Changes in Racket 5.1.3
This is a bugfix release, resolving the DrRacket issue with
the contour view. In addition, two tex files with problematic
licensing were removed.
Changes in Racket 5.1.2
* The download page includes 64-bit installers for Mac OS X,
Windows, and two Debian flavors. Racket now supports OS X Lion.
* Racket now includes a new `racket/place' library to support
parallelism, complementing `racket/future'. Racket's parallel
build process is now based on places instead of multiple OS
Places support share-nothing parallelism and message-passing
communication. Compared to futures, places are heavyweight, but
they have a simpler performance model.
* The syntax-certificate system has been replaced by a syntax-taint
system. Both certificates and taints were designed to protect
otherwise inaccessible bindings from abuse when they appear in
macro expansions. Taints are simpler and lighter, and the switch
closes known holes in the certificate system. Macros that are not
implemented with `syntax-rules' or `define-syntax-rule', however,
must explicitly use `syntax-protect' to protect their expansions
from abuse.
* The `net/url' library supports HTTPS connections, but beware that
by default all sites are accepted (equivalent to ignoring a
browser's warnings about untrusted certificates).
* Error messages in the student languages use a simplified
vocabulary and consistent phrasings. If you maintain curriculum
material or teachpacks then please consider updating. See the
"Error Message Composition Guidelines" section in the
documentation for details.
* Typed Racket: almost all core Racket data structures and
operations are now accessible in Typed Racket (most of this work
is due to prolific contributor Eric Dobson). The performance of
the typechecker has been significantly improved.
* The `scriblib/bibtex' library supports BibTeX-formatted citation
databases in Scribble documents. BibTeX can be tricky to parse,
so please report failed entries as bug reports.
* The `for' forms now support an `#:unless' clause, and a
nonnegative integer can be used as a sequence. The new `compose1'
function creates single-valued composition functions. The
`racket/function' library now provides `identity', `thunk', and
* The license has been clarified: we now use LGPLv2.1 uniformly.
(The license file used to specify LGPLv2, contrary to the download
2011-02-26 v1.16 pjacklam (6153 tests)
* Change to reflect recent changes in the Math::BigInt
distribution (Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-10 v1.15 pjacklam (6151 tests)
* Include latest version of test scripts from Math-BigInt (closes RT #65580)
(Peter John Acklam).
* Add 00sig.t for testing SIGNATURE, and 01load.t for basic module loading and
giving diagnostics useful for bug tracking (Peter John Acklam).
* Rename pod.t to 02pod.t and pod_cov.t to 03podcov.t and use more generic
code (Peter John Acklam).
* Clean up whitespace (Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-26 v1.36 pjacklam (6362 tests)
* Change to reflect recent changes in the Math::BigInt
distribution (Peter John Acklam).
* Use a _nok() function more similar to the one in Math::BigInt::Calc
(Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-08 v1.35 pjacklam (6361 tests)
* Rename files for testing signature, module loading, and POD so the names
are within the 8+3 character limit (Peter John Acklam).
* Rename method _nok_ok() to the correct _nok(). There ought to have been a
test catching an error like that (Peter John Acklam).
* Fix _nok() giving wrong output when second input argument is zero
(Peter John Acklam).
* Fix _nok() so it doesn't modify its second input arg (Peter John Acklam).
* Update the included Devel::CheckLib to most recent version as suggested in
RE #63055 (Peter John Acklam).
* Apply "chmod 0644" to the few test scripts that don't already have that
mode (Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-07 v1.34 pjacklam (6361 tests)
* Rename _num() to _str(). The old _num() did exactly what _str() is supposed
to do, according to the API documentation (Peter John Acklam).
* Add a _num() function which (currently) simply numifies the output from
_str() (Peter John Acklam).
* Clean up whitespace (Peter John Acklam).
* Fix POD errors (Peter John Acklam).
* Add _nok() method. Now the old claim that Math::BigInt::GMP conforms to API
version 2 is actually true (Peter John Acklam).
* Edit the test files that were copied from the Math::BigInt distribution, so
we now test Math::BigInt against Math::BigInt::GMP, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
I had forgotten this when I copied the test files from the Math::BigInt
distribution. This reduces the total test count, since some test are not
executed with Math::BigInt::GMP (Peter John Acklam).
* Replace morse code in 'README' with proper text (Peter John Acklam).
* Include '01-load.t' for explicitly testing module loading (Peter John
* Use more generic code in 'pod.t' and 'pod_cov.t' (Peter John Acklam).
2011-01-30 v1.33 pjacklam (6411 tests)
* Fix _modinv() so that it works the same way as _modinv() in other
Math::BigInt libraries: The output arguments are an object and the
corresponding sign, not undef (Peter John Acklam).
* Include most recent versions of the test files from the Math-BigInt
distribution (, bigfltpm.t,, bigintpm.t,
biglog.t, and bigroot.t) (Peter John Acklam).
* Include generic SIGNATURE test file (Peter John Acklam).
* Required version of Math::BigInt is now 1.99_05 (Peter John Acklam).
0.09 Mon Dec 06 2010
- explicit use of of Math::BigInt to avoid confusing Devel::Cover
0.08 Mon Dec 06 2010
- don't short-circuit encoding '0' so it gets proper padding.
0.15 Nov 07, 2010
- General code cleaning (ADAMK)
- Changes to Module::Install::Msgfmt to make it compatible with
Module::Install::Share. (ADAMK)
- Moved script from bin/ to script/ (ADAMK)
- Moved private tools from dev to private (ADAMK)
- Picking 5.008005 as our minimum Perl to ensure solid Unicode support (ADAMK)
- Converted the Build.PL to a Module::Install Makefile.PL (ADAMK)
- Fixed it so that it actually works (AZAWAWI)
Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.224
* Fix a few test failures.
Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.223
* Cope with the rename of the keysym defines in gtk+ 2.22
* Correct the memory management in Gtk2::Gdk::Window->new
* Fix a test failure in GtkBuilder.t
2.4.2 Changes done by R. Dassing, Michael Potter
The values for 'true' resp. 'false' may be of the following
true: TRUE, true, T, t, 1 and defined
false: FALSE, false, F, f, 0 or undefined
Added new options xlabel and xrange which is valid for xy_plot
and Chart::Lines, Chart::Points, Chart::LinesPoints,
Chart::Split, Chart::ErrorBars.
In order to use the labels, the chart module needs to have 'xlabels'
AND 'xrange' set. Below is some example code for use:
@labels = (['Jan', 'Feb','Mar'],
$chart->set( xlabels => \@labels,
xrange => [0,100] );
This options allow to set and position labels at the x-axis arbitrary.
add_dataset() and app_pt() accepts now datasets as lists and as
references to list like already mentioned in the docs
Optimized organisation of the placement of the labels.
Added flag to avoid plotting of legends at all
Using GD Version 2.0.36 as this version supports 'filledArc'
Correction due to Request 23166
write the endmost value of input array
in imagemap_data array
Correction due to Request 23166:
write the endmost value of input array
in imagemap_data array
Overview of changes in Cairo 1.062
* Cairo::FtFontFace: Keep the FT_Face alive long enough to avoid
* Add two new example programs
* Fix test failures
1.2002 2011-08-10 17:52:08 America/New_York
- Fix failing tests on systems without
- Minor test cleanups for use with 'prove'
Software distributions released to the CPAN include a META.json
or, for older distributions, META.yml, which describes the
distribution, its contents, and the requirements for building and
installing the distribution. The data structure stored in the
META.json file is described in CPAN::Meta::Spec.
CPAN::Meta provides a simple class to represent this distribution
metadata (or distmeta), along with some helpful methods for
interrogating that data.
- fixes for cpantester
- Fix 'switch' and 'use' for bash users, by Woody2143++
- The standalone `perlbrew` file is now packed with fatpacker, by running `dev-bin/`. `perl Makefile.PL` does no trigger a re-build anymore.
- Update the installer to grab patchperl 0.46
This is a declarative specification-style testing system for
behavior-driven development (BDD) in Perl. The tests (a.k.a.
examples) are named with strings instead of subroutine names, so
your fingers will suffer less fatigue from underscore-itis, with
the side benefit that the test reports are more legible.