8c726 Updated sysutils/dc-tools to 1.3
fix issue with non -r usage
2012-07-26 22:29:09 +00:00
dd7e65dcc3 update COMMENT 2012-07-26 22:19:24 +00:00
5a30c440e6 Updated sysutils/dc-tools to 1.2
Changes to dc-burn-netbsd
- If run as non root, call sudo where root is required
- Adjust -r to permit explicit list of tarfiles to extract
- Enumerate all possible tarfiles to avoid having to query NetBSD site
- Add -e option to tun emulator (gxemul) on result
- Fix rework of extracted files to create viable live image
- Implement -v '?' to list available versions (from main NetBSD site)
- Automatically check NetBSD-archive directory for older NetBSD versions
2012-07-26 22:15:08 +00:00
c7368f0363 Add and enable sysbuild and sysbuild-user. 2012-07-25 12:20:28 +00:00
44f404830e Initial addition of sysbuild-user, version 1.0:
This package installs an unprivileged user for the sysbuild utility
provided by the sysutils/sysbuild package.  This unprivileged user is
automatically configured to perform daily NetBSD builds.
2012-07-25 12:20:08 +00:00
49f4ea5dba Initial (re)addition of sysbuild, version 2.0:
sysbuild is a tool to automate the maintenance of the NetBSD sources and
the build of releases by means of a single command and a configuration
file that tells sysbuild what to do.

Since NetBSD 1.6 (released on July 2011), the source tree has included a
very flexible script ( to build a full NetBSD release for the
current platform or to cross-build for any of the supported platforms.

The flipside of the flexibility is that the script is inconvenient to use
on a daily basis because of the myriad of options it takes.  Furthermore,
managing the source trees that make up NetBSD is not in the scope of the user must fetch these trees and keep them up to date by hand.

While these details are all fine on their own, rebuilding NetBSD frequently
(to keep a system up to date, or just for development tasks) is convoluted.
Developers and users usually find themselves writing their own wrapper
scripts over to simplify their daily tasks.

sysbuild extends by adding support for configuration files and
source tree management, allowing NetBSD rebuilds with a single and simple
command.  Make sure to check the sysbuild-user package for a way to
trivially set up periodic NetBSD rebuilds under an dedicated, unprivileged

This is version 2.0 because sysbuild already existed 10 years ago.  It
served the same purpose, but it was removed because it stopped working
with NetBSD 2.0 (can't remember why though).  Also, I'm convinced the
previous implementation was quite bad.
2012-07-25 12:18:22 +00:00
13e26949eb - add man/man8 to INSTALLATION_DIRS
2012-07-23 22:20:16 +00:00
11cc26367e - remove NOT_FOR_PLATFORM DragonFly
- skip PKGREVISION bump since this doesn't change the binary package
2012-07-23 21:56:06 +00:00
b8af6acf43 Updated sysutils/dc-tools to 1.1
dc-burn-netbsd updated to 1.1:
- Check & clean data dir if build options change
- Extend "-r" to take type of release - base, std, x
- Tweak extracted files with -r to get closer to viable root-on-cd system
2012-07-21 21:43:55 +00:00
31ef53e945 sysutils/coreutils: Fix pthread link
The configure script incorrectly detects that libpthread is part of libc
on DragonFly, likely due to the use of weak symbols there.  For DragonFly
only, Cache the variable that tells it to include -pthread while linking.
2012-07-20 17:59:14 +00:00
9c5366756a Use a raw disk device file on NetBSD.
2012-07-20 12:35:00 +00:00
e4dbda3b0b Needs zlib bl3 2012-07-20 11:24:02 +00:00
a0d8c1e694 Correctly set Amanda license. 2012-07-19 07:30:55 +00:00
c1461734ef Update ipa to 2.1.2
From Andrey Simonenko in PR pkg/46712

 * autoconf 2.68 -> 2.69, automake 1.11.1 -> 1.12.2.
 * Corrected compilation with --enable-ctl-creds on NetBSD.
 * Corrected output for "ipactl -a ... status".
 * Corrected work with the -n switch in ipactl.

Package changes:
 * Removed the ipa-memfunc-debug option.
2012-07-17 21:00:34 +00:00
3fa66231aa Do not skip domain's creation when a prehook cmd has been executed.
Reported by Brook Milligan on port-xen@.
2012-07-16 22:55:25 +00:00
f35d20d2db sysutils/fsviewer: LDFLAGS.DragonFly+= -lfontconfig 2012-07-16 06:27:18 +00:00
1cf8e9ba09 Make amanda-dump-snap a suggested option. 2012-07-16 00:33:44 +00:00
68808ff07a Recursive bump for startup-notification* dependency change, requested
by Obache.
2012-07-15 08:22:46 +00:00
4e7f0ac941 Try fixing build on NetBSD 5 (PR 46705). 2012-07-15 08:12:42 +00:00
60e0753965 Update to 0.13.1. Update patch-ac (netbsd_pci.c) using current version
of the file from xsrc.
meta-pkgs/modular-xorg still builds.

pciaccess 0.12.0 release, contains a fix for a major MTRR issue from Thomas,
along with a use after free, generic x86 backend, a few vgaarb fixes, and
some packaging magic.

Alan Coopersmith (3):
      Update Sun license notices to current X.Org standard form
      Delay allocation of agp_info so we don't leak it on prior errors
      Let libtool handle library flags for scanpci on Solaris

Dave Airlie (2):
      pciaccess: fix use after free.
      libpciaccess 0.12.0 - bump version for release

Gaetan Nadon (2):
      config: remove the pkgconfig file from EXTRA_DIST
      config: update AC_PREREQ statement to 2.60

Julien Cristau (1):
      COPYING: add Red Hat's copyright notice

Samuel Thibault (1):
      libpciaccess x86 backend

Thomas Hellstrom (1):
      Fix long standing MTRR bug.

Tiago Vignatti (2):
      vgaarb: decode should send new information to the kernel
      vgaarb: read back vga count when setting new decoding

This bug fix release corrects a couple bugs in the device probing code,
as well as providing various build configuration improvements.

Alan Coopersmith (4):
      Sun's copyrights belong to Oracle now
      config: replace deprecated AM_CONFIG_HEADER with AC_CONFIG_HEADERS
      config: remove AC_PROG_CC as it overrides AC_PROG_C_C99
      libpciaccess 0.12.1

Bryce Harrington (1):
      Fix detection of multi-function cards

Gaetan Nadon (8):
      config: upgrade AC_DEFINE_DIR to AX_DEFINE_DIR
      config: provide a makefile for scanpci dev tool
      scanpci.c: remove offending whitespace as reported by git diff
      config: provide a makefile for scanpci man pages
      config: replace INCLUDES, which is deprecated, with AM_CPPFLAGS
      include: add a Makefile to install and distribute header file
      config: use LDADD to obtain appropriate dependencies
      config: replace deprecated AC_HELP_STRING with AS_HELP_STRING

Jesse Barnes (1):
      Revert "Don't try to use bogus bridge data"

Adam Jackson (1):
      linux: Don't use /dev/port

Alan Coopersmith (3):
      Solaris: reorder functions to remove need for lots of static prototypes
      Close pci.ids file when bailing out because realloc failed
      solx_devfs.c: fix gcc warnings about casting away const when reading data

Daniel Drake (1):
      delete_io_handle: fix deletion of last handle

Henry Zhao (1):
      Solaris: improve support for sparc platform

Jeremy Huddleston (1): Bump to 0.13

Mark Kettenis (3):
      OpenBSD: Indicate that devices need access to legacy VGA resources.
      Add VGA Arbiter support for OpenBSD.
      OpenBSD: Implement map_legacy and legacy_io

Mathias Krause (1):
      Use correct type for pci_id file accessor functions

Adam Jackson (2):
      Use O_CLOEXEC for internal file descriptors
      linux: Fix out[bwl] macros on non-I/O architectures

Julien Cristau (1):
      Bump to 0.13.1

Matthieu Herrb (1):
      Fix pci_io_handle allocation routines.

Thordur Bjornsson (1):
      Fix openbsd_pci.c:pci_device_vgaarb_set_target();
2012-07-14 23:42:12 +00:00
6b3f979ba2 Update sysutils/amanda* descriptions. 2012-07-14 07:43:04 +00:00
c2b512bb60 Add dependency on cdrtools, bump pkgrevision 2012-07-12 23:59:46 +00:00
cf20aea79c +dc-tools 2012-07-12 23:56:37 +00:00
e21b4ac4d8 Added sysutils/dc-tools version 1.00
Contents: some Dreamcast tools from Marcus Comstedt
and a dc-burn-netbsd script to build and burn a bootable NetBSD/dreamcast CD

    Script to download a given NetBSD/dreamcast version and burn a bootable CD

dc-makeip (IP creator)
    Utility for creating IP.BIN from a textual representation of IP0000.BIN

dc-scramble (1ST_READ.BIN scrambler)
    Utility to "scramble" binary files to match bootloader requirements

share/dc-tools/ip_slave/ (IP upload slave)
    Dreamcast binary to upload and run software over ethernet

share/dc-tools/serial_slave/ (Serial upload slave)
    Dreamcast binary to upload and run software over the serial port
2012-07-12 23:55:55 +00:00
08a55a0e73 Update DESCR (based on homepage). From Bug Hunting. 2012-07-11 19:01:13 +00:00
737c5af6d0 Fill in HOMEPAGE. From Bug Hunting. 2012-07-11 19:01:00 +00:00
693306ce15 Fix casing in used-by line. 2012-07-10 09:37:20 +00:00
409e7305ec more PKGREV bumps for gnutls update 2012-07-05 15:44:06 +00:00
8c40d3b2a1 Move the amanda-client option definitions to the common so
that 'PKG_OPTIONS.amanda' works properly.
2012-07-05 06:57:44 +00:00
4e8dede36e +testdisk 2012-07-04 17:59:21 +00:00
4313d95c50 add testdisk-6.13, a Tool to check and undelete partitions, plus
an inage recovery tool, from per pkgsrc-wip
2012-07-04 17:58:31 +00:00
50966501da C++ requires functions to specify the return type unlike C. 2012-07-03 17:32:00 +00:00
3735cef46e revert addition of where it was unnecessary
(These are just the cases where I have the pkgs installed.)
2012-07-02 10:33:09 +00:00
f2236b0b7d Update sysutils/fabric to 1.4.2
Upstream changes:

:release:`1.4.2 <2012-05-07>`
:release:`1.3.7 <2012-05-07>`
🐛`562` Agent forwarding would error out or freeze when multiple uses of the
forwarded agent were used per remote invocation (e.g. a single command resulting in multiple Git or SVN checkouts.)
This has been fixed thanks to Steven McDonald and GitHub user @lynxis.

:support:`626` Clarity updates to the tutorial. Thanks to GitHub user m4z for
the patches.

🐛`625` ~fabric.context_managers.hide/ did not
correctly restore prior display settings if an exception was raised inside the
block. This has been fixed.

🐛`624` Login password prompts did not always display the username being
authenticated for. This has been fixed. Thanks to Nick Zalutskiy for catch &

🐛`617` Fix the clean_revert behavior of ~fabric.context_managers.settings
so it doesn't KeyError for newly created settings keys. Thanks to Chris
Streeter for the catch.

:feature:`615` Updated ~fabric.operations.sudo to honor the new setting
:ref:`env.sudo_user <sudo_user>` as a default for its user kwarg.

🐛`616` Add port number to the error message displayed upon connection

🐛`609` (and :issue:`564`) Document and clean up :ref:`env.sudo_prefix
<sudo_prefix>` so it can be more easily modified by users facing uncommon use
cases. Thanks to GitHub users 3point2 for the cleanup and SirScott for the
documentation catch.

🐛`610` Change detection of env.key_filename's type (added as part of SSH
config support in 1.4) so it supports arbitrary iterables. Thanks to Brandon
Rhodes for the catch.
2012-07-01 19:30:11 +00:00
f91b8b8497 Add and bump PKGREVISION for 118 packages as reported by
pkglint. If any of these are wrong for some reason, please revert/adjust.
2012-07-01 19:05:10 +00:00
16ea3717e5 Update to 3.1.10:
2012-06-25  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.10.

	* Decoding of LTR/OBFF in PCIe capabilities.

	* Various minor bug fixes.

	* Updated pci.ids to the today's snapshot of the database.
2012-07-01 15:49:14 +00:00
6f1546a252 Honor PATH_FSTAB in the environment if present. Allows this package to
configure in a chroot that doesn't have an fstab file. Cloned from
the corresponding freebsd file.
2012-06-30 05:10:51 +00:00
cfc164ceb7 Fix backtrace(3) fallout on NetBSD. 2012-06-29 12:39:17 +00:00
2096579fea strip -Werror, using deprecated g_atexit in glib2. 2012-06-28 11:13:06 +00:00
8761b99194 Apply a similar fix to archivers/star to fix schilyware configuration for
powerpc on NetBSD.
2012-06-28 05:15:38 +00:00
da3c39eb12 Fix wrong INSTALLATION_DIRS. 2012-06-28 05:04:27 +00:00
831ddf2950 Move #include <sys/types.h> before the #define of _XOPEN_SOURCE so that
u_short etc. are being defined by it.

Fixes build on MirBSD. This is a leaf package.
2012-06-27 08:52:05 +00:00
ce6eacc919 Update to 4.3.0. From the changelog:
- add ability to mmap a device other than /dev/mem, enabling easier
  testing of memory for hardware engineers et al if their system's
  kernel exports the memory they're interested in via /dev/mydevice
  or similar. Thanks: Jean-Noel Avila.

- add ability to run only specified tests by setting the environment
  variable MEMTESTER_TEST_MASK to a bitmask of the indexes of the
  tests to be run. Thanks: Ian Alexander.

Updating this during the freeze as it's a leaf package and the
changes should be low-impact.
2012-06-21 21:08:11 +00:00
deabd44c27 Move patches to the right place. Bump PKGREVISION 2012-06-19 20:17:06 +00:00
a32c8727e6 Revert last, it breaks the build. 2012-06-18 11:10:47 +00:00
fcc27e4c91 Remove php-fileinfo which is bundled with base by PHP 5.3 and later. 2012-06-16 15:11:25 +00:00
680e4f7197 Remove php-fileinfo. 2012-06-16 15:10:48 +00:00
827cea3310 Give this a fake empty fstab file to play with during configure.
From FreeBSD. Thanks to Mark Linimon for the reference.
2012-06-16 09:45:01 +00:00
4efaf265ac Insert another symbolic link so it configures on amd64. Fix getline()
conflict. Fix makefiles that weren't stopping on error.

Now builds.
2012-06-16 08:55:54 +00:00
e43be93ef2 Update to KDE SC 4.8.4
Bug fixes.
2012-06-16 04:45:28 +00:00
9b568c38e9 Add a comment why this package accepts only PHP 5.2.x. (5.3.x and 5.4.x
bundled it.)
2012-06-16 03:01:00 +00:00
bea600acfb By request don't build with gmp.
2012-06-15 11:32:57 +00:00
b62232ac5a Add missing devel/gmp buildlink.
2012-06-14 22:30:19 +00:00
c7e89835fa Update ruby-facter to 1.6.10.
35067dc Bump Facter epoch to 1
d6a3e91 Make package task depend on tar in Rakfile
f42896d (#14764) Stub architecture fact when Windows facts run on Linux
f44ca52 (maint) Fix hardware model fact for ruby 1.9
964d1f0 (#12864) Close registry key
ab025bb Revert "Revert "(#12864) Windows: get primary DNS from registry""
478386d (#10261) Detect x64 architecture on Windows
6cc881d Use git describe in Rakefile to determine pkg ver
2043244 (#13678) Remove deprecation msg triggerd by the ipaddress6 fact
d118d81 (#13678) Add filename extension on absolute paths on windows
b050eb1 (#14582) Fix noise in LSB facts
85654b0 (#13678) Allow passing shell built-ins to exec method on windows
8f4c016 (#13678) Single quote paths on unix with spaces
2d164e8 (#13678) Join PATHs correctly on windows
e7e7e8f (#13678) Extend spec tests for expand_command
0fea7b0 maint: Add shared context for specs to imitate windows or posix
60d0cd2 (#13678) Fix spec failures on windows
121a2ab (#13678) Fix quoting in expand_command
55b1125 (#13678) Add more unit tests for new methods
9086c0a (#13678) Add RDoc documentation for new methods
165ace4 (#13678) Convert command to absolute paths before executing
2012-06-14 15:16:07 +00:00
21792a9296 Recursive PKGREVISION bump for libxml2 buildlink addition. 2012-06-14 07:43:06 +00:00
37d2e56472 pull up patches from upstream, fixing XSA7, XSA8 and XSA9.
2012-06-12 15:59:04 +00:00
f98e8b0585 Add inet6 to default suggested options. It's 2012. 2012-06-12 15:45:54 +00:00
4ee8a913c3 Don't install the (binary only) SolarisRBAC cruft. 2012-06-08 16:05:11 +00:00
6c61dbd4ec Add support for appending a custom string to the OS version as displayed by
XenCenter by setting xenguest_osappend in rc.conf.

2012-06-05 12:58:53 +00:00
7eef8bb03f Kill USERGROUP_PHASE=pre-install as this hardcodes the UID/GID in the
+INSTALL script. This causes problems when you build the package on one
machine but install it on another not necessarily with the same
accounts configured.

XXX any real use for USERGROUP_PHASE=pre-install? IIUC pkg_install
installs USERGROUP during pre-install-script target by default, making it
explicit seems to cause more problems than it solves...
2012-06-05 09:30:19 +00:00
a66cf127be Add symlinks in gnu/man/man1/
2012-06-02 09:32:30 +00:00
6e42309f28 Update ruby-facter to 1.6.9.
b398bd8 (#14334) Fix dmidecode based facts on DragonFly BSD
6c46b2c (#14332) Correct stubbing on Ubuntu
753f3a4 Revert "(#12864) Windows: get primary DNS from registry"
ac51593 Wrap dmidecode/pciutils in ifarch block
fbaa8fe (#11511) Correct lsbrelease specfile filename
14eee2b (#12864) Windows: get primary DNS from registry
2842c96 Update rpm spec file
515fd65 (#11511) Split lsb facts into multiple files
2012-06-02 01:02:01 +00:00
77d39f6a55 Add symlink to gnu/man/man{1,5}
2012-06-01 20:16:06 +00:00
46a44cdf1d Updating package for CPAN module Linux::Inotify2 in
sysutils/p5-Linux-Inotify2 from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2.

Caution: The author uses an unusual versioning scheme which clash as
well with CPAN and pkgsrc.

Upstream changes between 1.22 and 1.21:
1.22 Tue Jun 14 08:34:38 CEST 2011
	- use a more useful definition of IN_xxx methods - any bits, not
          a match. (pointed out by Anatoliy Grishayev).
        - slightly reworked the documentation.
2012-05-31 09:16:58 +00:00
79197ee028 Updating package for CPAN module File::Remove in sysutils/p5-File-Remove
from 1.50 to 1.52.

Upstream changes:
1.52 Mon 19 Mar 2012 - Adam Kennedy
	- No functional changes
	- Updating Module::Install to 1.06
	- Moved File::Spec dependency to 3.29 to fix problems with
	  four-digit decimal dependencies in some downstream packaging

1.51 Thu 27 Oct 2011 - Adam Kennedy
	- END-time deletion by clear() is now fork-safe, it will only remove
	  paths created in the same process.
2012-05-31 09:10:27 +00:00
2b325f63f4 Fixes build with glib2>2.30, direct includion of header file is not allowed.
patch via PR 46453 by Noud de Brouwer.
2012-05-30 13:52:18 +00:00
44b90627d2 Fix build failure reported by David Holland. I don't know why gmake didn't
stop for me on this error.
Bump PKGREVISION, as despite the error the package did build fine for me.
2012-05-30 08:29:43 +00:00
d4a3afa031 Fix path of the target file in patch files. 2012-05-30 03:27:05 +00:00
6a13d2c1a0 Remove GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX variable (discussed in pkgsrc-users@) 2012-05-29 22:58:52 +00:00
ca6b729e4e Remove GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX variable (discussed in pkgsrc-users@).
All utilities are installed with a prefix 'g'. Symlinks with original
names are created in ${PREFIX}/gnu/bin.


2012-05-29 22:02:31 +00:00
9f2826ede5 Remove GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX variable (discussed in pkgsrc-users@).
All utilities are installed with a prefix 'g'. Symlinks with original
names are created in ${PREFIX}/gnu/bin.

While here fix some pkglint warnings.

2012-05-29 18:14:13 +00:00
55f89809df Add support for PCI pass-through for HVM guests, based on patch sent by
dukzcry <> on netbsd-users@ on may 14. This supports
only HVM guests, and only with the xl tool.

bump pkgrevision.
2012-05-29 15:01:34 +00:00
f54aa19baa sysutils/pfstat: Remove DragonFly
The new patch rendered this hack unnecessary.
2012-05-27 21:13:31 +00:00
a99641611e Avoid setting .PATH with '..' when the name of the containing directory
is the same as the name of a build product. I think this is what's been
confusing make.
2012-05-27 20:46:14 +00:00
40280d7ece sysutils/pfstat: Add DragonFly hack
After spending more time on this this trying to patch it properly than I
care to admit, I concede defeat and add a for DragonFly.

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, other than "make" works on the
subdir makefile and "bmake" doesn't.  And that's only true if executed
outside of the package -- hardcoding "make" inside the do-build phase
doesn't work.  Weird problem, but the hack works.
2012-05-26 14:21:11 +00:00
a22b9733aa misc/libgksu: USE_TOOLS+= msgfmt 2012-05-24 23:23:21 +00:00
2a272d0536 Fix typo in rc.d script.
2012-05-24 09:44:18 +00:00
f06eb59ac2 Update to 1.15 (not really tested), on the theory that there's no
reason to run old upstream code.

Changes in version 1.15:

The new option "-a, --min-read-rate" has been added.

The new option "-I, --verify-input-size" has been added.

The new option "-x, --extend-outfile" has been added.

Ddrescue now verifies that infile, outfile and logfile are all

Non-tried blocks are now read aligned to cluster-size sectors.

The "split or skip" algorithm of the split pass has been improved.

A spurious warning about "-D" being ignored in fill mode has been

Ddrescuelog, a tool for manipulation, display, conversion, comparison
and testing of ddrescue logfiles, has been added.
2012-05-22 23:41:04 +00:00
e600ef0e83 sysutils/heirloom-shl: mark NOT FOR *BSD or DragonFly
According to the install file, this package is not for any BSD, not just
NetBSD (also not for AIX or HP-UX, but I didn't mark those).
2012-05-22 16:41:57 +00:00
c7e2d98217 update to BlueZ hcidump 2.4
This release adds support for A2MP, L2CAP create/move channel,
  SAP and additional AVRCP decoding.
2012-05-21 07:01:32 +00:00
faeea17a70 Convert AMANDA_SMB and AMANDA_DUMP_SNAP build defines to pkg options. 2012-05-21 04:27:09 +00:00
321982388f Use += to set pkg supported/suggested options. 2012-05-21 04:25:36 +00:00
d51223a68e Add runtime dependency on mail. 2012-05-20 11:21:34 +00:00
0e71a285b9 If /usr/bin/ssh doesn't exist add openssh depenedance. 2012-05-20 11:14:33 +00:00
20d7815c64 Convert AMANDA_SSH and AMANFA_FQDN to pkg options and enable amanda-ssh. 2012-05-20 11:13:35 +00:00
b220ecb5eb sysutils/storage-manager: Mark NOT-FOR-DRAGONFLY
Source unavailable, see policy:

Note: This is a manual fetch which is considered "available", but in
this case, the file is no longer at the indicated location.
2012-05-19 15:29:09 +00:00
b95ccb4537 sysutils/iwi-firmware3: Mark NOT-FOR-DRAGONFLY
Source unavailable, see policy:
2012-05-19 15:07:46 +00:00
309f6d9630 sysutils/iwi-firmware: Mark NOT-FOR-DRAGONFLY
Source unavailable, see policy:
2012-05-19 15:06:56 +00:00
9aafebeeee sysutils/ipw-firmware: Mark NOT-FOR-DRAGONFLY
Source unavailable, see policy:
2012-05-19 15:06:00 +00:00
ee520025de sysutils/xfce4-thunar: Fix unwanted directory removal
xfce4-thunar depends on x11/xfce4-panel which takes care of creating
the plugins directory.  Remove the redundant directory creation which
can lead to directories being removed prematurely.
2012-05-19 00:35:57 +00:00
9ca952da2f Fix "xm list" with Python 2.7 (which is the default now). Without these patches,you get a traceback and a crashing xend.
copied from similar patch on xentools33 from bsiegert
2012-05-14 15:39:52 +00:00
b7dfcd6858 glib2 now only allows glib.h to be included. 2012-05-14 03:12:01 +00:00
0d2cdced45 If this finds xsltproc, it tries to use it to build man pages, and then
croaks. Because man pages are good, add the necessary build depends and
update the PLIST. PKGREVISION -> 4.
2012-05-14 01:27:49 +00:00
ece15a5758 DESTDIR support and build fix for SunOS > 5.6 and !sparc. 2012-05-13 15:59:33 +00:00
ffb2c94cc4 add & enable conky 2012-05-13 08:44:14 +00:00
8946b5dc81 Initial import of conky, version 1.9.0, into the NetBSD Packages Collection.
Conky is a system monitor for X originally based on torsmo. Since
its inception, Conky has changed significantly from its predecessor,
while maintaining simplicity and configurability.  Conky can display
just about anything, either on your root desktop or in its own
window.  Not only does Conky have many built-in objects, it can
also display just about any piece of information by using scripts
and other external programs.

Conky has more than 250 built in objects, including support for a
plethora of OS stats (uname, uptime, CPU usage, mem usage, disk
usage, "top" like process stats, and network monitoring, just to
name a few), built in IMAP and POP3 support, built in support for
many popular music players (MPD, XMMS2, BMPx, Audacious), and much
much more.  Conky can display this info either as text, or using
simple progress bars and graph widgets, with different fonts
and colours.
2012-05-13 08:42:20 +00:00
8b050103fb If the WEBMIN_OSVERSION_cmd output is empty then a pair of quotes must be
used so that has the correct number of arguments.
2012-05-13 08:10:12 +00:00
7f782def5a Fix build on netbsd-6 and up. 2012-05-12 23:10:29 +00:00
2de018ed55 Mark this as NOT_FOR_PLATFORM on netbsd-6 and up. It is based on the
historical quota API and has no internal abstractions, so it would
require pretty much a total rewrite for the new quota API. This could
be done, of course. Contact me if there's any interest.
2012-05-12 22:08:24 +00:00
df032ac028 Bring back as the fix in it is still needed. 2012-05-12 08:27:16 +00:00
426d1b014c Correctly handle PKG_SYSCONFDIR - bump pkgrevision 2012-05-10 16:07:36 +00:00
965cd9b3e2 Updated fscd from 1.0 to 1.0.1
1.0.1 fixes a bug that made fscd segfault when removing a killed process and
being in debug mode.
2012-05-09 22:44:06 +00:00
ed9cbb5c45 Updated to 0.5
* Fix bug introduced in rev:a3a710f720dd with passwd arguments.
* Backout the additional objectClasses patch for mkdir: same behavior can
  be acheived with 'touch', less complex to leave it as is.
* Add a --version flag.
* Small documentation fixes, add better verbosity when saving connection
  cache data.
* Make sure the hasSubordinates attribute is defined before checking its
* fix 'ls -R' output, minor style cleanup
* Repair broken path behavior, remove unneeded #path_to_dn 'relative' flag.
2012-05-08 20:57:03 +00:00
9d18b8ffab Proofread apccontrol's messages. Raise syslog severity for 'emergency'
message to 'crit'.
2012-05-07 12:55:23 +00:00
1d8f45be1a Set BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS correctly (with +=, not ?=) 2012-05-07 02:45:47 +00:00
7e751949e4 Set BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS correctly (with +=, not ?=)
It turns out there were a lot of these.
2012-05-07 01:53:12 +00:00
c90c2e794f Build fixes for new glib2. 2012-05-07 01:22:50 +00:00
8198b63e23 sysutils/gkrellm: Fix indirect linking on DragonFly again 2012-05-06 19:45:03 +00:00
cc32dcefca Fix a number of C issues. 2012-05-04 16:34:48 +00:00
a63ade229a Added entries for sysutils/fscd in Makefile and CHANGES. 2012-05-03 21:37:42 +00:00
8699a3c584 Added the freebsd service check daemon.
Originally developed by Tom Rhodes for FreeBSD, it's ported to NetBSD now
and maintained by me.
2012-05-03 21:21:58 +00:00
6e54f6ba47 Drop dependency on libXp (from Imake)
* libXp was used by Xaw8, but it had been obsolated, and in pkgsrc,
  x11/libXaw/ had been switched to pick up Xaw7 by default.
* With x11/xorg-cf-files, libXp was offered with XawClientLibs,
  but updated to 1.0.4, it was removed.
* And pkgsrc had been switched to use always xorg-cf-files and imake from pkgsrc,
  so all platforms should not require libXp from libXaw with Imake.

2012-05-03 09:55:29 +00:00
5e53b3f935 Changes 2.32.2:
* GApplication: can now have a NULL application ID
* g_clear_object: fix warnings when using it on C++ (due to lack of
  ability to implicitly cast void*)
* GDBus:
 - add our own implementation of the message bus for use on Windows only
 - fix up a few bugs that use of this bus uncovered in GDBus
 - escape nonce files in dbus addressess (think 'c:\')
 - support initial underscores in dbus codegen namespace (for private)
* Fix misdetection of GNUstep as Cocoa (for the MacOS GSettings backend)
* make sure configure fails if AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF cannot detect the alignment
* GAppInfo: overwrite the DISPLAY only if it is set in the launch context
* glib/tests/date: force US locale running the GDateTime tests
* GSocketControlMessage: Don't warn about unknown messages
* Resources:
 - fix broken use of GVDB on big endian machines
 - set a 'display name' so that pretty file names appear in Gtk CSS
   warning messages
* GMainContext:
 - block child sources when blocking the parent
 - introduce more testcases for child sources
* Translations updates:
 Brazilian Portuguese
 Simplified Chinese
* Bug fixed:
 619026 avoid warning in gutils.h when using gcc with -Wconversion
 669260 Open/Save dialog hangs waiting for data with libsoup
 671249 GApplication: Allow a null application_id?
 672786 goa-daemon: action in notification doesn't work
 673409 g_resource_lookup_data may return stale data pointer
 674172 glib-2.32.1 misdetects GNUstep as Cocoa
 674345 cssprovider: Make sure to print out file name in css warnings
 674483 broken configure results when cross-compiling with gcc >= 4.5
2012-05-01 18:45:51 +00:00
055850445f Update ruby-fssm to 0.2.9.
From commit log.

* completely remove rubycocoa backend, as it hasn't worked correctly
  since 10.6 and rb-fsevent is a better solution regardless
* mention guard/listen on require
2012-04-29 14:21:45 +00:00
bb237bdec2 Update ruby-facter package to 1.6.8.
b86fe4c (#12831) Add rspec tests to have_which method in Resolution
70be957 (#12831) Fix recursion on first kernel fact resolution

ab9e26c Updating CHANGELOG and lib/facter.rb for Facter 1.6.7rc1
bdbf332 (#12720) Add Solaris CPU info to 'processorN' fact.
a7f5924 (#12813) Redirect lspci output to /dev/null
6ec2863 (#12669) Preserve timestamps when installing files
2012-04-29 14:20:33 +00:00
a6d5ad9edc Recursive bump from icu shlib major bumped to 49. 2012-04-27 12:31:32 +00:00
8663fabd48 Update sysutils/ruby-rb-appscript to 0.6.1.
2010-03-19 -- 0.6.1

* removed 32-bit only AE.run_application_event_loop,
* updated AE.launch_application to use LSOpenApplication
* minor documentation fixes

2010-12-17 -- 0.6.0

* added UTF-8 Encoding support in Ruby 1.9+; added
  AEMCodecs::Codecs#use_ascii_8bit for optionally disabling it
* AEM::Codecs#pack now accepts Date, DateTime instances; added
  AEM::Codecs#use_date_time method for unpacking typeLongDateTime descriptors
  as DateTime instead of Time instances
* removed AE.get_app_terminology() as it relied on deprecated Carbon APIs
* added AE.copy_scripting_definition()
* the OSAX module now now uses OSACopyScriptingDefinition() to obtain
  scripting addition terminology, so works in both 32- and 64-bit Ruby. Note
  that in addition to limitations of OSACopyScriptingDefinition
  (e.g. aete-to-sdef conversion is not 100% reliable), the SdefParser is
  limited in capability (no support for xi:include, class-extension, synonym
  elements), but should suffice for parsing relatively simple osax
* modified Terminology.dump() to retrieve aete resources via 'ascrgdte'
  events; added OSAX.dump() method
* added workaround for transaction id bug in some versions of OS X 10.6
* renamed AEMReference::Base class to AEMReference::Query
* renamed Send::CommandError class to Send::EventError; note that AEM
  re-exports it as AEM::EventError and [for backwards compatibilty]

2009-07-18 -- 0.5.3

* fixed pALL code in defaultterminology
* fixed OSAX module initialisation code (previously didn't initialise if was called directly)
* fixed out-of-date URLs in appscript manual

2009-07-05 -- 0.5.2

* removed deprecated AEM::Application.is_running? method
* added #dont_cache_unpacked_specifiers, #pack_strings_as_type compatibility
  options to AEM::Codecs
* added default definitions for 'item' type, 'items' elements, 'properties'
  property as Apple have removed the 'item' class definition from
  skeleton.sdef (the default terminology for Cocoa apps)
* property and elements methods now raise ArgumentError if passed arguments;
  previously, malformed elements selectors,
  e.g. app('TextEdit').documents(1).text, would be silently ignored, resulting
  in unexpected behaviour
* Codecs#unpack now tries to coerce descriptors of typeVersion to unicode text
  (works on 10.4+) c.f. AppleScript (note: itunes.version.get returns the
  wrong version number otherwise; this appears to be an iTunes bug, but is
  masked by current AppleScript behaviour)
* #process_exists_for_url?, #remote_app in connect.rb now raise error if URL
   string doesn't contain a colon (process will crash otherwise due to an OS
* improved error reporting in Reference#[] when a malformed generic reference
  containing a command expands to a non-reference value. e.g.
  would previously expand the the value of the object's 'name' property,
  typically a string, resulting in a cryptic NoMethodError; this now raises a
  descriptive ArgumentError.
* fixed bug where Terminology module would error on zero-length keywords in
  problem dictionaries (e.g. MS Word 12.1.7)
* AEM::Codecs now correctly unpacks AEDescs of typeBoolean whose data >1 byte
* fixed inconsistent escaping of application-defined property/element names
  that overlap built-in type/enum/property names but uses different
  codes. e.g. Adobe Illustrator defines 'rotation' as 'SxRx' - this overlaps
  built-in definition ('rotation' = 'trot'), so is escaped as
  'rotation_'. Previously only the Keyword was escaped (i.e. :rotation_ but
  ref.rotation) now both are escaped (i.e. :rotation_, ref.rotation_). Users
  should update existing code as needed.
* restructured defaultterminology.rb to make it easier to maintain
* changed default terminology mapping for :data from KAE::CRawData ('rdat') to
  KAE::TypeData ('tdta')
* the OSAX module now obtains list of installed scripting additions on first
  use instead of import (the .osax scanning code uses System Events via AEM,
  and sending Apple events in event loop-based application before the event
  loop is started can disrupt the process's handling of incoming Apple events)
2012-04-27 10:30:40 +00:00
77cce0a8b6 Set LICENSE. 2012-04-22 16:01:11 +00:00
501ae14a5d Update to 3.1.9:
2012-01-14  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.9.

	* Updated README.

	* Whereever we mention the PCI ID database, we now refer to and the site is mentioned only
	  as a mirror. This includes update-pciids.

	* Decode PCIe Gen 3 speeds and link status fields.

	* Various minor bug fixes.

	* Updated pci.ids to the today's snapshot of the database.

2011-10-02  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.8.

	* More capabilities: Transaction Processing Hints, Latency Tolerance
	Reporting. Thanks to Jesse Barnes.

	* Added BeOS and Haiku ports. Contributed by Francois Revol.

	* pciutils.pc now uses Libs.private properly.

	* When we format a name and it does not fit in the buffer, we truncate
	it instead of returning "buffer too small" instead. This works on all
	platforms with sane (i.e., C99-compatible) snprintf().

	* Various minor bug fixes.

	* Updated pci.ids to the today's snapshot of the database.

2010-01-31  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.7.

	* Minor improvements and bug fixes in decoding of the Virtual Channel

2010-01-24  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.6.

	* More capabilities decoded: Virtual Channel (except arbitration
	tables), Root Complex Link, Vendor-Specific (header only), SATA HBA.

	* All extended capabilities have their version displayed (-vv or more).

2010-01-19  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.5.

	* Updated pci.ids to the today's snapshot of the database.

	* When scanning extended capabilities, properly mask the lowest 2 bits,
	  which are currently reserved. This avoids unaligned access errors on
	  broken hardware (see tests/broken-ecaps).

	* Large bar sizes are displayed in human-readable format (with units).
	  Thanks to Matthew Wilcox.

	* Physical slot information is displayed correctly for multi-function cards.
	  Fixed by Matthew Wilcox.

	* Fixed a couple of typos everywhere.

	* Library: Fixed bugs in freeing of capabilities.

	* Windows back-end compiles again.

2009-08-14  Martin Mares <>

	* Released as 3.1.4.
	  (sorry that I have missed 22/7 and released it later :-))

	* Updated pci.ids to the today's snapshot of the database.

	* Fixed memory and file descriptor leak in the dump back-end.

	* The SR-IOV capability decoder now prints the VF BAR's.
	Patch by Chris Wright, cleaned up by me.

	* On request of certain company's lawyers, we now include a copy
	of the GPL with our package. It seems that the pciutils are getting
	mature if the most important bug of the month was this one ;-)
2012-04-22 16:00:38 +00:00
b298887ecc Update to 0.8.2.
New in Version 0.8.2

  Branches netbsd-6, netbsd-6-0 and netbsd-5-1 are supported.

New in Version 0.8.1

  INSTALL-NetBSD now installs the tests set, in NetBSD 5, and the
  modules set, to be in NetBSD 6.
2012-04-18 16:39:49 +00:00
10a61258e6 Don't override user optimizer settings with mythical GCC optimizer
2012-04-17 17:48:47 +00:00
386a1af379 Fix "return;" in non-void function. 2012-04-17 17:47:54 +00:00
5509f62b90 Add clang to the stdbuf list.
XXX This is still completely broken as check
2012-04-17 17:47:19 +00:00
6dc4abe4b7 Reset maintainer, developer has left the building 2012-04-15 22:00:58 +00:00
40bb7def04 Update to 0.20:
Version 0.20

  - fix list of locale strings without trailing slash (Matthias Clasen)

  - add MATE and Razor to list of registered environments (Vincent)
  - validate Desktop Actions (Giovanni Campagna, Vincent)
2012-04-15 15:44:32 +00:00
cbc4db0822 Update KDE SC to 4.8.2
2012-04-15 05:54:50 +00:00
b07f2944ea Update sysutils/capistrano to 2.12.0
Upstream changes:

## 2.12.0 / April 13 2012

This release revserts the very verbose logging introduced in the previous
version, it also enables a handful of power-user features which are largely
un-documented, but shouldn't be important unless you are looking for them.
Undocumented code shouldn't scare you, simply read through deploy.rb in the Gem
if you want to know how a new feature works!

 * Update mapped commands to remove symlink deprecation warning. Despo Pentara

 * Add the "rpm" remote dependency. Nick Hoffman (nickhoffman)

 * Add commented deploy:cleanup task to default recipe. Jean-Philippe Doyle

 * Teach deploy:web:enable to fail gracefully. Lee Marlow (lmarlow)

 * Ticket 193 alias task show wrong name when it is not overridden. Rafa García

 * Allow configuration of which roles assets are precompiled on. Frederick
Cheung (fcheung)

 * Fix transfer action to honor dry-run flag. Serg Podtynnyi (shtirlic)

 * Changed single to double quotes for Windows, fixes a Windows bug in the HG
module. Matthew J Morrison (mattjmorrison)

 * Add UnsharedRemoteCache (copied from eycap gem). Ben Symonds (bensymonds)

As ever, a sincere thanks to all contributors, and do not hesitate to contact
me if this release causes problems for you.
2012-04-14 11:01:29 +00:00
d57f618df4 Fix PLIST.
Thanks imil@!
2012-04-14 09:29:18 +00:00
4264e0070f Update sysutils/fabric to 1.4.1
Upstream changes:

2012-04-04: released Fabric 1.4.1
2012-04-04: released Fabric 1.3.6

[Bug] #608: Add capture kwarg to rsync_project to aid in debugging rsync

[Bug] #607: Allow local to display stdout/stderr when it warns/aborts, if it
was capturing them.

[Bug] #395: Added an FAQ entry detailing how to handle init scripts which
misbehave when a pseudo-tty is allocated.

[Bug] #568: execute allowed too much of its internal state changes (to
variables such as env.host_string and env.parallel) to persist after execution
completed; this caused a number of different incorrect behaviors. execute has
been overhauled to clean up its own state changes - while preserving any state
changes made by the task being executed.

[Bug] #584: upload_project did not take explicit remote directory location into
account when untarring, and now uses cd to address this. Thanks to Ben Burry
for the patch.

[Bug] #458: with_settings did not perfectly match settings, re: ability to
inline additional context managers. This has been corrected. Thanks to Rory
Geoghegan for the patch.

[Bug] #499: contrib.files.first used an outdated function signature in its
wrapped exists call. This has been fixed. Thanks to Massimiliano Torromeo for
catch & patch.

[Bug] #551: --list output now detects terminal window size and truncates (or
doesn't truncate) accordingly. Thanks to Horacio G. de Oro for the initial pull

[Bug] #572: Parallel task aborts (as oppposed to unhandled exceptions) now
correctly print their abort messages instead of tracebacks, and cause the
parent process to exit with the correct (nonzero) return code. Thanks to Ian
Langworth for the catch.

[Bug] #306: Remote paths now use posixpath for a separator. Thanks to Jason
Coombs for the patch.

2012-02-13: released Fabric 1.4.0
2012-02-13: released Fabric 1.3.5
2012-02-13: released Fabric 1.2.6
2012-02-13: released Fabric 1.1.8

[Bug] #495: Fixed documentation example showing how to subclass Task. Thanks to
Brett Haydon for the catch and Mark Merritt for the patch.

[Bug] #410: Fixed a bug where using the task decorator inside/under another
decorator such as hosts could cause that task to become invalid when invoked by
name (due to how old-style vs new-style tasks are detected.) Thanks to Dan
Colish for the initial patch.

[Feature] #559: rsync_project now allows users to append extra SSH-specific
arguments to rsync`s --rsh flag.

[Feature] #138: env.port may now be written to at fabfile module level to set a
default nonstandard port number. Previously this value was read-only.

[Feature] #3: Fabric can now load a subset of SSH config functionality directly
from your local ~/.ssh/config if env.use_ssh_config is set to True. See
Leveraging native SSH config files for details. Thanks to Kirill Pinchuk for
the initial patch.

[Feature] #12: Added the ability to try connecting multiple times to
temporarily-down remote systems, instead of immediately failing. (Default
behavior is still to only try once.) See env.timeout and
env.connection_attempts for controlling both connection timeouts and total
number of attempts. reboot has also been overhauled (but practically deprecated
- see its updated docs.)

[Feature] #474: execute now allows you to access the executed task's return
values, by itself returning a dictionary whose keys are the host strings
executed against.

[Bug] #487: Overhauled the regular expression escaping performed in append and
contains to try and handle more corner cases. Thanks to Neilen Marais for the

[Support] #532: Reorganized and cleaned up the output of fab --help.

[Feature] #8: Added --skip-bad-hosts/env.skip_bad_hosts option to allow
skipping past temporarily down/unreachable hosts.

[Feature] #13: Env vars may now be set at runtime via the new --set
command-line flag.

[Feature] #506: A new output alias, commands, has been added, which allows
hiding remote stdout and local "running command X" output lines.

[Feature] #72: SSH agent forwarding support has made it into Fabric's SSH
library, and hooks for using it have been added (disabled by default; use -A or
env.forward_agent to enable.) Thanks to Ben Davis for porting an existing
Paramiko patch to ssh and providing the necessary tweak to Fabric.
2012-04-14 09:21:43 +00:00
90e90dd7d9 Add -lrt to LDFLAGS.SunOS to make this build. Not needed on 5.11, but
doesn't hurt either.
2012-04-13 23:29:10 +00:00
c595076396 All supported python versions in pkgsrc support eggs, so remove
${PLIST.eggfile} from PLISTs and support code from lang/python.
2012-04-08 20:21:41 +00:00
aada88e659 Remove python24 and all traces of it from pkgsrc.
Remove devel/py-ctypes (only needed by and supporting python24).
lines that just mirror defaults now.
Miscellaneous cleanup while editing all these files.
2012-04-08 19:08:44 +00:00
80f3ced3e8 USE_TOOLS+=perl:run. There are very few cases where it makes sense to
REPLACE_PERL without depending on it. PKGREVISION to 4.
2012-04-08 03:37:30 +00:00
bb49a2bc4e Switch SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configure to make it harder
to accidentally hardwire the substitution into patches/.
2012-04-07 19:35:48 +00:00
8ef9bcf661 Forgot to "cvs add" the patches. Also remove some debugging dreg.
Reminded by wiz, thanks!
2012-04-07 14:48:11 +00:00
acd99d1e76 Fix "xm list" with Python 2.7 (which is the default now). Without these patches,
you get a traceback and a crashing xend.

ok cegger (maintainer), joerg
2012-04-07 13:10:56 +00:00
682597200a Add gettext-lib dependency for PR pkg/46289. Bump PKGREVISION.
Thanks obache@ for the hint!
2012-04-04 08:06:16 +00:00
894889b77c Bump PKGREVISION
* Fix build on FreeBSD 9.0
** Patches are borrowed from FreeBSD ports
** Split FreeBSD support from DragonFly/FreeBSD support
2012-03-31 16:06:56 +00:00
14853ca701 Reapply version 1.6 of patch-ah to fix handling of $PREFIX for

everyone, when regenerating patches, please make sure you aren't
expanding substitutions.
2012-03-31 10:33:36 +00:00
3c586206ca fixes build on OpenBSD, taken from upstream repository. 2012-03-30 14:28:29 +00:00
617c5c686a Update file from 5.03 to 5.11.
Changes are too may to write here but includes security fix CVE-2012-1571.

Add LICENSE, too.
2012-03-30 03:53:54 +00:00
4dd6d9c43e Move ifdef around so it matches the code. 2012-03-29 14:51:59 +00:00
bdb8feaa02 Fix build with clang-3.1. 2012-03-29 13:22:06 +00:00
e9d86175cf bitbucket -> FETCH_USING curl. 2012-03-25 13:50:35 +00:00
9a598e54ea sysutils/rox: Fix indirect linking error on DragonFly 2012-03-23 21:46:07 +00:00
2da6dd898f sysutils/libgtop: Unbreak DragonFly again
Libgtop on DragonFly is built using FreeBSD-specific files.  The systems
are diverging and it's getting harder to keep this package from breaking
everytime it's updated.  This minor point upgrade broke it!
2012-03-23 17:29:51 +00:00
e8edae8277 Let the schily makefiles know when we're using gcc. 2012-03-22 11:28:38 +00:00
ba3f0a7ae2 add k3b-kde3 2012-03-22 06:40:01 +00:00
f284094e25 Update to 2.0.2
KDE4 version.
2012-03-22 06:39:00 +00:00
a079a07ad4 Reimport k3b 1.0.5nb12 as k3b-kde3 2012-03-22 06:12:10 +00:00
470a7e5a8c Add k4dirstat 2012-03-21 23:22:31 +00:00
800233c72b Import k4dirstat 2.7.3
K4DirStat (KDE 4 Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that
sums up disk usage for directory trees, very much like the Unix 'du'
command. It displays the disk space used up by a directory tree, both
numerically and graphically. It is network transparent (i.e., you can use
it to sum up FTP servers), and comes with predefined and user configurable
cleanup actions. You can directly open a directory branch in Konqueror or
the shell of your choice, compress it to a .tar.bz2 archive, or define
your own cleanup actions.
2012-03-21 23:21:20 +00:00
c32c2d5218 It's called SunOS, and it needs -lm. 2012-03-21 19:22:30 +00:00
f8c5eef4e1 update to 1.0.1
-UI improvements, UTF-8/wcurses support
-Performance improvements
-XDG compliance
2012-03-21 18:28:40 +00:00
cd24396efa Update ruby-facer to 1.6.6.
e046144 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.6.6rc2
c273d34 Make ec2 facts work on CentOS again (#12666)
c218d84 (#12362) Use Tempfile to generate temp files
f6bbe14 (#12170) Adds gem spec description Without this patch, the gem spec file is missing a description attribute, which caus
5c5c330 Changes apple rake task to reflect package name facter instead of puppet.
9b5cb26 Updating conf/redhat/facter.spec for 1.6.5 release.
7d3889d (#12079) Fix order-dependent test failure due to odd stubbing.
7f2a0e2 add a simple test for openstack ec2 facts
cb598aa Support EC2 facts on OpenStack
2012-03-21 15:45:00 +00:00
2064fbdd48 Fix build failure on SunOS 2012-03-20 22:00:10 +00:00
6e64fd9045 add default targets to lib/Makefile (for pbulk) 2012-03-20 15:31:14 +00:00
708b94094a add kdf, kfloppy, filelight-kde3 2012-03-20 05:50:03 +00:00
9d58dff528 Add kdf and kfloppy. Part of KDE SC 4.8.0 2012-03-20 05:48:09 +00:00
a2cb517013 Update to KDE SC 4.8.0 2012-03-20 05:41:02 +00:00
7937781c29 Reimport filelight 1.0nb20 as filelight-kde3 2012-03-20 05:37:49 +00:00
9765e41589 Drop imake-check logic from X11 components'
Always use xorg-cf-files and imake from pkgsrc, replacing xpkgwedge.
Always install man pages, not cat pages when using imake.
Unify the various imake PLIST variables in preparation for dropping.
Adjust xbattbar for the new expectations.
2012-03-19 12:34:12 +00:00
89e77db68a adjust this build so that it doesn't need to make a .a
library, to avoid breakage on pkgbulk build which does
not provide the same level of mk support as a NetBSD
2012-03-19 12:09:00 +00:00
ef055351b4 Update to 4.0.17 and delint. Notable changes:
Added missing -i option to mshortname
Make it clear that label is limited to 11 characters
mbadblocks now takes a list of bad blocks
mbadblocks now is able to do write scanning for bad blocks
mshowfat can show cluster of specific offset
Fixed encoding of all-lowercase names
Consider every directory entry after an ENDMARK (0x00) to be deleted
2012-03-18 12:41:53 +00:00
fd5a6f1458 Update ruby-fssm to
Exact changes are unknown.
2012-03-18 02:35:27 +00:00
254b243270 Update ruby-facter to 1.6.5.
71d3d3d (#12077) Add pciutils RPM dependency
1df5b46 (#11566) Add windows support for ec2 facts
d1a33e5 (#11848) Don't hard code ruby install paths in Windows batch files
14cad7e Build a Rake task for building Apple Packages
5a60ca6 (#11559) Switch to RbConfig & Provide alias for RbConfig for pre-1.8.5
88c9429 (#10271) Identifying 'Amazon' using '/etc/system-release'
2de7b84 (#11661) EC2 rspec tests were using throw not raise to simulate a timeout
b51ccf0 (#11583) Add basic coverage to the ec2 fact
82692ba (#9599) Generalize zone detection
e6cebd3 (#9599) Add nexenta facts
9401b78 (#11583) Switch request method to open-uri monkey patch 'open'
3ccac87 (#9708) Amend requires in specs to use simple requires
b0b5282 (#9708) Confine facts by kernel not operating system and remove confine for hardwareisa
c473e3f (#10309) Remove the with_verbose_disabled method
a99d87c (#10309) Rename tmpfile to tmpfilename to make function clear
d50fc48 (#10309) Move all fixture data in spec/unit/data to spec/fixtures
d6e8523 (#10309) Integrate new PuppetlabsSpec helpers into our existing facter spec code and general spec cleanup
c1604c7 (#10309) Add puppetlabs_spec helper library based on Puppets own puppet_spec helpers
d141e7e (maint) Fix requirement for FileUtils as operatingsystem_spec needs it now
9c224d3 (#11436) Unify memorysize and memorytotal facts
5c6322a (maint) Joined conditional statements for domain
a1dba38 (#11196) Scan all arp entries for an ec2 mac
5cd30eb (#8279) Join ec2 fact output with commas
4633996 (#9789) Extend coverage of operatingsystem specs
6d21f90 Move Linux specific virtual tests to correct block.
cb4e294 (#7753) Added error checking when adding resolves
6201820 (maint) remove redundant arch detection
4f9da1c (#11328) Fix uptime detection on OpenBSD
3f99f16 (#11328) Add virtualisation detection for OpenBSD
2012-03-18 02:34:23 +00:00
b6db45e3e4 Update capistrano to 2.11.2.
## 2.11.2 / Febuary 22 2012

Fixes some bugs with the now deprecated `deploy:symlink` fallback option.

## 2.11.0 / Febuary 20 2012

This release replaces and fixes a broken 2.10.0 release (see below for

This release includes all fixes as documented for 2.10.0, plus additional code
cleanup (SHA: 3eecac2), as well as changing the public API from
`deploy:symlink`, to `deploy:create_symlink`

* Remove a testing dependency on `ruby-debug` (Lee Hambley, reported by Serg

* Formerly deprecate `deploy:symlink`, this move was prompted by the Rake
namespace fiasco of their 0.9.0 release, and is replaced by
`deploy:create_symlink`. If you are looking for a place to hook asset related
tasks, please consider `deploy:finalize_update`. Replaced by
`deploy:create_symlink`, `deploy:symlink` now raises a deprecation warning,
and defers to `deploy:symlink`. (Lee Hambley)

* Update the 2.10.0 changelog. (Lee Hambley, reported by Jérémy Lecour)

## 2.10.0 / Febuary 19 2012

If you are reading this after Febuary 20th 2012, do not be surprised when you
cannot find 2.10.0 on, it has been removed because of a breaking
API change. It is replaced logically enough by 2.11.0 where the API is still
changed, but now issues a warning and falls back to the expected behaviour.

The CHANGELOG for this release was updated retrospectively, I'm sorry I missed
that when releasing the gem, 2.10.0 apparently not my finest hour as a

Ths fixes in this release include

* Include sample NGinx config for `deploy:web:disable`(added by Roger Ertesvåg)

* Fix gemspec time format warning (reported by Tony Arcieri, fixed by building the Gem against Ruby-1.9.3)

* Finally removed deprecated `before_` and `after_` tasks. (Lee Hambley)

* Rake 0.9.x compatibility (reported by James Miller, fixed by Lee Hambley)

* More detailed logging output (fixed by Huang Liang)

* Includes multistage, without `capistrano-ext`. `require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'` (fixed by Lee Hambley)
2012-03-18 02:32:34 +00:00
9e448bd615 pkglint cleanup while here; set LICENSE. 2012-03-17 02:19:22 +00:00
0bbe40fee4 Fix build after G_CONST_RETURN has been deprecated.
Based on PR 46210 by Francis GUDIN.
2012-03-17 02:19:08 +00:00
8164b5eeb3 Bump PKGREVISION from default python change to 2.7. 2012-03-16 04:31:14 +00:00
4e0e1daf61 Stop current memory usage being printed to stdout at process start if memory
ballooning if present.
2012-03-15 14:06:08 +00:00
2cd654bab6 Bump PKGREVISION from default python to 2.7. 2012-03-15 11:53:20 +00:00
fe3315bb85 Set LICENSE. 2012-03-10 13:20:10 +00:00
52c45d3ce2 update to bluez-hcidump version 2.3
(rework the pkgsrc variables so that not as
many lines need to be changed on updates)


    Marcel Holtmann [Fri, 2 Mar 2012 01:54:01 +0000]
    build: Rename into

    Johan Hedberg [Tue, 28 Feb 2012 00:05:42 +0000]
    lib: Add missing host feature defines

    This patch add missing SSP and "Simultaneous LE & BR/EDR" feature bit
    definitions to hci.h.

    Marcel Holtmann [Mon, 27 Feb 2012 06:42:41 +0000]
    lib: Make unaligned access functions const

    Marcel Holtmann [Mon, 27 Feb 2012 06:12:34 +0000]
    lib: Add definition for HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR

    Andrei Emeltchenko [Fri, 24 Feb 2012 08:44:23 +0000]
    lib: Copy L2CAP chan policy defines from kernel

    Those defines will be used by user space.

    Marcel Holtmann [Tue, 21 Feb 2012 14:01:54 +0000]
    lib: Add struct for reading LE host supported setting

    Vinicius Costa Gomes [Fri, 10 Feb 2012 21:39:51 +0000]
    lib: Fix using old-style initializers

    Peter Krystad [Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:04:11 +0000]
    lib: Add L2CAP Create/Move Channel definitions

    Luiz Augusto von Dentz [Fri, 17 Feb 2012 09:48:55 +0000]
    core: Add support for passing PSM as OBEX port

    As OBEX can now use L2CAP as transport, -O/--obex option should accept
    values other than RFCOMM channel, so values over 31 are now interpreted
    as PSM.

    Luiz Augusto von Dentz [Fri, 17 Feb 2012 09:48:54 +0000]
    L2CAP: add OBEX support

    Johan Hedberg [Thu, 2 Feb 2012 17:48:55 +0000]
    lib: Add stub for A2MP

    Johan Hedberg [Wed, 1 Feb 2012 06:05:26 +0000]
    att: Fix UUID-128 parsing

    ATT UUIDs are in little-endian format (in contrast to e.g. SDP).

    Vinicius Costa Gomes [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 13:57:18 +0000]
    lib: Add Key Size information to the security information

    Since some time the kernel has the capability to return the length of
    the key that was used to encrypt the link.

    This patch exposes that field to userspace so more applications can take
    decisions based on this information.
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: 	Makefile distinfo
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-03-09 18:12:55 +00:00
83ce238021 Fix an instance of GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX not identified properly in PLIST. 2012-03-09 13:31:29 +00:00
8b5589a2ea Bump PKGREVISION for python default version change to 2.7.
py-* not affected, since it built different versions depending on the
setting already.
2012-03-09 12:33:57 +00:00
88ea04ab47 Update flashrom to
changes since

- fixes to (linux) spidev programmer
- SFDP bug fixes
- fixes for W83627 and IT87 SPI programmers
2012-03-08 22:47:05 +00:00
cd355c98f9 Apply missing bump PKGREVISION from pcre (via glib2/ 2012-03-08 14:49:45 +00:00
d041548dee Update home page URL. 2012-03-08 10:26:08 +00:00
e0f8157e21 Add a generic-linux entry for linux 3 and up. 2012-03-08 06:43:46 +00:00