o Updated to support GTK+ 2.x
o Added the stopwatch command.
o added support for more processors
o EEPROM added to 18F devices by Mike Durian
o Added breakpoint capability on nodes
o Added spi Module
o Added attributes to external usart module
o log command has been added (Command Line)
o Profiling has been added (gui)
o Trace viewer has been added
o Added parport - parallel port loadable module
o Source level debugging of C files
o Added module attibutes (attribute.cc)
o Enhanced module interface - now LCD module works with gpsim
o Beautified the Single Step and Trace dump outputs
o Added break on stack overflow and underflow
o Added break mask to wv/rv type break points. Now you can specify
which bits are significant.
o Added "--cli" command line option. Invokes gpsim in command line
mode even if it has been configured to use the gui.
o Program viewer can now display ASCII encode text in "dt" tables
o Added pullup/pulldown resistors to the gpsim modules
o added "frequency" command
o Added time field to the gui status bar.
Provided in PR 12490 by Shelby <snoonan@dragonfly.tbearsiberians.com>
Minor modifications by myself.
gpsim is a PIC simulator that supports X, stimulii, and modules