8.1.0032 BS in prompt buffer starts new line
8.1.0033 keys to stop Vim in terminal are wrong
8.1.0034 cursor not restored with ":edit #"
8.1.0035 not easy to switch between prompt buffer and other windows
8.1.0036 not restoring Insert mode if leaving prompt buffer with mouse
8.1.0037 cannot easily append lines to another buffer
8.1.0038 popup test causes Vim to exit
8.1.0039 cannot easily delete lines in another buffer
8.1.0040 warnings from 64-bit compiler
8.1.0041 attribute "width" missing from python window attribute list
8.1.0042 if omni completion opens a window Insert mode is stopped
8.1.0043 ++bad argument of :edit does not work properly
8.1.0044 if a test function exists Vim this may go unnoticed
8.1.0045 popup test isn't run completely
8.1.0046 loading a session file fails if 'winheight' is big
8.1.0047 no completion for :unlet $VAR
8.1.0048 vim_str2nr() does not handle numbers close to the maximum
8.1.0049 shell cannot tell running in a terminal window
8.1.0050 $VIM_TERMINAL is also set when not in a terminal window
8.1.0051 MS-Windows: missing #endif
8.1.0052 when mapping to <Nop> times out the next mapping is skipped
8.1.0053 first argument of 'completefunc' has inconsistent type
8.1.0054 compiler warning for using %ld for "long long"
8.1.0055 complete test has wrong order of arguments
8.1.0056 crash when using :hardcopy with illegal byte
8.1.0057 popup menu displayed wrong when using autocmd
8.1.0058 display problem with margins and scrolling
8.1.0059 displayed digraph for "ga" wrong with 'encoding' "cp1251"
8.1.0060 crash when autocommands delete the current buffer
8.1.0061 window title is wrong after resetting and setting 'title'
2018.06.02 - GNU nano 2.9.8 "Espresso" brings the ability to filter the
buffer (or the marked region) through an external command
(^R^X and prefix the command with the pipe symbol, "|"), is
better at detecting and maintaining paragraphs, is able to
justify //-style comments, fixes a crash when the binding
of a key to a string lacks a closing quote, gives feedback
about the number of lines written also when prepending or
appending, and fixes a couple of bugs with the linter.
Version 3.15 01-May-2018
1. The "logo" line "NE version xxxx" was showing the PCRE version which was
current when NE was compiled (static) instead of getting the current (dynamic)
version from a shared library. This is now fixed and the line reformatted.
2. Minor error in command line decoding; for switch items such as -id it was
checking the text pointer (which might be partly unset) instead of the number
3. There is now a maximum linelength that NE will handle when reading a file in
non-binary mode. The limit is 100,000 bytes. This prevents it going into a
meltdown memory thrashing state for a file that contains an excessively long
Version 3.14 26-February-2018
1. Two calls to error_moan() for failing to open a file were missing a second
argument (specifying reading or writing), leading to a crash for an unknown
2. Added strerror() calls to all failed-do-open file errors.
3. Added some "fall through" comments when deliberately falling through.
4. Increased an internal buffer size to avoid format-overflow warning in "show
wordcount" command.
5. Implemented -notraps to disable catching crash signals. This makes crashes
easier to debug.
8.0.1773 dialog messages are not translated
8.0.1774 reading very long lines can be slow
8.0.1775 MS-Windows: warning for unused variable
8.0.1776 in tests, when WaitFor() fails it doesn't say why
8.0.1777 cannot cleanup before loading another colorscheme
8.0.1778 script to check translations does not always work
8.0.1779 deleting in a block selection causes problems
8.0.1780 test fails because Vim in a terminal uses wrong 'encoding'
8.0.1781 file names in quickfix window are not shortened
8.0.1782 no simple way to label quickfix entries
8.0.1783 cannot use 256 colors in a MS-Windows console
8.0.1784 (after 8.0.1782) gvim test gets stuck in dialog
8.0.1785 (after 8.0.1783) missing symbol in Win32 small build
8.0.1786 no test for 'termwinkey'
8.0.1787 cannot insert the whole cursor line
8.0.1788 tool to check a color scheme is not installed
8.0.1789 BufWinEnter does not work well for a terminal window
8.0.1790 'winfixwidth' is not always respected by :close
8.0.1791 using uint8_t does not work everywhere
8.0.1792 MS-Windows users expect -? to work like --help
8.0.1793 no test for "vim -g"
8.0.1794 duplicate term options after renaming
8.0.1795 lose contact with jobs when :gui forks
8.0.1796 GUI: click on tab fails when the focus is in a terminal
8.0.1797 terminal window is redrawn too often
8.0.1798 MS-Windows: file considered read-only too often
8.0.1799 no test for :registers command
8.0.1800 X11: getting color is slow
8.0.1801 MS-Windows: redirecting terminal output does not work
8.0.1802 (after 8.0.1802) MS-Windows: terminal test fails
8.0.1803 warning for uninitialized variable
8.0.1804 using :normal in terminal window causes problems
8.0.1805 qf_parse_line() is too long
8.0.1806 InsertCharPre causes problems for autocomplete
8.0.1807 function to set terminal name is too long
8.0.1808 can't build without TGETENT
8.0.1809 various typos
8.0.1810 buffer of a terminal only updated in Terminal-Normal mode
8.0.1811 no test for winrestcmd()
8.0.1812 the qf_jump_to_usable_window() function is too long
8.0.1813 Windows installer doesn't install terminal debugger
8.0.1814 crash with terminal window and with 'lazyredraw' set
8.0.1815 crash with terminal window and with 'lazyredraw' set
8.0.1816 no test for setcmdpos()
8.0.1817 a timer may change v:count unexpectedly
8.0.1818 lines remove from wrong buffer when using terminal window
8.0.1819 swap file warning for file with non-existing directory
8.0.1820 terminal window redirecting stdout does not show stderr
8.0.1821 cursor in terminal window moves when pressing CTRL-W
8.0.1822 make uninstall does not remove colors/tools
8.0.1823 test for terminal stdout redirection is flaky
8.0.1824 Coverity warns for variable that may be uninitialized
8.0.1825 might use NULL pointer when out of memory
8.0.1826 configure uses old compiler flag
8.0.1827 compiler warning for signed/unsigned char pointers
8.0.1828 get no clue why :gui does not fork
8.0.1829 MS-Windows: script for vimdiff can't handle ! chars
8.0.1830 switching to Terminal-Normal mode does not redraw
8.0.1831 sometimes the quickfix title is incorrectly prefixed with ':'
8.0.1832 cannot use :unlet for an environment variable
8.0.1833 X11: ":echo 3.14" gives E806
8.0.1834 GUI: find/replace dialog does not handle some chars
8.0.1835 print document name does not support multi-byte
8.0.1836 buffer-local window options may not be recent
8.0.1837 one character cmdline abbreviation not triggered after '<,'>
8.0.1838 cursor in wrong pos when switching to Terminal-Normal mode
8.0.1839 script to check .po file doesn't check for plural header
8.0.1840 getwinpos() is not tested
8.0.1841 HP-UX does not have setenv()
8.0.1842 popup menu inside terminal window isn't cleared
8.0.1843 entry for 'wrap' in options window is wrong
8.0.1844 superfluous quickfix code, missing examples
8.0.1845 various comment updates needed, missing white space
8.0.1846 Python interface is incompatible with lldb
8.0.1847 some build options don't have an example
8.0.1848 'termwinscroll' does not work properly
8.0.1849 compiler warning for unused arguments, missing prototype
8.0.1850 todo items in source code not visible for users
8.1.0001 the netrw plugin does not work
8.1.0002 :stopinsert changes the message position
8.1.0003 the :compiler command is not tested
8.1.0004 test for :compiler command sometimes fails
8.1.0005 test for :compiler command fails on MS-Windows
8.1.0006 syn_id2cterm_bg() may be undefined
8.1.0007 no test for "o" and "O" in Visual block mode
8.1.0008 no test for strwidth()
8.1.0009 tabpages insufficiently tested
8.1.0010 efm_to_regpat() is too long
8.1.0011 maparg() and mapcheck() confuse empty and non-existing
8.1.0012 misplaced #endif
8.1.0013 using freed memory when changing terminal cursor color
8.1.0014 qf_init_ext() is too long
8.1.0015 cursor color wrong when closing a terminal window
8.1.0016 possible crash in term_wait()
8.1.0017 shell command completion has duplicates
8.1.0018 using "gn" may select wrong text when wrapping
8.1.0019 error when defining a Lambda with index of a function result
8.1.0020 cannot tell whether a register is executing or recording
8.1.0021 clang warns for undefined behavior
8.1.0022 repeating put from expression register fails
8.1.0023 gcc 8.1 warns for use of strncpy()
8.1.0024 % command not testded on #ifdef and comment
8.1.0025 no test for the undofile() function
8.1.0026 terminal test fails with very tall terminal
8.1.0027 difficult to make a plugin that feeds a line to a job
8.1.0028 prompt buffer test fails on MS-Windows
8.1.0029 terminal test fails on MS-Windows when "wc" exists
8.1.0030 stoping Vim running in a terminal may not work
8.1.0031 terminal test aucmd_on_close is flaky
On MacOS, the build finds the Cocoa framework and tries to build
nextstep, which results in a wildly differing PLIST. Pass
"--without-ns" to force disable this. No PKGREVISION, as any build
which found ns previously failed.
2018.05.15 - GNU nano 2.9.7 "Hvide Sande" adds the option '--afterends'
for making Ctrl+Right (the nextword function) stop at word
ends instead of beginnings, accepts multibyte letters for
the Yes/No/All answers, does emergency saves of changed
buffers in the unlikely event that nano crashes, adds the
until-now missing bindable function 'linenumbers', and
renames the toggles 'constupdate' to 'constantshow' and
'cuttoend' to 'cutfromcursor', for consistency with the
corresponding options -- adjust your nanorc files soon.
2018.04.27 - GNU nano 2.9.6 "Gomance" fixes a crash in word completion,
makes --enable-altrcname work again, improves the fluidity
of scrolling when using the touchpad, tweaks the syntaxes
for shell scripts and PO files, makes a replacing session
go always forward by default, no longer inserts a newline
after an external spell check of a selected region, always
accepts the English Y and N (and A) at a yes-no prompt in
any locale, and solves a few hypothetical bugs.
2018.03.29 - GNU nano 2.9.5 "Kiša pada" changes the way the Scroll-Up
and Scroll-Down commands work (M-- and M-+): instead of
keeping the cursor in the same screen position they now
keep the cursor in the same text position (if possible).
This version further adds a new color name, "normal",
which gives the default foreground or background color,
which is useful when you want to undo some overzealous
painting by earlier syntax regexes. Bug fixes include:
a segfault when trying to insert a file in restricted
mode, the reading in of a new file being "undoable", a
slight miswrapping of help texts when --linenumbers was
used, and the shell syntax coloring the word "tar" in
file names.
put peas_engine_enable_loader in the correct place
Fix: make the list of recently used files working again
drop unused variables
pluma-spell-checker-language.c: Fix build warning:
pluma.c: Fix build warning:
pluma-document.c: Fix build warning:
pluma-window: have GtkRecentData on stack instead of allocating it
WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
Fixes for regexp replacement with backreferences (e.g. "\0")
pluma-view.c: use one static variable instead two to do the same job
make sure pluma open in the same window of the workspace
Fix: pluma closes tabs unexpectedly with [right + middle] click ctrl + + / ctrl + - using the numeric keypad
add gsettings key: Show save confirmation if the files have changes
Fix: wrong behavior holding down [middle + right] click ctrl + + / ctrl + - to increase/decrease font size
don’t request to save documents with no changes
add gsettings key to hide/show(default) tabs with the side pane
Hide tabs if we are using the sidebar
gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
pluma-help: don’t use deprecated gtk_show_uri
filebrowser: don’t use deprecated gtk_show_uri
avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen and gdk_screen_get_number
enable the abbility to save the document if it was changed externally
disable the abbility to save the document if it has no changes
print-preferences UI: fix some basic deprecations
encoding-dialog UI: fix some basic deprecations
preferences-dialog UI: fix some basic deprecations
pluma-panel: remove deprecated GtkImage types
plumal-panel: remove some GtkStock deprecations
search-dialogs: fix a -Wpointer-compare warning
tag-list-plugin: avoid deprecated GtkStock
file-browser-widget: fix one stock deprecation
File browser: don’t use GIOScheduler (deprecated)
file-browser-view: silent some build warnings
pluma-view: avoid GtkStock deprecations
pluma-tab: replace some GtkStock icons
pluma-notebook: don’t use deprecated gdk_cursor_new
progress-message-area: fix one GtkStock deprecation
io-error-message-dialog: fix some GtkStock deprecation warnings
Fix: pluma closes tabs unexpectedly with middle click
pluma-notebook.c: fix a build warning
double click to the right of the last open tab to open a new tab
Support new location of gtk bookmarks file
docs: we have encodings combobox, not option menu
remove references to PlumaStatus
docs: remove some references to nonexistent stuff
filebrowser: don’t parse .hidden files - GIO does it since 2.36
close confirm dialog: enable selection + disable focus in all labels
close confirm dialog: set max width for labels
fix typo in code comments
fix running under wayland
modelines: fix random crash on closing one of several Pluma windows
Translations update
Upstream changes:
JOE 4.6
Upgrade to Unicode 10.0.0. Add configure environment variable that allows you select Unicode 8.0.0, 9.0.0 or 10.0.0.
Install Gnome .desktop files for JOE. This allows you to use JOE in GUI "Open With" mouse actions.
Support strikeout and double-underline attributes for the few terminal emulators that support them. Use "stricken" and "dunderline" in the syntax files, or \s and \z in help screens and status line.
Bugs fixed
Fix bug where JOE would sometimes crash when editing shell scripts. This was due to an obscure bug in the syntax highlighter: 'reset' command (used for default state) was incorrectly messing with stack.
-highlighter_context was missing from many file types, which negated some improvements from the previous version.
Fixed signed char overflow with old style mouse events in large windows
Fix bug where path restart (//) was being applied to block filter command prompt. Strange things would happen if you had adjacent slashes in command arguments.
Allow ~ expansion but suppress path restart (//) in compiler error parsing.
Restore default handling of SIGPIPE and SIGINT for shell commands. This fixes an issue where SIGPIPE doesn't terminate a process as expected, for example by the head -n 10 in: ^K R !sh -c 'while :; do echo y; done' | head -n 10. This issue only occurred in read/write to !, JOE already did the right thing for shell windows and the filter region through shell command.
Improve screen update algorithm so that spaces at the ends of lines are always emitted. This allows them to be preserved when cutting text with the mouse from a terminal emulator window.
Improve efficiency of screen update algorithm: JOE had been resetting attributes such as background color before performing cursor motions (probably as work around for bugs in old terminal emulators). This made screen update slow when there were many attributes, as with syntax highlighting and color schemes. It was also repeatedly emitting ESC [ K.
Switch JOE to issue scrolling commands, even at high baud rates (before this, JOE issued scrolling commands only at 19200 and below because it used to be that simple screen refresh was faster than scrolling in terminal emulators. But this is no longer true with complex screens involving color schemes, unicode and highlighting).
Windows version
Fix file access checks. Inaccessible files due to ACL's weren't correctly detected. This was a regression in 4.5.
Check the correct (Windows) path in the home directory for color schemes. This was not re-implemented properly in 4.5.
JOE 4.5
New color scheme feature, which can be accessed with ^T S or by setting the -colors option.
24-bit color support can be enabled by setting the COLORTERM environment variable to truecolor or 24bit.
Several schemes included in-the-box:
gruvbox by Pavel Pertsev
ir_black by Todd Werth
molokai by Tomas Restrepo
solarized by Ethan Schoonover
wombat by Lars H. Nielsen
xoria by Dmitriy Y. Zotikov
zenburn by Jani Nurminen
The current line can be highlighted by pressing ^T U or by enabling the -hiline option.
The gutter containing line numbers has a dynamic size based on the length of the file, rather than a fixed size of 10.
Updated all language syntax files to use comment_todo and string/comment contexts where appropriate.
Now pass character which invoked a macro to each macro step and call. If a macro step happens to be the 'type' command, the character which invoked the macro will be typed in. For example, this macro will type three 'X's. Before this change you got three NULs.
type,type,type X
Bugs fixed
Fix exsave: (^K ^X) should close file when a block is present in the window, and the file is unmodified (regression from ^C change in 4.2).
Fix regex assertions: they were not working because the character before the search position was not being loaded.
For jmacs: ^Q^J now again inserts \n in the string replace prompt. This broke beginning with JOE 4.0.
Don't try to open files for writing to check file access. This behaves better on unionfs mounts.
Fix stray blocks created after find/replace.
Windows version
Fix inability to set indent step to 1 from menu.
Add support for math functions, fix engineering display.
Fix backslash escapes in find/replace.
Support italicized text.
JOE 4.4
Bugs fixed
Fix segfault due to buffer overrun. This happens if a line with many backslashes appears in the status line context display.
Fix jmacs: ^X ^F and ^X ^B were not working
Build fixes for Solaris
Improve php highlighter: allow numbers in substitution variable names
Unicode tweak: treat private use characters (Co) as printable
Dockerfile highlighter: Add Docker new commands from 1.12, mark bad strings in arrays
Fix loading external charmaps
Windows version
Fix crashing bug when using incremental search
JOE for Windows 4.3
Bugs fixed
Fixed a missed merge that prevented some options menu items from being changed (tab width, tab char, etc).
Fixed bugs updating the title bar.
Minor memory leak/performance fix in subprocess communication.
(from newer version) Fix segfault due to buffer overrun. This happens if you a line with many backslashes appears in the status line context display.
JOE 4.3
Improve memory usage by shrinking buffer header size and highlighter state size.
Improve performance of status line context display (which shows the first line of the function that the cursor is currently in). This feature was making JOE very slow on extremely large files with auto indent enabled (typically JSON or XML data files). Now the syntax highlighter computes the context display (using a new syntax named context.jsf).
Add a mode 'title' to enable or disable the status line context display (previously autoindent mode was overloaded to do this).
Disable syntax highlighting and context display in very large files
Force more appropriate modes when we enter hex dump display: enable overtype, disable autoindent, wordwrap, ansi, picture.
Handle middle mouse button in "joe -mouse" mode (before it did nothing). It's treated as paste (copy region to mouse) as expected. (patch from Petr Olsak).
Bugs fixed
Do not kill region highlighting during incremental search (patch from Petr Olsak).
Negative numbers were not being recognized in blocks
PgUp/PgDn would try to scroll menu if the window above is a menu (it should do this only for completion menus associated with prompts)
Use 'LC_ALL=C sed' to get JOE to compile in OS X.
Forward direction delimiter matching where the delimiters do not begin with special characters (for example in Verilog "begin" / "end") was not working.
Get mouse to work in menus: this broke in 4.1
Character classes with ranges were not working for UTF-8 (as in \[a-z])
Apply spec highlighting to .spec files
Gracefully handle short terminals: fix segfaults which occur when trying to shrink terminal while many windows are on the screen or while turning on help with a short terminal. Fix similar bugs involving the skiptop option. JOE now works even if the terminal height is only one line.
JOE 4.2
New or improved syntax files for the following languages:
Usability Enhancements
The top Google help searches for JOE include:
How do I save and exit? The startup copyright notice has been replaced with basic help for beginners: ^K Q to exit and ^K H for help.
How do I dismiss the region highlighting? The traditional way is to hit ^K B ^K K, but this is slightly non-obvious and has always been awkward. Now Ctrl-C will do it.
How do I close all files and exit? Now Ctrl-K Q does this. Previously ^K Q was the same as ^C: abort a single file.
Restyle the help screens:
Make it more obvious that there is more than one screen: put the help for help inline with the text instead of in the (seemingly invisible) header.
Mention Ctrl-Arrow region selection, status and goto matching delimiter commands on the first screen.
Remove time and "Ctrl-K H for help" message from status bar. Beginners often don't notice this help message, and it takes up valuable status bar space that power users want for the context display.
Add ^KH for help to search and replace prompts. Many JOE users do not know about this context sensitive help.
Provide aborthint and helphint options so that the ^C and ^K H hints can be customized depending on the rc file (so say ^G for abort in jmacs, for example).
Enable -noxon by default (disable ^S/^Q flow control). This allows us to bind ^Q to quote and ^S / ^R to incremental search.
Document ESC X (command prompt) in the help screens.
"joe --help" now prints all command line options.
Other Enhancements
Tags search now tries to find the tags file in parent directories if it does not exist in the current directory and if the TAGS environment variable was not set.
Built-in calculator can now print and accept numbers in binary, octal and engineering formats: dec 12_345 eng 12.345_0e3 bin 0b11_0000_0011_1001 oct 0o3_0071 hex 0x3039
Built-in calculator now prints and accepts separating underscores for clarity. For example, 4_294_967_296 instead of 4294967296.
Enhanced calculator statistics functions:
dev computes standard deviation with full population
samp computes standard deviation with sample of population
Linear regression analysis. Select a region of x and y values, then:
lr(x) provide estimate of y given x
rlr(y) provide estimate of x given y
Lr, lR, LR: log, exponential, power regression
Calculator region functions now assume the entire buffer if no region is set.
Tab completion now works at the calculator prompt (and in all prompts which allow numeric input, such as ^KL- go to line).
Make new regex engine (from JOE 4.1) more compatible with the classic engine. \y is now shorthand for \(\.\*\), so that it does what \* did in the old engine. Also:
\. no longer matches newline.
\* matches shortest match, not longest match.
Add -left and -right options to control the amount scrolling when the cursor moves past the left or right edge of the screen. When the baud rate is low these are automatically set to a large amount. Also, these now control the manual horizontal scrolling commands. When these are positive, they indicate number of columns. When they are negative, they indicate a fraction of the screen width (-2 is 1/2 the width).
Bugs fixed
Fix use after free bug which shows up as a crash in OpenBSD
Fix bug where indent step value was not shown on ^T menu
Fix bug where setting margin doesn't work on big-endian systems
Fix issue where highest valued Unicode character equivalent was not translating to its corresponding 8-bit character. Effect of this was that Delete key was not working in shell windows in ASCII character set.
Standard deviation calculator function was not producing correct results.
Allow koi8r and koi8-r for KOI8-R in joe_getcodeset (which is only used if there is no setlocale).
Guess_crlf forced UNIX line endings for new files even though crlf was set. Now crlf is left alone if guess_crlf can not determine the line ending.
If cursor was at end of a long line and you switched to hex dump display mode, then hex dump was scrolled. Now scroll offset is reset when you switch to hex display mode.
8.0.1429 crash when calling term_start() with empty argument
8.0.1430 crash when term_start() fails
8.0.1431 MS-Windows: vimtutor fails if %TMP% has special chars
8.0.1432 after ":copen" can't get the window-ID of the quickfix window
8.0.1433 illegal memory access after undo
8.0.1434 GTK: :promtfind does not put focus on text input
8.0.1435 memory leak in test_arabic
8.0.1436 not enough information about what Python version may work
8.0.1437 pkg-config doesn't work with cross compiling
8.0.1438 filetype detection test not updated for change
8.0.1439 if cscope fails a search Vim may hang
8.0.1440 terminal window: some vterm responses are delayed
8.0.1441 using ":undo 0" leaves undo in wrong state
8.0.1442 (after 8.0.1439) using pointer before it is set
8.0.1443 (after 8.0.1441) compiler gives uninitialized var warning
8.0.1444 missing -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 may cause problems
8.0.1445 cannot act on edits in the command line
8.0.1446 acessing freed memory after window command in auto command
8.0.1447 still too many old style tests
8.0.1448 segfault with exception inside :rubyfile command
8.0.1449 slow redrawing with DirectX
8.0.1450 GUI: endless loop when stopping cursor blinking
8.0.1451 difficult to set the python home directories properly
8.0.1452 terminal test fails on some systems
8.0.1453 terminal test fails on some slow terminals
8.0.1454 when in silent mode too much output is buffered
8.0.1455 if $SHELL contains a space then 'shell' is incorrect
8.0.1456 timer test on travis Mac is still flaky
8.0.1457 clojure now supports a shebang line
8.0.1458 filetype detection test does not check all scripts
8.0.1459 cannot handle change of directory
8.0.1460 (after 8.0.1459) missing file in patch
8.0.1461 (after 8.0.1459) missing another file in patch
8.0.1462 (after 8.0.1459) missing yet another file in patch
8.0.1463 (after 8.0.1459) test fails without 'autochdir' option
8.0.1464 completing directory after :find does not add slash
8.0.1465 python2 and python3 detection not tested
8.0.1466 older GTK versions don't have gtk_entry_get_text_length()
8.0.1467 libvterm doesn't handle illegal byte sequence correctly
8.0.1468 illegal memory access in del_bytes()
8.0.1469 when package path is a symlink 'runtimepath' is wrong
8.0.1470 integer overflow when using regexp pattern
8.0.1471 on MS-Windows CursorIM highlighting no longer works
8.0.1472 MS-Windows: nsis installer is a bit slow
8.0.1473 MS-Windows: D&D fails between 32 and 64 bit apps
8.0.1474 Visual C 2017 has multiple MSVCVER numbers
8.0.1475 invalid memory access in read_redo()
8.0.1476 screen isn't always updated right away
8.0.1477 redraw flicker when moving mouse outside of terminal window
8.0.1478 unnecessary condition
8.0.1479 insert mode completion state is confusing
8.0.1480 (after 8.0.1479) patch missing change
8.0.1481 clearing a pointer takes two lines
8.0.1482 using feedkeys() does not work to test completion
8.0.1483 searchpair() might return an invalid value on timeout
8.0.1484 reduntant conditions
8.0.1485 weird autocmd may cause arglist to be changed recursively
8.0.1486 accessing invalid memory with "it"
8.0.1487 (after 8.0.1486) test 14 fails
8.0.1488 emacs tags no longer work
8.0.1489 there is no easy way to get the global directory
8.0.1490 number of spell regions is spread out through the code
8.0.1491 the minimum width of the popup menu is hard coded
8.0.1492 memory leak in balloon_split()
8.0.1493 completion items cannot be annotated
8.0.1494 no autocmd triggered in Insert mode with visible popup menu
8.0.1495 having 'pumwidth' default to zero has no merit
8.0.1496 clearing a pointer takes two lines
8.0.1497 getting the jump list requires parsing the output of :jumps
8.0.1498 getjumplist() returns duplicate entries
8.0.1499 out-of-memory situation not correctly handled
8.0.1500 possible NULL pointer dereference
8.0.1501 out-of-memory situation not correctly handled
8.0.1502 in out-of-memory situation character is not restored
8.0.1503 access memory beyond end of string
8.0.1504 Win32: the screen may be cleared on startup
8.0.1505 debugger can't break on a condition
8.0.1506 new version of HP NonStop (Tandem) doesn't like a header
8.0.1507 timer test is a bit flaky
8.0.1508 the :drop command is not always available
8.0.1509 (after 8.0.1508) failing drag-n-drop command no longer fails
8.0.1510 cannot test if a command causes a beep
8.0.1511 some code for the debugger watch expression is clumsy
8.0.1512 warning for possibly using NULL pointer
8.0.1513 the jumplist is not always properly cleaned up
8.0.1514 getting the list of changes is not easy
8.0.1515 BufWinEnter event fired when opening hidden terminal
8.0.1516 errors for job options are not very specific
8.0.1517 invalid memory acces with pattern using look-behind match
8.0.1518 error messages suppressed after ":silent! try"
8.0.1519 getchangelist() does not use argument as bufname()
8.0.1520 cursor in wrong line when using a WinBar in Terminal window
8.0.1521 Shift-Tab does not work in a terminal window
8.0.1522 popup menu is positioned in the wrong place
8.0.1523 cannot write and read terminal screendumps
8.0.1524 (after 8.0.1523) compiler warnings for uninitialized vars
8.0.1525 using :wqa exits even if a job runs in a terminal window
8.0.1526 no test using a screen dump yet
8.0.1527 screen dump test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.1528 dead code found
8.0.1529 assert_equalfile() does not close file descriptors
8.0.1530 dump test fails when using a shadow directory
8.0.1531 cannot use 24 bit colors in MS-Windows console
8.0.1532 compiler warnings without termguicolors feature
8.0.1533 libterm doesn't support requesting fg and bg color
8.0.1534 C syntax test fails when using gvim
8.0.1535 C syntax test still fails when using gvim
8.0.1536 quotestar test is flaky when using the GUI
8.0.1537 xxd does not skip NUL lines when using ebcdic
8.0.1538 popupmenu is too far left when completion is long
8.0.1539 no test for the popup menu positioning
8.0.1540 popup menu positioning fails with longer string
8.0.1541 synpat_T is taking too much memory
8.0.1542 terminal screen dump does not include cursor position
8.0.1543 with 'termguicolors' Normal color doesn't work correctly
8.0.1544 when using 'termguicolors' SpellBad doesn't show
8.0.1545 screen dumps not included in distribution
8.0.1546 using feedkeys() in a terminal may trigger mappings
8.0.1547 undo in the options window makes it empty
8.0.1548 screen dump test script not included in distribution
8.0.1549 various small problems in test files
8.0.1550 various small problems in source files
8.0.1551 on Mac 'maxmemtot' is set to a weird value
8.0.1552 may leak file descriptors when executing job
8.0.1553 cannot see what digraph is used to insert a character
8.0.1554 custom plugins loaded with --clean
8.0.1555 build error for some combination of features
8.0.1556 may not parse the t_RS response correctly
8.0.1557 printf() does not work with only one argument
8.0.1558 no right-click menu in a terminal
8.0.1559 build failure without GUI
8.0.1560 build failure without GUI on MS-Windows
8.0.1561 crash with rust syntax highligting
8.0.1562 the terminal debugger can't set a breakpoint with the mouse
8.0.1563 timeout of getwinposx() can be too short
8.0.1564 too many #ifdefs
8.0.1565 can't build Mac version without GUI
8.0.1566 too many #ifdefs
8.0.1567 cannot build Win32 GUI without IME
8.0.1568 can't build on older Mac, header file is missing
8.0.1569 warning for uninitialized variable from gcc
8.0.1570 can't use :popup for a menu in the terminal
8.0.1571 can't build without GUI
8.0.1572 Mac: getting memory size doesn't work everywhere
8.0.1573 getwinpos(1) may cause response to be handled as command
8.0.1574 show cursor in wrong place when using popup menu
8.0.1575 crash when using virtual replace
8.0.1576 Perl VIM::Buffers() does not find every buffer
8.0.1577 virtual replace test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.1578 no test for :popup in terminal
8.0.1579 virtual replace test fails in GUI
8.0.1581 cannot build Win32 GUI without +eval
8.0.1582 in the MS-Windows console mouse movement is not used
8.0.1583 using C99 comment
8.0.1584 using C99 in Mac file gives compiler warning messages
8.0.1585 enabling beval_term feature in Win32 GUI
8.0.1586 imactivatefunc does not work on non-GUI Mac
8.0.1587 inserting from the clipboard doesn't work literally
8.0.1588 popup menu hangs after typing CTRL-C
8.0.1589 error for setting 'modifiable' when resetting it
8.0.1590 padding in list type wastes memory
8.0.1591 MS-Windows: when reparsing the arguments 'wildignore' matters
8.0.1592 terminal windows in a session are not properly restored
8.0.1593 :qall never exits with an active terminal window
8.0.1594 :confirm qall not tested with active terminal window
8.0.1595 no autocommand triggered before exiting
8.0.1596 no autocommand specifically for opening a terminal window
8.0.1597 autocommand events are not sorted
8.0.1598 cannot select text in a terminal with the mouse
8.0.1599 no error message when gdb does not support debugger
8.0.1600 crash when setting t_Co to zero when 'termguicolors' is set
8.0.1601 highlight test fails on Win32
8.0.1602 crash in parsing JSON
8.0.1603 cannot build with +terminal but without +menu
8.0.1604 paste test may fail if $DISPLAY is not set
8.0.1605 terminal test is a bit flaky
8.0.1606 singular/plural variants not translated
8.0.1607 --clean loads user settings from .gvimrc
8.0.1608 Win32: directx not enabled by default
8.0.1609 shell commands in the GUI use a dumb terminal
8.0.1610 cannot build without GUI
8.0.1611 CTRL-W in system terminal does not go to job
8.0.1612 need to close terminal after shell stopped
8.0.1613 warning for unused variable in tiny build
8.0.1614 "make tags" doesn't include libvterm
8.0.1615 term_dumpload() does not use the right colors
8.0.1616 Win32: shell commands in the GUI open a new console
8.0.1617 Win32: :shell command in the GUI crashes
8.0.1618 color Grey50 is missing in the compiled-in table
8.0.1619 Win32 GUI: crash when winpty is not installed
8.0.1620 reading spell file has no good EOF detection
8.0.1621 using invalid default value for highlight attribute
8.0.1622 possible NULL pointer dereference
8.0.1623 terminal kill tests are flaky
8.0.1624 options for term_dumpdiff()/term_dumpload() not implemented
8.0.1625 test_quotestar is flaky when run in GTK GUI
8.0.1626 compiler warning for possible loss of data
8.0.1627 compiler warning for visibility attribute not supported
8.0.1628 channel log doesn't mention exiting
8.0.1629 Mac: getpagesize() is deprecated
8.0.1630 trimming white space is not that easy
8.0.1631 testing with Vim running in terminal is a bit flaky
8.0.1632 in a terminal dump NUL and space are different
8.0.1633 a TextChanged autocmd triggers when it is defined
8.0.1634 the ex_vimgrep() function is too long
8.0.1635 undefining _POSIX_THREADS causes problems with Python 3
8.0.1636 no test for term_dumpload() and term_dumpdiff()
8.0.1637 no test for term_dumpdiff() options argument
8.0.1638 popup test fails depending on environment variable
8.0.1639 libvterm code lags behind master
8.0.1640 Test_cwd() is flaky
8.0.1641 job in terminal can't communicate with Vim
8.0.1642 running Vim in terminal fails with two windows
8.0.1643 terminal API tests fail
8.0.1644 terminal API tests still fail
8.0.1645 test for terminal response to escape sequence may fail
8.0.1646 MS-Windows: executable contains unreferenced functions
8.0.1647 terminal API may call any user function
8.0.1648 resource fork tool doesn't work on Python 3
8.0.1649 no completion for argument list commands
8.0.1650 too many #ifdefs
8.0.1651 cannot filter :ls output for terminal buffers
8.0.1652 term_dumpwrite() does not output composing characters
8.0.1653 screen dump is made too soon
8.0.1654 warnings for conversion of void to function pointer
8.0.1655 outdated gdb message in terminal debugger unclear
8.0.1656 no option to have xxd produce upper case variable names
8.0.1657 crash when reading a channel
8.0.1658 xxd capitalize argument not available in long form
8.0.1659 scroll events not recognized for some xterm emulators
8.0.1660 the terminal API "drop" command doesn't support options
8.0.1661 warnings from 64 bit compiler
8.0.1662 showing dump diff doesn't mention both file names
8.0.1663 cannot build without multi-byte feature
8.0.1664 test failure because of not allocating enough space
8.0.1665 when running a terminal from the GUI 'term' is not useful
8.0.1666 % argument in ch_log() causes trouble
8.0.1667 terminal window tests are flaky
8.0.1668 terminal debugger: can't re-open source code window
8.0.1669 :vimgrep may add entries to the wrong quickfix list
8.0.1670 terminal window tests are still a bit flaky
8.0.1671 crash when passing non-dict argument as env to job_start()
8.0.1672 error during completion causes command to be cancelled
8.0.1673 terminal window tests are still a bit flaky
8.0.1674 libvterm can't handle an OSC string split
8.0.1675 unused macro argument in libvterm
8.0.1676 no compiler warning for wrong printf format
8.0.1677 no compiler warning for wrong format in vim_snprintf()
8.0.1678 errorformat "%r" implies "%>"
8.0.1679 compiler warning for printf format
8.0.1680 memory allocated by libvterm is not profiled
8.0.1681 the format attribute fails with MinGW
8.0.1682 auto indenting breaks inserting a block
8.0.1683 Python upgrade breaks Vim when defining PYTHON_HOME
8.0.1684 ml_get errors when using terminal window for shell command
8.0.1685 can't set ANSI colors of a terminal window
8.0.1686 Python does not work when configuring with specific dir
8.0.1687 64 bit compiler warnings
8.0.1688 some macros are used without a semicolon
8.0.1689 no tests for xxd
8.0.1690 not easy to run one test with gvim instead of vim
8.0.1691 xxd test sometimes fails
8.0.1692 Python may not work when using statically linked library
8.0.1693 xxd is excluded from coverage statistics
8.0.1694 terminal API test is a bit flaky
8.0.1695 xxd test not run on MS-Windows
8.0.1696 coverage statistics don't work
8.0.1697 various tests are still a bit flaky
8.0.1698 coverage statistics don't work on coveralls
8.0.1699 leftover stuff for Python 1.4
8.0.1700 coverage statistics still don't work on coveralls
8.0.1701 can disable COLOR_EMOJI with MSVC but not MinGW
8.0.1702 leaking memory when autocommands make quickfix list invalid
8.0.1703 in the tutor 'showcmd' is not set
8.0.1704 'backupskip' default doesn't work for Mac
8.0.1705 when making a vertical split the mode message isn't updated
8.0.1706 cannot sent CTRL-\ to a terminal window
8.0.1707 when 'wfh' is set ":bel 10new" scrolls window
8.0.1708 mkdir with 'p' flag fails on existing directory
8.0.1709 some non-C89 code may slip through
8.0.1710 building with Ruby fails
8.0.1711 term_setsize() is not implemented yet
8.0.1712 terminal scrollback is not limited
8.0.1713 terminal debugger doesn't handle arguments
8.0.1714 term_setsize() does not give an error in a normal buffer
8.0.1715 terminal buffer can be 1 more than 'terminalscroll' lines
8.0.1716 test for term_setsize() does not give a good error message
8.0.1717 C89 check causes too much trouble
8.0.1718 terminal scrollback test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.1719 cannot specify which Python executable configure should use
8.0.1720 when a timer is running a terminal window may not close
8.0.1721 no test for using the 'termsize' option
8.0.1722 cannot specify a minimal size for a terminal window
on OSX the configure script will select the "nextstep" window system
unless you explicitly tell it not to:
% bmake configure |& egrep 'PKG_OPTIONS.emacs|What window system should Emacs use'
PKG_OPTIONS.emacs = x11
What window system should Emacs use? nextstep
leaving pkgsrc in a bad state where it thinks it built an x11 version,
but instead emacs built a nextstep version.
add "--without-ns" to the x11 config option for OSX. this
should not impact other platforms.
2018.03.08 - GNU nano 2.9.4 "Isabel" allows binding a key to a string
(any piece of text and/or commands), permits customizing
the color of error messages with 'set errorcolor', colors
those error messages by default in bright white on red,
makes <Enter> at the bottom of the screen scroll just one
row when --smooth is used, does not fail when redoing a
file insertion, and cancels a Shift-selection when any
cursor key is pressed without Shift even when the cursor
cannot move. Further, it treats tabs fully the same as
spaces when doing automatic hard-wrapping, allows syntax
names to be unquoted, and removes two deprecated options
and six deprecated bindable function names.
2018.01.29 - GNU nano 2.9.3 "Córdoba" fixes a segfault with trimblanks
that could occur when a typed space caused the word after
it to be pushed to the next line. It further makes macros
work also when your keyboard still emits escape sequences,
adds the options -M and --trimblanks for the command line,
recognizes key combos with Shift on a few more terminals,
no longer shows dots in certain prompt texts when visible
witespace is turned on, fixes two corner cases when doing
replacements in a marked region, allows to open a named
pipe again when using --noread, and accurately detects
a needed color change when a line contains a start match
but not a corresponding end match any more. Plus some
other small fry.
Bug Fixes
- Add python_3.5_fixes3.patch to Python build and update build docs on OSX to fix missing symbols
- Fix crash caused by Preview holding pointer to user removed resource when front tab is non-html resource
- Fix crash in FlowTab destructor due to re-entering flowtab during Syntax Highlighting and signals
- Fix issue with file icons disappearing when reordering in Book Browser (commit ecb56b1f)
- Fix missing epub3 Manifest cover-image property setting/unsetting with BookBrowser
- Fix issue where cancelling the SaveAs dialog disconnected an existing epub from its saved path
- Fix assertion error in sigil-gumbo when handling extraneous script end tags
- Apply multiple fixes for gumbo from upstream
- Fix segfault in Split at Cursor when not an html file
- Make sure Add Cover tool properly handles existing manifest cover properties in EPUB3s
- Correct error dialog to say "Sigil may need to close."
- Prevent Images and Misc items from being dragged to the Text folder in Book Browser (commit 30bb96d)
- Fix Linux bug that prevents rich text from other programs being pasted into Book View (issue #320)
- Fix bug where index entries inside em and dfn tags were ignored during index generation
- Fix bug on Windows in spell checking when smart right single quotes are used for apostrophes
- Fix bug in simple well-formed check to handle generic xml processing instructions
- Fix bug in epub3 MetaEditor with title-type and collection-type properties
- Fix plugin code to prevent book href vs manifest id clashes
- Fix bug in Plugin Runner to allow it to delete non-manifested files properly
- Fix bug in SourceUpdates to handle properly handle css properties with multiple urls
- Fix bugs in well-formed check to better handle missing doctypes
New Features
- Add SIGIL_DISABLE_CURSOR_BLINK environment variable to disable text cursor to aid Accessibility on OSX
- Better use semantic information (guide types and Landmarks) to allow the user finer control of index generation
- Attempt to improve Metadata Editor placeholder text to help beginners
- Preview Window Title bar will now show height and width of the Preview Window
- Allow users to limit/disable clipboard history saving via General Preferences
- Convert br tags in header text to linebreaks for toc/ncx/nav generation routines
- Support spell checking of words with numbers controlled by Preference settings
- Add two additional Quick Lauch Icons for Plugins
8.0.1380 using "vim -r swapfile" the hit-enter prompt is misplaced.
8.0.1381 ch_readraw() waits for NL if channel mode is NL
8.0.1382 get "no write since last change" message if terminal is open
8.0.1383 local additions in help skips some files
8.0.1384 not enough quickfix help; confusing winid
8.0.1385 Python 3.5 is getting old
8.0.1386 cannot select modified buffers with getbufinfo()
8.0.1387 wordcount test is old style
8.0.1388 char not overwritten with ambiguous width char
8.0.1389 getqflist() items are missing if not set
8.0.1390 DirectX scrolling can be slow, vertical positioning is off
8.0.1391 encoding empty string to JSON sometimes gives "null"
8.0.1392 build fails with --with-features=huge --disable-channel
8.0.1393 too much highlighting with 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' set
8.0.1394 cannot intercept a yank command
8.0.1395 it is not easy to see if a colorscheme is well written
8.0.1396 memory leak when CTRL-G in search command line fails
8.0.1397 pattern with \& following nothing gives an error
8.0.1398 :packadd does not load packages from the "start" directory
8.0.1399 warnings and errors when building tiny version
8.0.1400 color scheme check script shows up as color scheme
8.0.1401 cannot build with GTK but without XIM
8.0.1402 crash with nasty autocommand
8.0.1403 using freed buffer in grep command
8.0.1404 invalid memory access on exit
8.0.1405 duplicated code for getting a typed character
8.0.1406 difficult to track changes to a quickfix list
8.0.1407 GUI: CursorHold may trigger before 'updatetime'
8.0.1408 crash in setqflist()
8.0.1409 buffer overflow in :tags command
8.0.1410 hang when using count() with an empty string
8.0.1411 reading invalid memory with CTRL-W :
8.0.1412 using free memory using setloclist()
8.0.1413 accessing freed memory in :cbuffer
8.0.1414 accessing freed memory in :lfile.
8.0.1415 warning for unused function without timers feature
8.0.1416 crash when searching for a sentence
8.0.1417 test doesn't search for a sentence
8.0.1418 no test for expanding backticks
8.0.1419 cursor column is not updated after ]s
8.0.1420 accessing freed memory in vimgrep
8.0.1421 accessing invalid memory with overlong byte sequence
8.0.1422 no fallback to underline when undercurl is not set
8.0.1423 error in return not caught by try/catch
8.0.1424 the timer_pause test is flaky on Travis
8.0.1425 execute() does not work in completion of user command
8.0.1426 "gf" and <cfile> don't accept ? and & in URL
8.0.1427 the :leftabove modifier doesn't work for :copen
8.0.1428 compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows system
Release 0.6.2 (TL'17) [April 2017]
* Implement handling of links to external files in the PDF preview
* Implement a simple screen calibration widget to allow adapting the PDF
preview to the screen's resolution
* Improve responsiveness when opening large documents
* Use old content instead of rendering placeholers after a PDF was reloaded
to facilitate seeing changes
* Improve the usability of the "Remove Aux Files..." dialog by letting the
user toogle the selection by clicking anywhere on the row
* Add support for the bibliography program "biber" by default
* Allow custom zoom levels in the PDF status bar context menu
* Add a Windows manifest so TeXworks looks more "native" on modern versions
of Windows
* Fix PDF zoom speed for high-resolution mouse-wheels
* Fix a deadlock causing TeXworks to hang when loading PDF annotations such
as links
* Fix crash when changing files outside TeXworks
* Fix crash when syncing from an if-block in the TeX file
* Fix crash when reloading a PDF while text was selected
* Fix enabling of the first/previous/next/last page toolbar buttons in the
PDF preview
* Fix the wrong appearance of the PDF magnifier in some cases
* Fix truncation issues and misreported Windows versions in "Email to
mailing list"
* Update translations
The actual fix as been done by "pkglint -F */*/", and was
reviewed manually.
There are some .include lines that still are indented with zero spaces
although the surrounding .if is indented. This is existing practice.
Upstream changes:
2018 January 2
GNU nano 2.9.2 "Pussy Riot" correctly displays the Modified
state when undoing/redoing (also when the file was saved
somewhere midway), improves the undoing of an automatic
linefeed at EOF, fixes a build issue on the BSDs, shows
the cursor again when compiled with --withslang, renames
the option 'justifytrim' to 'trimblanks' because it will
now snip trailing whitespace also while you are typing
(and hard-wrapping is enabled), continues pushing words
to the next line much longer (when hard-wrapping), makes
and indent and unindent a marked region,
allows unindenting when not all lines are indented, lets a
region marked with Shift persist when indenting/unindenting
or commenting/uncommenting it, and in those cases excludes
the last line of the region when it is not visibly marked
(which makes for a more intuitive behavior).
Unsorted entries in PLIST files have generated a pkglint warning for at
least 12 years. Somewhat more recently, pkglint has learned to sort
PLIST files automatically. Since pkglint 5.4.23, the sorting is only
done in obvious, simple cases. These have been applied by running:
pkglint -Cnone,PLIST -Wnone,plist-sort -r -F
Changes between v2.9.0 and v2.9.1:
Benno Schulenberg (21):
build: fix compilation with --disable-browser --disable-tabcomp
bump version numbers and add a news item for the 2.9.1 release
files: always update the stat info when the entire file is written
files: save the marked region only when we've prompted for a file name
gnulib: update to its current upstream state
history: create the path '~/.local/share/' when it is needed
history: make nano's state directory accessible for the user only
history: save the positions file also when a record was deleted
input: make the macro key discoverable by giving feedback when undefined
linting: switch the mark off when the linter starts
po: update translations and regenerate POT file and PO files
selecting: do not cancel the softmark when the cursor is not moved
selecting: let a justification cancel a softmark
syntax: adjust the magic strings for the changes since file-5.10
tweaks: adjust indentation after previous change
tweaks: elide the 'mark_set' boolean -- the 'mark' pointer is enough
tweaks: rename, rewrap, and reshuffle some stuff, and frob some comments
tweaks: reshuffle a couple of lines, and frob a comment or two
tweaks: reshuffle a couple of lines, to put similar things together
undo: clear the Modified state when the very first edit is undone
undo: discarding the stack does not always lose information
- use Breeze window theme on KDE Plasma 5
- support single-finger panning gesture on most config dialog components
- support single-finger panning touch gesture on log viewer
- pdf viewer scroll tool: support single-finger panning gesture
- center width-constrained documents in the editor (optional)
- add document tab context menu entries "Close" and "Close All Other Documents"
- improved layout of config build page
- add system check for language tool
- change search defaults to case-insensitive (feature-requests#1254)
- tags for beamer
- change preview default to embedded pdf
- handle preview failures more gracefully, i.e. no warning pop-ups
- repect preview settings (panel,etc) also for hover preview
- show hover preview as tooltip in case of inline-mode
- warn if compiler commands are actually a command list
- several improvements to the latex parser
- notify that a restart is required when switching between modern and
classic style
- improved LanguageTool communication: better error handling
- add reset to default button for some LT settings
- add 200ms delay before showing auto-hidden viewer toolbar to prevent
- eye candy for pdf circular magnifier (adapted code from texworks)
- show pdf highlight in magnifier
- capslock does not close completer any more
- alternative approach for determine directories from complete texts
- use cache for previews
- auto open completer when starting to type in references, packages etc.
- scripting: editor.cutBuffer
- subframetitle in structure view
- enable inputMethod (e.g. ^) in completer
- change default for complete non-text chacters to off, as it tends to
cause unexpected behaviour
- bug fixes
Version 3.13 19-December-2016
1. Since 3.12 the list of commands that are allowed in readonly mode was out of
step by one.
2. Output "reading" or "writing" when reporting failure to open a file.
3. If a regular expression match in widechars mode encountered a line
containing an invalid UTF-8 string, it behaved as "no match" on that line
instead of reporting the error from PCRE.
4. In screen mode, if a global limit was set, the ending message for a global
match (e.g. "No More: x matches, y changes") was overwritten at the start by a
line number unless "all" was given to the global prompt.
5. The global limit mark has been separated from the text mark and now operates
independently. As a result, it is now possible to cut and paste text and do
bulk line operations while a global limit is set.
6. The "configure" script now checks for the presence of the chosen PCRE
library and also for the termcap or terminfo library.
Version 3.12 04-October-2016
The way that the "back" command works is completely revised. It is now possible
to change the size of the "regions" that "back" remembers, using the BACKREGION
command. The "front" command (defaulted on the ^F keystroke) moves to the line
that is at the top of the back stack.
Version 3.11 19-August-2016
1. NE was crashing if a BACK command was issued before any changes were made
to the file.
2. "Back" line handling was doing some unnecessary processing and occasionally
giving a mysterious (incorrect) error message about reading commands in
binary mode. This should have been "'back' line not found", an internal
error. The internal error has been fixed. It happened in some cases when two
changes were made on a line that was subsequently deleted - only one
instance was removed from the "back" list if the two instances were
3. "Back" handling wasn't always remembering modification points for certain
cursor movements.
Version 3.10 27-January-2016
1. Default to using PCRE2, but with a configure option to revert to PCRE1.
2. Removed some old coding macros that were set up for 16-bit Borland C, which
are surely obsolete now.
3. Fix minor uninitialized read issue in argument decoding on 64-bit systems.
4. After compiling with a lot of warnings enabled, a lot of code tidying has
been done, mainly turning many int variables into unsigned ints, and
removing parameters that are not used in Unix-like environments (a hangover
from early versions that ran on different systems). There is still plenty
that could be done, however.
5. Removed configure tests for strerror(), memmove(), and bcopy() as these are
nowadays always available, and anyway, the code no longer checked the
macros (bcopy() wasn't even used). TIOCGWINSZ was assumed in the
configuration, so removed the checks in the code.
Version 3.04 27-December-13
1. Change 2 for 3.03 broke full-screen editing when run from a non-xterm
terminal (e.g. "screen") because it acccidentally insisted on the presence
of a Delete key.
Version 3.03 09-November-13
1. Removed some set but unused variables (detected by clever new compiler).
2. Updated special keystroke handling for xterm to use more of the default
strings as specified in the default terminfo file (at least, the one on my
Arch Linux system).
note: script detailed in `man revbump` insisted on bumping pkgrevision of
print/poppler, it's probably wrong, but not committing this change is wronger.
ChromeOS userland has a libselinux but not the selinux.h header file. The
configure check passes but compilation later fails.
However, the resulting binary still does not run. It gets killed on
startup with "buffer overflow detected".
8.0.1215 newer gcc warns for implicit fallthrough
8.0.1216 tabline is not always updated for :file command
8.0.1217 can't use remote eval to inspect vars in debug mode
8.0.1218 writing to freed memory in autocmd
8.0.1219 terminal test is flaky
8.0.1220 skipping empty statusline groups is not correct
8.0.1221 still too many old style tests
8.0.1222 test functions interfere with each other
8.0.1223 crash when using autocomplete and tab pages
8.0.1224 still interference between test functions
8.0.1225 no check for spell region being zero
8.0.1226 edit and popup tests failing
8.0.1227 undefined left shift in readfile()
8.0.1228 invalid memory access in GUI test
8.0.1229 condition in vim_str2nr() is always true
8.0.1230 CTRL-A in Visual mode uses character after selection
8.0.1231 expanding file name drops dash
8.0.1232 MS-Windows users are confused about default mapping
8.0.1233 typo in dos installer
8.0.1234 MS-Windows: composing chars are not shown properly
8.0.1235 cannot disable the terminal feature in a huge build
8.0.1236 Mac features are confusing
8.0.1237 ":set scroll&" often gives an error
8.0.1238 incremental search only shows one match
8.0.1239 cannot use a lambda for the skip argument to searchpair()
8.0.1240 MS-Windows: term_start() does not support environment
8.0.1241 popup test is flaky
8.0.1242 function argument with only dash is seen as number zero
8.0.1243 no test for what 8.0.1227 fixes
8.0.1244 search test does not work correctly on MS-Windows
8.0.1245 when WaitFor() has a wrong expression it just waits a second
8.0.1246 popup test has an arbitrary delay
8.0.1247 not easy to find Debian build info
8.0.1248 stray + in README file
8.0.1249 no error when WaitFor() gets an invalid wrong expression
8.0.1250 'hlsearch' highlighting not removed after incsearch
8.0.1251 invalid expressin passed to WaitFor()
8.0.1252 incomplete translations makefile for MinGW/Cygwin
8.0.1253 still too many old style tests
8.0.1254 undefined left shift in gethexchrs()
8.0.1255 duplicate badge README file
8.0.1256 typo in configure variable vim_cv_tgent
8.0.1257 no test for fix of undefined behavior
8.0.1258 'ttymouse' is set to "sgr" even though it's not supported
8.0.1259 search test can be flaky
8.0.1260 using global variables for WaitFor()
8.0.1261 program in terminal window gets NL instead of CR
8.0.1262 terminal redir test is flaky
8.0.1263 others can read the swap file if a user is careless
8.0.1264 terminal debugger gets stuck in small window
8.0.1265 swap test not skipped when there is one group
8.0.1266 Test_swap_directory was commented out
8.0.1267 Test_swap_group may leave file behind
8.0.1268 PC install instructions are incomplete
8.0.1269 effect of autocommands on marks is not tested
8.0.1270 mismatching file name with Filelist
8.0.1271 still too many old style tests
8.0.1272 warnings for unused variables in tiny build
8.0.1273 old test file remaining
8.0.1274 setbufline() fails when using folding
8.0.1275 CmdlineLeave autocmd prevents fold from opening
8.0.1276 key lost when window closed in exit callback
8.0.1277 terminal window CR-NL conversions may cause problems
8.0.1278 GUI window always resizes when adding scrollbar
8.0.1279 initializing menus can be slow
8.0.1280 Python None cannot be converted to a Vim type
8.0.1281 loading file type detection slows down startup
8.0.1282 script-local variable defined in the wrong script
8.0.1283 test 86 fails under ASAN
8.0.1284 loading file type detection slows down startup
8.0.1285 distributed autoload files may clash with user files
8.0.1286 occasional crash when using a channel
8.0.1287 temp file used for viminfo may have wrong permissions
8.0.1288 GUI: cannot drag the statusline of a terminal window
8.0.1289 mkview always includes the local directory
8.0.1290 seq_cur of undotree() wrong after undo
8.0.1291 C indent wrong when * immediately follows comment
8.0.1292 quick clicks in the WinBar start Visual mode
8.0.1293 setting a breakpoint in the terminal debugger sometimes fails
8.0.1294 GUI: get stuck when splitting a terminal window
8.0.1295 cannot automatically get a server name in a terminal
8.0.1296 checking the same condition twice
8.0.1297 +autoservername does not show enabled on MS-Windows
8.0.1298 missing test file
8.0.1299 bracketed paste does not work well in terminal window
8.0.1300 file permissions may end up wrong when writing
8.0.1301 generated license file for NSIS has a modeline
8.0.1302 still too many old style tests
8.0.1303 'ttymouse' is not set to "sgr" for and Iterm2
8.0.1304 CTRL-G/CTRL-T don't work with incsearch and empty pattern
8.0.1305 writefile() never calls fsync()
8.0.1306 ASAN error stack trace is not useful
8.0.1307 compiler warning for ignoring return value
8.0.1308 the "Reading from stdin" message may be undesired
8.0.1309 cannot use 'balloonexpr' in a terminal
8.0.1310 cproto generates errors because of missing type
8.0.1311 no test for strpart()
8.0.1312 balloon_show() only works in terminal when compiled with GUI
8.0.1313 missing dependencies cause parallel make to fail
8.0.1314 build fails on Mac
8.0.1315 build still fails on Mac
8.0.1316 build still still fails on Mac
8.0.1317 accessing freed memory in term_wait()
8.0.1318 terminal balloon only shows one line
8.0.1319 can't build GUI on MS-Windows
8.0.1320 popup test fails on GUI-only build
8.0.1321 can't build huge version with Athena
8.0.1322 textformat test isn't run
8.0.1323 mouse events in a terminal window may cause endless loop
8.0.1324 some xterm sends different mouse move codes
8.0.1325 more tests are not run
8.0.1326 largefile test fails on CI, glob test on MS-Windows
8.0.1327 new proto file missing from distribution
8.0.1328 trouble when using ":term ++close" with autocmd
8.0.1329 when a flaky test fails it also often fails the second time
8.0.1330 MS-Windows: job in terminal can't get back to Vim
8.0.1331 possible crash when window can be zero lines high
8.0.1332 highlighting in quickfix window could be better
8.0.1333 some tests are run twice
8.0.1334 splitting a window with a WinBar damages window layout
8.0.1335 writefile() using fsync() may give an error.
8.0.1336 cannot use imactivatefunc() unless compiled with +xim
8.0.1337 typo in #ifdef
8.0.1338 USE_IM_CONTROL is confusing and incomplete
8.0.1339 no test for what 8.0.1335 fixes
8.0.1340 MS-Windows: cannot build GUI without IME
8.0.1341 'imactivatefunc' test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.1342 cannot build with Motif and multi-byte
8.0.1343 MS-Windows: does not show colored emojis
8.0.1344 using 'imactivatefunc' in the GUI does not work
8.0.1345 race condition between stat() and open() for viminfo
8.0.1346 crash when passing 50 char string to balloon_split()
8.0.1347 MS-Windows: build broken by misplaced curly
8.0.1348 make testclean deletes script file on MS-Windows
8.0.1349 options test fails when using Motif or GTK GUI
8.0.1350 cannot build with +eval and -multi_byte
8.0.1351 warning for unused variables building with MinGW
8.0.1352 dead URLs in the help go unnoticed
8.0.1353 QuickFixCmdPost is not used consistently
8.0.1354 Shift-Insert doesn't always work in MS-Windows console
8.0.1355 cursor keys don't work in MS-Windows console
8.0.1356 using simalt in a GUIEnter autocommand inserts characters
8.0.1357 startup test fails on OpenBSD
8.0.1358 undercurl is not used in the terminal
8.0.1359 libvterm ANSI colors can not always be recognized
8.0.1360 the Terminal highlighting doesn't work in a terminal
8.0.1361 some users don't want to diff with hidden buffers
8.0.1362 terminal window colors wrong when using Terminal highlighting
8.0.1363 recovering does not work when swap file ends in .stz
8.0.1364 there is no easy way to get the window position
8.0.1365 when one channel test fails others fail as well
dte is a small and easy to use console text editor.
- Multiple buffers/tabs
- Unlimited undo/redo
- Search and replace
- Syntax highlighting
- Customizable color schemes
- Customizable key bindings
- Command language with auto-completion
- Jump to definition (using ctags)
- Jump to compiler error
2017.11.18 - GNU nano 2.9.0 "Eta" introduces the ability to record and
replay keystrokes (M-: to start and stop recording, M-;
to play the macro back), makes ^Q and ^S do something
useful by default (^Q starts a backward search, and ^S
saves the current file), changes ^W to start always a
forward search, shows the number of open buffers (when
more than one) in the title bar, no longer asks to press
Enter when there are errors in an rc file, retires the
options '--quiet' and 'set quiet' and 'set backwards',
makes indenting and unindenting undoable, will look in
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME for a nanorc file and in $XDG_DATA_HOME
for the history files, adds a history stack for executed
commands (^R^X), does not overwrite the position-history
file of another nano, and fixes a score of tiny bugs.
Since the non-{X11,lucid} toolkits have bitrotted, remove those
options, and rework like the editors/xemacs one.
Switching to the portable dumper and using system malloc obsoletes the
Like XEmacs 21.4 and the emacsen, we need to build with -DTERMINFO for
proper console display.
Since Makefile content is minimal for xemacs-current{,-nox11}, keep
the pkgsrc nb revision centrally in Makefile.common.
Take maintainership.
8.0.1177 in a terminal window the popup menu is not cleared
8.0.1178 using old compiler on MS-Windows
8.0.1179 Test_popup_and_window_resize() does not always pass
8.0.1180 MS-Windows testclean target deletes the color script
8.0.1181 tests using Vim command fail on MS-Windows
8.0.1182 cannot see or change mzscheme dll name
8.0.1183 MS-Windows build instructions are outdated
8.0.1184 the :marks command is not tested
8.0.1185 Ruby library includes minor version number
8.0.1186 still quite a few old style tests
8.0.1187 building with lua fails for OSX on Travis
8.0.1188 autocmd test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.1189 E172 is not actually useful
8.0.1190 unusable after opening new window in BufWritePre event
8.0.1191 MS-Windows: missing 32 and 64 bit files in installer
8.0.1192 MS-Windows: terminal feature not enabled by default
8.0.1193 crash when wiping out a buffer after using getbufinfo()
8.0.1194 actual fg and bg colors of terminal are unknown
8.0.1195 can't build on MS-Windows
8.0.1196 crash when t_RF is not set
8.0.1197 MS-Windows build instructions are not up to date
8.0.1198 older compilers don't know uint8_t
8.0.1199 when 'clipboard' is "autoselectplus" star register is set
8.0.1200 tests switch the bell off twice
8.0.1201 "yL" is affected by 'scrolloff'
8.0.1202 :wall gives an errof for a terminal window
8.0.1203 terminal window mistreats composing characters
8.0.1204 a QuitPre autocommand may get the wrong file name
8.0.1205 it is possible to unload a changed buffer
8.0.1206 no autocmd for entering or leaving the command line
8.0.1207 profiling skips the first and last script line
8.0.1208 'statusline' drops empty group with highlight change
8.0.1209 still too many old style tests
8.0.1210 CTRL-G and CTRL-T are ignored with typeahead
8.0.1211 cannot reorder tab pages with drag & drop
8.0.1212 MS-Windows: tear-off menu does not work on 64 bit
8.0.1213 setting 'mzschemedll' has no effect
8.0.1214 accessing freed memory when EXITFREE is set
historic focus is autocompletion, but does static analysis for now as well.
Jedi is fast and is very well tested. It understands Python on a deeper level
than all other static analysis frameworks for Python.
Jedi has support for two different goto functions. It's possible to search for
related names and to list all names in a Python file and infer them. Jedi
understands docstrings and you can use Jedi autocompletion in your REPL as