Commit graph

12 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
0b0ef837fa Updated package to latest version, 2.5.3. Changes include:
Batteries 2.5.3 synchronizes library functions with OCaml 4.04+beta2,
and will hopefully be an extension of the upcoming OCaml 4.04 release.

- Compatibility with OCaml 4.04.
	(Gabriel Scherer)
2016-12-30 11:21:47 +00:00
e33b25d2d9 Updated package to latest release, 2.5.2. Package upstream has moved
to github. Changes include:
- BatIO: make the ?cleanup parameter of BatIO.input_channel true by default:
  closing the returned input will close the underlying input channel
  #109, #489
  (Simon Cruanes, report by Michael Ekstrand)
- BatArray: add split : 'a BatOrd.ord -> 'a array -> 'a -> int * int
  search for the range equal to a given element in a sorted array
  #443, #470
  (Simon Cruanes, Gabriel Scherer, request by Fran?ois Berenger)
- BatEnum: BatEnum.combine is now curried, just like List.combine,
  its signature changes from:
    val combine: 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
    val combine: 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
  (Fran?ois Berenger)
- PSet: add a ?cmp argument to every function that creates a PSet:
    of_enum, of_list, of_array
  are changed. The default value is
(Cedric Cellier)
2016-08-18 10:07:41 +00:00
9c56e5f6a4 Updated ocaml-batteries to latest version 2.5.0, which adds support for
ocaml 4.03. Also, the package is now compatible with the latest version of
the framework. Discussed on packages@ and OK'd by jperkin.

Changes include:
## v2.5.0
- BatTuple: add Tuple{N}.make : 'a1 -> ... -> 'an -> 'a1 * ... * 'an
  (Thibault Suzanne)
- BatBig_int: fix sequence operators (--), (---) to avoid polymorphic comparison
  #674, #675, #676
  (Pieter Goetschalckx and Cedric Cellier)
- Extend all Batteries module to cover OCaml 4.03 features
  (Gabriel Scherer, KC Sivaramakrishnan)

## v2.4.0

- BatBitSet: use Bytes instead of String
  (Gabriel Scherer)
- BatHashtbl: fix hash computation bug introduced by 4.01 (issue #609)
  (Gabriel Scherer, report by Martin Neuh?u?er)
- BatText: synchronize nsplit to match BatString.nsplit
  (Gabriel Scherer)
- BatLazyList: fix remove_all_such documentation
  (Xavier Van de Woestyne)
- BatMap: add pop_min_binding: 'a t -> (key * 'a) * 'a t
	  and pop_max_binding: 'a t -> (key * 'a) * 'a t
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatMap: add at_rank_exn: int -> ('key, 'a) t -> ('key * 'a)
	  and update: key -> key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatEnum: add interleave: 'a t array -> 'a t
  (Aleksey Z. Arens)
- BatFormat: expose asprintf for V>=4.01
  (Ralf Vogler)
- BatSet: add at_rank_exn: int -> t -> elt
	  and update: elt -> elt -> t -> t
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatUTF8: add enum: t -> BatUChar.t BatEnum.t
  (Kevin Brubeck Unhammer)
- BatSet: add to_array: t -> elt array
	  and of_array: elt array -> t
	  and test for to_list
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatSet: add pop_max: 'a t -> 'a * 'a t
	  and pop_min: 'a t -> 'a * 'a t
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatSplay: hardened against read-only-data compiler optimization
  (Gabriel Scherer)
- BatList: simplified interleave implementation
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatOption: add Infix.(>>=): 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option
  (Herry Herry)
- BatHashtbl: modify now have same semantics than replace for the key
  (Anders Fugmann)
- BatHashtbl: more efficient modify_opt and modify_def
  (Anders Fugmann)
- BatFormat: add pp_print_list: ?pp_sep:(formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
	                        (formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
	                        (formatter -> 'a list -> unit)
	     and pp_print_text: formatter -> string -> unit
  (Christoph H?ger)
- BatEnum: add uniq_by: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
	   and uniqq: 'a t -> 'a t
  (Max Mouratov)
- BatEnum: fix uniq to use structural comparison
  (Max Mouratov)
- BatUnix: add run_and_read: string -> process_status * string
  (Francois Berenger)
- BatCache: use hashmap to speed up lru_cache
  (Sang Kil Cha)
- BatQueue: add filter: ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
	    and filter_inplace: ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> unit
	    and filter_map: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t
(Gabriel Scherer)
2016-06-25 14:05:01 +00:00
9718550454 Recursive revbump associated with ocaml update. 2016-05-05 11:45:36 +00:00
339d229d93 Removed the automatic setting of PKGNAME to ocaml-${DISTNAME} from It was becoming more trouble than it was worth: only a minority
of packages used it, and it only made Makefiles more confusing.
(I've left out some packages: these will be updated forthwith)
2016-02-06 12:06:07 +00:00
d9e4cfe05d Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category
Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-11-03 03:27:11 +00:00
7ea12ebae7 Recursive revbump associated with lang/ocaml update. 2015-08-07 11:20:32 +00:00
487d6ab2d3 Recursive revbump associated with update of lang/ocaml to 4.02.2. 2015-06-30 11:52:55 +00:00
714f854d4d Revbump associated with update of lang/ocaml. 2015-01-20 14:24:34 +00:00
b539541f07 - improved test coverage
- Enum: bugfix in clamp
- Stream: add concat_map
- List: fix a stack-overflow bug in transpose
- List: add unfold_exc : (unit -> a) -> 'a list * exn
- List: add fold_righti and fold_lefti
- Substring : fix fold_left, add fold_lefti, fold_righti
- String : add fold_lefti and fold_righti
- Set.Make: add of_list
- AvlTree: add (check : 'a tree -> bool) to check well-formedness
- Hashtbl: make modify_opt/def resize the table to preserve amortized costs
- Enum: fix combine's count in presence of infinite enums
- Makefile: add a qtest-byte target
- List: add modify_opt_at: int -> ('a -> 'a option) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add modify_at: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add remove_at: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
- Int: add copysign
- Deque: add rotate_forward, rotate_backward : 'a dq -> 'a dq
- Int: fix overflow checking in Safe_int.mul
- add a local OPAM description, allows to use
    opam pin add batteries
- Queue: add map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
- compatibility with 4.02:
  + Printf: remove CamlinternalPr for OCaml versions >= 4.02
  + Printf: legacy code assumed (string = fmt)
  + new 4.02 functions:
  String.mapi (String.init was already in Batteries)
  List.sort_uniq (List.sort_unique existed before)
  Array.make_float (less efficient implementation provided for <4.02 versions)
  a BatBytes module relying on ocamlfind's compatibility module
  bytes-related functions in Buffer,Digest,Marshal,Printexc,Stream,Unix
  new Printexc callstack interface (not available for <4.02 versions)
- cartesian product in batSet
- Enum.concat_map alias
- UChar.is_ascii
- equality and enumeration (from, to UChar enum) in batText
- String.find_all function
- Seq.iteri, mapi, iter2, map2 (see issue #417)
- cartesian product of enums (issue #442)
- List.subset
- Array.bsearch dichotomic search (issue #433)
- Enum.print_at_most (issue #425)
- BatOption.ord instance, (issue #393)
- Fix infinite loop in BitSet
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Add Set.split_lt and split_le
- Add split_opt wherever there is split
- Add List.range
- Add the new O_CLOEXEC flag to Unix.open_flag in version 4.01
- Fix is always 0.
- Simplify List.partition code
- Add List.ntake and List.takedrop
- Added List.Acc.create and use it
- Add a LazyList.eager_fold_right alias to LazyList.fold_right, with sane argument order
- and many tests and documentation
- cleanup of whitespace
2014-10-09 21:22:27 +00:00
7e5b4d83d3 Package update to version 2.1, including a patch to compile with
ocaml 4.01 (upcoming). Changelog is only available through git,
2013-11-01 10:32:53 +00:00
90f70faf1d Added package devel/ocaml-batteries, version 2.0. This is an alternative
standard library for OCaml ("consistent, documented and comprehensive").
2013-07-03 10:40:33 +00:00