v0.18.2 (19 May 2021)
This release reverts a regression in xarray's unstacking of dask-backed arrays.
v0.18.1 (18 May 2021)
This release is intended as a small patch release to be compatible with the new
2021.5.0 ``dask.distributed`` release. It also includes a new
``drop_duplicates`` method, some documentation improvements, the beginnings of
our internal Index refactoring, and some bug fixes.
New Features
- Implement :py:meth:`DataArray.drop_duplicates`
to remove duplicate dimension values (:pull:`5239`).
- Allow passing ``combine_attrs`` strategy names to the ``keep_attrs`` parameter of
:py:func:`apply_ufunc` (:pull:`5041`)
- :py:meth:`Dataset.interp` now allows interpolation with non-numerical datatypes,
such as booleans, instead of dropping them. (:issue:`4761` :pull:`5008`).
- Raise more informative error when decoding time variables with invalid reference dates.
(:issue:`5199`, :pull:`5288`).
Bug fixes
- Opening netCDF files from a path that doesn't end in ``.nc`` without supplying
an explicit ``engine`` works again (:issue:`5295`), fixing a bug introduced in
- Clean up and enhance docstrings for the :py:class:`DataArray.plot` and ``Dataset.plot.*``
families of methods (:pull:`5285`).
- Explanation of deprecation cycles and how to implement them added to contributors
guide. (:pull:`5289`)
v0.18.0 (6 May 2021)
This release brings a few important performance improvements, a wide range of usability upgrades, lots of bug fixes, and some new features. These include a plugin API to add backend engines, a new theme for the documentation, curve fitting methods, and several new plotting functions.
v0.17.0 (24 Feb 2021)
This release brings a few important performance improvements, a wide range of usability upgrades, lots of bug fixes, and some new features. These include better cftime support, a new quiver plot, better unstack performance, more efficient memory use in rolling operations, and some python packaging improvements. We also have a few documentation improvements (and more planned!).
v0.16.2 (30 Nov 2020)
This release brings the ability to write to limited regions of zarr files, open zarr files with :py:func:`open_dataset` and :py:func:`open_mfdataset`, increased support for propagating attrs using the keep_attrs flag, as well as numerous bugfixes and documentation improvements.
v0.16.1 (2020-09-20)
This patch release fixes an incompatibility with a recent pandas change, which was causing an issue indexing with a datetime64. It also includes improvements to rolling, to_dataframe, cov & corr methods and bug fixes. Our documentation has a number of improvements, including fixing all doctests and confirming their accuracy on every commit.
v0.16.0 (2020-07-11)
This release adds xarray.cov & xarray.corr for covariance & correlation respectively; the idxmax & idxmin methods, the polyfit method & xarray.polyval for fitting polynomials, as well as a number of documentation improvements, other features, and bug fixes. Many thanks to all 44 contributors who contributed to this release:
This release brings many new features such as :py:meth:`Dataset.weighted` methods for weighted array
reductions, a new jupyter repr by default, and the start of units integration with pint. There's also
the usual batch of usability improvements, documentation additions, and bug fixes.
Breaking changes
- Raise an error when assigning to the ``.values`` or ``.data`` attribute of
dimension coordinates i.e. ``IndexVariable`` objects. This has been broken since
v0.12.0. Please use :py:meth:`DataArray.assign_coords` or :py:meth:`Dataset.assign_coords`
New Features
- Weighted array reductions are now supported via the new :py:meth:`DataArray.weighted`
and :py:meth:`Dataset.weighted` methods. See :ref:`comput.weighted`.
- The new jupyter notebook repr (``Dataset._repr_html_`` and
``DataArray._repr_html_``) (introduced in 0.14.1) is now on by default. To
disable, use ``xarray.set_options(display_style="text")``.
- Added support for :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`-style rounding of
``cftime.datetime`` objects directly via a :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` or via the
- Support new h5netcdf backend keyword `phony_dims` (available from h5netcdf
v0.8.0 for :py:class:`~xarray.backends.H5NetCDFStore`.
- Add partial support for unit aware arrays with pint.
- :py:meth:`Dataset.groupby` and :py:meth:`DataArray.groupby` now raise a
`TypeError` on multiple string arguments. Receiving multiple string arguments
often means a user is attempting to pass multiple dimensions as separate
arguments and should instead pass a single list of dimensions.
- :py:func:`map_blocks` can now apply functions that add new unindexed dimensions.
- An ellipsis (``...``) is now supported in the ``dims`` argument of
:py:meth:`Dataset.stack` and :py:meth:`DataArray.stack`, meaning all
unlisted dimensions, similar to its meaning in :py:meth:`DataArray.transpose`.
- :py:meth:`Dataset.where` and :py:meth:`DataArray.where` accept a lambda as a
first argument, which is then called on the input; replicating pandas' behavior.
- ``skipna`` is available in :py:meth:`Dataset.quantile`, :py:meth:`DataArray.quantile`,
:py:meth:`core.groupby.DatasetGroupBy.quantile`, :py:meth:`core.groupby.DataArrayGroupBy.quantile`
Bug fixes
- Fix :py:meth:`Dataset.interp` when indexing array shares coordinates with the
indexed variable
- Fix recombination of groups in :py:meth:`Dataset.groupby` and
:py:meth:`DataArray.groupby` when performing an operation that changes the
size of the groups along the grouped dimension. By `Eric Jansen
- Fix use of multi-index with categorical values
- Fix alignment with ``join="override"`` when some dimensions are unindexed.
- Fix :py:meth:`Dataset.swap_dims` and :py:meth:`DataArray.swap_dims` producing
index with name reflecting the previous dimension name instead of the new one
- Use ``dask_array_type`` instead of ``dask_array.Array`` for type
- :py:func:`concat` can now handle coordinate variables only present in one of
the objects to be concatenated when ``coords="different"``.
- xarray now respects the over, under and bad colors if set on a provided colormap.
- :py:func:`coarsen` now respects ``xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True)``
to preserve attributes. :py:meth:`Dataset.coarsen` accepts a keyword
argument ``keep_attrs`` to change this setting.
:pull:`3801`) By `Andrew Thomas <https://github.com/amcnicho>`_.
- Delete associated indexes when deleting coordinate variables.
- Fix :py:meth:`xarray.core.dataset.Dataset.to_zarr` when using `append_dim` and `group`
- Fix html repr on :py:class:`Dataset` with non-string keys
- Fix documentation of :py:class:`DataArray` removing the deprecated mention
that when omitted, `dims` are inferred from a `coords`-dict.
- Improve the :py:func:`where` docstring.
- Update the installation instructions: only explicitly list recommended dependencies
Internal Changes
- Remove the internal ``import_seaborn`` function which handled the deprecation of
the ``seaborn.apionly`` entry point
- Don't test pint integration in combination with datetime objects.
- Change test_open_mfdataset_list_attr to only run with dask installed
- Preserve the ability to index with ``method="nearest"`` with a
:py:class:`CFTimeIndex` with pandas versions greater than 1.0.1
- Greater flexibility and improved test coverage of subtracting various types
of objects from a :py:class:`CFTimeIndex`. By `Spencer Clark
- Update Azure CI MacOS image, given pending removal.
- Remove xfails for scipy 1.0.1 for tests that append to netCDF files
- Remove conversion to :py:class:`pandas.Panel`, given its removal in pandas
in favor of xarray's objects.
This release brings many improvements to xarray's documentation: our examples are now binderized notebooks (`click here <https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/pydata/xarray/master?urlpath=lab/tree/doc/examples/weather-data.ipynb>`_)
and we have new example notebooks from our SciPy 2019 sprint (many thanks to our contributors!).
This release also features many API improvements such as a new
:py:class:`~core.accessor_dt.TimedeltaAccessor` and support for :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` in
:py:meth:`~DataArray.interpolate_na`); as well as many bug fixes.
Breaking changes
- Bumped minimum tested versions for dependencies:
- numpy 1.15
- pandas 0.25
- dask 2.2
- distributed 2.2
- scipy 1.3
- Remove ``compat`` and ``encoding`` kwargs from ``DataArray``, which
have been deprecated since 0.12.
Instead, specify the ``encoding`` kwarg when writing to disk or set
the :py:attr:`DataArray.encoding` attribute directly.
- :py:func:`xarray.dot`, :py:meth:`DataArray.dot`, and the ``@`` operator now
use ``align="inner"`` (except when ``xarray.set_options(arithmetic_join="exact")``;
New Features
- Implement :py:meth:`DataArray.pad` and :py:meth:`Dataset.pad`.
- :py:meth:`DataArray.sel` and :py:meth:`Dataset.sel` now support :py:class:`pandas.CategoricalIndex`.
- Support using an existing, opened h5netcdf ``File`` with
:py:class:`~xarray.backends.H5NetCDFStore`. This permits creating an
:py:class:`~xarray.Dataset` from a h5netcdf ``File`` that has been opened
using other means
- Implement ``median`` and ``nanmedian`` for dask arrays. This works by rechunking
to a single chunk along all reduction axes.
- :py:func:`~xarray.concat` now preserves attributes from the first Variable.
- :py:meth:`Dataset.quantile`, :py:meth:`DataArray.quantile` and ``GroupBy.quantile``
now work with dask Variables.
- Added the ``count`` reduction method to both :py:class:`~core.rolling.DatasetCoarsen`
and :py:class:`~core.rolling.DataArrayCoarsen` objects.
- Add ``meta`` kwarg to :py:func:`~xarray.apply_ufunc`;
this is passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.blockwise`.
- Add ``attrs_file`` option in :py:func:`~xarray.open_mfdataset` to choose the
source file for global attributes in a multi-file dataset
:pull:`3498`). By `Julien Seguinot <https://github.com/juseg>`_.
- :py:meth:`Dataset.swap_dims` and :py:meth:`DataArray.swap_dims`
now allow swapping to dimension names that don't exist yet.
- Extend :py:class:`~core.accessor_dt.DatetimeAccessor` properties
and support ``.dt`` accessor for timedeltas
via :py:class:`~core.accessor_dt.TimedeltaAccessor`
- Improvements to interpolating along time axes
- Support :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` in :py:meth:`DataArray.interpolate_na`
- define 1970-01-01 as the default offset for the interpolation index for both
:py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex` and :py:class:`CFTimeIndex`,
- use microseconds in the conversion from timedelta objects to floats to avoid
overflow errors.
Bug fixes
- Applying a user-defined function that adds new dimensions using :py:func:`apply_ufunc`
and ``vectorize=True`` now works with ``dask > 2.0``.
- Fix :py:meth:`~xarray.combine_by_coords` to allow for combining incomplete
hypercubes of Datasets
- Fix :py:func:`~xarray.combine_by_coords` when combining cftime coordinates
which span long time intervals
- Fix plotting with transposed 2D non-dimensional coordinates.
- :py:meth:`plot.FacetGrid.set_titles` can now replace existing row titles of a
:py:class:`~xarray.plot.FacetGrid` plot. In addition :py:class:`~xarray.plot.FacetGrid` gained
two new attributes: :py:attr:`~xarray.plot.FacetGrid.col_labels` and
:py:attr:`~xarray.plot.FacetGrid.row_labels` contain :py:class:`matplotlib.text.Text` handles for both column and
row labels. These can be used to manually change the labels.
- Fix issue with Dask-backed datasets raising a ``KeyError`` on some computations involving :py:func:`map_blocks`
- Ensure :py:meth:`Dataset.quantile`, :py:meth:`DataArray.quantile` issue the correct error
when ``q`` is out of bounds
- Fix regression in xarray 0.14.1 that prevented encoding times with certain
``dtype``, ``_FillValue``, and ``missing_value`` encodings
- Raise an error when trying to use :py:meth:`Dataset.rename_dims` to
rename to an existing name
- :py:meth:`Dataset.rename`, :py:meth:`DataArray.rename` now check for conflicts with
MultiIndex level names.
- :py:meth:`Dataset.merge` no longer fails when passed a :py:class:`DataArray` instead of a :py:class:`Dataset`.
- Fix a regression in :py:meth:`Dataset.drop`: allow passing any
iterable when dropping variables
- Fixed errors emitted by ``mypy --strict`` in modules that import xarray.
- Allow plotting of binned coordinates on the y axis in :py:meth:`plot.line`
and :py:meth:`plot.step` plots
- setuptools is now marked as a dependency of xarray
- Switch doc examples to use `nbsphinx <https://nbsphinx.readthedocs.io>`_ and replace
``sphinx_gallery`` scripts with Jupyter notebooks.
- Added :doc:`example notebook <examples/ROMS_ocean_model>` demonstrating use of xarray with
Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) ocean hydrodynamic model output.
- Added :doc:`example notebook <examples/ERA5-GRIB-example>` demonstrating the visualization of
ERA5 GRIB data.
`Stephan Siemen <https://github.com/StephanSiemen>`_.
- Added examples for :py:meth:`DataArray.quantile`, :py:meth:`Dataset.quantile` and
- Add new :doc:`example notebook <examples/apply_ufunc_vectorize_1d>` example notebook demonstrating
vectorization of a 1D function using :py:func:`apply_ufunc` , dask and numba.
- Added example for :py:func:`~xarray.map_blocks`.
Internal Changes
- Make sure dask names change when rechunking by different chunk sizes. Conversely, make sure they
stay the same when rechunking by the same chunk size.
- 2x to 5x speed boost (on small arrays) for :py:meth:`Dataset.isel`,
:py:meth:`DataArray.isel`, and :py:meth:`DataArray.__getitem__` when indexing by int,
slice, list of int, scalar ndarray, or 1-dimensional ndarray.
- Removed internal method ``Dataset._from_vars_and_coord_names``,
which was dominated by ``Dataset._construct_direct``.
- Replaced versioneer with setuptools-scm. Moved contents of setup.py to setup.cfg.
Removed pytest-runner from setup.py, as per deprecation notice on the pytest-runner
- Use of isort is now enforced by CI.
xarray (formerly xray) is an open source project and Python package
that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical
sciences, by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data
Packaged by K.I.A.Derouiche for pkgsrc-wip, and updated by me.