+ 1. Debian `.deb' packages are now supported as archives!
! 2. All paths containing `dir/..' are reduced.
! 3. Now arcive files are recognized by longer extensions
like `.tar.gz'. Result is proper handling of `.tar.gz'
and `.tar.bz2' archives.
+ 4. Added SEE Viewer filters. Now you can view gzipped files
and or add filters for viewing man pages etc.
+ 5. Added ready `panelizers' command to the RescanMenu
( key Ctrl+R ) Can be used as menu alternative to
external panelize option.
! 6. SEE screen draws improved and `< >' bug is fixed.
! 7. GetDirName function now allows dirs only.
+ 8. Added UserMenu ( key `U' ). User external commands
can be attached not to key but to this menu.
+ 9. Bash/Unix-style filename completion added!
-10. Bash/Unix-style completion is now default one!
+11. Now entries in the filelist can be moved ( see
ArrangeMenu/MoveEntry )
!12. Now VFU keeps current file postition after change
of sort order.
!13. Better preserve/copy mode/protection when copy/move
directory subtrees. ( from RO media for example )
!14. Fixed erase of own directories without `write'
!15. More examples and comments added to the sampe
configuration file: vfu.conf.
1.44: 14.Feb.98
+ 1. Auto mounting on change directory added.
( see Options/AutoMount )
If you chdir to a directory which contains only
one file named `automount', then VFU will try to
mount this directory automatically. After mounting
`automount' file won't be visible. You can create
file with `echo > automount' command.
+ 2. Unmount feature added to the `JumpToMountpoint'
menu ( key `j' ).
+ 3. PreserveSelection option added. If this option is
enabled VFU will preserve selected files after
rescanning files list. ( see Options menu )
+ 4. Added Ctrl+Z key to the Directory Tree View for
update the current (under cursor) directory size.
! 5. Fixed tilde `~' expansion -- now standalone
`~' or `~username' are expanded properly.
+ 6. RecursiveRescanning can be canceled with ESC now.
! 7. Options(Toggles) separators bug fixed.
! 8. User External Utilities are enabled in InArchive mode
as it should be. (considered bug)
! 9. Dotfiles `.filename' colorization fixed.