to 1.4.0
INCOMPATIBLE update. If you need compatibility with 1.3.*, put
(setq howm-compatible-to-ver1dot3 t) before (require 'howm) in your
.emacs. See M-x customize-group RET howm-compatibility RET for
Though howm-1.4.0 has a new menu file, your old menu file is not
updated automatically. Copy en/0000-00-00-000000.txt into howm/
directory if you like. Alternatively, you can cut and paste some
parts of it to your howm/0000-00-00-000000.txt by hand. to
small bug fix.
Based on PR#44553 by ISIHARA Takanori.
howm: Write fragmentarily and read collectively.
Howm is a note-taking tool on Emacs. It is similar to emacs-wiki;
you can enjoy hyperlinks and full-text search easily. It is not
similar to emacs-wiki; it can be combined with any format.