since pkgsrc enforces the newest perl version anyway, so they
should always pick perl, but sometimes (pkg_add) don't due to the
design of the {,} syntax.
No effective change for the above reason.
Ok joerg
Add missing DEPENDS
Upstream changes:
1.16 2015-02-24
- podspell script: set output encoding from locale CTYPE (DOLMEN)
1.15 2014-02-28
- Convert to strict mode of File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir (KENTNL)
- change to use Path::Tiny->lines_utf8
1.14 2014-02-12
- Discontinue use of File::Slurp, use Path::Tiny->lines instead
GH #15 ( Ether )
1.13 2013-11-02
- fix encoding issues issues in pod for perldoc
1.12 2013-10-17
- improve documentation
1.11 2013-10-17
- fix shebang to /usr/bin/perl for EUMM replacment GH #13 (dolmen)
1.10 2013-09-27
- added 'no_wide_chars' option to strip words with such characters
from the output. This may help spellcheckers that can't cope
with UTF-8
- improved punctuation stripping algorithm for better word
isolation (example C<< "hello". >> now is found as "hello")
- strips all word that do not have at least one \w character
as a spellchecker isn't likely to do anything useful with them
- added recommendations for dealing with character encoding
1.09 2013-09-25
- stopwords with 's are learned without 's to match how they are
- leading and trailing punctuation is entirely stripped since the
spellchecker won't care anyway. Trailing periods are *not*
stripped as they might be abbreviations ("Ph.D."), but such words
are checked against the stoplist both with and without
trailing periods to account for abbreviations and words at the
end of a sentence.
1.08 2013-09-24
- hyphenated word parts are also checked against the stoplist
and stripped (dagolden) GH #9
- noted that stopwords must be added before words appear in Pod
1.07 2013-09-14
- add many words
- Pod::Wordlist is an Object ( dagolden )
- Lingua::EN::Inflect is used to reduce requiring plurals in the list
( dagolden )
- the wordlist is now a sharedir file
- accessing %Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist directly
1.06 2013-09-08
- import stopwords from Pod::Wordlist::hanekomu except names
1.05 2013-07-07
- add stopwords
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
Fix path of perl
Upstream changes:
1.04 2013-05-08
- fix tests to work on older perls
1.03 2013-05-08
- update copyright info
- require 5.8 (let me know if this is a problem for you)
- improve tests
- hopefully fix failing test on windows
- improve code readability
- remove DEBUG for private _is_debug method
1.02 2013-05-07
- convert to dzil and adopt
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
Requested by Jens Rehsack in PR 39543.
Pod::Spell is a Pod formatter whose output is good for spellchecking.
Pod::Spell rather like Pod::Text, except that it doesn't put much effort
into actual formatting, and it suppresses things that look like Perl symbols
or Perl jargon (so that your spellchecking program won't complain about
mystery words like "$thing" or "Foo::Bar" or "hashref").