* Fix: work toward working operational-01
* Fix: do not use . notation in systemd but _
Version 3.3.1
* Fix: typo using uid instead gid (could prevent dropping privileges !)
* Fix: prevent ExaBGP to start if the log folder is not writeable by the user
* Fix: configuration defaults for booleans ( and warns when group-updates is not enabled );
* Fix: issue when removing some routes
* Fix: bad printing of route as-path
* Fix: neighbor matching was too permissive
* Fix: under load ExaBGP could miss some commands sent through the API
* Change: performing KeepAlive handling as first action
* Change: time is provided as an high resolution real number and not an integer
Version 3.3.0
* Fix: typo causing issue when parsing multiple neighbor commands
* Fix: bad handling of EOR
* Fix: multiple bugs with multi neighbor commands
* Feature: allow as-path [ asn asn, [ asn ] ]
* Other: migrate the setup.py script to work with git (vs hg)
* Change: TEXT API format changed and version updated to 3.3.0
(reflect the version when the last change was introduced)
* Change: JSON API format changed and version updated to 3.3.0
* Change: as-path now returns two JSON keys, 'as-path' and 'as-set'
* Change: NLRI are now grouped by next-hop, next-hop removed from the NLRI
* Change: raw message use the keyword "message" and not "update"
* Change/Fix: JSON for announcement was missing next-hop
* Change: on TEXT API, "announced route eor" becomes "announced eor"
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
* Fix: bug when displaying EOR
* Fix: invalid check on next-hop for multi-line routes
* Fix: badly parsing command line for run option
* Fix: allow the creation of 'allow' flows
* Fix: bad JSON encoding for EOR
* Fix: API message encoding
* Improvement: allow digit:digit in extended communities
* Improvement: healtcheck.py, python 2.6 and community support
server into a router, but to allow engineers to control their BGP (rfc4271)
network easily. Think of it as Software Defined Networking for people with
"commodity" routers.
ExaBGP transform BGP (rfc4271) messages into friendly plain text or JSON
which can be easily manipulate by scripts.
It allows the creation of tools such as:
* advanced looking glass graphically display the routing of prefix
* high availability tool which automatically isolate broken services
* DDOS mitigation
* an anycasted server