trap: Illegal number: INT
in debug screen due to the execution of "trap \"\" INT QUIT TSTP"
in ./kdbg/mainwndbase.cpp:565
Added pre-processor for NetBSD that uses "trap \"\" 2 3 18" instead.
- Translations for: Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian (Nynorsk), Serbian,
- Updated the User's Manual (English, Russian (thanks, Ilmar!), German).
- Improved the program icon; made the installation more KDE2 compliant.
- Enabled mouse wheel scrolling at various places.
- Added memory display.
- Single-stepping by instruction.
- Watchpoints. Finally! (On Linux/i386 works best with gdb 5!)
- Made Delete key work in the watch window.
- Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled in the breakpoint list.
- Detach from debugged program on exit (and when new program is debugged).
- Added a list of recently opened executables (thanks to
Thomas Sparr <>).
- Fixed endless loop on shutdown.
- Brought in line with KDE 1.91 (KDE 2 beta).
- Debugging of multi-threaded programs. Requires a gdb that supports
- multi-threaded programs, like gdb 5.
- Debugger window pops into the foreground when the program stops.
- Made tab width a user-settable option.
- Display disassembled code.
- Use the KDE system fixed font for the source code window.
- By default, do not log communication with gdb.
- Added an integrated output window (based on code by Judin Max).
- Program specific settings can be set. In particular: the debugger
command (required if you are debugging remote devices), the
terminal emulation needed for the program.
- Use docking windows thanks to Judin Max <>.
- Added a register dump window. Based on code by Judin Max.
- Implemented "balloons" (tool tips) that show variable values.
- ./configure fix for NetBSD thanks to Berndt Josef Wulf <>.
- There's now a Swedish translation thanks to
- Örjan Lindbergh <>.
- Save and restore watched expressions.
- More adjustments for the KRASH release.
- Show <repeat...> count in QStrings like in normal C strings instead
of repeating the characters.
- Use QListView instead of KTabListBox.