0006509: [security] Port: Additional XSS Vulnerabilities in Filter (thraxisp)
0006557: [security] XSS Vulnerability in manage_user (TKADV2005-11-002) (thraxisp)
0006563: [security] Port XSS Vulnerability in project documents (TKADV2005-11-02) (thraxisp)
0006569: [security] XSS Vulnerability in saved queries (TKADV2005-11-002) (thraxisp)
0006594: [bugtracker] config_flush_cache does not work correctly (thraxisp)
0006585: [documentation] don't see the documentation (thraxisp)
0006501: [filters] Categories can't be selected for filter-setting (thraxisp)
From the ChangeLog:
- 0006421: [security] Private bugs show up in public RSS feed (vboctor)
- 0006458: [security] Port #6457: SQL Injection in manage user page (TKADV2005-11-002) (vboctor)
- 0006461: [security] Port #6460: HTTP Header CRLF Injection (TKADV2005-11-002) (vboctor)
- 0006485: [security] XSS Vulnerability in filters (TKADV2005-11-002) (thraxisp)
- 0006489: [security] Port Injection Vulnerabilities in Filters (TKADV2005-11-002) (thraxisp)
- 0006492: [security] Port #6453: Make note private has no effect when resolving bug (thraxisp)
- 0006432: [bugtracker] error processing does not work! (jlatour)
- 0006379: [filters] Filter returns private issues when it should not (thraxisp)
- 0006254: [localization] strings_korean_utf8.txt has UTF-8 byte-order marker (ryandesign)
- 0006268: [localization] strings_chinese_simplified_utf8.txt has UTF-8 byte-order marker (ryandesign)
- 0006304: [localization] [PATCH] Major overhaul of strings_dutch.txt (jlatour)
- 0006358: [localization] Updated Dutch localization (Wanderer)
- 0006474: [localization] Calls to htmlspecialchars should take into account the current charset (jlatour)
From the Changelog:
- 0006273: [security] File Inclusion Vulnerability (vboctor)
- 0006275: [security] SQL injection (vboctor)
- 0006234: [filters] Filter sometimes returns no results (thraxisp)
- 0006295: [filters] Old filters and view_state problems. (thraxisp)
- 0006288: [filters] Patch against CVS HEAD for Saved filter problem with view_state (thraxisp)
- 0006296: [filters] Filter sql includes unnecessary links to custom_field_string_table for date custom fields (thraxisp)
- 0006297: [filters] sorting on custom field, bring MySQL to deadlock loop (thraxisp)
language and requires the MySQL database and a webserver. Mantis has been
installed on Windows, MacOS, OS/2, and a variety of Unix operating systems.
Almost any web browser should be able to function as a client. It is released
under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Mantis is free to use and modify. It is free to redistribute as long as you
abide by the distribution terms of the GPL.