changelog: Ross Paterson <> Nov 2014
* Dropped compatibility with base-1.x
* Data.Functor.Identity in base for GHC >= 7.10
* Added mapLift and runErrors to Control.Applicative.Lift
* Added AutoDeriveTypeable for GHC >= 7.10
* Expanded messages from mfix on ExceptT and MaybeT
packaged for wip by pho.
Haskell 98 part of a monad transformer library, inspired by the paper
"Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order
Polymorphism", by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional
Programming, 1995
This part contains the monad transformer class, the concrete monad
transformers, operations and liftings. It can be used on its own in
Haskell 98 code, or with the monad classes in the monads-fd or
monads-tf packages, which automatically lift operations introduced by
monad transformers through other transformers.