Implement Parallel Index Lines (PILs)
Use an EBL to generate a perpendicular index line
Allow Ctrl-Left Mouse click to select multiple boundaries. Right click
then allows Merge with keep and Merge with delete
Add ability to move boundaries and point using left click and drag. Ability
is set in general properties of plugin
Add ability to constrain boundary movement
Add ability to move a single boundary segment
This plugin is designed to allow users to place objects/items on the OpenCPN
interface and have these georeferenced. This allows the objects/items to move
with the chart and have a definined Latitude and Longitude. There are two
basic types of object/item that can be used: points and paths.
Points are very similar to Waypoints and mark locations on the chart.
Paths joint two or more points together and draw a line between them.
Currently these Points exist: Boundary Point, Text Point,
Electronic Brearing Line (EBL) Point, Dead Reckoning (DR) Point.
These Points are used to construct special types of Paths: Boundary,
Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) and Dead Reckoning (DR).