* Remove included patches.
Mew 6.4 stable release (2011/10/19)
* cmew falls back to getModificationTime on Windows.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Supporting Ruby 1.9.
Takahiro Kambe <taca>
Mew 6.4 release candidate 1 (2011/09/06)
* A bug of rescan is fixed finally!
* mewl avoids causing error if a folder does not exist.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Catching up to stunnel 4.39.
Ryo ONODERA <ryo_on>
* Supporting text/csv.
Tetsuya Toda <toda>
Mew 6.3.51 (2011/06/29)
* A hack for calling browser on Unix.
"Diogo F. S. Ramos" <diogofsr> and Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats>
* Bug fixes for hankaku.
<tmurata> and Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats>
* Avoiding broken end-of-line for quoted-printable.
* Multibyte hack for Emacs 23 and 24.
* Supporting GBK.
* Fixing excel and powerpoint on Unix.
Kan Sasaki <sasaki@fcc.ad.jp>
* pdftotext support for Windows.
Shuichi KITAGUCHI <ki>
* &rest to mew-user-agent-compose for Emacs 24.
Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche>
* More gentle for broken Multipart/Signed.
Eisaku YAMAGUCHI <eisaku>
* Improving the documentation of mew-draft-use-format-flowed.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* varsx hack.
* Fixing regex of time.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Fixing major mode hooks.
Hayashi Masahiro <mhayashi1120>
* Inline display of PDF with "pdftotext".
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
Harumitsu YOSHITAKE <yositake>
* Text/Pdf for Thunderbird
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Removing warnings for Emacs 23.3
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Killing stunnel with -KILL since the spec of stunnel changed.
* The -b option for mewest.
"Diogo F. S. Ramos" <diogofs>
Mew 6.3.50 (2010/08/31)
* Defining mew-draft-use-format-flowed.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Making use of mew-save-dir.
* Fixing the hash-vs-array problem of cmew.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Making cmew safer in the case where mewest works at the same time.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Hack for mew-time-rfc-to-sortkey.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
* A patch for unzip.
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Supporting unzip.
* Bug fix for PGP/MIME of binary encryption.
Shoichi Kurosaka <sho>
* Both cmew and smew in Haskell works well finally!
Shuichi KITAGUCHI <kit>
* Fixing info/Makefile.
Yasuhiro KIMURA <yasu>
* Guarding mew-addrbook-clean-up.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
* A bug fix of mew-mime-content-type.
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Setting split-width-threshold to nil in mew-summary-reply.
* "b" in Summary saves the buffer of Message mode to a file.
* header-only now can work for M-x mew.
* Bold of font can be specified on Emacs 23.
* Deleting " " from global-mode-string.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Correcting the -P option of stunnel3.
Kendall Shaw <kshaw>
* Define mew-sumsym-encode-folder and mew-sumsym-decode-folder.
* set-buffer -> with-current-buffer.
* Making mew-mime-image() safer.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
Major changes:
* Configuration in ".mew.el", especially of mew-config-alist is
simplified. See the config2 node in info.
* Virtual mode is categorized to Selection and Thread. You can create
Selection by keyword, dialog, sorting, and so on. You can make
Thread even of Selection as well as of Summary.
* "S" is now virtual sort creating Selection. Physical sort is
assigned to "M-s".
* Punycode is supported. Mew now can display internationalized domain
* "Z" collects a folder list according to the current world.
No numeric argument is necessary any more.
* "_" toggles a long line: normal, long, wrapped.
* You can use gmail with IMAP.
1.95b124 (2001/05/29) mew-dist release
* "S" and "O" can't be used in +draft.
* Defining mew-user, mew-name, mew-mail-domain.
* Multipart can revive in +draft.
* "case" can revive in +draft and +queue.
* mew-addrbook-alias-add does not register alias for a null user.
* "make" makes in the bin directory.
* Some mew-config-* -> mew-case-*.
* Guessing case when reediting normal messages.
Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>
* Defining mew-content-type.
* Making cases unique.
Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats@vega.ocn.ne.jp>
* jit-lock for thread.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>