* Patches are synced with xulrunner-17.0, and regen patches
* Update Mozilla Lightning to 1.9
SeaMonkey-specific changes
None (see changes page for minor changes).
Mozilla platform changes
OS X 10.6 is now the minimum supported Mac version.
JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable.
SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint have been implemented.
The sandbox attribute has been implemented for iframes, enabling increased security.
Fixed several stability issues.
Security fixes
Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.14
MFSA 2012-106 Use-after-free, buffer overflow, and memory corruption issues found using Address Sanitizer
MFSA 2012-105 Use-after-free and buffer overflow issues found using Address Sanitizer
MFSA 2012-103 Frames can shadow top.location
MFSA 2012-101 Improper character decoding in HZ-GB-2312 charset
MFSA 2012-100 Improper security filtering for cross-origin wrappers
MFSA 2012-99 XrayWrappers exposes chrome-only properties when not in chrome compartment
MFSA 2012-97 XMLHttpRequest inherits incorrect principal within sandbox
MFSA 2012-96 Memory corruption in str_unescape
MFSA 2012-94 Crash when combining SVG text on path with CSS
MFSA 2012-93 evalInSanbox location context incorrectly applied
MFSA 2012-92 Buffer overflow while rendering GIF images
MFSA 2012-91 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:17.0/ rv:10.0.11)
* Add --enable-pulseaudio configure option (functionality is not tested)
First revision of the Social API and support for Facebook Messenger
Click-to-play blocklisting implemented to prevent vulnerable plugin versions from running without the user's permission (see blog post)
Updated Awesome Bar experience with larger icons
Mac OS X 10.5 is no longer supported
JavaScript Maps and Sets are now iterable
SVG FillPaint and StrokePaint implemented
Improvements that make the Web Console, Debugger and Developer Toolbar faster and easier to use
New Markup panel in the Page Inspector allows easy editing of the DOM
Sandbox attribute for iframes implemented, enabling increased security
Over twenty performance improvements, including fixes around the New Tab page
Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps (769150)
Page scrolling on sites with fixed headers (780345)
As discussed on pkgsrc-users, x11/ftlk (1.1) is no longer maintained,
and 1.3 is believed to be almost entirely compatible.
Patch from Tim Larson, who has build-tested these packages on
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core
2012-11-08 54eab24 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.7.6 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 f5d3162 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 07c3d63 #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 7b916d0 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 389452e [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 3f2929d #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 b69dc9d #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 9330ab6 #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 8098997 [TASK] Use correct branch for travis integration build (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-01 24f4a8d#37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-31 dc73a91 #39662 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link class not always set in Firefox (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-31 ba8ead7 #42046 [BUGFIX] Restore display of mount points path (Francois Suter)
2012-10-29 fbd5057 #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-29 4bf3cca #42054 [BUGFIX] PHP warning: open_basedir restriction (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-28 19f0cbb #42454 [BUGFIX] Fix usage of fileadminDir (Helmut Hummel)
2012-10-27 dd20440 #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 ce6ab74 #41980 [TASK] Clean-up EXT: aboutmodules, adapt to "TYPO3 CMS" (Felix Kopp)
2012-10-22 3440228 #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 689f1fb #33504 [BUGFIX] New form wizard not loading in IE8 (Sebastian Schawohl)
2012-10-19 74c10e0 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 bfb12db #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 9d621aa #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 bd4645c #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core
2012-11-08 948f241 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.14 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 c150b27 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 b02026d #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 f22dc79 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 72153cc [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 3ea5e0b #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 5de1807 #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 93bb671 #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 84cb9b6 #37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-29 76d0b9c #28248 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div: adjust substUrlsInPlainText to also work on URLs at end of sentence (Robert Heel)
2012-10-29 3ff27f4 #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-29 9767b86 #42054 [BUGFIX] PHP warning: open_basedir restriction (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-27 7381250 #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 ccebb50 #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 2a0929b #33504 [BUGFIX] New form wizard not loading in IE8 (Sebastian Schawohl)
2012-10-19 b32e08c [BUGFIX] Fix case of tests folder (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-19 22bef48 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 9ed2c6f #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 2e48486 #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 a3a7417 #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
2012-10-17 a5fc128 #25021 [BUGFIX] Creating new pages via drag'n'drop respects page TS (Philipp Kitzberger)
Security fix for TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core.
2012-11-08 c211c0e [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.21 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 5245e09 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 ab335bc #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 a768d97 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 ba187e5 [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 b4f7658 #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 dba123b #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 fc6f82f #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 ded3a6e #37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-29 c05e759 #28248 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div: adjust substUrlsInPlainText to also work on URLs at end of sentence (Robert Heel)
2012-10-29 d4c539d #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-27 7b28c0e #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 7f0696f #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 f50483d #27020 [BUGFIX] TCEForms.Suggest wizard in IRRE records (Nicole Cordes)
2012-10-19 b77171c [BUGFIX] Fix case of tests folder (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-19 2490737 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 9a14bcf #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 f8fc399 #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 17b1d65 #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
Drupal 7.17, 2012-11-07
- Changed the default value of the '404_fast_html' variable to have a DOCTYPE
- Made it possible to use associative arrays for the 'items' variable in
- Fixed a bug which prevented required form elements without a title from being
given an "error" class when the form fails validation.
- Prevented duplicate HTML IDs from appearing when two forms are displayed on
the same page and one of them is submitted with invalid data (minor markup
- Fixed a bug which prevented Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 upgrades on sites which had
stale data in the Upload module's database tables.
- Fixed a bug in the States API which prevented certain types of form elements
from being disabled when requested.
- Allowed aggregator feed items with author names longer than 255 characters to
have a truncated version saved to the database (rather than causing a fatal
- Allowed aggregator feed items to have URLs longer than 255 characters
(schema change which results in several columns in the Aggregator module's
database tables changing from VARCHAR to TEXT fields).
- Added hook_taxonomy_term_view() and standardized the process for rendering
taxonomy terms to invoke hook_entity_view() and otherwise make it consistent
with other entities (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1808870).
- Added hook_entity_view_mode_alter() to allow modules to change entity view
modes on display (API addition: http://drupal.org/node/1833086).
- Fixed a bug which made database queries running a "LIKE" query on blob fields
fail on PostgreSQL databases. This caused errors during the Drupal 6 to
Drupal 7 upgrade.
- Changed the hook_menu() entry for Drupal's rss.xml page to prevent extra path
components from being accidentally passed to the page callback function (data
structure change).
- Removed a non-standard "name" attribute from Drupal's default Content-Type
header for file downloads.
- Fixed the theme settings form to properly clean up submitted values in
$form_state['values'] when the form is submitted (data structure change).
- Fixed an inconsistency by removing the colon from the end of the label on
multi-valued form fields (minor string change).
- Added support for 'weight' in hook_field_widget_info() to allow modules to
control the order in which widgets are displayed in the Field UI.
- Updated various tables in the OpenID and Book modules to use the default
"empty table" text pattern (string change).
- Added proxy server support to drupal_http_request().
- Added "lang" attributes to language links, to better support screen readers.
- Fixed double occurrence of a "ul" HTML tag on secondary local tasks in the
Seven theme (markup change).
- Fixed bugs which caused taxonomy vocabulary and shortcut set titles to be
double-escaped. The fix replaces the taxonomy vocabulary overview page and
"Edit shortcuts" menu items' title callback entries in hook_menu() with new
functions that do not escape HTML characters (data structure change).
- Modified the Update manager module to allow drupal.org to collect usage
statistics for individual modules and themes, rather than only for entire
- Modified the node listing database query on Drupal's default front page to
add table aliases for better query altering (this is a data structure change
affecting code which implements hook_query_alter() on this query).
- Improved the translatability of the "Field type(s) in use" message on the
modules page (admin-facing string change).
- Fixed a regression which caused a "call to undefined function
drupal_find_base_themes()" fatal error under rare circumstances.
- Numerous API documentation improvements.
- Additional automated test coverage.
Contao Open Source CMS 3.0.0 is new major release since Contao (as
TYPOlight) was publicly released.
Major changes from 2.11.
* Use PHP namespace and more flexible to extend.
* Improve performance with mapper class loader.
* Better support for mobile devices and responsive design
* Database supported file management and handling of file's meta data.
* jQuery support coexist with MooTools.
* Directories in URL path.
* HTML5 based audio/video player (also YouTube).
* Improve ease to use.
* Display of what has changed.
* Complete fix for CSRF.
Version 4.0.8 Oct 10th 2012
Show Login Button when user and password are autocompleted
Sanitize LDAP base, user and groups
Security: Fix for insufficiently Random Values (CVE-2008-4107)
Security: Fixed multiple XSS vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-5056)
Security: Fixed a HTTP header injection (CVE-2012-5057)
Security: Fixed an Auth bypass in /lib/base.php (CVE-2012-5336)
a) lang/see support was removed (see below)
b) lang/spidermonkey and wip/spidermonkey185 aren't recognized
ELinks 0.12pre6
Security fix:
* bug 1124, CVE-2012-4545: Do not delegate GSSAPI credentials in HTTP
Negotiate or GSS-Negotiate authentication. Reported by Marko Myllynen.
(ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported GSSAPI; earlier
releases are not vulnerable.)
Fixed crashes and hangs:
* critical bug 943: Don't let user JavaScripts call any methods of
``elinks.action'' in tabs that do not have the focus. If a tab was
closed with ``elinks.action.tab_close'' while it had pop-up windows,
ELinks could crash; as a precaution, don't allow other actions
either. (ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported
* critical bug 1083: Avoid an infinite loop when trying to decompress
malformed data. Caused by the bug 1068 fix in ELinks 0.12pre3.
* Fix a possible crash or information disclosure on big-endian 64-bit
systems using HTTP Negotiate or GSS-Negotiate authentication.
* Dropped support for SEE. (ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release
that supported SEE.)
* Guile 2.0.0 (released on 2011-02-16) changed its license to
LGPLv3-or-later, which is not compatible with the GPLv2 that covers
ELinks. Also, Guile has deprecated many of the functions that
ELinks calls.
Other changes:
* major bug 764: Correctly initialize options on big-endian 64-bit
* bug 983: Give preference to the Content-Type specified in the HTTP
header over that specified via the HTML meta tag.
* bug 1084: Allow option names containing '+' and '*' in the option
* bug 1112: Map most numeric character references € ... Ÿ
to graphical characters also when the output charset is UTF-8.
(ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported UTF-8 as the
terminal charset, and ELinks 0.12pre5 was the first release that
supported UTF-8 as the dump charset.)
* minor bug 1113: Fix a small memory leak if a mailcap file is malformed.
* minor bug 1114: Decode SGML entities and NCRs only once in link/@title
and other attributes.
* build: Fix several warnings reported by GCC 4.7.1. Harmless at
runtime but could break the build if configured --enable-debug.
(This version does not fix all such warnings.)
- support for include directive
- added support for HTTPS backends
- support for SNI via multiple Cert directives (thanks to Joe Gooch)
Bug fixes:
- fixed problem with long input lines in http.c
- keep sessions for disabled back-ends, continue using them until the time-out
- fixed memory leak in session removal
- fix for possible request smuggling by using multiple headers
- changed long to long long for support of requests larger than 2GB
handle /(de)?objectify_text/ for <script> extraction
(Stanislaw Pusep)
commit 07b40205fd03564d476eff7675e9f19196939f2f
Author: Oleg G <verdrehung@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Mar 31 13:26:11 2012 +0700
added few methods to support Web::Query
5.03 2012-09-22
Release by Christopher J. Madsen
* as_HTML no longer indents <textarea> (Tomohiro Hosaka) (RT #70385)
* as_trimmed_text did not accept '0' for extra_chars
* Explain that as_text never adds whitespace (RT #66498)
* Explain what extra_chars can contain for as_trimmed_text.
Upstream changes:
2012-10-21 HTTP-Message 6.06
Gisle Aas (2):
More forgiving test on croak message [RT#80302]
Added test for multipart parsing
Mark Overmeer (1):
Multipart end boundary doesn't need match a complete line [RT#79239]
2012-10-20 HTTP-Message 6.05
Gisle Aas (5):
Updated ignores
No need to prevent visiting field values starting with '_'
Report the correct croak caller for delegated methods
Disallow empty field names or field names containing ':'
Make the extra std_case entries local to each header
2012-09-30 HTTP-Message 6.04
Gisle Aas (5):
Updated repository URL
Avoid undef warning for empty content
Teach $m->content_charset about JSON
Use the canonical charset name for UTF-16LE (and frieds)
Add option to override the "(no content)" marker of $m->dump
Christopher J. Madsen (2):
Use IO::HTML for <meta> encoding sniffing
mime_name was introduced in Encode 2.21
Tom Hukins (1):
Remove an unneeded "require"
Ville Skytt. (1):
Spelling fixes.
chromatic (1):
Sanitized PERL_HTTP_URI_CLASS environment variable.
Martin H. Sluka (1):
Add test from RT#77466
Father Chrysostomos (1):
Fix doc grammo [RT#75831]