Problems found locating distfiles:
Package f-prot-antivirus6-fs-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-fs-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package f-prot-antivirus6-ws-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-ws-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package libidea: missing distfile libidea-0.8.2b.tar.gz
Package openssh: missing distfile openssh-7.1p1-hpn-20150822.diff.bz2
Package uvscan: missing distfile vlp4510e.tar.Z
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
pkgsrc changes:
- Add dependencies for tests
- /usr/bin/env police
Upstream changes:
4.03_06 2015-01-31 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Remoe references to 'logmsg' preventing the history window from working
(thanks to Andrew Stevenson)
4.03_05 2014-12-20 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Fix options parsing tests picked up via cpantesters on different version of
4.03_04 2014-12-12 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Do not use system perl but whatever is found in PATH (to stop breaking
perlbrew based builds)
- Warn when the configured terminal isn't installed/found
- Don't show 'Opening to:' when no servers are given
4.03_03 2014-09-28 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Force tests to have English locale when user has something else set (Github
issue: 10) (thanks to Emanuele Tomasi)
- Skip permissions check test when run as root as the results are invalid
(Github issue: 11) (thanks to Deny Dias)
- Ensure config file option for ssh_args is not lost when options is not used
on command line (Github issue: 14)
- New Send menu option to send a numeric value between 1 and 1024 (thanks to
- Remove all history when history window closed (thanks to Bill Rushmore)
4.03_02 2014-08-10 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Fix behaviour when external cluster command is not defined or doesn't exist
4.03_01 2014-07-09 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Amended host parsing to include alternative IPv6 address port definitions,
e.g. 1::2::3::4/5567
- List available external tags with -L option and also add into 'Add Host' in
[NOTE: Some options have changed!]
- Rework options code
4.02_05 0000-00-00 Duncan Ferguson <> (unreleased)
- Add in 'Set all active' and 'Set half active' host menu options (thanks to
Andrew Stevenson)
4.02_04 2014-05-17 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Amend 'Changes' file format to match CPAN specs (see CPAN::Changes)
- Correct autoclose short option to what is actually used (Github issue 4)
(thanks to Simon Fraser)
- Fix 'use_all_a_records' option (Github issue: 5) (thanks to Simon Fraser)
- Fix 'title' option (thanks to Barry Roberts)
- Fix 'Add host or cluster' window to contain cluster names
4.02_03 2014-01-31 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Fix 'File->Show History' (Sf support request 41)
- Amend 'tag-file' short option to 'r' to avoid option clash
4.02_02 2014-01-13 Duncan Ferguson <>
- Fixed macros (%u, %s, %h, %n) not doing multiple replacements
- Add in key shortcut for username macro (ALT-u)
- Add in key shortcut for local hostname macro (ALT-l)
- Fix a bug with 'show history' key shortcut
- Fix "uninitialised errors in hash element" bug [clusterssh
- Fixed the default cluster not being opened
- Add in toggle for macros
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
Duncan Ferguson <> - v4.01_05
- New option (-m, --unique-servers) to remove repeated servers when openeing terminals (Thanks to Oliver Meissner)
- Drop MYMETA.yml and .json files from the distribution
- Do not set default user name to prevent overriding ssh configuration
2013-02-26 Duncan Ferguson <> - v4.01_04
- Fixed 'ccon' not calling the correct command (Sf bug 3605002)
- Fixed clusters not being defined correctly within the .clusterssh/config file (Sf bug 3605675)
2013-02-15 Duncan Ferguson <> - v4.01_03
* Correct documentation for references to $HOME/.clusterssh/config
* Re-add user back into the configurartion file
* Add in missing newline for some error messages
* Allow the path to rsh/ssh/telnet to be defined in the configuration file
* Move .csshrc to .csshrc.DISABLED since it should no longer be used
* Error emitted when adding a host via the "Hosts" drop-down (Debian bug ID #578208)
* Pastes uses a strange keyboard layout (Debian bug ID #364565)
* Cope with being invoked by 'clusterssh' (Debian bug ID #644368)
* Fix migration of .csshrc when not working as expected (Debian bug ID #673507)
* Remove doc references to 'always_tile' as renamed 'window_tiling' (Debian bug ID #697371)
* Updated manpage whatis entries (patch by Tony Mancill)
* Fix watch line expression to catch 4.x series tarballs (Debian patch LP ID #1076897)
* Allow tests to pass successfully when run as root
* Fix cssh starting if xterm is not installed (Sf bug 3494988)
* Set WM_CLASS on windows to 'cssh' (Sf bug 3187736)
2012-12-09 Duncan Ferguson <> - v4.01_02
* Fix logic when using 'autoclose' on the command line or config file
* Fix $HOME/.clusterssh/clusters being read in
* Fix 'ctel', 'crsh' and 'ccon'so they work as expected
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
The is the Perl application bundle for ClusterSSH (a.k.a cssh), formally
a GNU tools based project.
ClusterSSH is a tool for making the same change on multiple servers at
the same time. The 'cssh' command opens an administration console and
an xterm to all specified hosts. Any text typed into the administration
console is replicated to all windows. All windows may also be typed into
This tool is intended for (but not limited to) cluster administration
where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node
within the cluster. Performing these commands all at once via this
tool ensures all nodes are kept in sync.