With only one day after the 0.8.3 release 0.8.4 is being released.
My deepest apologies because this means there is a bad bug. Admittedly
it will only impact a very small amount of users but it was big
enough to warrant a new release.
Unfortunately during refactoring of "remove all plugins" code the
actual remove code was moved to the wrong place. With 0.8.3 if you
say no it will still remove all plugins. This has been corrected
and is the only change in 0.8.4.
Sigil 0.8.1 2014.10.12
- Set minimum OS X version to 10.9.0 in Info.plist so users trying to
run on older versions of OS X will receive an error dialog instead of
a crash dialog.
- Set minimum Windows version to Vista in Installer so installation will
error when trying to install on XP (which is not supported and Sigil
binary packages won't run on).
- Fix issue #21: Use Hunspell WORDCHARS to help in tokenization of words.
- Pull request #19: Moving plugin description to ToolTips.
- Pull request #20: Preserve current file name for future save as actions
if appropriate.
- Fix bug where save after using input plugin would fail.
Sigil 0.8.0 2014.09.27
- Plugin framework.
- Add the svg image tag as an svg inline element (not a block element) and
add it as an empty element (TidyEmptyTags).
- Allow user defined list of entities to preserve.
- Pull request #16: Hardcode menu Plugins in UI, move it before menu Help.
- Pull request #10: Add ability to move entries in TOC up and down.
- Pull request #8: Allow pasting HTML as HTML or plain text in BookView.
* Use Qt5 instead of Qt4
* Use internal hunspell to avoid runtime error
Sigil 0.7.4 2013.10.27
- Use numeric entity for non-breaking spaces (nbsp) instead of named
entity. Fixes issues where files without a doctype won't open properly.
Sigil 0.7.3 2013.08.03
- Fix issue 2309: Compile failure due to case issue on m_lastFolderOpen.
- Fix issue 2269: "Conflicts with:" always in English.
- Fix issue 2186: Sigil 0.7.2 crashes on "Add existing files".
- Fix issue 2232: The nbsp characters in UTF-8 files are converted to normal spaces.
- Fix issue 2201: Save does not prompt for filename if filename not set
after cancelling save operation.
- Fix issue 2193: Incorrect country code used for Serbia.
- Implement issue 2199: Mac, Don't open empty book by default.
Sigil 0.7.2 2013.04.14
- Implement issue 2129: Enhance archive filename encoding handling.
- Implement issue 2128: Warnings for non-ASCII characters in filenames.
- Implement issue 2113: Preview should zoom separately from other views.
- Implement issue 1997: Tool to Add Cover image and file automatically.
- Implement issue 1993: Find & Replace should have a Marked Text option.
- Implement issue 2083: Enhance invalid OPF recovery.
- Implement issue 2082: Improve performance of Book Browser refresh.
- Fix issue 2170: Spellcheck should remember position after changing word.
- Fix issue 2148: Don't delete cover image in "Delete unused media files".
- Fix issue 2147: Doubleclick in Delete Files dialog can cause crash.
- Fix issue 2143: Bulk rename with just a number for filename does not use correct number of 0s.
- Fix issue 2121: Wait cursor shows when dialog is open while saving or opening.
- Fix issue 2107: Heading not accepted due to split at end of file.
- Fix issue 2110: Insert Special Character inserts wrong code for nnbsp.
- Fix issue 2021: Importing UTF-16 encoded files results in empty file.
- Fix issue 2088: Ctrl-click on text files does not work in Code View.
- Fix Issue 2071: Anchor dialog has disabled text field.
- Fix Issue 2077: Rename dialog incorrectly sized.
- Fix issue 2081: Book Browser tooltips are not updated when semantics change or for cover images.
- Fix issue 2080: OPF meta title not updated correctly for Add Semantic.
- Fix issue 2079: UI Language dropdown does not show language names for entries containing _.
Sigil 0.7.1 2013.03.03
- Implement issue 2058: Code View should be able to show resizable image.
- Implement issue 2038: Spellcheck "change selected word to" should remember sorting order.
- Implement issue 2043: Spellcheck should allow case-insensitive sorting.
- Implement issue 2029: Save and open should warn if HTML files are not well formed.
- Implement issue 2009: Add semantic tags to filenames in reports.
- Implement issue 2028: Special characters should work in non-html files.
- Implement issue 2027: Upgrade Boost to Boost 1.53.0.
- Fix issue 2069: Work around for archives where filenames are not utf-8 encoded.
- Fix issue 2068: ZIP general purpose bit 11 (utf-8) filename not set.
- Fix issue 2061: Language code using wrong character to separate country code.
- Fix issue 2057: Text selected across lines using Ctrl-F cannot be found with Find.
- Fix issue 2036: Mark for Index can insert HTML tags into code making it invalid.
- Fix issue 2041: Preview does not sync cursor after using Sigil for a while.
- Fix issue 2030: The   character is incorrectly converted to space on open.
- Fix issue 2035: Index Editor entries with nbsp character don't match text.
- Fix issue 2016: Find with wrap off and All HTML Files still wraps on last file.
- Fix issue 2001: Spellcheck does not always highlight a word the first time.
- Fix issue 2017: Clips pasted into some windows does not work correctly.
- Fix issue 2008: Index adds extra comma in some cases.
Sigil 0.7.0 2013.02.17
- Implement issue 1983: Set the tooltips of files in Book Browser to the filename.
- Implement issue 1965: Allow opening files that are missing container.xml.
- Implement issue 1975: HTML TOC and Index should use CSS files instead of inline stylesheet.
- Implement issue 1968: Bookmark location in editing window.
- Implement issue 1963: Table Of Contents window should default to expanded when opened or refreshed.
- Implement issue 1953: Allow entering a list of new words into dictionary preferences.
- Implement issue 1952: Add shortcut for Copy HTML file.
- Implement issue 1951: Doubleclick on Image Report file should find next use of image.
- Implement issue 1949: Add support for multiple active user dictionaries.
- Implement issue 1947: Spellcheck dialog to manage all misspelled words at once.
- Implement issue 62: Add document's css styles to menu.
- Implement issue 1945: Allow editing of CSS while displaying page.
- Implement issue 1661: Report list of all different characters in the book.
- Implement issue 1746: Add Report for Links and Footnotes.
- Implement issue 1941: Add Find & Replace option to wrap or not wrap searches.
- Implement issue 1940: Update Insert Image to Insert File to support insert of audio/video.
- Implement issue 1938: Update Delete Image files to Delete Media files to include audio/video.
- Implement issue 1937: Add Report for All Files.
- Implement issue 1936: Add Clip Bar toolbar with buttons for Clips and shortcuts for Clips.
- Implement issue 1931: Change to QRegularExpression for most regexes.
- Implement issue 1185: Edit Table of Contents without needing Generate TOC.
- Implement issue 1929: Add support for playing audio and video files.
- Implement issue 917: Sigil should support audio and video tags.
- Implement issue 1928: Add well-formed check to HTML File Report.
- Implement issue 1864: Allow Metadata Editor dialog to stay open while editing.
- Implement issue 1871: Code View context menu should show clips even if word is misspelled.
- Implement issue 1870: Saved Searches should use mode settings from Find & Replace.
- Implement issue 1927: Add support for basic replacement Clips (e.g. span) in Book View.
- Implement issue 20: Embedded fonts support.
- Implement issue 1926: Upgrade to Qt5.
- Implement issue 1924: Add dockable Clips window to select clips.
- Implement issue 1925: Don't force well formed checks unless absolutely necessary.
- Implement issue 1843: Preview should be real-time display of Code View.
- Fix issue 1989: Problem with nested index entries.
- Fix issue 1964: Correcting a word using spellcheck does not make file go to "not saved" state.
- Fix issue 1961: Generate TOC should not create IDs for headings when it only points to filenames.
- Fix issue 1857: CSS Highlighting inline styles inconsistent.
- Fix issue 1946: Highlight misspelled words checkbox should be available in Preferences.
- Fix issue 1943: Reports can crash if file has non well-formed xml.
- Fix issue 1883: TOC window does not jump to right location for some entries.
- Fix issue 1906: "Delete unused image files" deleting background images.
- Fix issue 1874: Using Delete Unused Stylesheet Classes deletes pseudo-elements.
- Fix issue 1939: CSS parser does not match wildcard selectors consistently.
- Fix issue 1935: Improve speed of Index Editor autofill by removing progress dialog.
- Fix issue 1891: Opening the Saved Searches expands all groups.
- Fix issue 1934: Go To Style does not work with CSS filenames that have spaces in them.
- Fix issue 1933: No message is displayed if Go To Style can't find a style.
- Fix issue 1932: Replace All needs to be run twice in some cases.
- Fix issue 1930: Fix Metadata language dropdown selection incorrect matching.
- Fix issue 1775: Sigil-0.6.0 edit very slow with Thai e-Pub.
- Fix issue 1764: Sigil crashes on KDE after rearranging text sections.
- Fix issue 1720: Book View highlights text apparently randomly.
- Fix issue 1923: CSS validation should use EPUB 2 profile.
- Fix issue 1922: Invalid EPUB warning dialog is not long enough.
- Fix issue 1918: Support import of tab separated entries for Index Editor.
- Fix issue 1917: Keep selection when deleting unused images if an HTML file was selected.
- Fix issue 1916: Allow Go To Style to work for link type text/x-oeb1-css.
- Fix issue 1869: Backspace in Preferences - Shortcuts causes crash.
- Fix issue 1818: Hyperlink of URL with & causes invalid code.
- Fix issue 1824: Cursor position changes when saving the book.
from Frank Kardel:
FlightCrew pulls in pthread_cancel via
so link against libpthread.
* Remove obsolete SUBST_*
Sigil 0.6.0 2012.10.27
- Implement issue 1664: Improve performance of opening and changing tabs.
- Implement issue 1665: Attempt to recover EPUB if it is missing an ncx file.
- Implement issue 1643: Change Clean Source default to Pretty Print instead of Tidy.
- Implement issue 1636: Add shift-click Replace for Replace Current - replace but not find next match.
- Implement issue 1638: Improve performance of Generate TOC.
- Implement issue 1637: Provide more friendly handling of bad EPUBs by not crashing after showing warning.
- Implement issue 1629: Localization of title in contentx.opf semantics.
- Implement issue 1622: Allow Font Obfuscation to work for multiple font files.
- Implement issue 1620: Well-formed check option should be removed and replaced with more appropriate automatic checking.
- Implement issue 1617: Split should split at cursor position not at end of paragraph.
- Implement issue 1619: Generate TOC should show tooltip details for the heading in case title and text is blank.
- Implement issue 1618: Generate TOC should allow changing heading levels in document and TOC.
- Implement issue 1615: Generate TOC should number sigil_toc_id's across all files and delete unused id's before generating.
- Implement issue 1612: Improve performance of merging files.
- Implement issue 1611: Improve performance of switching and closing tabs.
- Implement issue 1610: Use html instead of xhtml as the default extension for new blank HTML files.
- Implement issue 1606: Allow rename of titles in Generate Table Of Contents and show filenames in tooltip.
- Implement issue 1601: Delete unused Images.
- Implement issue 1602: Delete unused Styles.
- Implement issue 1603: Allow formatting buttons to work in Code View.
- Implement issue 1600: Option to delete one line in Code View without selecting text.
- Implement issue 1597: Show HTML tag information for current location in text while in Book View.
- Implement issue 1594: Allow miscellaneous text files to be edited and others to be opened externally.
- Implement issue 1590: Insert image should allow insert from disk.
- Implement issue 1557: Sigil requires Qt 4.8 or above.
- Implement issue 1586: Spellcheck should allow setting a keyboard shortcut for Ignore Word to speed editing.
- Implement issue 1585: Spellcheck should have a menu entry to clear all ignored words.
- Implement issue 1584: Sigil should allow CSS file to be edited while viewing HTML.
- Implement issue 1583: Sigil should remember the current view state when it restarts.
- Implement issue 1573: Improve performance of bulk rename.
- Implement issue 1468: Allow images to be opened externally.
- Implement issue 1571: Display whether classes are used in the HTML or CSS files in a new Reports dialog.
- Implement issue 1572: Add feature to re-format CSS files
- Implement issue 1567: Remove XPGT support.
- Implement issue 755: Support 'code view' for svg images that are loaded as separate files.
- Implement issue 1561: Add Save A Copy option to save file under a different name without renaming current file.
- Implement issue 1559: Add option to insert special characters into document.
- Implement issue 1333: Add Hyperlink editor buttons to select target from existing ids and set id anchor.
- Implement issue 401: Add edit buttons for Uppercase, Lowercase, Propercase, Capitization.
- Implement issue 985: Sigil fonts should be configurable in Preferences.
- Implement issue 1248: Code View/CSS should allow colors to be configurable in Preferences.
- Implement issue 1153: Highlighted Text in Code view Difficult/Impossible to see.
- Implement issue 1511: Prompt to replace an image when adding an image that already exists in the book.
- Implement issue 1542: Add a Go to Style option to jump to the CSS class used by a tag.
- Implement issue 1541: Heading styles should optionally remove/keep attributes in tags.
- Implement issue 1540: Add option to tokenise spaces and numbers in F&R find text.
- Implement issue 1539: Regex should support options for minimal matching, dot includes newlines.
- Implement issue 1535: Add Clipboard History to automatically saved recent cut or copied text.
- Implement issue 1534: Option to toggle Book View or Preview View to Code View and vice versa.
- Implement issue 1528: Shortcut preferences should be simplified.
- Implement issue 1536: Split at Chapter Markers should split all files.
- Implement issue 1530: The heading dropdown should be changed to buttons for quicker selection.
- Implement issue 1529: Code View should support heading/formatting buttons as used in Book View.
- Implement issue 73: External HTML links should be usable but evoke warning dialog.
- Implement issue 1521: Tab headers right click to close other tabs, toggle view state.
- Implement issue 715: Search Editor for saving and executing Find & Replaces searches.
- Implement issue 588: Clip Editor for saving and inserting text.
- Implement issue 1519: Open and go back to links in Code View and Book View.
- Implement issue 167: Index Editor to create a book index.
- Implement issue 1450: View classes used in HTML files.
- Implement issue 102: View details of all HTML files.
- Implement issue 839: Word Count (in View HTML details).
- Implement issue 1392: View details of all images.
- Implement issue 1513: Add progress indicators to various functions.
- Implement issue 1510: Add Existg Files should only open last file not all files.
- Implement issue 1428: Find&Replace should allow Ctrl/Shift key modifiers to set what to search.
- Implement issue 1325: Insert Images support for multiple images, resizing, thumbnails.
- Implode tags from selected text.
- Implement issue 761: Shortcut key to close last open tag (Code View).
- Implement issue 1507: Metadata dialogs should allow double click to select.
- Implement issue 1457: Save should not add heading ids - alreade should save state on restart.
- Implement issue 1416: Don't add selected text to F&R history and increase selected
text limit for being auto loaded into F&R.
- Implement issue 1414: Cover semantic should not be added automatically.
- Ilow more fine-grained control.
- Implement issue 1393: Add Semantics Text should only apply to one file.
- Implement issue 1369: Add support for \xDD as Regex replacement in F&R.
- Implement issue 1285: Display image properties.
- Implement issue 534: Link to Stylesheets option for HTML files.
- Implement issue 1385: Metadata editor should always display fields
- Implement issue 1311: Metadata support for all RfC 639-2 languages.
- Implement issue 1335: Run Save As automatically if saving new html file.
- Implement issue 1366: TOC window tree support for collapse/expand all.
- Implement issue 759: Auto generate inline TOC HTML file.
- Implement issue 32: Metadata custom "date" options.
- Implement issue 33: Metadata options for creators and contributors.
- Implement issue 1374: Split View is now Preview View with code inspector.
- Implement issue 184: Superscript/subscript buttons.
- Implement issue 443: Book View RTL languages support (right to left rtl tag).
- Implement issue 504: Book View button for normal paragraph.
- Implement issue 1265: Preference to manually set UI language.
- Implement issue 1295: Metadata Editor support for translating descriptions.
- Implement issue 77: Metadata support for multiple language elements.
- Implement issue 1180: Spell Check button/menu to find next misspelled word.
- Implement issue 1045: Better highlighting of misspelled words.
- Implement issue 1301: Preferences for User and Additional Dictionary locations.
- Implement issue 1058: Use ini format for settings on all platforms.
- Implement issue 1376: Change organization name and location of settings to sigil-ebook.
- Implement issue 1381: Switch to using Minizip for 1.1 for ZIP support.
- Remove ZipArchive and Zipios++.
- Implement issue 1380: Update zlib to 1.2.7.
- Implement issue 1383: Remove the use of a precompiled header.
- Implement issue 1377: Update PCRE to 8.31.
- Make PCRE 8.31 with UTF-16 support the minimum required version.
- Bundled PCRE uses PCRE's JIT for faster searching.
- Modify Regex search code to use UTF-16 instead of UTF-8 for all
searches. This brings search in line with the view components
being able to display UTF-16 characters.
- Implement issue 1378: Update Hunspell to 1.3.2.
- Implement issue 1379: Update Boost to Boost 1.49.0.
- Implement issue 1283: Spell check should have an ignore option.
- Fix issue 1694: User dictionary shows duplicate entries and doesn't scroll to new entry when adding.
- Fix issue 1693: Words in user dictionary could be lost if blank entries are saved.
- Fix issue 1692: Code View highlighting incorrectly hides spelling issues if an & is used.
- Fix issue 1674: Batch rename changes filename extension.
- Fix issue 1663: Generate TOC gives heading ids for items not in the TOC.
- Fix issue 1642: Replace sometimes leaves a \1 in the text.
- Fix issue 1635: Replace can replace too much text if manual selection includes extra text.
- Fix issue 1639: Ensure Spellcheck treats single quotes as word boundary appropriately.
- Fix issue 1624: Do not close Sigil if an invalid HTML file was added.
- Fix issue 1623: Do not leave Sigil in an invalid state if an invalid book was opened.
- Fix issue 1605: Sigil cannot read epubs missing mimetypes as first file since container.xml might not be found.
- Fix issue 1621: Change sigilNotInTOC to sigil_not_in_toc for consistency but still recognize legacy value in old files.
- Fix issue 1477: Sigil may crash when loading ePubs containing empty (zero-sized) files.
- Fix issue 1589: Clicking on TOC entry the first time does not scroll to a heading at the top of the page.
- Fix issue 1582: Replace All should be single-threaded to avoid certain crashes.
- Fix issue 1581: Caret position in Book View - Code View syncing is not always correct.
- Fix issue 1580: Chapter split starts new files with suffix _002 instead of 001.
- Fix issue 1579: Generate Headings in TOC should select next item after unchecking an item.
- Fix issue 1563: Split Chapter break can create empty page.
- Fix issue 1284: Image and Stylesheet paths not updated for duplicate references when importing.
- Fix issue 1155: Filename removed from href in anchor tag when importing HTML.
- Fix issue 1553: Rename of one html file should keep file selected, allow rename shortcut, link stylesheets.
- Fix issue 1551: Generate TOC include column scrolls offscreen when headings are long.
- Fix issue 1550: Table of Contents window is not emptied if all TOC entries deleted manually.
- Fix issue 1549: Sigil should not modify source by converting shy/ndash/mdash to entities automatically.
- Fix issue 1345: Adding accented words dictionary doesn't work.
- Fix issue 1546: Find&Replace loses focus when changing tabs or going from Book to Code View.
- Fix issue 425: Shift+ PgUp/PgDn does not work in text editor.
- Fix issue 1390: Image is not updated until restart if deleted and re-added.
- Fix issue 1413: Crashes when opening a particular epub.
- Fix issue 1543: Tabs should only do updates when finished loading to improve performance.
- Fix issue 1395: A type of hyphen, when pasted in code view, crashes Sigil.
- Fix issue 1429: Changes to stylesheets are not seen in book and preview views.
- Fix issue 1406: Typing spaces on a word highlighted by spelling crashes Sigil.
- Fix issue 1524: Replace \s does not always match newlines.
- Fix issue 1538: Sigil can save a corrupted epub file if zip fails.
- Fix issue 1517: Delete selected file should not open another file unnecessarily.
- Fix issue 1474: New lines added in every xhtml file after saving.
- Fix issue 1486: Replace replaces even if text doesn't match if manually changed.
- Fix issue 1483: Add Existing Files adds HTML files in reverse order.
- Fix issue 1479: F&R auto-completer preventing searching for same word different case.
- Fix issue 1424: Spell check does not allow paste next to misspelled word.
- Fix issue 1422: Delete file should not update tab if opened file is not deleted.
- Fix issue 1417: OPF meta tags not updated if Cover image renamed or deleted.
- Fix issue 1408: Book Browser should not translate folder names.
- Fix issue 1308: Allow renaming file extensions.
- Fix issue 1363: Open and Save file directory inconsistent.
- Fix issue 1130: Content.opf edits overwritten by save.
- Fix issue 1354: Chapter Split breaks links in second half of document.
- Fix issue 999: Split does not update file references in TOC.
- Fix issue 1277: Meta-editor will not open.
- Fix issue 1281: Semantics information retained for deleted files.
- Fix issue 1338: F&R Replace All can crash using current file with large replaces.
- Fix issue 1296: F&R Search All crashes if HTML file doesn't have focus.
- Fix issue 1382: Settings not saving to disk.
- Fix issue 1272: Tabs should always use the View state set by the View buttons.
Some platforms will automatically convert DOS endings to unix endings
during the extraction of a zip file. Those that do this can't use
patches with DOS endings, so revert the last commit.
Instead, copy textproc/FlightCrew package's method:
For each file that will be patched, strip any DOS endings found after
extraction. If they've already been stripped out, that's fine. It
guarantees that every platform will strip the target files at least
once, allowing all of them to use Unix line-ending patches.
Sigil is delivered in a zip file, and the files have DOS line endings.
The patches had unix line endings, and at least on some platforms
including NetBSD 5, this resulted in rejected hunks.
All three patches repacked, now contain DOS line endings and work fine.
Tested on NetBSD/i386 5.99.64.
Sigil 0.5.2 2012.02.09
- Fix issue 1253: Replace All in All HTML files adds extra blank lines in
style section.
- Fix issue 1251: Merge does not work if you previously used split chapter.
- Fix issue 1249: Replace All in All HTML Files leaves cursor at the
- Fix issue 1247: Cannot rename file extension in book browser and rename
selected should default to first extension name.
- Fix issue 1238: Deleting a file does not go to the next closest entry
in book browser.
- Fix issue 1236: Replace All in Current file does not center cursor.
- Fix issue 1234: Switching from Code View to Split View and SplitCV to
CV does not vertically center the cursor.
- Fix issue 1237: Rename does not keep current selection in book browser.
- Fix issue 1242: Metadata::FreeFormMetadata missing assignment line 360.
- Fix issue 1235: Deleting one file does not give a warning dialog.
- Fix issue 1129: Crash when importing existing image.
Sigil 0.5.1 2012.02.05
- Issue 1225:
* Add searching selected files.
* Add search wrapping.
* Replace in BV automatically goes to CV.
* Fixed bug where in CV if you do a replace of a word and then replace
all when there are the same words on the page, the page view wouldn't
be refreshed.
* Various fixes.
- Add English translation file used for plural strings.
- Implement issue 986: Automatically renumber playorder in TOC NCX.
- Implement issue 1224: F&R modifications to update layout and add Regex Multiline.
- Fix issue 1214: Dictionary files do not include hypen files or GB files.
- Fix issue 1213: Find and Replace does not save file when F&R is already
open and searching all HTML files.
- Remove the ability to use F&R to replace text in BV as it is unfixable in
its current state.
- Fix issue 1215: Book View line/column incorrect in status bar.
- Fix issue 1216: Re-opening a document already in a tab resets the cursor
position back to the top.
- Fix issue 1218: F&R cleanup.
- Fix issue 1212: Remove opf namespace rewriting when opening a file because
it ended up being more trouble than it was wroth.
- Fix issue 1188: New Sigil Regex engine crashes when pressing "replace all",
works fine on pushing "replace" over and over and over again.
- Implement issue 269: Select more than one item in the Book Browser Column.
- Implement issues 792: Add Shortcuts for next/previous HTML file with regard
to reading order, and sync selection in book browser to open tab.
- Implement issue 1135: New blank section must be automatically selected on book browser.
- Implement issue 1148: Allow user to change the order of split view so book view or code
view is first.
- Implement issue 1168: Add ability to sort HTML files alphanumerically.
- Implement issue 1174: Add new blank html section should insert section after selected file.
- Implement issue 1181: Merge Previous when previous file is open in current tab requires
refresh to see merged data.
* Add dependency to pcre and hunspell.
* Use external libraries (CMakeLists.txt etc. from upstream HEAD)
Sigil 0.5 2012.01.21
- Implement issue 533 and 1079: allow user to select which level(s) of <h> to include.
- Fix issue 788: Error saving when the folder the file was in was renamed
outside Sigil.
- Fix issue 998: Don't select file extension on rename in book browser.
- Fix issue 1111: Failure to rename to same name with case change.
- Implement issue 205: Drag and drop for images to book and code views.
- Fix issue 1019: issues with opf-namespace declaration.
- Inline spell check with right click replace in Code View.
- Fix issue 1064: Issues with editing epubs with differing html extensions.
Take mimetype into account when opening the file to help determine how to
deal with the file.
- Fix issue 1055, 1038, 1006: Focus switching causes unwanted cursor jumping
in split view. Don't auto sync cursor position between views.
- Implement issue 375: Add image selection dialog for inserting existing
images into book and code views.
- Add menu items for setting heading, adding new items, show / hide toolbars.
- Organize menu.
- Fix issue 803: Print prints immediately, no dialog box.
- Implement 245: Unify zoom levels (book, text, image) and store the levels.
- i18n capability. Build and load translation files.
- Add keyboard shortcut manager so user can change the keyboard shortcuts. Fixes 966.
- Add preference dialog. Closes 206, 718.
- Refactor Find & Replace into a widget that appears below the editor. Closes issues:
961, 579.
- Windows Installer: Add Sigil as a handler for EPUB and HTML files so that jump lists
will work and it will always show up on the 'Open With...' menu.
- Fix issue 1033, 1034: Implement scroll to fragment for Code View and fix scrolling for
book view.
- Fix issue 1032: Remove '=' from the list of valid characters for ids.
- Fix issue 1001: Valid IDs are now formed by replacing invalid characters with
underscores. Colon removed from the list of valid characters.
- Fix issue 1014: Sigil was erroneously assuming that fragment ids would be unique
across the entire book, whereas they're only required to be unique within a
particular xhtml document. New code implemented to cover those situations where
this assumption is wrong.
- Fix issue 1015: Fix issues with cursor positioning in Split View.
- Fix issue 1022: Added support for Adobe's page-map.xml pagination extension. (Must
use this exact filename).
- Implement issue 183: Use a PCRE regular expression engine instead of QRegExp.
Also fixes issue 498: regex '^' (start of line) broken.
- Implement issue 168: Allow selection of multiple Meta Editor properties.
- Allow for deleting multiple metadata items.
- Implement issue 368: Pressing enter key on item in book browser should open item.
- Fix issue 1005: Regression from change to ensure metdata element has dc namespace.