* Add support of image preview from some web services.
* Fix image preview from gyazo
* Fix rare `retweet error' shown at close profile tab.
* Fix issue that debug mode cannot be enabled on certain processing in debug mode.
* implement activity tab (not same as Twitter's one, due to missing API)
* allow to settting color for all tweets.
* add `twitter client' for extraction filter.
* some speed up improvements.
* Fixes redundant retry setting times, if mis-POST At reached to API limitation.
* At unstable Twitter RESET API, large number of new tweet notifications are
sometimes happened.
* Image Preview: fix open failer with multi-line HTML tag.
* Image Preview: enable to force extracting short URL.
* With Ruby 1.8.7: fix crash at right-click on tweets contains URL.
* With Ruby 1.8.7: fix rare crash at connection timeout.
* fix rare crash at extracting bit.ly URL.
* improve URL extracting speed.
* With Ruby 1.8.7, crash with right click at tweet contains URL.
* on scroll timeline top to down, accidently auto scroll-up once.
* Not mute for various notify.
* rare crash at refresh timeline.
* user information may be old one.
* rare crash at timeout.
* Added
* speed up MIKU Lang
* add `open URL' mikutter command
* Fixed
* fail to start with no full color environment
* with UserStream, follow notification will be risen twice per one person
* not work configuration `up FAVed tweet on TL'
* crash if removed a tweet from TL in getting in_reply_to_status of the tweet.
* none
* crash at first startup
* support for Twitter API bug
* fire click even if too far location between a mousedown and a mousedown.
* not startup non-full-color environment
* remove a unwanted file
* crash at mis-extract bit.ly.
* none
* On icons of voter, screen_name is not shown in tip help. And user profile is
not shown on click.
* Wheel scroll does not work on follow/follower list.
* at fire /statuses/update, with include_entities=1, so that own tweet with
* correct index with counting escaped string in an appropriate manner (wip)
* crash when retweet at the tweet is removed from TL.
* none
* rare crash at startup
* all process invoked by mikutter will be zombie
* crash with replying to deleted tweets
* rare crash at deleting own tweets
* resume last retrieved follow/follower at startup.
* only get last 200 follow/follower.
* crash when leaving a tweet selected.
* crash if failed to extract URL.
* rare crash at startup.
While here, let to allow co-existence with ruby-escape package.
* none
* impossible to search with Japanese
* impossible to google search with Japanese
* fire shortcut key for tweet when typing search string
* memory leaks
* devours API with retrying tweet of keyed account that does not authenticat me
* not play sound on some platforms.
* Improvements
* Add notification related events. Add following plugins
* alsa - plugin for playing sound with alsa.
* libnotify - plugin for notify with libnotify.
* Fixes
* crash at limiting.
* included JSON library is too old.
* defect that settings may not be saved correctly.
* defect that link position move over.
* some API cache functions.
* defect of crash at editing shorcut key.
New features
* Support to preview images for Twitter official image upload service.
* If extracted short URL is gotten with Twitter API, use it.
* fixes link string position gap on timeline.
* some memory leaks.
after, included escape.rb is required
(crash with one from ruby-escape package, so it must be removed).
* fix: Unshown right click menu on timeline with ruby-1.8.
* fix: Always crash to assign new short cut keys with ruby-1.8
* fix: Segmentation fault at update of MiraclePainter with ruby-1.8.
* fix: Crash of string selection with ruby-1.8.
* fix: bug of shown muted users on timeline.
* fixes retweet and un-retweet mikutter command.
* add mikutter comand for cancel fav.
* new feature: search selection with Google.
* include some using files of ruby-hmac-0.4.0.
* and other misc fixes.
* Changes TL rendering method
* speeding up
* work in progress for some features
* renovation of short cut key settings
* allow to assign a shortcut key to all functions with right-click menu.
* Add HTTP proxy support.
* Support notify with Growl.
* Support sound with SDL.
* Fix to get tweet from keyed account.
* Some bug fixes and performance improvements.
* not to notify action from mute users.
* fix to locd JSON library correctly.
* deprecate SQLite plugin.
* support new Twitter search API.
* add settings not to move to ttweet Fav or RT by myself to top.
* fixes crash with old RubyGTK on ubuntu 11.04.