pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependencies
Upstream changes:
1.26 2010-01-12 03:55:50
- Depend on Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple 0.28 to avoid failures
caused by a bug in 0.27.
1.25 2010-01-02 16:13:06
- Update repository metadata after moving from svn to git.
1.24 2009-12-07 23:23:36
- File name for .yml file generated is now correct.
- Fixes for consistent spacing in generated application template.
- Stop requiring generated test files to have a true return value.
- Win32 compatibility fixes:
1) hardcoded 'make' replaced by: $Config{make}||'make'
2) testing executable flags skipped on Win32
- Fix pod to match option names on Catalyst::Script::Server
1.23 2009-12-06 12:22:12
- Fix generated app test to be multi-platform and fix issue with case
for generated files. (Dave Rolsky)
- Fix Test::More version dependency so that subtest works correctly.
- Add a $VERSION to Catalyst::Helper as PAUSE used to pull $VERSION
(i.e. 0.01) out of the app template section and use that, so we now
can't not have a version number here or it makes pause unhappy.
1.22 2009-12-05 07:23:00
- Use MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast so that options
supplied to ->new are put into the hash even if attributes
do not exist for them. This fixes -force recreating application
1.21_01 2009-12-01 03:34:23
- Update generated scripts to use the new Catalyst::Script:: classes
available from Catalyst 5.80014_02.
Note: Any applications whos scripts are upgraded will need to depend
on at least this version of Catalyst.
- Change application templates from being inlined in Catalyst::Helper
to being in a share dir making the templates much easier to maintain
and patch.
- Generate new applications with Moose and Moose style components.
- Remove dependency on as this has been removed from the generated
application template.
- Turn off deprecated regex component lookup in the config of new
- Test application generation and helper classes properly.
- Change tests in generated application and components to use the new
done_testing feature rather than having test plans.
- Update required versions of dependencies to ensure the installed versions
won't cause deprecation warnings with the latest Catalyst.
- Exclude root/, t/ and hidden dirs from file change monitoring when
using File::ChangeNotify 0.08+. (dew)
- Updated POD of Module/Install/ (Karsten Heymann)
- Added debian package building temp files to the list
of ignored files/directories and fix ignore for subversion
checkouts. (Karsten Heymann)
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependencies
Upstream changes:
0.05 Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:38:51 +0100
* Depend on a later version of PadWalker to avoid segfaults in the
Catalyst test suite.
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependencies
- Adjusting module type to use bundled Module::Install
Upstream changes:
0.28 2010-01-04 13:15:00
- Fix issues in debug mode. (RT#53338)
0.27 2010-01-03 14:49:00
- Switch to being a Moose role, removing dependencies on
Class::Data::Inheritable and Class::Accessor (Andrey Kostenko in
- Make Pod tests mandatory for authors but never run otherwise
- Switch to Test::NoTabs to ensure no tabs, rather than
0.26 2009-12-06 12:30:00
- Fix Pod to show less nasty method of assigning config by calling
the config method with parameters, rather than poking around inside
the hash.
- Require newer (>= 0.15) Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest for subrequest
tests as old versions don't work with new Catalyst (>= 5.80014)
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependencies
Upstream changes:
5.80018 2010-01-12 22:24:20
Bug fixed:
- Call ->canonical on URI derived from $ENV{REQUEST_URI} to get
paths correctly decoded. This bug was previously hidden by a bug
in HTTP::Request::AsCGI
- Clarify that uri_for_action works on private paths, with example.
- Saying use Catalyst::Test; (without an application name or () to stop
the importer running is now deprecated and will issue a warning.
You should be saying use Catalyst::Test ();
5.80017 2010-01-10 02:27:29
- Fix docs for ->forward method when passed a class name - this should
be a component name (e.g. View::HTML, not a full class name, like
Bug fixes:
- --daemon and -d options to Catalyst::Script::FastCGI are fixed.
- Fix the debug dump for applications which use Catalyst::Plugin::Session
- Fix regression in the case where mod_rewrite is being used to rewrite
requests into a path below your application base introduced with the
%2F related fixes in 5.80014_02.
- Do not crash on SIGHUP if Catalyst::Engine::HTTP->run is not passed the
argv key in the options hash.
- Correctly pass the arguments to Catalyst::Script::Server through to
Catalyst::Engine::HTTP->run so that the server can restart itself
with the correct options on SIGHUP.
- Require new MooseX::MethodAttributes to be compatible with Moose
versions >= 0.93_01
- Require new MooseX::Role::WithOverloading to be compatible with Moose
versions >= 0.93_01
- Stop suppressing warnings from Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT now that most plugins
have been updated to not use NEXT. If you get warnings then please upgrade
your components or log a bug with the component author if an upgrade is
not available. The Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT documentation contains information
about how to suppress the warnings in your application if you need to.
5.80016 2009-12-11 23:23:33
Bug fixes:
- Fix slurping a file to work correctly with binary on Win32 in the
encoding test controller.
Bug fixes in the new scripts (for applications which have been upgraded):
- Allow --restartdirectory as an option for the Server script, for
backwards compatibility. (Dave Rolsky)
- The --host option for the server script defaulted to localhost, rather
than listening on all interfaces, which was the previous default. (Dave
- Restore -p option for pid file in the FastCGI server script.
- Fix the script environment variables MYAPP_PORT and MYAPP_RELOAD RT#52604
- Fix aliasing applications under non-root paths with mod_rewrite in
some apache versions where %ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} is set to the real name of
the script, by using $ENV{REDIRECT_URL} which contains the non-rewritten
- Fix usage display when is run with no arguments. RT#52630
New features:
- The __MOP__ hash element is suppressed from being dumped fully
(and instead stringified) when dumping the error screen to be
less packed with information of no use.
- Fix Pod nits (RT#52370)
5.80015 2009-12-02 15:13:54
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug in Catalyst::Engine which would cause a request parsing to end
prematurely in the hypothetical case where calling $engine->read returned
the single character '0'.
- Fix failing tests when combined with new HTTP::Request::AsCGI
- Improved documentation on read and read_chunk methods in Catalyst::Engine.
- Fix reversal of SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO in previously correct nginx
FastCGI documentation introduced in _02.
5.80014_02 2009-12-01 00:55:23
Bug fixes:
- Fix reporting the wrong Content-Length if the response body is an
upgraded string. Strings mean the same thing whether or not they are
upgraded, may get upgraded even after they are encoded, and will
produce the same output either way, but bytes::length returns too big
values for upgraded strings containing characters >127
- Fix t/live_fork.t with bleadperl (RT#52100)
- Set $ENV{PATH_INFO} from $ENV{REQUEST_URI} combined with
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} if possible. This is many web servers always fully
decode PATH_INFO including URI reserved characters. This allows us to
tell foo%2cbar from foo%252cbar, and fixes issues with %2F in paths
being incorrectly decoded, resulting in too many path parts (rather
than 1 path part containing a /, on some web servers (at least nginx).
- Require new HTTP::Request::AsCGI so that it fully decodes $ENV{PATH_INFO}
in non CGI contexts. (RT#50082)
Refactoring / cleanups:
- NoTabs and Pod tests moved to t/author so that they're not run
(and then skipped) normally.
- Fix Pod nits in Catalyst::Response (RT#51818)
5.80014_01 2009-11-22 20:01:23
Bug fixes:
- Filehandle now forced to binmode in CGI and FastCGI engines. This appears
to correct some UTF-8 issues, but may break people's code which relies
on the old behaviour.
Refactoring / cleanups:
- Plugins which inherit from Catalyst::Controller or Catalyst::Component
are deprecated and now issue warnings.
pkgsrc changes:
- Correcting license
Upstream changes:
1.2 2010-01-12
- Fixed the %ENV concatenation that's broken in 1.1 but wasn't shipped to CPAN (miyagawa)
- REQUEST_URI is trying to replicate as raw values as possible, without being canonicalized (miyagawa)
1.1 2009-12-07
- added test to check that %ENV is preserved after setup is called
- setup now concatenates its environment to %ENV instead of replacing it
1.0 2009-11-30
- Change how PATH_INFO is decoded so that everything is decoded, including
URI reserved characters (RT#50082)
Padre import.
This module attempts to answer, as accurately as it can, one of the nastiest
technical questions there is.
Am I on the internet?
That is, it's a problem that had no clean permanent solution, and for which
you could just keep writing more and more functionality indefinitely,
asymtopically approaching 100% correctness but never reaching it.
And so this module is intended to do as good a job as possible, without
having to resort to asking any human questions (who may well get it wrong
anyway), and limiting itself to a finite amount of programming work and a
reasonable level of memory overhead to load the code.
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependency of core modules
Upstream changes:
2009-12-30 Release 1.52 - Gisle Aas <>
Gisle Aas (7):
Encode::decode('UTF-8',...) with callback implemented in 2.39
%%host%% hack can be removed when URI::_server::as_iri works
Don't croak on IRIs that can't be IDNA encoded
IDNA roundtrip test on wrong variable
Check behaviour when feeded URI constructor Latin-1 chars
Add some test examples from draft-duerst-iri-bis.txt
Need to recognize lower case hex digits as well
django-registratio is a simple application which provides flexible
user registration for Django-based projects. The default setup
implements a fairly common workflow:
1. User signs up for account.
2. User receives an email containing instructions for activating
the account.
3. User activates and begins using the site.
he TYPO3 core team has just released TYPO3 version 4.3.1, which is now
ready for you to download. It is a maintenance release of the current
stable branch 4.3 and contains bugfixes and security fixes.
IMPORTANT: This version includes important security fixes to the TYPO3
core. A security announcement has just been released:
For details about the release, see:
Problem noticed by Bug Hunting via PR#42609.
At the moment, MASTER_SITES is commented out.
Although it is linked from HOMEPAGE, but only have very old version now.
(and tarball from is checksum mismatch).
From release notes at:
November 28, 2009
Trac 0.11.6 contains two security fixes and a number of bug fixes,
performance improvements and minor enhancements.
Changes in 0.11.6
* Fixed the policy checks in report results when using
alternate formats.
* Added a check for the "raw" role that is missing in docutils
< 0.6.
* Re-enabled connection pooling with SQLite (#3446).
* Added caching of configuration options (#8510).
* Fixed the "database is locked" issue with SQLite (#3446,
* Deprecated SQLite 2.x support (#8625).
* Fixed hanlding of times in timezones with DST (#8240).
* Avoid corruption of trac.ini during write (#8623).
* Improved support for revision ranges in the revision log
view (#8349)
updating during freeze approved by wiz@
* pagestats: Add show parameter. Closes: #562129
* toc: Add startlevel parameter. (kerravonsen)
* comments: Add a checksum to the name of comment pages, to avoid
merge conflicts when comments are posted to two branches of a site.
* linkmap: Add option to omit disconnected pages from the map.
* inline: Fix bug that limited displayed pages when feedshow was
specified w/o show.
* Fix several places that did not properly handle capitalization of
the discussionpage setting. Specifically, fixes discussion actions
on discussion pages, and unbreaks the opendiscussion plugin.
Updating during the freeze for relevant bugfixes, particularly this last.
It initially existed originally came from PR#27567 for www/apache2.
CVE-2007-3304 parts was added in rev 1.2, then whole patch file was removed in
rev 1.3 as update to apache-2.2.6, because the update contains fix for
CVE-2007-3304 and comments of patch-ab only mentioned about the CVE.
To prevent a recurrence of such a accident, added PR#27567 as comments
for patch-ab.
Changes to squid-3.0.STABLE21 (22 Dec 2009):
- Bug 2830: Clarify where NULL byte is in headers.
- Bug 2778: Linking issues using SunCC
- Bug 2395: FTP errors not displayed
- Bug 2155: Assertion failures on malformed Content-Range response headers
- Fix parsing and a few bugs in ACL time type
- Fix RFC keep-alive compliance on intercepted replies
- Improved security hardening on %nn parser
- Replace several GCC-specific code snippets.
* Add complete Spanish basewiki translation done by Fernando Gonzalez de
* Improve javascript onload handling.
* monotone: Deal with format change in version 0.45.
(Thanks, Richard Levitte)
* cvs: Add missing bit to Automator.
* attachment: Fix reversion in attachment sorting by age.
* Fix utf-8 problems in rename, remove, attachment, 404, sourcepage, and
Updating this leaf during the freeze for the bugfixes.
Approved by wiz@
Feng Office formerly known as OpenGoo is an easy to use Open
Source Web Office.
Manage tasks, documents, contacts, e-mail, calendar, and more...
Manage project progress, track time, and bill your customers.
Access all information from a single and elegant dashboard.
Communicate with co-workers, clients and vendors.
Drupal 6.15, 2009-12-16
- Fixed security issues (Cross site scripting), see SA-CORE-2009-009.
- Fixed a variety of other bugs.
other pkgsrc changes:
* Change default.settings.php handling to fix PR pkg/42355.
Drupal 5.21, 2009-12-16
- Fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting), see SA-CORE-2009-009.
- Fixed a variety of small bugs.
While here, switch NetBSD build from sunaudio to OSS emulation.
This greatly improves HTML5 video playback.
(Yes, we ought to fix the busted sunaudio support or PKG_OPTIONalize this.
Perhaps another day.)
Advisories relating to this release:
MFSA 2009-71 GeckoActiveXObject exception messages can be used to
enumerate installed COM objects
MFSA 2009-70 Privilege escalation via chrome window.opener
MFSA 2009-69 Location bar spoofing vulnerabilities
MFSA 2009-68 NTLM reflection vulnerability
MFSA 2009-67 Integer overflow, crash in libtheora video library
MFSA 2009-66 Memory safety fixes in liboggplay media library
MFSA 2009-65 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
2009-11-21 Release 5.834
Gisle Aas (4):
Check for sane default_headers argument [RT#50393]
Add $ua->local_address attribute [RT#40912]
Test that generation of boundary works [RT#49396]
Page does not display the "standard" apache listing any more
Ville Skyttä (2):
Remove unneeded executable permissions.
Switch compression/decompression to use the IO::Compress/IO::Uncompress and
Compress::Raw::Zlib family of modules.
Slaven Rezic (1):
lwp-request should use stderr for auth [RT#21620]
2009-11-23 Gisle Aas <>
Release 1.51
Fixup a test that was broken on Windows
2009-11-21 Gisle Aas <>
Release 1.50
The main news in this release is the initial attempt at providing
support to IRIs. URI objects now support the 'as_iri' and 'ihost'
Gisle Aas (28):
Added more tests for setting IPv6 addresses using the host method
Document how the host methods deal with IPv6 addresses
A "test case" to start IDNA prototype from
Escape IDNA hostnames
Introduce the as_unicode method
Make as_unicode undo punycode for server URLs
An IRI class might be helpful (RFC 3987)
Must punycode each part of the domain name separately
Include initial private Punycode module
Get URI::_punycode working
punycode of plain ascii should not edit with "-"
Some more tests from RFC 3492
Add private URI::_idna module based on encodings/
Start using URI::_idna for encoding of URIs
Avoid various use of undef warnings
Fix test affected by IDNA
Keep reference to IDNA::Punycode in the URI::_punycode docs
Ensure upgraded strings as input
Update manifest with the new idna/punycode files
Rename as_unicde to as_iri
draft-duerst-iri-bis-07: The proposed RFC 3987 update
Load Encode when its used
Rename host_unicode as ihost
Add basic iri test
Hack to make as_iri turn A-labels into U-labels
Make as_iri leave escapes not forming valid UTF-8 sequences
Merge branch 'iri'
Don't include RFCs in the cpan tarball
Michael G. Schwern (3):
Fix != overloading to match ==
Note that mailto does not contain a host() and this is not a bug.
Strip brackets off IPv6 hosts [RT#34309]
even when python is enabled, comment out python dependency.
New in version 0.3.0
* WARNING!!! Slight API change!!! see docs
for px_proxy_factory_get_proxies()
* Credentials support (see API change above)
* A complete rewrite of the module manager
* file:// as valid PAC URLs
* Sample Mono application
* Automake 1.11 shaved output
* gnome backend rewrite (now w/o thread issues)
* Test suite base functionality exists
* Many solaris build fixes
* Seamonkey support as JS pacrunner
* Bugfixes
* Compiles for MS Windows using Mingw
Since 1.6-rc
bugfix: Some widgets in the dashboard showed wrong icons when item spanned more than one line.
bugfix: Template subtasks don't keep linked objects.
bugfix: Query error when upgrading from 1.5.3.
bugfix: Missing lang for archived objects in objects' history.
bugfix: Don't allow trashing the owner company.
bugfix: Opengoo stops working if owner company was trashed.
bugfix: When discarding an email, two confirmation prompts pop up.
bugfix: When clicking on print report, on time module, the active workspace should be set as the workspace for the report.
bugfix: Linked "Weblink files" showed a "Download" shortcut instead of an "Open weblink" shortcut.
bigfix: Importing calendar ics file wasn't working.
bugfix: When editing a document, tags were lost.
bugfix: Send email buttons unaligned on some languages.
bugfix: Some contact websites were missing the "http://" in the contacts listing.
bugfix: Fixed detection of autodetect timezone config option.
bugfix: Repeating events a fixed number of times didn't show the last repetition.
bugfix: Changed how quoted text is hidden.
bugfix: Added a tabstop to HTML email composing.
bugfix: Sorting emails by subject sorted by date.
bugfix: Sometimes completed tasks were shown when filtering by "Pending" (completed_by_id was 0).
Since 1.6-beta3
feature: User config option to hide quoted text added.
feature: Added a cron event to clear tmp folder.
usability: Added an icon for archived objects on the object's view, like there is for trashed objects.
usability: When deleting a company warn about deleting users.
bugfix: Displaying a document in IIS showed "Connection reset error".
bugfix: Tags with accents don't filter correctly on IE.
bugfix: '24 hour' / 'AM-PM' user config option not respected in listings.
bugfix: Add user: billing category is mandatory, it shouldn't be mandatory.
bugfix: Error importing companies when no workspace is selected.
bugfix: If forwarding an email with attachments, saving a draft, and sending the email, an error pops up about not being able to attach.
bugfix: When importing contacts from a vCard file, all contacts with no email were considered as the same contact.
bugfix: Fixed several Errors and warnings logged in log.php.
bugfix: Objects of archived workspaces were not being filtered out.
bugfix: Archived documents and messages were not being filtered out of the Dashboard.
bugfix: Search results were printed in reverse modified date order.
bugfix: Contact birthdays were not being shown in the dashboard calendar.
bugfix: When viewing a custom report, date parameters in conditions were shown as today's date.
Since 1.6-beta2
usability: Added pagination to the Time module.
usability: Show 'Archived by' in object properties if an object is archived.
usability: Show read/unread status in Dahsboard/View as list.
usability: Warn a user when replying or forwarding an email and a new email arrives at the conversation.
usability: Add the magnifying glass to the email views.
usability: Removed 'Account already being checked' error message.
bugfix: An empty 'Custom properties' fieldset is shown in 'Update profile'.
bugfix: Fix autodetect timezone with DST and enable by default.
bugfix: Check mail doesn't refresh view if an error occurs in one account.
bugfix: Filtering email conversations by tag is not working correctly. It should show a conversation if any one email in it is tagged.
bugfix: If someone replies to an email but changes the subject the email should be put into a new conversation.
bugfix: If you delete the newest email in a conversation, the conversation is no longer listed (when email is shown as conversation).
bugfix: Notifications are not sent when subscribing from 'Modify subscribers'.
bugfix: Put default repetition value for repeating events and tasks.
bugfix: Remove illegal UTF-8 characters before saving an email.
bugfix: Save custom fields when saving an email draft.
bugfix: Sort emails by received date instead of sent date in email listing and in conversation listing (in email view).
bugfix: Value for 'mail_drag_prompt' user config option is not loaded correctly.
bugfix: Wrap HTML emails in a div with CKEditor style.
bugfix: Delete conversation after deleting last email in conversation.
bugfix: An email's quoted reply is deleted when changing 'From' account.
bugfix: Replying to an email, saving as draft, loading the draft and sending the email doesn't add the reply to the conversation.
bugfix: Unauthenticated content warnings over SSL in FF 3.5.
bugfix: User-type custom reports fail to execute.
bugfix: When a file is downloaded it should be marked as read.
bugfix: Wrong initial email filters for new installations.
Since 1.6-beta
feature: Added an experimental new search mechanism. It can be much slower but finds more results.
usability: Added description to system permissions
usability: CKEditor is shown in user's language
usability: Linked objects section in an object's view has no title telling what it is
bugfix: Check write permissions for file installed_version.php when upgrading
bugfix: CKEditor images should point to the actual image in OpenGoo
bugfix: Contact import from csv does not import contacts if user does not have 'can manage contacts' permission but has write permissions on the workspace.
bugfix: Custom reports can only be printed once in Chrome.
bugfix: Edit comment textbox is too small.
bugfix: Email links are opened on the email's body when showing quoted text.
bugfix: Error 500 when adding a file web link.
bugfix: Forgot password token is always the same.
bugfix: If I click on 'Print' when on 'Time' tab it should print by default 'General Timeslots' or 'All timeslots', not 'Task timeslots'.
bugfix: If you delete a signature with images from the email's body, the images are sent anyway.
bugfix: MySQL Error Message when adding a user and no data has been entered.
bugfix: Removed private milestone options.
bugfix: Search ignores tags on newly uploaded files.
bugfix: Show all linked objects pagination is not working correctly.
bugfix: Show that an email has attachment on search results.
bugfix: Changed all PHP 5.3 deprecated functions for non-depracated alternatives.
bugfix: When printing reports: substitute true/false with yes/no.
bugfix: When user does not have write contact permissions over a workspace, import from csv does not display errors.
bugfix: HTML editor's height is not adjusted correctly when changing format in a new email.
bugfix: Error when creating new user.
bugfix: Error when adding a task.
- Regression Fix: myip ACL not accepted in config
- Bug 2795: acl arp lookups including port
- Bug 2794: ESI parsing fails on FreeBSD
- Bug 2778: fix linking issues using SunCC
- Bug 2724: eCAP build failure unless ICAP enabled
- Bug 2628: Correct default PID location to PREFIX/var/run/
- Bug 2617: Performance degradation during processing list of dstdomain ACL's
- Bug 2374: Support ICY / ICEcast / SHOUTcast streaming protocol.
- Fix: 64-bit filesize issue in squidclient POST of large files
- Fix: send correct Connection: header on intercepted replies
- Support libtool 2.x
- ESI libraries libexpat and libxml2 now optional
- ESI support default enabled
- Bump libcap minimum requirement to libcap 2.09+
- ARP / MAC support fixes for IPv6-mode
- Add outstanding IPv6 settings to squid.conf (localnet, localhost)
- ... and many additions to the background testing structure
- ... and very many minor build and code cleanups for non-GCC compilers.
KDE SC 4.3.4 has a number of improvements:
* A bugfix in Plasma's pixmap cache makes the workspace more responsive
* Okular, the document viewer improved stability in certain situations
* Marble, the desktop globe has seen some polish
* Passphrases with non-ASCII characters have been fixed in the KGpg
encryption tool
* meta: Generate meta description tags even when the html scrubber is enabled.
* meta: Allow use of DESCRIPTION in templates to get at the meta
description value. (Thanks, NicolasLimare)
* inline: Use caching of inlined pages to speed up builds of inlines
that include feeds. Speedup of about 25% for small inlines; could
be much larger for inlines of many, or complex pages.
* Added (incomplete) Turkish po file. Closes: #556744 Thanks, Recai Oktas
* date: New plugin that allows inserting date directives that expand
to pretty-printed dates, using the same formatting as used for page
modification date display, etc.
* htmllink: Allow a title attribute to be specified.
* calendar: Add title attributes for all links in the calendars.
* calendar: Fix month wraparound error that broke in December.
pkgsrc changes:
* In the automated setup, recognize CVS as a VCS (found by agc@).
* In MESSAGE, link to <URL:> (ditto).
* WWW::Mechanize::List is gone!
* Use Nokogiri as the default HTML parser (you may switch to Hpricot by using WWW::Mechanize.html_parser =
See full list of changes since 0.7.5:
Changes since 1.0.0:
* Bump remainder of rack.versions.
* Support the pure Ruby FCGI implementation.
* Fix for form names containing "=": split first then unescape components
* Fixes the handling of the filename parameter with semicolons in names.
* Add anchor to nested params parsing regexp to prevent stack overflows
* Use more compatible gzip write api instead of "<<".
* Make sure that Reloader doesn't break when executed via ruby -e
* Make sure WEBrick respects the :Host option
* Many Ruby 1.9 fixes.
Patron is a Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl. It does not try
to expose the full "power" (read complexity) of libcurl but instead
tries to provide a sane API while taking advantage of libcurl under
the hood.
vulnerability in ruby-actionpack.
Major changes:
- Improved compatibility with Ruby 1.9
- RailsXss plugin availability
- Fixes for the Nokogiri backend for XmlMini
Geeklog 1.6.1
New Features and Improvements
* Geeklog now lets you enter meta descriptions and meta keywords for the main
page, for stories, topics, static pages, and polls. Please note that these
meta tags may not be used by some search engines.
* You can now have one featured story per topic (for stories set to "Show
only in Topic").
* New autotags now allow you to embed polls in stories and everywhere else
where autotags are allowed.
* The Migrate option in the install script can now also be applied to an
existing database (i.e. you don't need to import a database dump to update
your URLs and paths).
* The Database Backup admin panel now includes options to optimize the
database and convert tables to InnoDB (MySQL only).
* Improved timezone support and let users actually set their own timezone.
* Minor security enhancements:
+ "Important" cookies (like the session cookies) are now created with the
HttpOnly flag set. This will help avoid some XSS attacks, provided your
browser supports this flag.
+ Template errors will now trigger the standard error handler instead of
exposing the template path.
+ Fixed inclusion protection for some of the Spam-X class files.
Please also see the list of theme changes.
* Fixed automatic closing of stories for comments after a certain amount of
days. If you need to re-open comments on stories that were closed due to
this bug, you can use this SQL request:
UPDATE gl_stories SET commentcode = 0, comment_expire = 0 WHERE commentcode
= 1;
* The comment speed limit was being ignored.
* Fixed a bug in the Group Editor that didn't let you add groups to other
groups (this problem was only introduced in Geeklog 1.6.0).
* The admin group for the Static Pages plugin was created with a wrong name
in Geeklog 1.6.0 (fresh installs only).
* Several tweaks and minor fixes (e.g. compatibility with PHP 4) in the