Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
1.25 2013-10-20 13:38:32 Pacific/Auckland
* BUILD: No longer ship unrequired file Debian_CPANTS.txt.
(GH #7, thanks to real-dam)
1.24 2013-10-18 16:27:39 Australia/Melbourne
* BUILD: No longer mark BSD::Resource as required (GH #6).
* TEST: Skip core-dump tests on OS X. They're not as
straightforward as the test script would like. (GH #5).
1.23 2013-10-08 14:50:50 Australia/Melbourne
* BUGFIX: Silence "Statement unlikely to be reached" warning
(Karen Etheridge)
* BUGFIX: Repository information fix, and typo fixes (@dsteinbrunner)
* BUILD: Converted to using dzil.
1.22 Tue Oct 8 14:49:43 AUSEST 2013
* Same as 1.23 release, but with booched changelog. Oops! :)
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
Upstream changes:
1.21 Tue Mar 23 12:08:47 AUSEST 2010
* TEST: t/win32.t has more sane handling of skipped and
unimplimented tests.
* TEST: Author tests no longer leave the permissions of
not_an_exe.txt permanently changed.
* BUGFIX: capture/capturex no longer break STDOUT when
running an unknown command under Windows. Many thanks
to Jan Krynicky for a fix. (RT #48319)
* BUILD: Upgraded to Module::Install 0.93.
Upstream changes:
1.20 Sat Jan 9 15:08:41 AUSEST 2010
* TEST: t/win32.t no longer claims to have more tests than
it really has. This fixes an install issue under Windows.
RT #53124. Thanks to Erez Schatz and Curtis Jewell for
spotting this.
1.19 Fri Dec 4 14:14:25 AUSEST 2009
* TEST: Added tests to ensure correct behaviour when
calling commands in Windows which are contained in directories
that contain spaces. (These tests are currently skiped,
as they're testing for a known bug.)
* BUGFIX: Spurious warnings about redefining POSIX macros
no longer plague Windows systems.
dependency of scheduled import for p5 pragma autodie from PR pkg/41816.
Calling Perl's in-built system() function is easy, determining if it was
successful is hard. Let's face it, $? isn't the nicest variable in the
world to play with, and even if you do check it, producing a well-formatted
error string takes a lot of work.
IPC::System::Simple takes the hard work out of calling external commands.